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The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0 22.10

The Monitor for DB2 Version 5.0 30.02

The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 - 12.12

The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 - 15.01

The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 - 15.06

The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 - 20.04

The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134 21.04

The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including CICS/TS 3.1 22.08

The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all) 25.11

The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all) 27.01

The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.3 (for CICS/TS 4.1,4.2) 29.07

TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1) 30.30-32.12

(Do not use 32.13,32.32,33.01,33.02,33.03 for 3.4)

TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1 - Change 33.099) 33.04

TMON/CICS 4.0 (for CICS/TS 5.2 - Change 33.195) *33.09

The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3 - 12.05

The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5 - 12.05

The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0 - 15.09

The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0 - 19.19

TMON/MVS Version 4.4 32.04

Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF 12.05

Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF 13.06

Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF 16.02

Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments 16.02

Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF 18.01

Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF) 12.12

Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF) 14.04

Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF) 25.05

Omegamon for MVS V300 13.05

Omegamon for MVS V400 13.06

Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2 13.05

Omegamon for VTAM V160 12.04A

Omegamon for VTAM V400 15.15

Omegamon for VTAM V500 18.08

Omegamon for SMS V100/V110 12.03


ACF2 6.2 16.04

ASTEX 2.1 14.04

IDMS 18 32.05

IDMS 19 (INCOMPAT after PTF R084146 Change 34.164) 33.05

NETSPY 4.7 14.03

NETSPY 5.0 14.03

NETSPY 5.2 16.05

NETSPY 5.3 18.03

NETSPY 6.0 20.10 20.305

NETSPY 7.0 20.10 20.305

SAR/VIEW R11 23.07 23.196

BMC, was Boole & Babbage

APPTUNE V11R2 SMF 102 33.11 33.264

IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1) 12.12

IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only) 15.09

IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+) 16.04

IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1) *22.08

IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1) *26.02

IMF 4.4 (for IMS 9.1) *31.08

IMF 4.5 (for IMS 11.1) (No change since 4.4) 31.08

IMF 4.6 a/k/a Mainview IMS *31.08

IMF 5.1 a/k/a Mainview IMS *34.01

IMF 5.2 a/k/a Mainview IMS 34.01

Mainview for MQ Version 4.4 29.03

Mainview for MQ Version 5.1 30.02

Mainview for MQ Version 5.2 33.01

Mainview for CICS Version 6.5 (CICS/TS 5.1) 30.30

Mainview for CICS Version 6.4 (CICS/TS 4.2) 30.04

Mainview for CICS Version 6.1 26.26

Mainview Auto Operator data file 28.28

Mainview for DB2 THRDHIST file 20.20

Mainview for TCP/IP 20.20

Mainview for IP 34.??

Mainview for Batch Optimizer 19.19


LMS 3.1 12.12A

Oracle V9, V10 24.06


2.1 33.05

1.4 33.08


APAF 4.1, 4.3 16.08

Velocity Software

XAMAP 3.4 22.10

XAMAP 3406 24.03

XAMAP 3.7 27.10

XAMAP 4.1 Now Renamed to ZVPS 4.1 29.07

XVPS 4.2 31.06

ZVPS 5.4 *33.07

V. Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 34.34.

1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 34.34:

a- Changes in MXG architecture made between 34.34 and prior versions

that can introduce known incompatibilities.

2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail

in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a

new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTT for

SAS Version 9.

MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:
COMPATIBLE A change in a data record which did not alter either

COMPAT the location or the format of all of the previously-

kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue

to run the old version of MXG software, which will read

the new records without error, but none of any new data

fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept

until you install the MXG Version with this change.
INCOMPAT A change in a data record that causes the current MXG

version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without

error conditions or messages, and the output datasets

may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,

and/or observations may have been lost.

You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change

to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY

changed by their vendor.

TOLERATE In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new

data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.

EXPLOIT Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed

records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are

described in this change will be created in the MXG

datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,

and you have full support of the new data records.
An MXG Version never "expires" nor "goes out of Support". When

you put in a new product/subsystem/Release/APAR that incompatibly

changed its records then you must install the current MXG Version

or at least be using the minimum level of MXG that is currently

documented in the preceding list in section IV.
COSMETIC Some Changes will start with COSMETIC. This indicates

that that change only alters a displayed value or may

be a spelling error in a label, but it is "cosmetic"

in that it ONLY affected the display, and the output

data sets created are NOT impacted by this change.
VI. Online Documentation of MXG Software.
MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.

See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.

VII. Changes Log
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------
You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will

impact your site. All changes have been made in this MXG Library.

Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of

MXG Software that is contained in that library.

The CHANGES selection on our homepage at http://www.MXG.com

is always the most current information on MXG Software status,

and is frequently updated.
Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is

also described by a selection on the homepage. Please subscribe.

The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be

different than described in the change text (which might have printed

only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).
Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments

at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the

documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,

are often found in comments in the source members.

Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 34.34 after MXG 33.33:

Member Change Description

ANAL3CPC 34.238 Example RMF III CPC data report.

ANAL9914 34.107 SMT Topology Report typo, reports all systems.

ANAL9914 34.255 z13 Topology Report typo corrected.

ANALCSQX 34.122 Concurrent MQ Apps logged on from SYSLOG CSQX msgs

ANALDB2R 34.265 ANALDB2R 33.33-34.07 could require temp //PDB DD.

ANALDCO1 34.271 New ANALDCO1 provides simple DCOLLECT reports.

ANALGRCA 34.015 New analysis of Group Capacity

ANALRANK 34.127 NOT SORTED if only one variable was examined

ANALUOW 34.110 Parameter INCODE= added for tailoring/selection.

ASMRMFV 34.095 Some ASMRMFV log dates off by one day, output fine.

ASMRMFV 34.133 RMF III GMT offset collects multiple time zones data.

ASMRMFV 34.152 The RMF III DOW filter was not working.

ASMRMFV 34.191 Enhanced RMF III data filtering reduces data volume.

ASMRMFV 34.262 ASMRMFV enhancement for Parameters.

ASMRMFV 34.273 Internal Performance improvement for RMF III support

ASUM4HRS 34.218 Four Hour Average analysis was incorrect initialized.

ASUMCELP 34.106 z13 SMT_MODE SMT_NUM=2, NRZIPCPU finally correct.

BLDSMPDB 34.131 ERROR: Invalid date constant " .":d, FORCEDAY= fix

BLDSMPDB 34.153 Change 33.031 missed two instanced of LOWCASE().

BUILDPDB 34.147 Large SPIN.SPIN6 due to PRINTWAY records cleared.

BUILDPDB 34.162 Support for z/OS 2.2 JES2 8-char JOBCLAS8 in BUILDPDB

CHECKSTN 34.167 Detection/Protection of duplicate SMF70STN values.

CICINTRV 34.254 CICS Dispatcher DSGSRBT SRB Time Kept in CICINTRV.

DB2COUNT 34.209 "DB2 is filling my SMF, how do I find out who/why?"

GRAFWRKC 34.044 New Capacity Group report of CEC resources by LPAR.

GRAFWRKC 34.101 Improved CPU and MSU and Group Capacity SGPLOTs.

IHDRRMFV 34.092 Support for IHDRRMFV "Header" Exit selection member.

IMACCADI 34.263 Support for CAA/DISPATCH type 6 change (INCOMPAT)

ITRM 34.011 Possible MXG 33.33 issues with ITRM documented.

JCLTESxx 34.259 Some JCLTESxx members still included gone TYPEQAPM.



PDBAUDIT 34.003 FILE _TMPLIB.XTY70CP.DATA does not exist.

READDB2 34.102 Support for IFCID=58's second dataset T102SA58.

RMFINTRV 34.029 Capacity Group variables SMF70GNM/GMU added

RMFINTRV 34.078 33.33 and 34.01 had errors in MSU72/MSUSOFT/etc.


TYPE0203 34.074 SMF2IHASHMETH/SMF2ISIGTYPE were blank, bad bit test.

TYPE102 34.032 Support for DB2 Trace IFCIDS 311 and 321.


TYPE102 34.072A Support for SMF 102 IFCID 58 Added segment.

TYPE102 34.123 Support for DB2 IFCID 365 and 376 corrections.


TYPE110 34.183 Partial Support for CICS/TS 5.4 OPEN BETA.

TYPE110 34.203 READTIME in all "CICS EXCLUDED" messages for DICT.

TYPE110 34.260 Support for SMF 110 Subtype 2 STID=32 creates CICLDY.

TYPE110 34.274 Support for CICS/TS 5.4 BETA 6 (INCOMPAT CICSTRAN).

TYPE113 34.027 TYPE113 CPU Speed SM1132SP wrong on Sub-Capacity z13.

TYPE115 34.200 MQMLOG enhanced with new variables, protection added.

TYPE115 34.272 Support for MQ SMF 115 Subtype 231 DSP/ADP/SSL/DNS

TYPE116 34.008 New Variables added to MQMACCTQ

TYPE117 34.103 Support for IBM Integ Bus V 90005 SMF 117 INCOMPAT

TYPE117 34.157 Support for SMF 117 Integration BUS V10 INCOMPATIBLE.

TYPE117 34.243 Support for SMF 117 Version 2 (INCOMPATIBLE) format.

TYPE119 34.168 Support for SMF 116 Subtype 6 Home IP Address segment

TYPE119 34.189 MXG 34.05 ONLY, INPUT EXCEEDED more than 3 Homeaddr.

TYPE119 34.213 Support for SMF 119 Subtype 81 Intrusion Detection.

TYPE119 34.252 TYP11950 dataset only contained first KEY.

TYPE120 34.055 Proper Support of 120 ST 9 TYP1209R/TYP1209N datasets

TYPE120 34.148 Support for ODM Version 8.8 SMF 120 subtype 100.

TYPE120 34.163 Support for WAS Liberty V16.0 SMF 120 Subtype 11.

TYPE120 34.170 Support for WebSphere Liberty Batch SMF 120 Subty 12.

TYPE123A 34.105 Support for SMF 123 Liberty z/OS Connect EE Audit.

TYPE124 34.187 Support for SMF 124 I/O Supervisor IOS (z/OS 2.2).

TYPE1415 34.224 Support for APAR OA50256 for TYPE1415/SMF14DSVER.

TYPE29 34.221 Support for SMF 29 IMS Java CPU and Garbage Collect

TYPE29 34.221 Support for new SMF Type 29 IMS JAVA/GC validated.

TYPE30 34.118 MXG created variable CPUZIPTM_CPUIFATM_INST wrong.

TYPE30 34.214 Support for new variables in Sep 2016 SMF manual.

TYPE42 34.054 Variable SMF42LAN was not converted to EBCDIC.

TYPE42 34.070 I/O Connect Time S42CONNTM is calculated.

TYPE42 34.214 Support for new variables in Sep 2016 SMF manual.

TYPE42 34.222 Support for APAR OA51097 for subtype 19 fields.

TYPE42 34.245 SMF 42 TYPE42L1 dataset misaligned at SMF42HUA.

TYPE60 34.056 TYPE 60 variable SMF60ELP misaligned.

TYPE6156 34.219 Support for SMF Type 65 GDGCOMPL/GDCNOEXT/GDGLIMIT


TYPE7072 34.010 TYPE72GO MSUxxxxx variables labeled/documented.

TYPE7072 34.072 R723DNST NOT EQUAL TO R723RTYP message eliminated.

TYPE7072 34.232 First 34.07. CRITICAL ARRAY EXCEEDED ERROR fixed.

TYPE7072 34.239 SMT Corrections to TYPE70PR "OTHER SYSTEM" LPARs.

TYPE71 34.043 New variables SMF71CPx,SMF714Kx,SMF71PLx were wrong.


TYPE73 34.068 Support for SPLIT RMF 73 records, _S73 required.

TYPE74 34.073 Dataset TYPE749 (PCIE) is enhanced with new vars.

TYPE74 34.181 Defective BMC CMF type 74 subtype 4 SMF74ML=0 bypass.

TYPE74 34.214 Support for new variables in Sep 2016 SMF manual.

TYPE74 34.223 Support for APAR OA49415 for SuperPAV support.

TYPE78 34.223 Support for APAR OA49415 for SuperPAV support.

TYPE79 34.214 Support for new variables in Sep 2016 SMF manual.

TYPE80A 34.086 Support for TYPE8069 R_PKISERV GENCERT event SMF 80.

TYPE80A 34.176 RACFTYPE=6 RACFEVNT=19 skipped segment message.

TYPE80A 34.178 Support for RACF 80 TOKDANAM new values.

TYPE80A 34.206 Support for Top Secret Release R15 & R16 (INCOMPAT).

TYPE80A 34.251 Support for TOP SECRET RDT Table decoding.


TYPE87 34.166 Support for SMF Type 87 Subtype 2 ENQ/DEQ records.

TYPE90A 34.214 Support for new subtypes 38 and 39 in SMF 90.

TYPE98 34.216 Support for SMF 98 High Freq Thruput Stats record.

TYPE99 34.194 Support for SMF 99 Subtype 1 Hardware Absolute CAP.

TYPEATF 34.041 Support for ATF V531 Enhanced Summarization Phase 2.

TYPEATF 34.180 Omegamon XE ATF times are now on local time zone.

TYPEBBMQ 34.026 Support for MVMQ PTF BPL2558, times are microseconds.

TYPEBBMQ 34.064 Circumvention BBMQ Short E6 records, datetimes fixed.

TYPEBVIR 34.217 BVIR301 and BVIR302 datasets were wrong, too few obs.

TYPECDHW 34.202 Support for Connect Direct Simultaneous Session CDHW

TYPECIMS 34.007 Correction for IMF 5100 incorrect values, no ABEND.

TYPEDB2 34.108 DB2 Sim Buff Pool DB2STSBP QBSP variables corrected.

TYPEDB2 34.229 Support for DB2 V12. (COMPATIBLE).

TYPEDB2 34.248 DB2 Netezza IDAA Q8STxxxx in new DB2NETZA dataset.

TYPEDB2 34.281 DB2 IDAA variable Q8STDSKU format/label corrected.

TYPEDCOL 34.042 Support for FLAG4 MegaByte format size variables.

TYPEDCOL 34.115 DCDTIMEC Data Set Create Time not populated if.

TYPEDVS 34.014 Support for Rocket Software DVS User SMF record.

TYPEEDGR 34.116 RMM datasets enhanced with SYSTEM and EDGRTIME.

TYPEHSM 34.002 New datetime and duration variables in HSMFSRST.

TYPEHSM 34.193 Invalid HSM VSR/DSR with '62'x vs 'S' protected.

TYPEIDML 34.282 Support for IDMS Log (INCOMPAT, third record).

TYPEIDMS 34.164 Support for IDMS Version 19 (INCOMPAT with R084146).

TYPEIMS 34.087 MXG 34.02, IMS 12.1, IMS 07 misalign, DLRAZAAP fixed.

TYPEIMS 34.091 Support for IMS Log 16x Sign On/Sign Off log record.

TYPEMVIP 34.186 Support for Mainview for IP RTIN 34x TAC9I220 dataset

TYPENDM 34.017 Support for NDM-CDI SE Session End record.

TYPEPKSZ 34.020 Support for PK-ZIP INCOMPATIBLE increase field length

TYPEPROS 34.215 Support for PRO/SMF (previously X37) Version 7.8.

TYPERACF 34.247 Support for RACF APAR OA43999 RACF UNLOAD database.

TYPERMFV 34.092 MXG 34.01-34.02. ZRBCPU variables CPCGRPxx wrong.

TYPERMFV 34.100 ZRBASI ASILPGSZ, ZRBGEI many GEIxxxxx corrected.

TYPERMFV 34.156 INVALID DATA for ASIQSCANxxx, incorrect informat.

TYPERMFV 34.192 RMF III variable GMTOFF kept in all ZRB datasets.


TYPESTC 34.019 Corrections/enhancements for Oracle STC SMF record.

TYPESTC 34.081 Oracle/STC User SMF record GMTOFFTM "slightly" wrong

TYPESTC 34.237 New variables added to STCVSM11 dataset.

TYPESYSL 34.121 Formal support of SYSLOG with all normal MXG tokens.

TYPETHAL 34.261 Support for Thales Security Records with/wo subtype

TYPETMD2 34.275 Support for ASG/TMON for DB2 IDAA SA and SB records.

TYPETMO2 34.049 TMON V4.0 microsec/tod time change missed 15 vars.


TYPEVMXA 34.005 Support for zVM HIS (SMF 113) VXPRCMFC z/13 data.

TYPEVMXA 34.066 z/VM VXBYUSR enhanced, option to USER 8709 ABEND.

TYPEVMXA 34.080 Support for z/VM SMT MODE, caused BROKEN REC ERROR.

TYPEVMXA 34.085 Support for z/VM VXSYTEMP third section, plus more.

TYPEVMXA 34.099 zVM 6.3 circumvent, 5.20 HWCLEN=384 new PRCAPMCT=11.

TYPEVMXA 34.169 zVM HIS macros for PRCMFC PRCMFM now work correctly.


TYPEVMXA 34.249 z/VM Linux Appldata VXAPLSLM/SLN/SLP corrections.

TYPEVMXA 34.280 z/VM Linux Appl VXAPLSLM/N/P/0 deaccum corrected.

TYPEVMXA 34.280 z/VM VXBYUSR had some obs with negative values.

TYPEZCOS 34.241 Support for AutoSoftCapping Version V4 (COMPATIBLE).

UTILRMFI 34.006 UTILRMFI report was dropped accidentally in 33.024

VGETJESN 34.240 Hex zeros in JCTJOBID in SMF 42 ST 27 protected.


VMXGALOC 34.160 Revised for Linux, case sensitive directory names.

VMXGALOC 34.253 UPCASE removed for BASExxx path for Linux casing.

VMXGCNFG 34.119 CPU Loop after program ended, if //SOURCLIB DD.


VMXGSUM 34.137 New MXGSUMCLASS option can save CPU time, TEST IT!!

VMXGSUM 34.151 SYSLAST is now correctly set to last output dataset.

See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software, or

the CHANGES frames at http://www.mxg.com.
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:
====== Changes thru 34.284 were in this MXG 34.34 dated Jan 3, 2017====
Change 34.284 Primarily used internally by MXG. If it was being used

VMXGOPTR to restore an option to its original setting but had not

Jan 2, 2017 been previously invoked to set the option and the option

required an = (LINESIZE=xxx) it failed lacking the name

of the option and the = so LINESIZE resolved to:


Change 34.283 -PDBAUDIT failed if the last "PDB" data library happened

PDBAUDIT to be Sequential Format (tape), with the error message:


Jan 1, 2016 -Could also fail if zero LIBNAMES were selected, with an

error "INVALID OPTION 132".

Thanks to Steve Gear, Integrysgroup, USA.

Change 34.282 Support for IDMS Log records (INCOMPATIBLE, as a third

VMACIDML record per event was added with additional fields).

Dec 29, 2016 Only the IDMLOG02 TASK dataset, has been validated with

Jan 4, 2017 data records, but IDMLOG03 TRANSACTION dataset should be

valid. Unfortunately, there is no GMT offset value in the

log records, so you will need to set the value with



for the minus 4 hour GMT offset for US EST.

Thanks to Torstein Netland, CSC, NORWAY.

Change 34.281 IDAA variable Q8STDSKU is disk utilization not bytes, so

VMACDB2 the format and length were removed and the label changed.

Dec 27, 2016 And variables Q8STCCPU_64 Q8STWCPU_64 are also percents.

Jan 13, 2017

Thanks to Tim King, BCBSSC, USA.

Thanks to Terry Johnson, BCBSSC, USA.

====== Changes thru 34.280 were in this MXG 34.10 dated Dec 25, 2016====
Change 34.280 z/VM Linux Appl Datasets VXAPLSLM,SLN,SLP,SL0 deaccum now

VMACVMXA uses new SYNCCNT1=1 OR SYNCCNT2=1 variable's values to

Dec 18, 2016 recognize a reset in accumulated values has occurred. The

Dec 28, 2016 ancient MXG heuristic of a negative time delta to detect

a wrap of the accumulated field (plus first-dot tests)

is insufficient for these four datasets, and caused very

large values or negative values in some variables.

Also, the interval is deleted if SYNCCNT1 NE SYNCCNT2, as

that means the record was updated on the Linux side while

z/VM was still collecting the data, which could then be


-Dataset VXBYUSR had observations with DELTATM=-9999 that

should not have been output, causing some negative values

in other variables.

Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.
Change 34.279 Documentation of ANCIENT z/OS, z/VM APAR OA35675 (2011).

TYPE7072 Support for z/OS under z/VM new RMF VMGUEST option with

Dec 18, 2016 APAR OA35675, populates the Partition Dispatch CPU Time

in two "simplified" Partition Data sections in TYPE 70

RMF records, one with LPARNAME='PHYSICAL' with the z/VM

CPU consumption (IBM RMF Reports LPARNAME *VMSYSTEM*),

and one with LPARNAME='VMSYSTEM' with the z/OS Partition

CPU Dispatch time. Note that SMF70ONT, Online Time is

NOT Populated. From z/VM, this bit on is STILFE.

-MXG Version 29 added variable VMSYSTEM=Y, true for Bit 5

in 2011, but only from the SMF Manual; it was a post by

Martin today that educated me to the actual impact!

Thanks to Martin Packer, IBM, EUROPE!!
====== Changes thru 34.278 were in this MXG 34.09 dated Dec 16, 2016====
Change 34.278 If you specified 0 OBS for 26J2 or 26J3 and did NOT

UTILBLDP specify SPINCNT=something then SPINCNT is set to 0 to

Dec 13, 2016 keep jobs from sitting in SPIN until the SPINCNT is

Change 34.277 New RMF III ASI fields in z/OS 2.2 suffixed with _LF are

VMACRMFV Long Floating point and with _S are Short Binary informat

Dec 9, 2016 but that was not known and they were incorrectly input.

Some of these fields contain (HATED!) accumulated values,

which have NEVER been in RMF III, and are hated because

the deaccumulation requires two more passes of the data.

But for the important CPU accumulated fields, there is

already an interval variable (e.g., ASICPUTA), so no

deaccumulation was previously necessary. But the higher

microsecond resolution of ASICPUTA_LF, records 20-40%

more CPU time than ASICPUTA, with 1 millisecond.

-However, the several fields that are accumulated are not

always monotonically increasing, so further analysis is

in progress and this text will be revised and MXG will

provide optional deaccumulation if adequate heuristics

can be tested.
Change 34.276 ASCII only, BLDSMPDB would fail to create a weekly and/or

BLDSMPDB monthly PDB if a prior error has set OBS=0, with no clue.

Dec 8, 2016 Now, BLDSMPDB will tell you there were zero observations,

in a WARNING message.

-WTD and MTD processing may have gone to the incorrect

directory - ASCII only and only with AUTOALOC=YES

-New parameter ERASESPIN will delete everything in the

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