Oct 31, 2007 when it was found (and confirmed by RMF support) that it
contained both CP and zIIP Engine CPU time, but MXG will
always preserve the CP-Engine CPU times separately from
the zIIP and/or zAAP engine CPU times.
Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Acxiom, USA.
Change 25.224 The tests for CPUTYPE IN ('2064'X ...) are revised to now
VMAC7072 alternatively test for ZARCHMDE='Y', so that a new value
VMXGRMFI for CPUTYPE does NOT have to be added to MXG's table.
Oct 16, 2007 Previously, an unknown CPUTYPE was INCOMPATIBLE until
Oct 27, 2007 it was added to the tables in these two members.
The tests for CPUTYPE were needed to identify which data
exists in some of the early CPU types, but now that IBM
has added the bit for ZARCHMDE, it eliminates the need
for a new MXG version when IBM has a new CPUTYPE.
Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.
Change 25.223 The variable HOST is increased to 32 bytes; the original
VMACNMON length of 8 is insufficient for unix/AIX/linux host name.
Oct 15, 2007
Thanks to Michael W. Wolke, Boeing, USA.
Change 25.222 EXIT112 is the enhanced CICS INFILE EXIT for z/OS MXG
EXIT112 that reads compressed SMF 110 and SMF 112 records, but it
Oct 13, 2007 is temporary, as it will replace EXITCICS when a site
reports successful production sites with both records.
EXITCICS is running in production at several sites.
EXIT112 is an extension to EXITCICS, and EXIT112 has been
tested, but only with a small SMF file. I recommend that
EXIT112 be installed instead of EXITICS, and ask that you
confirm successful processing compressed 110 and 112 data
so that I can remove EXIT112 and rewrite this change.
Change 25.221 Support for CA NSM data from VM Ware VSX Systems creates
EXTVW001- ten new datasets. Many VMW metrics are the same as their
EXTVW010 Solaris and RedHat Linux counterparts, but with different
FORMATS variable names because not all exist and they are created
IMACTNG in different orders. While "TNG" still must be the suffix
VMACTNG for the MXG code members, the dataset labels of all "TNG"
VMXGINIT datasets are now changed to "NSM". New VM Ware datasets:
Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, CheckFree, USA.
Change 25.220 The LABEL for SMF91OW was correct in TYPE91 datasets, but
ANAL91 it was changed in ANAL91, incorrectly, in an unneeded and
Oct 11, 2007 redundant and now removed LABEL statement.
Thanks to Dave Krouse, IBM, USA.
Change 25.219 TYPE74CA variable FWDC was replaced some time ago, but
VMAC74 the label was not corrected; the variable is labeled now:
Thanks to Ed Woodward, UPS, USA.
Change 25.218 Support for local CICS USER field CMODHEAD,CMODNAME=TRADE
IMACICU5 creates variable TRADEU5 in CICSTRAN, when enabled.
VMAC110 Jul 3, 2008: Field was increased to 80 bytes; the test
UTILEXCL and INPUT were also increased to 80.
Oct 11, 2007
Jul 3, 2008
Thanks to Leendert Keesmaat, UBS, SWITZERLAND.
Change 25.217 VMACPRPR was revised, in June, but the Change text was
VMACPRPR lost. Originally support for the '1620' record was added
Oct 10, 2007 June 12, and test records had different delimiters in
date/time fields, so INPUTs were changed in MXG, but now
I see that no other record's date/times were changed.
This change, which was included in MXG 25.10, reverted
date/times for all other records to the original format,
but created a separate path to decode 1620 subtypes.
Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, IDG, GERMANY.
Change 25.216 The MXG support for optional CICS EZA01/EZA02 fields has
IMACICEZ been enhanced and documentation revised for clarity:
IMACICE2 -IMACICEZ always has these 5 fields, identified by their
Oct 11, 2007
Jun 13, 2008 EZA01 S 001 12 ooo INIT
EZA01 S 002 12 ooo READ
EZA01 S 003 12 ooo WRITE
EZA01 S 004 12 ooo SELECT
EZA01 S 005 12 ooo OTHER
The CMODLENG=12 is from CICS/3.2; earlier CICS had only
CMODLENG=8, but IMACICEZ supports both lengths, so you
just remove the comment block to tailor IMACICEZ and it
will process data with either or both lengths.
-IMACICE1 can have up to 13 fields, identified by their
same 'EZA01' as IMACICEZ, but the CMODTYPE is different):
EZA01 A 001 4 ooo TINIT
EZA01 A 002 4 ooo TREAD
EZA01 A 003 4 ooo TWRITE
EZA01 A 004 4 ooo TSELECT
EZA01 A 005 4 ooo TOTHER
EZA01 A 006 4 ooo REUSABLE
EZA01 A 007 4 ooo ATTACHED
EZA01 A 008 4 ooo OPENAPI
EZA01 A 009 4 ooo TCBLIM
EZA01 A 010 4 ooo TREUSABL
EZA01 A 011 4 ooo TATTACHE
EZA01 A 012 4 ooo TOPENAPI
EZA01 A 013 4 ooo TTCBLIM
You will have to examine REPORT THREE (which may have the
last CMODHEAD field 'EZA01' instead of the names shown)
to know how many fields are in your data. If you have the
expected 13 fields, then you just remove the one comment
block. If you have fewer fields, then:
- Change the IF xxxx GE 52 THEN DO; statement so its
test value is 4 times the number of fields, e.g.
with seven fields change the "52" to "28".
- Change the INPUT statement's suffix from EZA01A13 to
the number of fields you have; if there are seven:
INPUT (EZA01A01-EZA01A07) (&PIB.4.) @;
- Delete the LABELs for variables that don't exist.
-IMACICE2 has 22 fields with z/OS 1.7 TCP/IP data, but had
only 11 fields with z/OS 1.4, which are identified by the
EZA02 A 001 4 330 CONN
EZA02 A 002 4 331 STARTED
EZA02 A 003 4 332 INVALID
EZA02 A 004 4 333 DISTRAN
EZA02 A 005 4 334 DISPROG
EZA02 A 006 4 335 GIVESOKT
EZA02 A 007 4 336 SECEXIT
EZA02 A 008 4 337 NOTAUTH
EZA02 A 009 4 338 IOERR
EZA02 A 010 4 339 NOSPACE
EZA02 A 011 4 340 LENERR
EZA02 A 012 4 341 TCONN
EZA02 A 013 4 342 TSTARTED
EZA02 A 014 4 343 TINVALID
EZA02 A 015 4 344 TDISTRAN
EZA02 A 016 4 345 TDISPROG
EZA02 A 017 4 346 TGIVESOK
EZA02 A 018 4 347 TSECEXIT
EZA02 A 019 4 348 TNOTAUTH
EZA02 A 020 4 349 TIOERR
EZA02 A 021 4 350 TNOSPACE
EZA02 A 022 4 351 TLENERR
You will HAVE to look at UTILEXCL REPORT THREE to confirm
if you have 22 or 11 fields, and remove only one of the
two comment blocks in IMACICE2 to tailor it.
-You create REPORT THREE with the _RPTEXCL macro run
with or after your UTILEXCL execution:
-The only actual change made was to update VMAC110 to keep
the EXA01A13 13th variable.
-The text of this change was revised in June, 2008.
Thanks to Jane Dickerson, PRODUBAN, ENGLAND.
====== Changes thru 25.215 were in MXG 25.10 dated Oct 7, 2007=========
Change 25.215 Change 25.179 broke VMXGUOW, some overrides of _LDB2ACC
Oct 7, 2007 Also, parameter HOWDEEP added to set kept array sizes.
Change 25.214 An example that finds all TSO and IDMS USERID that logged
TSOIDMS on,using IBM SMF 30 and IDMS PERFMON USER SMF records.
Oct 6, 2007
Thanks to Pat Curren, Supervalu, USA.
Change 25.213 Documentation only. DB2 variable THREADTY shouldn't have
VMACDB2 been added to DB2ACCTP dataset (Change 25.097), because
Oct 7, 2007 DB2 V8.1 writes all Package data in IFCID=239 (ID=101.1)
records, which do not contain a QLAC segment, and IBM's
THREADTY definition (in comments for QWHDRQNM field in
their DSNWMSGS member of the DB2 Macro Library) compares
QWHDRQNM with QLACLOCN. Since I can never safely remove
a variable, it will still exist in DB2ACCTP, but it will
always be blank in that dataset. No code was changed.
Change 25.212 -SYNCSORT variable SYNCUSET is now documented to be the
VMACSYNC sum of VSCORET plus the GDSM Adjustment, so its label
Oct 6, 2007 is revised to be:
-SYNCSORT added a new field, which MXG decodes as:
where the old HPALLOC/HPUSED ESTORE BLOCKS was located.
-All reserved and unknown fields in SYNCSORT SMF record
are decoded, but none of these variables are kept:
Change 25.211 PDB.TYPE70 variables ZIPACTTM, PCTZIPBY, PCTCIBYn are now
VMAC7072 corrected for Dedicated zIIP Engines. For Shared zIIPs,
Oct 5, 2007 the LPAR Dispatch time is valid, but Dedicated engines
report 100% dispatch. For TYPE70, the ZIPWAITM is used
to correct ZIPACTTM, which corrects the other variables.
Thanks to Jerry Cobb, American Century, USA.
VMACSFTA SET under SAS V9 is issued ONLY when a LENGTH statement
VMACDB2 changes the length of a character variable, and, like all
VMACOPC WARNING: messages in SAS V9, z/OS sets Condition Code 4.
VMACBE97 (Under V8, this specific WARNING did NOT set CC=4,
VMAC7072 but V9 has tightened specs so WARNINGS always CC=4.)
TRNDDB2S But it should never occur in MXG code: although there are
ANALCISH multiple LENGTH statements, they should always set the
Oct 4, 2007 same value.
But it did occur when VMACSFTA was executed standalone,
because the statement ACCOUNT1=XPUPNOAC; was located
prior to the %INCLUDE of IMACACCT, which is where the
LENGTH of ACCOUNT1 should always be defined. Relocating
that ACCOUNT1=XPUPNOAC; statement eliminated the WARNING.
-When WARNING for numeric vars (eg. QB1TALX) were printed,
I discovered there were six members that had hard-coded
values for LENGTH DEFAULT=4 that should have been changed
to LENGTH DEFAULT= &MXGLEN; the were overlooked or added
after Change 19.272, but now all are consistent so that
numeric variables are stored 5 on z/OS and 6 on ASCII,
except for the specific cases where length 8 is required.
Thanks to Ron van der Zande, KLM Info Services, THE NETHERLANDS.
Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.
Change 25.209 -TIMEBILD/TIMETABL is enhanced to support the selective
TIMEBILD application by SYSTEM of "SYNC59" timeshifting logic:
TIMETABL - TIMEBILD now reads columns 71-72 of TIMETABL to INPUT
VMXGTIME the (+ or -) number of minutes to be added for SYNC59.
VMXGINIT That value is a part of the format built by TIMEBILD.
VMXG70PR - %TIMEBILD must be executed first to create the table.
Oct 5, 2007 - To enable the addition of SYNC59 offset, you must set
and then you would run the program whose datetimes
are to be shifted by both TIMEBILD zones and SYNC59.
- The "SYNC59" option is intended to be used ONLY with
RMF/CMF data, and in particular, for data from a CEC
that has some systems SYNC59 and some SYNC00. It may
not work with other programs, including BUILDPDB, as
you may not want all records SYNC59'ed. And, if you
now use the SYNC59 option in TIMEBILD, you must also
change your ASUMxxx, TRNDxxxx, VMXGxxxx tailored code
to now specify SYNC59=NO to prevent a double shift.
- To process only the RMF data with a TIMETABL that has
been updated to include the SYNC59 flag, you could use
USERADD=70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78,
ZEROOBS=74.1 74.5,
to build you RMF-only PDB Library (which will be small,
as that example does NOT create observations in the two
big TYPE74 and TYPE74CA datasets due to that ZEROOBS=).
- TIMEBILD will PROC PRINT the input TIMETABL and the
output TIMEBILD datasets by enabling MXGDEBUG:
- You can conditionally reset MXGTIME59 for some SMF data
and not for others; for example, to enable for59 add,
and you do NOT have to rerun TIMEBILD.
-Once TIMEBILD worked to selectively SYNC59, the original
problem, duplicate observations in PDB.ASUMCELP, could be
diagnosed: while BY variable GMTOFFTM is correctly used
to creating the "per-SYSTEM" datasets, it can never be
used in the "per-CEC" datasets, because they are built
from multiple SYSTEM's data, which can have multiple
values in GMTOFFTM. Removing GMTOFFTM from the creation
of PDB.ASUMCELP has eliminated the duplicates; I should
remove GMTOFFTM where it makes no sense, but instead, I
have set GMTOFFTM=. in ASUMCEC and ASUMCELP, so it will
Thanks to Ingegerd Jannson, Volvo, SWEDEN
Change 25.208 CICS local user field CMONDNAME DAT008 CMODHEAD ENTRADA
IMACICU4 creates new variable ENTRADA.
Oct 1, 2007
Thanks to Jane Dickenson, Santander Produban UK, ENGLAND.
Change 25.207 The NTSMF dataset LOGLDISK had the variables FREESPAC
Sep 27, 2007 size of the volume did not exist until now, with the
new DISKSIZE variable.
Thanks to Michael Ryan, Acxiom, USA.
Change 25.206 MXG 25.09 only. If the SAS-provided default CONFIG member
FORMATS was not in your //CONFIG DD statement in your MXGSASV9
CONFIGV8 JCL procedure, the PROC FORMAT failed to build MXGTNGON,
CONFIGV9 because lines 12092 thru 12099 in FORMATS were low-case
Oct 3, 2007 duplicates of preceding lines, that should not have been
have been there, but they caused no error when the CONFIG
member was present. Since they also caused the error if
they were UPPERCASED, I assume the absence of the SAS
CONFIG member caused them to be treated as UPCASE. Also,
there were Macro Variable error messages because MERROR
is a required option that is normally set in SAS CONFIG.
To protect, MERROR is now added to CONFIGV9 and CONFIGV9.
Thanks to Jim Wertenberger, Antares Solutions, USA.
Change 25.205 Support for z/OS 1.9 54 CP engines - INCOMPATIBLE.
VMAC7072 Z/OS 1.9 allows up to 54 CP engines in a single image,
Sep 27, 2007 but SMF 70 records with CPUID=33 or higer caused ARRAY
Oct 4, 2007 SIZE EXCEEDED with MXG 25.09 or prior. Now, CPUs with
CPUID=33 thru CPUID=53 are supported in the PDB.TYPE70
dataset (the only MXG dataset altered due to 54-CPUs).
Each CPUID has a set of variables in PDB.TYPE70; existing
0-32 CPUIDs variable names were created with suffix 0-9
and A thru X. Now, Y and Z are used for 33-34, and ZA
thru ZS suffix are used for CPUIDs 35-53 variables.
Where the variable name is 8 characters, that "Za" had
to overlay the penultimate character in the name.
To operate on these CPU-specific variable names, they
are all defined in VMAC7072 with an ARRAY statement
that you can cut and paste into your program to avoid
spelling all those names.
-Unrelated, discovered in testing: APAR OA18244 documented
that the CPUC segment was increased to 116 bytes, but the
APAR actually increased its length to 160 bytes, causing
SMF70GJT and following variables to be missing value, as
the MXG test was for EQ 116 (without APAR is EQ 102).
Now, the test is for GE 160, as IBM RMF Development has
confirmed the correct length, to be documented, is 160,
adding 44 unused bytes of zeroes. This APAR applies to
both z/OS 1.8 and z/OS 1.9.
Thanks to Tony Curry, BMC, USA.
Change 25.204 CFI Segmentation feature added for RMF III VSAM support,
ASMRMFV which now eliminates the possibility of skipped CF data,
VMACRMFV new ASM symbolics for tailoring, and additional items.
Sep 25, 2007 Issues Resolved:
Oct 3, 2007 -PROCCFI is now a subroutine to conserve the mainline
Dec 4, 2007 base register.
-CFI Table output is now segmented in response to
reported problems by MXG users. This removes a long
standing restriction that the size of the CFI table
could not exceeding the 32K LRECL output maximum without
data loss.
-The RMFV005E error message could have overlaid text when
multiple ASMRMFV parameter errors were detected.
-Several problems with index data fields in the CFI table
output record either not being set or set incorrectly
that caused PDB build errors in VMACRMFV have been fixed
during alpha code testing.
-There are a pair of new option keywords BYTES/NOBYTES.
These specify whether ASMRMFV should or should not
provide byte counts for 5 categories of data read,
decompressed, written, filtered, and skipped. The
counts are provided in each RMF data set detail report
and also as totals in the summary report. This feature
is intended to aid users to understand the volume of
data being processed by ASMRMFV, as a coarse comparison
tool when using different versions of (or sets of
keyword options with) ASMRMFV, and finally as a possible
diagnostic aid. The alias for BYTES is BY and the
aliases for NOBYTES is NOBY or -BY. The byte counts
now appear in message RMFV104I and the former RMFV104I
message is now RMFV105I. The distributed default is
BYTES Packed decimal arithmetic is used for these
counters to allow up to 15 decimal digits in magnitude
or up to a value of 999,999,999,999,999 bytes. The
assembler symbolic variable &BYTES is provided to allow
the user to change the default for BYTES/NOBYTES to
NOBYTES in the ASMRMFV source code. The distributed
default is 'Y' meaning that BYTES is the default. These
counters take little overhead to maintain and display.
So there is little benefit in suppressing them except to
reduce output report volume by 2 lines per data set.
But that choice is certainly available.
-A pair of new option keywords CFALL/CFMASTER is added in
support of the CFI segmentation support. CFALL
specifies that CFI tables from all input RMF III LPARs
are to be output as in prior versions of ASMRMFV.
CFMASTER specifies that by testing a particular flag
that only data from the LPAR designated as RMF III
Master Gatherer is to be output. The distributed
default is CFALL. Effective use of CFMASTER requires
that the RMF III parameter CFDETAIL be in effect in all
LPARs in the Sysplex. Due to the IBM usage of this
flag, using the CFMASTER option when RMF III NOCFDETAIL
is in effect (IBM default) will cause all CFI records to
be filtered out by ASMRMFV. CFALL has no alias.
Aliases for CFMASTER are CFMAST and CFM. With CFDETAIL
in effect only the single LPAR determined by RMF III to
be the Master Gatherer collects all Coupling Facility
detail data. So including incomplete CF data from the
remaining LPARs may be an unnecessary and redundant
overhead. The intent of CFMASTER is to automatically
exclude this extra data. The &CFALL assembler symbolic
is also provided to change the CFALL default in ASMRMFV
source code if needed. The &CFALL symbolic can be
changed in the ASMRMFV source to 'N' prior to assembly
to permanently enable CFMASTER processing. The
distributed default is 'Y'. Do not make this change
unless using CFDETAIL on all LPARs being input to
-When CFMASTER is in effect the CFI table id in
the RMFV105I message displays as CFIM instead of the
usual CFI to indicate this option is in effect.
-When the BUFFERS option is in effect the RMFV102I
message will now display a count of both buffers
available and used for each buffer pool type. This
feature was intended mainly to enable MXG users to
intelligently size the large VSAM LSR buffer pool used
to optimize random RMF III data set read access by
ASMRMFV. The distributed default is 5000.
Unfortunately, at this time the VSAM SHOWCB macro
seems to always return a 1 for actual buffers used in
the LSR pool. Given the number of random I/Os
typically issued this value seems suspect and
requires further investigation.
-Program logic for both buffer pool accounting and
normal/filtered/skipped record output has been improved.
-Documentation on the contents of fields for several
messages has been improved to provide more details on
their content and meaning.
-ASMRMFV program prologue documentation is upgraded to
document all related program changes.
-Oct 3: corrected INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED; 1.8 CFI data
ends with CFISCCOC in member VMACRMFV.
-Dec 4: VMACRMFV restructured to output only the first
CPUG3 segment to ZRBCPU; the ASMRMFV CPU segmentation
creates a CPUG3 segment for each LPARNAME, which caused
duplicate observations in WORK.ZRBCPU; using TYPSRMFV
to sort ZRBCPU did remove those duplicate obs, but this
change compares CPUHNAME with LPARNAME an outputs only
the first instance for each interval.
Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.
Thanks to Ben Romano, Hewitt Associates, USA.
Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn of Fidelity Investments, USA.
Change 25.203 OPTIONS COMPRESS=NO was inserted in ASUMTALO back in 1995
ASUMTALO by Change 12.273, because the first (temporary) DATA step
Sep 25, 2007 was extremely expensive, but then Change 12.273 was not
recalled when MXG set COMPRESS=YES as the default value,
so INCLUDEing ASUMTALO turned off compression for any
subsequent programs. Now, VMXGOPTR is invoked to store
your current value of the COMPRESS option, which is then
reset prior to the creation of PDB.ASUMTALO, so it will
be compress based on your choice of the COMPRSS option.
Thanks to Patrick Holloman, Zions Bank Corp, USA.
Change 25.202 ANALDB2R Statistics Reports VARIABLE QBnTDPIO NOT FOUND
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