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MXG Version

Product Name Required

SAS Institute

MXG executes best under SAS Version 8.2, with 82BX01 HOTFIX for

MVS-OS/390-z/OS which includes Critical 81BA57 fix).

See Newsletter FORTY for expanded discussion of other versions.

Read member NEWSLTRS (search 'V8') for SAS Version 8 notes.

Windows NT 4.0 and NT 3.51 14.14

Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2 15.03

Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 16.04

Windows 2000 Build 2195 17.10

Demand Technology

NTSMF Version 1 Beta 14.11

NTSMF Version 2.0 15.05

NTSMF Version 2.1 15.06

NTSMF Version 2.2 16.04

NTSMF Version 2.3 17.10


The Monitor for DB2 Version 2 13.06

The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0 16.02

The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1 16.02

The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 - 12.12

The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 - 15.01

The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 - 15.06

The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3 - 12.05

The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5 - 12.05

The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0 - 15.09

Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF 12.05

Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF 13.06

Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF 16.02

Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments 16.02

Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF 18.01

Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF) 12.12

Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF) 14.04

Omegamon for MVS V300 13.05

Omegamon for MVS V400 13.06

Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2 13.05

Omegamon for VTAM V160 12.04A

Omegamon for VTAM V400 15.15

Omegamon for VTAM V500 18.08

Omegamon for SMS V100/V110 12.03


ACF2 6.2 16.04

ASTEX 2.1 14.04

NETSPY 4.7 14.03

NETSPY 5.0 14.03

NETSPY 5.2 16.05

NETSPY 5.3 18.03

Boole & Babbage

IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1) 12.12

IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only) 15.09

IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1) 16.04


LMS 3.1 12.12A

MXG IMS-Log Not-Officially-Supported




APAF 4.1, 4.3 16.08

II. Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 19.19.

1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 19.19 (since MXG 18.18):

a- Changes in MXG architecture made between 18.18 and 19.19 that might

introduce incompatibilities.

- A small increase, perhaps 5-6MB, of virtual storage may be

required for BUILDPDB due to MXG code changes (new variables

and datasets require more REGION=, and Change 19.272) has

has been observed. If you have a fixed REGION=nnM in your

JCL, even a small increase could cause an ABEND, so you must

compare the region used in your current job (Total Memory on

on the SAS log, for that big DATA step) with your REGION,

and may need to increase your fixed REGION size. At present

REGION=128M is larger than any BUILDPDB, and thus should be

safe, if you can't use REGION=0 and must specify a value.

- COMPRESS=YES is now the MXG default for new datasets. ITSV

sites have always had COMPRESS=YES specified, but if you did

not have that option set, you could see an increase in the

CPU time of BUILDPDB jobs. On some early CMOS systems cost

of compression was significant; you can turn it off with:


Our benchmarks on 2064s with 307MB SMF showed:

Data Step sec BUILDPDB total CPU sec

NO YES NO YES CPU increase

18.18 71 -> 110 54% 172 -> 243 41% 71 seconds

19.19 106 -> 123 16% 205 -> 255 24% 50 seconds

The cost of compression with 18.18 was substantially higher

as a percentage than is the cost of compression with 19.19,

which mostly shows how poor percentages can be for real

comparisons. The real cost of total job compression is one

minute of CPU time per day for 300 MegaBytes of SMF data.

And you not only save lots of DASD space, but also avoid the

3am phone call that BUILDPDB had a B37 ABEND!

- Changes between 18.18 and 19.19 (new data, new subtypes

of existing BUILDPDB records) may cause a small increase in

the MXG CPU time for the "Big DATA" step; perhaps 2-3% for

an untailored BUILDPDB. But even when the new VMXGTIME time

zone convert option was enabled, the monster BUILDPDB that

reads almost every IBM and user SMF records, saw only a 12%

increase in the Big Data Step. However, other MXG changes

(KEEPALL=YES in VMXGSUM invocations) actually significantly

reduced the CPU time for the rest of the BUILDPDB job, and

the net increase (again, with VMXGTIME enabled) was only 5%:

Extended BUILDPDB Timings 307MB SMF;

Big DATA step BUILDPDB Job Total

18.18 110 sec 102MB 243 sec 104MB

19.19 123 sec 105MB 255 sec 107MB

Other cross-hardware benchmarks without VMXGTIME enabled

showed 2064 CPU time increased by 3% but by 5% on 9672

- MXG changed Landmark Support code for IMS, DB2, MVS:

Datetime values are now automatically converted from

GMT to LOCAL, as there is an offset in those records.

Landmark CICS values are NOT changed, because I could

not confirm if they should be. See Change 19.288.
2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail

in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a

new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTL.
MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:
COMPATIBLE A change in a data record which did not alter either

the location or the format of all of the previously-

kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue

to run the old version of MXG software, which will read

the new records without error, but none of any new data

fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept

until you install the MXG Version with this change.

A change that alters any previously kept variable is

INCOMPATIBLE, and requires the new version to be used.
TOLERATE In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new

data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.

EXPLOIT Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed

records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are

described in this change will be created in the MXG

datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,

and you have full support of the new data records.
INCOMPAT A change in a data record that causes the current MXG

version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without

error conditions or messages, and the output datasets

may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,

and/or observations may have been lost.
You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change

to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY

changed by their vendor.
III. Online Documentation of MXG Software.
MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.

See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.

IV. Changes Log
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------
You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will

impact your site. All changes have been made in this MXG Library.

Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of

MXG Software that is contained in that library.

The CHANGES selection on our homepage at http://www.MXG.com

is always the most current information on MXG Software status,

and is frequently updated.
Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is

also described by a selection on the homepage. Please subscribe.

The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be

different than described in the change text (which might have printed

only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).
Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments

at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the

documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,

are often found in comments in the source members.

Alphabetical list of important changes after MXG 18.18 now in MXG 19.11:


Member Change Description

none 19.234 MXG Software (all versions) supports the euro symbol.

Many 19.176 Support for z/OS Version 1 Release 2 (COMPAT)

ADOC110 19.025 CICS CPU time captured is now documented in ADOC110.

ANAL115 19.231 Sample MQ Series reports were enhanced.

ANAL16 19.257 Select SORTs with concat SYSIN, then matching 14 15.

ANAL30 19.257 Select step records, then corresponding 14 15 & 64s.

ANALDB2R 19.222 ANALDB2R PMACCnn reports caused ERRORS and ABENDS.

ANALQAPM 19.262 Sample AS/400 report from QAPM Perf Monitor data

ANALUSS 19.087 Example to sum CPU time from USS aka OMVS 30 records.

ASMIMSL5 19.135 MXG 19.01-19.02 only. Change 19.061 removed.

ASMIMSL6 19.135 MXG 19.01-19.02 only. Change 19.061 removed.

ASMIMSLn 19.061 IMS 01 records with recovery bit are deleted.

ASMTAPES 19.259 MXGTMNT DDNAME in SMF wrong if tape on 4-digit UCB.

ASUM70PR 19.015 z900 and ICFs without OW48190 have wrong CPU count.

ASUM70PR 19.201 Revised to invoke VMXG70PR to match RMFINTRV interval

ASUMCACH 19.123 Enhanced ASUMCACH, from 74s: DASD Cache and DASD I/O.


ASUMUOW 19.219 Doc only. Which _K macro to use for what.

ASUMxxxx 19.074 KEEPALL=YES is now specified in ASUMs to save CPU.

AUTOEXEC 19.279 MXG now sets OPTIONS COMPRESS=YES as default.

BLDNTPDB 19.199 Incorrect copying in the weekly phase corrected.

BUIL3005 19.162 JES3-only, variable NETNAME (DJC) now kept in JOBS.

BUILDPDB 19.036 Variable ABENDS in PDB.JOBS counted pseudo steps.

BUILDPDB 19.237 Variable LOCLINFO in PDB.STEPS was not from step.

BUILDPDB 19.269 Initiator Number and Name added to PDB.JOBS.


FORMATS 19.073 Support for DCOLLECT APAR OW48529, new value.

IEFU84 19.269 SMF Exit to add Initiator Number and Name to SMF 30.

IHDRxxxx 19.232 Documentation of the IHDRxxxx "INFILE" header exits.

IMACICEZ 19.047 Support for CICS TCP/IP EZA01 optional variables.

JCLUOWP 19.079 JCL example to use BatchPipes with SAS - big savings!

MXGBYLE 19.272 Default of MXG numeric variables changed, externalizd

MXGLEN 19.272 Default of MXG numeric variables changed, externalizd

RMFINTRV 19.011 CPCNRCPU,CPFCNAME wrong for CPUTYPE='2064' in 18.18.

RMFINTRV 19.020 %VMXGRMFI(PDB=SMF) error, MERGERMF not found.

RMFINTRV 19.156 Using fewer than the default workloads caused Notes.


SPINSORT 19.172 PROC SORT of SPIN if MXG moves from MVS to ASCII.

TIMEBILD 19.260 Change time zone of all datetime variables by SYSTEM.

TIMEBILD 19.286 LOCAL and GMT Time Zone Deltas for VMXGTIME.

TIMETABL 19.260 Change time zone of all datetime variables by SYSTEM.

TIMETABL 19.286 LOCAL and GMT Time Zone Deltas for VMXGTIME.

TRNDCEC 19.150 Example of TRENDing the ASUMCEC dataset.

TYPE102 19.019 Type 102 subtype 140 INPUTE EXCEEDED error.

TYPE102 19.081 Support for SMF 102 IFCID 096 was corrected.

TYPE110 19.028 Variables DSxPERCT in CICDS are endpoint values.

TYPE110 19.076 CICSTRAN STRTTIME/ENDTIME did not include Leap secs.

TYPE110 19.181 Support for CICS/TS 2.2 Subtype 1 CICSTRAN

TYPE110 19.224 Support for IBM CICS/TS 2.2 Statistics Record TCBs

TYPE110 19.293 Support for CICS/TS 2.2 CICSTRAN (INCOMPATIBLE).

TYPE115 19.054 Duplicate observations created in MQMMSGDM dataset.

TYPE116 19.139 Invalid SMF 116 with QWHS length=108 protected.

TYPE119 19.267 Support for SMF 119 IBM z/OS V1R2 CS TCP/IP Product

TYPE120 19.077 Support for IBM changes to Websphere SMF 120 record.

TYPE120 19.180 Support for WAS/390 4.0 EE Websphere SMF 120

TYPE28 19.211 Support for Tivoli/Netview NPM 2.6 COMPATIBLE.

TYPE28 19.221 Enhanced support for NPM subtypes 18x/19x.

TYPE28 19.264 NRPxxxxx variables in NPMINNRP were all missing

TYPE30 19.056 Protection for invalid ALOCTIME (before INITTIME).

TYPE30 19.163 Variable JOBCLASS was unprintable under ASCII SAS.

TYPE30 19.169 Initiator Number and Name added to TYPE30_1 job init.

TYPE30 19.283 Actual Midnight ALOCTIME=0 caused ELAPSTM=24 hours.

TYPE30_D 19.060 Variable BLKSIZE in TYPE30_D, PDB.DDSTATS, wrong.

TYPE42 19.043 TYPE 42 subtype 5 INPUT EXCEEDED reading VSAM SMF.

TYPE42 19.145 New TYPE42XV dataset for XRC Volume segments.

TYPE42 19.147 Invalid SMF 42-5 protected.

TYPE42 19.160 Type 42 subtypes 7 and 8 were revised.



TYPE7072 19.018 Zero-divide by SMF70CPA corrected (no impact).

TYPE7072 19.245 Support for CRYPTO RMF 70 Subtype 2 APAR OW49808.

TYPE70PR 19.030 LPARCPUS=0 if back level OS/390 and no OW37565.

TYPE70PR 19.189 APAR OW49536 "spare" LPARCPUS/LPnNRPRC counted.

TYPE71 19.270 CSFRLSAV/ESFRLSAV can be small negative, reset to 0.

TYPE73 19.084 Offline channels in TYPE73, document CMG=1 and CMG=2.

TYPE73 19.240 MXG 19.04-19.07: PCHANBY/PNCHANBY/ONLINE were WRONG.

TYPE74 19.017 Support for APAR OW46268 TYPE74 USS Kernel in place.

TYPE74 19.186 "Broken" 74 subtype 4 incorrectly output in TYPE74CF.

TYPE74 19.239 TYPE74CF/TYPE74ST some R744S/R744F variables wrong.

TYPE78 19.070 TYPE78SP's _BTY73SP BY list didn't remove all dupes.

TYPE78 19.203 Support for APAR OW49806, z/OS 1.1 and 1.2 correction

TYPE79 19.051 Support for APAR OW46622 for Temporal Affinity.

TYPE82 19.200 Support for SMF type 82 crypto facility record.

TYPE91 19.241 Batch Pipes datasets have added variables for merge.

TYPE94 19.290 Support for APAR OW52989, adds 8-way AX0 controlers.

TYPEAIX 19.261 Support for IBM AIX Performance Toolbox, PTX V2.

TYPECIMS 19.031 CHAIN logic in IMF IMS trans corrects negatives.

TYPECISM 19.158 Support for CISCO Works Blue ISM user SMF record.

TYPEDB2 19.027 DB2ACCT Parallel Transactions are double accounted.

TYPEDB2 19.213 DB2 V7 QLES section variables added to DB2STATS.

TYPEEDGR 19.252 Variables added by OW40710 in 1999 now added in MXG.

TYPEEDGS 19.284 DFSMS/rmm "V" records had blank MVDSNx variables.

TYPEHMF 19.082 Support for HMF Subtypes 29, 30, and 31.

TYPEHSM 19.227 New vars, start/end timestamps for HSMFSRST events.

TYPEIDML 19.244 Support for IDMS Log Statistics Records.

TYPEIMS 19.046 Support for IMS Version 7.1 Log Records.

TYPEIMS 19.242 IMSGTEXT/OMSGTEXT were incorrect.

TYPEIMS7 19.117 NMSGPROC in IMS0708 no longer counts unmatched 08's.

TYPEIMSA 19.177 Support for IMS 6.1 Fast Path records (INCOMPAT)

TYPEIMSA 19.188 Times were GMT vice local: IMS SRV/RES/ TM/TS.

TYPEITRF 19.003 Support for Omegamon/IMS V500 - no changes.

TYPEMBO 19.067 Support for BMC Mainview Batch Optimizer, BMO SMF.

TYPEMPLX 19.185 Support for the Implex User SMF record.

TYPENDM 19.275 NDMCPUTM added in NDM/Connect Direct records.



TYPENTSM 19.148 Support for NTSMF V & Windows 2000 changes.

TYPENTSM 19.153 Corrections for Process with NRDATA=27, old NTSMFs.

TYPENTSM 19.197 New Windows 2000, Exchange 2000, etc, objects.

TYPENTSM 19.214 Support for NTSMF SMS Objects.

TYPENTSM 19.276 MSEXCHANGE DS object has new variables.

TYPEQACS 19.289 Support for OS/400 Release 5.1.0 Collection Services

TYPERSDA 19.229 Support for RSD Folders ASTRE Auditing User SMF rec.

TYPESFTA 19.166 Soft Audit variable STEPNAME contained SYSTEM.


TYPESTC 19.264 Zero observations in HSC dataset STCHSC from STK SMF.

TYPESYNC 19.004 Array name DD conflicts with existing DD variable.


TYPETAND 19.029 Support for Tandem G06/G07/G08 CPU & DISK records.

TYPETCP 19.053 SMF 118 ERROR.4. HFS FILE error created in error.

TYPETIMS 19.050 Support for Landmark's The Monitor for IMS records.

TYPETIMS 19.288 Landmark for IMS datetime variable now on Local zone.

TYPETLMS 19.013 Support for TLMS Release 5.5 (COMPATIBLE).

TYPETMDB 19.288 Landmark for DB2 datetime variable now on Local zone.

TYPETMNT 19.088 INITTIME could be off by one day.

TYPETMS5 19.164 TMS Audit variables TMAUxxxx/TMVAxxxx correct now.

TYPETMTC 19.225 Support for Landmark's TMON for TCP/IP v1.1.

TYPETMV2 19.288 Landmark for MVS datetime variable now on Local zone.

TYPETMV2 19.297 Support for Landmark Monitor for MVS Version 3.

TYPETNG 19.009 Support for CA/TNG new, post-9907, format (INCOMPAT).

TYPETNG 19.146 Correction for TNG STARTIME, two-digit base-36, etc.

TYPETPF 19.125 Support for TPF releases PUT08,PUT10,PUT12 INCOMPAT.

TYPETPF 19.136 TPF datetimes now corrected from GMT to local zone.

TYPETPF 19.170 TPF enhancements for wrapped counters.

TYPETSOM 19.075 New TSMPxxxx variables now kept in TSOMCALL dataset.

TYPEULTM 19.202 Support for Serena's Ultimizer user SMF record

TYPEVMXA 19.132 Support for z/VM 3.1 and VM/ESA 2.4 on z900 CPUs.

TYPEWWW 19.249 Support for WebLogs: IIS, WebSphere, CLF, Cookies+.

UGMTCHEK 19.287 Utility to check for datetime variables still on GMT

UGMTCHEK 19.287 Utility to examine if GMT values are in your data.

UNIXSAR 19.294 User contribution reads unix sar -A -f reports.

UTILCVRT 19.271 Utility converts historic MVS PDB's $HEX on ASCII.

UTILEXCL 19.293 UTILEXCL creates IMACEXCL without EDIT for CICS.

VGETDDS 19.116 Read same MXG dataset from many DDnames/libraries.

VGETOBS 19.247 New MXGDSN macro variable exist/zero obs detection.

VGETxxx 19.002 Documentation of VGETxxx macro naming convention.

VMXGDEL 19.268 Replaced use of PROC SQL/VTABLE in internal macro.

VMXGDEL 19.295 Lower case work. did not match upper case WORK.

VMXGDUR 19.282 SYNC59=NO specification did not work.

VMXGINIT 19.230 %GLOBAL macro variables no longer %LET to null value.

VMXGINIT 19.279 MXG now sets OPTIONS COMPRESS=YES as default.

VMXGOPTR 19.268 Replaced use of PROC SQL/VTABLE in internal macro.

VMXGRMFI 19.083 New MSU calculations wrong with new z/OS 70 records.

VMXGSUM 19.151 Use of TEMP01/TEMP02/TEMP03 revised.

VMXGSUM 19.246 New HOUSKEEP= option to leave temporary datasets.

VMXGSUM 19.251 &MXGLEN added, TEMPnn logic corrected, PROC SQL fix.

VMXGTIME 19.260 Change time zone of all datetime variables by SYSTEM.

VMXGTIME 19.286 LOCAL and GMT Time Zone Deltas for VMXGTIME.


VMXGWORL 19.063 Spurious SAS NOTE: "might be uninitialized".

Inverse chronological list of all Changes:
NEXTCHANGE: Version 19.
=======Changes thru 19.300 were in MXG 19.19 dated Feb 14, 2002=========
Change 19.300 One site using MXGTMNT MXG Tape Mount Monitor found their

ASMTAPES LOGREC filled with MXGTMNT generated X'E0' ABEND messages

Feb 13, 2002 to the extent that they had to stop MXGTMNT. This site

is a massive user of virtual tapes, and the E0 results

when the monitor saw the job at one pop, but the job is

no longer in the system a 2-second pop later, because its

done its virtual mount and ended in milliseconds.

The original design used a previously saved ALET during

cross-memory access to an address space for which a tape

mount occurred, but, no check was made to see if the ALET

has been invalidated because the job had ended.

Instead, this redesign will

- Save the ASID and JOBNAME for the job associated with

the device when it sees a mount pending, and now save

the STOKEN for the address space. Each STOKEN value is

unique across the life of the IPL, whereas the ASID and

the ALET are not.

- When the CROSSMEM routine executes, it checks to see if

the STOKEN for the address space it is in (ASSBSTKN in

the ASSB) matches what was saved previously when the

mount was detected; if it matches, it's safe to do the

SAC instruction. If the STOKEN does not match, then

the original address space that caused the mount is

indeed gone, and we will stop CROSSMEM processing for

that address space.

-The SMF record will be written the same way a job

change is currently handled: MXGTMNT writes out the

SMF record as it is up to that point, without the

allocation information in it. The data currently

captured from the ACEE, JCT, OUCB, ACT, JMR, DSAB, and

the SCT will be missing from these records.
This enhancement to MXGTMNT will be "ML-21" and the

ASMTAPES member will have that noted at its beginning.

As of the February 14 start of tape build for MXG 19.19

this change has only been designed; if you encounter

significant counts of LOGREC 0E ABEND messages from the

MXGTMNT program, please request the "ML-21" level of

the ASMTAPES member, and it will be sent when tested.

Feb 27, 2002: ML-21 is now available, Change 20.011.

Change 19.299 MXG Messages "New NTSMF OBJECT Found" did not contain the

VMACNTSM name of the SYSTEM with the new object, making it hard to

Feb 13, 2002 know on which system to enable NTSMF's DISCOVERY option.

Sending the discover file to support@mxg.com is all that

is needed to add support for the new object into MXG.

But if that message has OBJECT=, then you

will need to contact NTSMF support, because that message

results when the MicroSoft code-writer failed to comply

with standards, so the NTSMF programmers have to develop

a fix to Cover Their Actions and get the correct name.

Thanks to Denny C. Wong, New York Life Insurance, USA.
Change 19.298 Variables for Storage Class name are now input in subtype

VMACSTC 16, 17, and 18 STK records, as is STC17MVC, the VOLSER in

Feb 13, 2002 subtype 17.

Thanks to John Ellis, Powergen Retail, ENGLAND.

Change 19.297 Support for Landmark TMON for MVS Version 3.0 (INCOMPAT).

VMACTMV2 The documentation does not agree with their actual data,

Feb 13, 2002 but by considerable sleuthing I believe I have found what

Oct 17, 2002 was changed, but you must validate this support with your

data, and report any discrepancies to support@mxg.com.

The DV record is bypassed because it has inserted data

that I can't figure out, but these 3.0 datasets have been

created and printed and look okay except as noted:

XIS, XIM, XI, WG , TR (DURATM is in error in the record)


JDSW, JDDL, JDIN (suspect) EL CS,CP,CH,CF (suspect)

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