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However, the architecture of each _Sdddddd macro would

make this possible, so if this remains a problem for you,

let's discuss this as a future enhancement.
The initial "Missing 9pm Interval" report was thought to

be a real data loss, but that possibility was eliminated

when there were no messages that CICS had suspended write

to SMF. But to re-document what might happen:

When CICS cannot send data to the SMF address space, you

get "DFHMN0101 CICS COPYNAME SMF RC '0028'X" or

"DFHST0103 CICS COPYNAME SMF RC '0028'X" messages

on both SYSLOG and the JOBLOG of that CICS region. The

MN message says CICSTRAN (subtype 1) records were lost,

the ST message is for Statistics (subtype 2) records.

This happens briefly when SMF Buffers are being expanded

or when SMF SWITCH occurs (because both are serialized

functions under the single SMF TCB). By scheduling the

SMF dump/SWITCH away from the interval pop, its impact

may be eliminated. By increasing the size of your SMF

buffers with APAR OW12836 (increases minimum from 1MB

to 8MB, which might eliminate the need for expansion;

increases the maximum from 32MB to 128MB; and increases

each increment from 1MB to 8MB so there are fewer buffer

expansions and fewer exposures to data loss) you may be

lucky and avoid the problem, until IBM responds to the

SHARE requirement to fix this design!

The only code change was an enhancement to the UCICSCNT

program that counts CICS records by APPLID and type; a

new reports details Statistics counts by STID and record

so I could tell if stat data really was lost!

Thanks to David Lyle, Total System Services, USA.
Change 17.278 Support for APAR OW40570/OW41407 for SMF 42 Subtype 4

VMAC42 adds S42CVLUX to contain the 4-digit UCB address in MXG

Oct 22, 1999 dataset TYPE42CV. The existing 3-digit S42CVLUA variable

contains 'UCB' for any 4-digit UCB address!

Change 17.277 Documentation only, no code was changed. TYPE94 data

VMAC94 fields VMV/VPS/VPM/VPR/VMP/VBW/VBR/VTW/VTR will be zero,

Oct 22, 1999 and fields VBA/VEC/VLA/VNM/VCA/VCZ will stop accumulate,

if the screen on the PC that is attached to the VTS/ATL

and that is collecting those physical back end activity

counters is minimized! Discussions with IBM in progress.

Change 17.276 New Format $MGTCPFM decodes the FTPDATFM data format


VMACTCP Variable FTPDSNA2 is no longer kept in TYPETCPC dataset

Oct 22, 1999 (FTP Client), as that field exists only in TYPETCPF

(FTP Server), and was filled with hex trash.

Thanks to Jason Cooley, CITICORP, USA.

Change 17.275 Reading type 39 SMF records directly from VSAM SMF file

VMAC39 failed because the calculation of offset for two optional

Oct 21, 1999 triplets did not include (+OFFSMF).

Thanks to Bruce Hudson, Payless Cashways, USA.

Change 17.274 The symbolic &TAILOR and its //TAILOR DD were removed

JCLTEST6 from the MXGSAS example JCL procedure, because in a few

MXGSAS sites either SAS 180 errors or USER ABEND 2415 occurred

Oct 20, 1999 due to (strange?) problems, and so I've decided that the

optional tailoring library is more pain than value, as

no one really used it anyhow!

Thanks to Richard Phelps, Arizona State University, USA.
Change 17.273 The estimated length of tape, DSNBFEET and TAPEFEET, was

TYPETMS5 non-zero when BLKSIZE=0 because the two calculations in

Oct 20, 1999 TYPETMS5 did not match the logic in VMACTMS5, so tests

for BLKCNT GT 0 and BLKSIZE GT 0 AND RECFM conditions

in VMACTMS5 were added to calculations in TYPETMS5.

Thanks to Pat Moffett, CMX Group, USA.

Thanks to Patsy Hildreth, CMX Group, USA.
Change 17.272 Calculation of variable OVRSPPC6 incorrectly used the

VMACNSPY 3270 buckets instead of the LU6.2 buckets. It should be:


Thanks to Julian Smailes, Experian Limited (UK), ENGLAND.

Change 17.271 This utility was developed to show you how your IMACWORK

UTILRMFI definitions cluster PERFGRP or SRVCLASS into the workload

Oct 18, 1999 variables in RMFINTRV dataset. It shows where the type72

CPU times came from, using your IMACWORK, and it also

reads type 30s to show SRVCLASS/RPTCLASS/JOB CPU times.

The utility is needed when your RMFINTRV execution prints

error messages that your workload definition CPU time

does not match the true CPU time in SRVCLASS/PERFGRPS.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 17.270 Support for APAR PQ28258 for the SMF type 103 record that

VMAC103 was created by Internet Connection Secure Server (R3,R2)

Oct 18, 1999 and then by Lotus Domino Go Webserver for OS/390 (R4-R6),

May 31, 2000 now named WebSphere Application Server OS/390 (R7-R8),

(and now May, 2000 sub-titled HTTP Server Version 5.2),

adds many new statistics, including five sets of avg/min

max response times for DNS, Plugins, CGI, SSL, & Proxy,

to subtype=2 record in dataset TYPE1032.

Change 17.269 Long ago, when I observed that the total device pending

VMAC74 time (PCTDVPND) was more than the sum of its two parts,

Oct 18, 1999 Pend for Device (PCTPNDEV) plus Pend for CU (PCTPNCUB),

Dec 16, 1999 I stored the difference as the Pend for Chan (PCTPNCHA).

But when IBM added Pend for Director Port (PCTPNDIR), I

did not treat that as a component of PCTPNCHA, and now I

measure there still is a difference between the Total and

its components, so I now:

- Store Pend Dir Port into PCTPNCHA/DLYCHATM variables

and changed their labels to be Chan Dir Port delay

- Calculate the Other Pending PCTPNOTH/DLYOTHTM as


Other Pend = Total - (Device + CU + Dir Port)
Independent of this change, type 74 data records with

Total Pend Time (SMF70PND) of 28 seconds but Pending for

Device component (SMF70DVB) was 37 seconds are written

occasionally for devices simulated in an EMC box. The

error causes PCTPNOTH to be negative (and, before this

change, PCTPNCHA was also negative because it used to

be the same as PCTPNOTH). We have also seen similar, but

much smaller differences, for tape devices.

Thanks to Robert Girard, EMC, USA.
Change 17.268 Variables UBCOMPR UBUSRSIZ UBCMPSIZ were INPUT but were

VMACDCOL not in the KEEP= list for dataset DCOLBKUP. Now they are.

Oct 18, 1999

Thanks to Alastair Gray, Philip Morris EDC, SWITZERLAND.

Change 17.267 The VTS report program was corrected; while its example

ANAL94 in comments worked fine, invoking %ANAL94(PDB=SMF); to

Oct 13, 1999 read SMF to produce reports did not produce! Parameter

REPORT=HOURLY is now the default, so that a report will

now always be produced, plus other cleanup.
Change 17.266 The "GT" was changed to "GE" so all lines now read


Oct 11, 1999 because the "GT" caused some missing timestamps.

Nine flags, AXR0nFL1, are now formatted $HEX2.

Thanks to Patsy Hildreth, CMX Group, USA.
Change 17.265 The VMXGSUM error in Change 17.264 is corrected, by

VMXGSUM relocating the ALLVARS initialization higher up in the

Oct 11, 1999 logic; it was bypassed when INCODE= was not used, and

was blank when it should have had a list of variables.

When &ALLVARS was blank, VMXGSUM generated code was


(i.e., a VARIABLES statement with no variables).


SAS V6, but under SAS Version 8, it ran just fine!

Exactly why is under investigation; but I think it is

enhancements SAS made under SAS V8: in this specific

PROC MEANS invocation, a VAR statement is not needed

because the SUM(A,B,C) syntax provides the names, so

SAS V8 ignored the unneeded VAR statement?

In any event, VMXGSUM now always populates ALLVAR with

the list of variables so it won't be blank.

======Changes thru 17.264 were in MXG 17.07 dated Oct 8, 1999======

Change 17.264 The VMXGSUM of Change 17.255 was never put in MXG 17.07,

VMXGSUM because it was not correct. MXG QA under SAS V8 had no

XMXGSUM errors, so 17.07 was built, but final QA with SAS V6

Oct 8, 1999 found errors in VMXGSUM that were not caught by V8, so I

removed VMXGSUM for the MXG 17.07. Note that 17.255 was

reinstated by Change 17.265 in MXG 17.08.
Change 17.263 Support for Domino Server SMF type 108 record creates

EXTY1081 three new datasets from subtype 1 interval records:

EXTY108P Dataset Description

EXTY108T TYPE1081 Server Statistics

IMAC108 TYPE108P Port Statistics

TYPE108 TYPE108T Transaction Statistics

TYPS108 Additional development work is ongoing by IBM so you can

VMAC108 anticipate additional measurements for Domino soon.

Oct 8, 1999 Domino Release R5.0 & R5.01 are supported by this change.

The type 108 record originated with Lotus Notes Domino

Server, and was primarily a mail server for Lotus Notes,

but now the Lotus Domino Server provides services for

Notes, and contains its own HTTP server & JAVA function.

Note that the Websphere Application Server HTTP Server

is the product that creates the SMF 103 record.

Thanks to John Milne, Suncorp Metway, AUSTRALIA.

Change 17.262 Revisions in DAILYDSN to use TYPSDCOL instead of TYPEDCOL

DAILYDSN (so the PROC SORT and NODUP logic would be taken from the

Oct 8, 1999 VMACDCOL instead of being coded in DAILYDSN) wrote the

output to the //PDB instead of the expected //DATASETS.

By inserting %VMXGINIT(DEFAULT=DATASETS); before the

include of TYPSDCOL, the default PDB becomes DATASETS and

DAILYDSN now works as it did previously.

Thanks to Craig Gifford, City of Lincoln, USA.

======Changes thru 17.261 were in MXG 17.07 dated Oct 7, 1999======
Change 17.261 Unexpected Expiration date of 2099366 (also invalid, as

VMACDCOL 2099 is not a leap year) was found, and caused missing

Oct 7, 1999 value for DCDEXPDT/UMEXPDT. The logic was revised to add

test (YREXPDT=199 AND DAYEXPDT GE 365) OR in two places

so that the '31DEC2099' infinite MXG date is stored in


Thanks to Jens Mohring, HUK Coburg, GERMANY.

Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK Coburg, GERMANY.

Change 17.260 NTSMF SQLServer Objects Cache Manager, Databases, Locks,

VMACNTSM and User Settable were corrected (NRNAMES and/or NRDATA,

Oct 5, 1999 and NRNAMES=NRNAMES-1 was added) and validated with data.

Thanks to Leigh Ann Payne, Wachovia Operational Services, USA.

Change 17.259 Landmark PTF TD01655 for TMON Version 2 added fields

VMACTMV2 COMPATIBLY to the CI and JD records:

Oct 5, 1999 -Variables CICSALUB,CIECSLUB added to TMVSCI dataset.

-Variables (enclave CPU times)



were added to TMVSJD dataset.



were added to TMVSJDOM dataset.

Thanks to ???, IDUNA NOVA, ITALY.
Change 17.258 The trending of ASUMUOW into TRNDUOW failed with error


Oct 4, 1999 OPTIONS NODSNFERR; should have been at the start of the

TRNDUOW member. "No DSN Not Found" option protects the

first-time execution of TRND members, but was left out of

the TRNDUOW member.

Thanks to Tom Marchant, Wayne State University, USA.
Change 17.257 Variable SMF26WIN, a bit map, is now formatted $HEX2.


Oct 4, 1999

Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.

Change 17.256 This revision, used by UTILGETM, allows you to read an

VMXGGETM SMF file and report on the contents by type, subtype, and

Oct 4, 1999 system, using PROC TABULATE. If you specify SMFOUT= a

null string, and specify FREQ=YES, the report is created.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 17.255 This revision adds new statistics (notably percentiles)

VMXGSUM in VMXGSUM output, and detects execution under SAS V7/V8

Oct 6, 1999 so that the new INHERIT parameter in PROC MEANS can be

used, which may eliminate the need for the final datastep

(previously required to reset variable lengths).

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

Change 17.254 A number of new timestamp fields from DB2 and CICS were

IMACNORM added to the PDB.ASUMOW dataset. In addition, new member

ASUMUOW IMACNORM is added to permit you to normalize the CPU time

Oct 3, 1999 created in the PDB.ASUMUOW dataset, in case you have CICS

Regions and/or DB2 Subsystems executing in machines of

different speeds. IMACNORM is preliminary, and may be

changed in the future, but it has no impact unless you

change it, as IMACNORM now only contains commments.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 17.253 -MXG options SASCHRLN is implemented to save space in some

VMAC102 DB2 trace records that contain variable length text. See

Oct 3, 1999 Change 17.251 text. Both COMPRESS=YES and execution with

SAS V7, V8, or later is required.

-For trace subtypes 206, 208, and 236, if the message text

was greater than 200 bytes, the first 200 bytes were not

input, but now are. The first INPUT of QW0207HR was

removed, as the second one, inside the test for length,

was the correct one.

See minor revision in Change 17.390.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 17.252 This analysis of all SAS dates in all SAS datasets that

ANALDATE was added by Change 17.168 now works; the debugging lines

Oct 3, 1999 302 and 303 are now removed, and line 10 now has an

ending */.

Thanks to Steve Donahue, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, USA.
Change 17.251 If SAS options USER= or WORK= were specified, the output

VMXGINIT of an MXG %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPExxxx); program always

Oct 2, 1999 went to //WORK, but with this change, the WORK= or USER=

destination will be honored.

Apr 5, 2000: The USER= or WORK= options must be specified

on // EXEC SAS or on the SAS command; they are resolved

when VMXGINIT executes at MXG startup, and cannot be

changed later with an OPTIONS statement.

-A new macro variable, SASCHRLN, is set to 32000 if SAS V7

or V8 is executed AND if COMPRESS=YES is turned on, but

SASCHRLN=200 for V6 (and for V7, V8 with COMPRESS=NO).
This macro may be used to set the length of character

variables in some specific cases:

With the SAS character variable limit of 200 bytes, MXG

datasets with long text strings (SQL text in DB2 trace

averages 2000 bytes per statement) are output into many

observations for each 200 bytes of text (and the fixed

fields are many hundred repeated bytes!). Instead, now

that variables can be 32000 bytes long, only one output

observation is needed, and by using compression, only

the actual data has to be stored, so the unused length

won't actually take up any space, and you can get the

effect if variable length text storage in SAS!

Thanks to Michael Oujesky, MBNA Hallmark Information Services, USA.
Change 17.250 Member VMXGINIT creates macro variable MXGVERS, the MXG

VMXGINIT Version Number that is printed in MXG messages and kept

Oct 4, 1999 in dataset TYPE70. The MXGVERS value was kept in member

VMXGINIT, but its value is now read from member AAAAAAAA

used because it has always had the version and because

it is never modified by user tailoring), so that now I

can email you a change that includes an altered VMXGINIT

member (two new macro variables are defined there for a

new MXG dataset), but the MXG Version will be unchanged.

Only when you install the full new MXG Version will the

new number be seen. This had not caused any error nor

had anyone noticed, but this seems more righteous.

Change 17.249 New FORMAT MGKILO is created to print five-position

FORMATS values with K/M/G/T/P suffix for Kilo/Mega/Giga factors

Oct 2, 1999 (not 1024 byte-factors, but 1000 kilo-factors) for pretty

printing of data with wide range of values compactly. It

is not used in MXG Software, and will not replace MGBYTES

format for true "mega-bytes" values, but if your manager

demands that you use "million-byte" values to match the

lies from your DASD vendor, you can use MGKILO in your

reports to satisfy him/her, but I suggest you create a

second variable and format it MGKILO and print both the

MGBYTES and MGKILO values side-by-side, and use a LABEL

to clearly identify which is which!

Thanks to Alan Phelan, PKS Systems, USA.
Change 17.248 Support for MQ Series Version 2.1 (COMPATIBLE) type 115

VMAC115 SMF records adds new variables QISTMGET/QISTMPUT to the

Oct 2, 1999 MQMMSGDM MQ Message Data Manager dataset. Previously

reserved fields were used for the new data.

Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.
Change 17.247 A new exit member, EX80ASEG, for type 80 SMF records

EX80ASEG (RACF or TOP SECRET) is added so that installation-unique

VMAC80A RACFTYPE segments can be decoded external to the VMAC80A.

Oct 2, 1999 Old-style macro _E80ASEG is defined so MACKEEP= logic can

be used as an alternative to EDITing EX80ASEG.

Thanks to Marc Matthys, Hudson Williams Europe, BELGIUM.

Change 17.246 The subtype 3 TELEVIEW SMF record has four extra bytes

VMACTELE inserted before the startup/shutdown times in the 4.3B

Oct 2, 1999 release that is now supported. An additional internal

TeleView error in the USERID field is corrected by their

fix T19C017.

Thanks to Tom Parquette, MONY Life Insurance Company, USA.

Change 17.245 MXG 17.06 only. Change 17.213 typo caused VTS variables

VMAC94 to have zero values, and ERROR.VMAC94.AUDITLEN INVALID

Oct 1, 1999 messages printed. The line added by that change:


should have been


(and the SMF94VLN= in the following PUT statement should

also have been SMF94XLN=).

Thanks to Robert Carballo, WORLDSPAN, L.P. USA.
Change 17.244 DCOLLECT variables DCACISZ and DCACACIC were missing,

VMACDCOL because the test before the INPUT of DCAHURBC should have

Oct 1, 1999 been GE 16 instead of GE 32, and the +16 after the INPUT

of DCAHARBC should have been deleted.

Thanks to Paul Naddeo, FISERV, USA.

Thanks to Stewart Spyker, FISERV, USA.

Change 17.243 The _BTY91xx By List macros and _STY91xx Sort macros are

ANAL91 populated and will eliminate duplicate Batch Pipes SMF

FORMATS records. The label for SMF91OW as changed from EMPTY to

VMAC91 FULL, format $MG091XW was updated, and the new ANAL91

Oct 3, 1999 was intended to summarize TYPE91IC/TYPE91OC data to look

for lost data as described in APAR PQ25641. However, as

SMF91IEC/SMF91OEC are almost always zero (7 nonzero in

33,609 TYPE91IC obs, 3 nonzero in 23,570 TYPE91OC obs),

ANAL91 is not much use (yet) in detecting that data loss.

Also, type 91 is incomplete. These pipe criteria values


ERC,CLOSESYNC,TERMSYNC) are not reported in type 91s, nor

are replacement values for WAITALLOC,WAITOPEN,IDLE,WAIT,

WAITEOF,WAITCLOSE or WAITTERM reported when one of those

values is overriden for a specific pipe connection. And

the STEPNAME in TYPE91IC/TYPE91OC still does not match

the SMF 30 record's STEPNAME for same job/step number!

A new APAR PW31018 will correct some documentation for

type 91 records, but a new ETR is still open on counts.

Thanks to Michael Oujesky, MBNA Hallmark Information Services, USA.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 17.242 If you ran ASUMTALO against a months input, and you had

ASUMTALO one system whose last TYPETALO timestamp was on Aug 5th,

Oct 1, 1999 (either that system went away, or the MXGTMNT monitor

program that writes the SMF records was STOPped, or

MXGTMNT was no longer automatically started at IPL, or

MXGTMNT had shut itself down with an MXGTMNT message on

SYSLOG, etc.) then PDB.ASUMTALO output had data only thru

Aug 5, because the MXG SPIN logic in ASUMTALO put all of

the TALO records for Aug 6-31 into the spin library!
The SPIN logic in ASUMTALO uses the TMNTTYPE=5 Hourly

Interval records (created just for this logic so that

active allocations can be included) in TYPETALO input

to get the timestamp of the last-complete-interval on

each SYSTEM, and uses the minimum last-interval time

across all SYSTEMs as the spin criteria: TYPETALO obs

with timestamps greater than that criteria (both the

TMNTTYPE=5 hourly and the TMNTTYPE=4 end-of-allocation

event) go to SPIN.SPINTALO for tomorrow's ASUMTALO,

because only records up thru the last complete interval

from ALL systems can be used to count tape allocations

when tape drives can be shared across systems.

This SPIN logic works fine when you run ASUMTALO daily,

(ASUMTALO is invoked by BUILDPDB), although if the last

TYPETALO timestamp for one system is at 9:00am THU, the

PDB.ASUMTALO built early Friday will contain data only

up to 9:00am THU, but then the next day's PDB.ASUMTALO

will have picked up the spun records, so PDB.ASUMTALO

built early Saturday will contain 9:00am THU thru FRI

end of day, so no data is really lost, but at most is

delayed one day.
But to support processing of multiple day's TYPETALO data,

the ASUMTALO spin logic now calculates the delta between

the minimums of each system last-complete-interval, and if

there is more than 24 hours difference between systems,

that execution of ASUMTALO will suspend the SPIN logic and

will output all TYPETALO events in the input data.

If you have missing data in PDB.ASUMTALO datasets that

were created from multiple day's TYPETALO, you can delete

the subtype 5 interval records and recreate ASUMTALO with:






Deleting the subtype 5 interval records eliminates SPIN

logic in ASUMTALO, so all dates will be output into the

replacement PDB. The tail-end intervals will be missing

in-flight tape allocations, but the real data will be

correct. Note that if your PDB.ASUMTALO dataset is on

tape, you cannot directly replace it, and would have to:




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