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Thanks to Waldemar Rathfelder, ADP TAYLORIX GmbH, GERMANY.

Change 16.375 Fixes logic dealing with the length of the dataset names

VMXGSUM in the INDATA= that cause warning messages about invalid

Feb 16, 1999 arguments to SUBSTR function. Improved KEEP logic now

uses NODETAILS options on PROC CONTENTS to avoid reading

the entire dataset just to find out what variables exist.
Change 16.374 Trending member for the PDB.SMFINTRV dataset (which is

TRNDSMFI from Type 30 Subtype 2/3 records and is created as

Feb 16, 1999 dataset TYPE30_V, controlled in member IMACINTV.
Change 16.373 Confused by the syntax for the new %LET statements in

UTILBLDP MXG 16.16? This macro will build the SYSIN stream for

Feb 16, 1999 you to run BUILDPDB completely from SYSIN using the new

%LET architecture. You tell us the SPINCNT desired, any

time differences, any additional SMF records that you

want to add to the BUILDPDB process, and anything that

you want to suppress, and this utility builds the sysin

stream, complete with comments.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 16.371A If you were not using ASUMUOW's normal default (use the

ASUMUOW earliest transaction record as the real transaction name)

Feb 16, 1999 then some of the variables that are used to identify the

Feb 18, 1999 transaction (such as LUNAME, USER, TERMINAL, SYSTEM,

SMFTIME) may not have come from that real transaction

record, but were erroneously picked up from the last

transaction record in the unit of work, which might have

come from the SPIN library and might have blank values.

This change treats these identifying variables the way

that TRANNAME is, so that they all come from the same

record, and corrects the logic for SPINning records.

Thanks to Kevin Marsh, AT&T Solutions EMEA, ENGLAND.

Change 16.371 Subtype 0 records from CICS/ESA 4.1 caused UTILCICS to


Feb 16, 1999 IF '02' LE OLDVERCI LE '03' THEN SUBTYPE=0;




SUBTYPE=0; /* CICS 1.6, 1.7, 2.1 FORMAT DATA */

The real culprit was the MXG logic error, not the record!

Thanks to Andre van de Riet, Hudson Williams Europe, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 16.370 New variable PCTMETGO was not calculated correctly; the

VMAC7072 test should be IF R723CVAL*RTSMAP(M) GE R723CVAL THEN DO;

Feb 16, 1999 so we compare the bucket's response time (instead of the

percentage value for that bucket) to the response goal.

At present, counting the first six buckets would produce

the same value, as the 6th bucket is the 100% bucket, but

this algorithm should protect future changes.

Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.

Change 16.369 MXG 16.06-16.10. Cosmetic. Names of some DROP variables


Feb 16, 1999 and so they were not dropped from temporary datasets, but

the MXG datasets were built without error.

Thanks to Alex Torben Nielsen, TeleDanmark EDB, DENMARK
Change 16.368 MXG 16.09-16.10. Macro PMVCICS had not been defined in

VMXGINIT VMXGINIT for the new CMRDETL support added in 16.09.

Feb 16, 1999

Thanks to Stephen Mesiano, Sharp Electronics Corp., USA.

==Changes thru 16.367 were in MXG NEWSLETTER THIRTY-FIVE Feb 20, 1999==
Change 16.367 MXG 16.06-16.10. Big CPU increase in BUILDPDB due to

VMXGCICI CICINTRV revisions introduced in MXG 16.06. MXG's use of

CICINTRV VMXGSUM's KEEPIN= option (which creates KEEP= statement

Feb 9, 1999 to keep only the needed variables) turns out to be very

CPU intensive in CICINTRV/VMXGCICI, even when there are

zero CICS observations! Replacing KEEPIN= option with

KEEPALL=YES removed the excessive cost of KEEPIN= logic.

In a single invocation of VMXGSUM when you need to keep

only a few variables from a large number of variables,

and when you have many observations (e.g., summing ten

variables from CICSTRAN, which was its purpose) using the

KEEPIN= option still makes sense, as it will save lots of

work space during the summarization. But CICINTRV, with

its many invocations of VMXGSUM (and a KEEPIN execution

for each argument of each VMXGSUM), and with essentially

all variables kept, so no space could be saved, the CPU

cost of KEEPIN was greater than the runtime without it!
Mac reported his BUILDPDB increased from 324 to 2650 CPU

seconds, a factor of eight! In my confirming tests, I

isolated the increase to CICINTRV and saw it jumped from

64 seconds to 446 seconds, about the same increase ratio!

That high cost (one build of the OPTVAR dataset took 53

seconds) is because we have to use SAS macro language to

parse arguments into macro variables and then convert to

variables in data steps so we can sort and remove dupes!

Note that VMXGSUM turns off SAS log messages, especially

for the data steps executed by the KEEPIN= algorithms,

and so the sum of "Step Used CPU" log messages will be

much smaller than the "Total CPU Used" value. For Mac,

his Total was 2650 seconds, but sum was only 380 seconds;

over 2270 seconds of KEEPIN= were not printed on the log!

Thanks to Mac Moss, Burlington Industries, Inc.
Change 16.366 NTSMF dataset PROCESOR variable DPCQUERT replaced DPCQUED

NTINTRV but the old variable name was still used in NTINTRV,

Feb 9, 1999 causing a missing value in NTINTRV.

Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV Development, USA.

Change 16.365 Type 42 subtype 9 (dataset TYPE4237) was validated and

VMAC42 revised, and subtype 19 records showed wholesale revision

Feb 9, 1999 from their earlier documentation. Revised in 10Feb tape.

Thanks to Edward McCarthy, Health Insurance Commission, AUSTRALIA.

======Changes thru 16.364 were in MXG 16.10 dated Feb 8, 1999======
Change 16.364 QA test and MXG 16.04+ revision cleanup analysis:

DOC -TYPETMS5: PROC DELETE DATA=MGTMSVL; added after last use.

Feb 8, 1999 -SPUNJOBS: Variable DATETIME now formatted.

-MNTHDB2S: Variable STRTTIME now formatted.

-VMACTMDB: Variables D6ACBSC/D6ACESC now formatted.

-VMACVMXA: Variable DELTATM is now LENGTH 4 instead of 8.

-VMACEDGS: EDGSV: and EDGSU: added to dataset labels.

-VMACIMS/VMACIMSA: dddddd: added to dataset labels.

-TYPEMON8: dddddd: added to dataset labels.

-VMACOPC: OPC20: added to dataset label.

-VMAC28: L028IN7: corrected to 028IN7:.

-VMAC42: TY42P2: was missing colon in label.

-VMACMDF: Dataset Label was added.

-VMACHMF: Dataset Labels were added where missing.

-DIFFTPX: Dataset Labels was added.

-DIFFNTCP: Dataset Labels was added.

These products are not yet converted to the 16.04 design,

because they are second phase processes that don't read

raw data and don't really need the additional macro names

but they will eventually be revised to be consistent:





VMXGHSM - does read HSM catalogs, but is standalone.
These products have not yet been 16.04 converted, and

won't be until someone asks for it, or until a change in

data requires an enhancement in these either standalone

or archaic programs:



Change 16.363 16.09 only, JCLTEST6 only. The new VMACMVCI for CMRDETL

JCLTEST6 still had RECFM=S370VB from PC testing, and MVS SAS does

VMACMVCI currently accepts only RECFM=VB, (although SAS has plans

Jan 21, 1999 for a fix to make S370VB an alias on MVS in Version 8?).

Change 16.362 The dataset name in MACRO _LHSMFUN should be HSMDSRFU.

VMACHSM The typo, HSMFSRFU, has never been a real dataset.

Feb 5, 1999 This 16.04 error has impact only if you used the _LHSMFUN

macro as the destination of your own PROC SORT, or if you

used the new _SHSMFUN macro; that created PDB.HSMFSRFU

instead of PDB.HSMDSRFU (but since it has all of the

variables, you can just rename it back to PDB.HSMDSRFU

without re-read of your SMF data).

Thanks to John McCray, Huntington Services Company, USA.
Change 16.361 Support for IDMS Version 14 Journal Records. Most IDMS

TYPEIDMJ sites write to SMF rather than a journal, and the SMF

VMACIDMJ records were fine, but the TYPEIDMJ support for journal

Feb 5, 1999 format had not been updated from IDMS Version 12! This

change only works with Version 14 data; I didn't take the

time to write it to work with both, as I don't think you

can be still running Version 12, but if you need it, I'll

enhance it for the old version too!

Thanks to David Thorn, Dow Jones, USA.
Change 16.360 -VMAC110: 16.09 only, new time variables in CICDS and in

IMACICOM CICINTRV did not have TIME12.2 format.

VMAC110 -IMACICOM: several MQxxxxTM duration variables had the

VMACDB2 same label as the MQxxxxCN count variables.


TYPETMON and QZZCBPNX/QZZCSKIP were missing because they had been

TYPEMONI added to the KEEP= list for DB2STAT0 instead of DB2STAT1.

Feb 5, 1999 -VMACTMDB: variable LMRKFLG1 was listed twice in FORMAT

statement; the last instance - $HEX2. - was removed as

it was overriding the $MGTMDGF decoding format.

-Archaic TYPETMON and TYPEMONI were upgraded to the 16.04

architecture, mostly for QA purposes than real need, as

both are archaic (replaced by TYPETMO2 and TYPEMON8).

Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV Development, USA.

Change 16.359 Change 16.204 externalized tailoring for IMACACCT among

IMACACCT others, but the &MACACCT; statement was not added to

Feb 3, 1999 the end of the IMACACCT member until now.

Thanks to Paul Oliver, BHP, AUSTRALIA.

Change 16.358 TYPE39_6 variables DURATM, STARTIME, in the SCS segment

VMAC39 were originally only created in Netmaster records, but

Feb 3, 1999 became unneeded when IBM added ACTSTIME/ACTETIME to the

accounting segment. I never noticed, but now in NetView

for OS/390 Version 1 Release 1 type 39 records, IBM has

put several character fields where those old fields were

input, causing strange dates (like 2008) when MXG reads

those characters as TODSTAMP datetimes! The unneeded old

Netmaster variables are now set missing/blank, and the

new fields (Primary/Secondary CP NetworkID/Name and APPN

class of service name and APPN transport priority) were

added to each of the subtype 1-8 TYPE39 datasets.

Thanks to Tracy Blackstone, Kaiser Permanente, USA.
Change 16.357 Variable DDNAME was not kept in TYPETMNT, but no one had

VMACTMNT need of it. But now, in developing a new MXG tool that

Feb 3, 1999 decomposes all job delays, we find DDNAME is needed so we

can detect "parallel" tape mounts (when one tape DD has

multiple tape drives allocated) so we can not-include the

second-and-subsequent mount delays in the job delay total

(the reason you allocate two drives for one tape DD is so

that the rewind/mount time of one is in parallel with the

job's use of the other, to prevent any delay to the job).
Change 16.356 Support for Sterling's SOLVE NetMaster for TCP/IP SMF

EXTYSOLN creates one observation in dataset TYPESOLN for each

FORMATS record (which are identified as either interval or

IMACSOLN event), decoding as many of the up-to-12 fields that

TYPESOLN might be present. Variable ATTRID identifies what is

VMACSOLN measured in each record, and has values in mixed case

VMXGINIT (like "ifInPktsNUcast" and "ifInPktsDiscard") for each

Feb 3, 1999 metric. There are nearly 60 metrics available:

TCP/IP Stack: FTP/TELNET/Workload Connection activity

TCP/IP Node Monitor: SNMP counters/response/available

CISCO Monitor: Channel card load/errors/TN3270 use

Local Interface: Status and Thruput

The complete list and description is in SOLVE:Netmaster

Graphical Performance Manager User's Guide, Appendix C,

Attribute Descriptions.

Thanks to Wendy Wong, Sterling (Field Engineer), AUSTRALIA

Change 16.355 The DB2 Buffer Hit Ratios calculated in DB2STATS became

VMACDB2 negative because the TSPP field apparently should not be

Feb 2, 1999 included. The old equation TGET-(TSIO+TDPP+TLPP+TSPP)

had values of 175-(101+0+0+1621) so clearly TSPP is out

of place, and thus has been removed from the equations


I am now looking for an IBM update to their equations.
Change 16.354 There are additional fields captured in HPs MeasureWare

VMACMWSU for Sun that can now be output; some fields were removed

Feb 2, 1999 and some were reordered. The new fields are defined, but

you may need to compare the headings of the report with

the MXG input sequence to see that they are the same.

Thanks to Tim Crocker, NCCI, USA.

Change 16.353 The RMF WKLD Workload Activity Report was updated for


Feb 2, 1999 SCLASS SCPER has been updated for MODE=GOAL, the WGPER

Feb 20, 1999 BY lists now have BY SYSPLEX STARTIME ....

Thanks to Jiann-Shiun Huang, CIGNA, USA.
Change 16.352 Some report/summary members had not been revised for the

ANALARB 16.04+ architecture and still %INCLUDEd their product's

ANALDB2R IMACxxxx member instead of its VMACxxxx member. As long

ANALPDSM as the program ran in the same step that built its data

ASUMHPSU sets, there was no error, because the VMACxxxx member

ASUMHPUX would have already been %INCLUDEd, but standalone runs

Feb 2, 1999 caused SAS "180" syntax errors due to missing macros.

MXG no longer defines macros in the product IMACxxxxs,

but instead MXG defines its macros in the VMACxxxx's,

which themselves include the IMACxxxx if you have one.

any overrides of the MXG defaults.

But not all includes of IMACxxxx members were changed,

as there are non-product IMACxxxx members (IMACRMFI)

that are still validly included by these programs.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 16.351 -Support for BETA93 3.1.3 Subtypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 40, 41

FORMATS and 42 has been validated with single-record tests. In

VMACBETA one subtype 20, the READ DATE and TIME are invalid, which

Feb 2, 1999 means variable READTIME (which is necessary to match the

Beta records to other SMF records for the job accounting)

has a missing value, so the Beta records can't be matched

to their jobs other data! In the one test record:

valid LINP date invalid LJOB date


time cyyddd time cyyddd

'0064B47A 0095001F' '00000000 0100000F'x

That record was written on 2Nov98; the 95 date shows the

document has been around for a while. This discovery

will be forwarded to the MXG site to forward to the Beta

vendor for response and correction. I will update this

MXG note when I hear back from the vendor, but since the

invalid date causes a hex dump of the record on the SAS

log, I have added "??" to suppress the dump and message.

Create the Beta datasets and use PROC MEANS N DATA=....

to see how many records have invalid data for READTIME.

-Existing format MGBETRT for variable BETAATT4 was updated

since it now has character rather than hex values.

Thanks to Wolfgang Prescher, Quelle, GERMANY.
Change 16.350 Support for WINDOWS NT 5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) for NTSMF adds

EXNTAPLT new objects and new counters, but NT 5.0 appears to have

EXNTGWNW removed some important data:

EXNTHTIS =Changes to existing supported objects:

EXNTINSF -SYSTEM object removed all of the CPU busy fields; these

EXNTINSR variables will have missing value in the SYSTEM dataset:



EXNTMACF But those variables are also in the PROCESOR dataset

EXNTPRNQ (although per-CPU instead of per-interval), and NTINTRV

EXNTRASI logic sums those PROCESSOR variables into the interval

FORMATS CPU busy measures (by accident, because it happens that

IMACNTSM the MERGE statement lists SYSTEM before PROCESOR, and SAS

VMACNTSM always takes values from the last dataset when the same

VMXGINIT variable is in multiple datasets), so you should make

Feb 1, 1999 sure you are creating the Processor object so you can get

Feb 4, 1999 those most-important measures in PDB.NTINTRV dataset.

And if you were using dataset SYSTEM in your reporting

for those fields, you'll need to change to use PROCESOR

or PDB.NTINTRV for the interval utilizations in NT 5.0.

Two new variables, PROCESES and THREADS were added to the

SYSTEM object to count processes and threads.

-LOGLDISK object no longer has the physical disk name,

variable PDSKNAME, so you can't recognize which logical

disks are on which physical devices! Two new measures

PCTIDLE (percent idle time) and SPLTIORT (SPLIT I/Os per

second) were added to this object.

-PHYSDISK object has the same two new measures, PCTIDLE

and SPLTIORT that were added to LOGLDISK object.
=New objects, their "NTdddd" suffix and dataset name:

suffix dataset


Gateway Service for Netware NTGWNW GTWYNETW

Http Indexing Service NTHTIS HTTPINSR

Indexing Service NTINSR INDEXSRV

Indexing Service Filter NTINSF INDSRVFL

Job Object NTJOB JOB

Job Object Details NTJOBD JOBDETLS




This support is based on Windows NT 5.0 Beta 2 discovery

records, and some records have been tested, but none of

new objects yet. NT 5.0 is to be renamed Windows 2000.
With 486 processors and NTSMF earlier than 2.2, an INPUT


avoided; the CPUSPEED fields are now only input if your

NTSMF version is 2.2 or higher.

Change 16.349 The statement SQRTARG=(SSQELAP/TRANS-(RESPAVG**2);

ASUMCICS caused INVALID ARGUMENT TO SQRT function because it

ASUMCICX should have been IF TRANS GT 0 THEN SORTARG=(....

TRNDCICS Change 16.137 protected for negative square roots, but

TRND72 did not protect for zero divide with zero transactions.

Jan 30, 1999

Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, CANADA.
Change 16.348 The internal _PDB6 macro was enhanced, adding variables:





so they are kept in PDB.PRINT to measure bin activity.

Thanks to John A. Rivest, TDS-Computing Services, USA.
Change 16.347 Preliminary report merges datasets HSMFSRST and PDB.JOBS

ANALALOC to report how much of ALOCTM allocation delay was due to

Jan 30, 1999 HSM recall (and recall time spent queueing for an HSM

Feb 17, 1999 thread is separated from actual recall time), and how

much was real allocation delay. Further enhancements to

bring in other delay records (e.g., MXGTMNT allocation

and tape mount delay) are planned, to ultimately provide

measurement of each separable delay in a job's life.

Revised, Feb 17, 1999, but does not yet account for

overlap of mount times when parallel devices mounts are

used (i.e., multiple tape devices for one DD).

Thanks to Rebecca Cates, PKS Computer Services, USA.

Change 16.346 Thruput Manager SMF records with no token entries caused


Jan 30, 1999 because MXG logic assumed there would always be tokens.

Change the DO UNTIL (NEXLOC=0); to now read


and the record will be output.

Thanks to Joseph Montana, Trans Union Corporation, USA.
Change 16.345 Enhanced HSM summarization now separates the HSM delay

ASUMHSM into active and queued requests so you can track HSM's

TRNDHSM concurrent thread count, used and required. Triggered

Jan 30, 1999 by the new ANALALOC program, in Change 16.347, and now

used by the revised ANALHSM in Change 16.383.
Change 16.344 RMF Reports are enhanced:

ANALRMFR -Coupling Facility, Average CF utilization corrected.

FORMATS PCTCFBSY, if logical processors present, calculate

Jan 30, 1999 using logical processor effective.

-Updates PARTITION DATA REPORT for deactivated LPARs.

The values for counts in the MXG reports, will be

output as they are in the MXG/SAS database. (IBM

reports counts as 80K but ANALRMFR shows 80396).

Some values (standard deviation, delay time and /all

time), are still in development/validation.

-ADD Subchannel Activity Report.

-Format MGRMFF was revised to round percentages better.

Thanks to Scott Wiig, USBank, USA.
Change 16.343 Using JCLIMSLG/ASMIMSLG logic to read IMS log records for

VMACIMSA IMS FastPath transactions created zero observations in

Jan 30, 1999 IMSFASTP dataset, because the variable SUBCODE was not

kept in the IMS591,593,596,597, and IMS598 datasets.

The variable was added to the KEEP= list for those five

datasets (but Pete just used the five _KIMS59x macros

to add SUBCODE to circumvent the error in the interim).

Also, the PUT _ALL_'s that were unlimited will now only

print for the first five instances of unmatched fastpath.

Thanks to Pete Gain, SAS Software Pty, ENGLAND.

Change 16.342 New variable CECSER, the CPU SERIAL NUMBER OF THE CEC,

VMAC7072 (Central Electronic Complex) is created from CPUSER in

Jan 29, 1999 TYPE70 and TYPE70PR datasets, to identify the hardware

box in which this MVS system ran. The last two bytes of

CPU Serial (CPUSER) are converted to hex representation

and stored in the new 4-byte character variable CECSER,

so a CPUSER='03870F'X has CECSER='870F'.

Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt AG, GERMANY.

Change 16.341 IMACPDB documentation. No code was changed.

BUILD005 The new architecture eliminates tailoring member IMACPDB,

BUIL3005 but I failed to document how! Previously, you EDITed the

IMACPDB macros (_PDB6, _PDB26J2, etc.) in IMACPDB to add fields

ZMACPDB (not kept by default) from type 6, 25, 26, and 30 SMF

Jan 29, 1999 records, into the PDB.JOBS, PDB.STEPS, and PDB.PRINT

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