No ABENDing STEPS - No ABEND flag on in type30_5
CONDCODE=highest non-zero CONDCODE from STEPS
These possible values for ABEND now exist in MXG:
ABEND Description
JCL PDB.JOBS only - Job did not Start on JES.
CRSH PDB.JOBS only - Job active during SYS FAILURE
PREEXE JOBS-only: Step had a pre-execution ABEND.
RETURN Return Code
CANCEX Cancelled in SMF Exit, CONDCODE tells which
FLUSH Step Flushed or Pre-Execution ABEND
NOTCTL Not Cataloged Dataset Error
OMVSEX Open Edition/MVS Execution
COND=J COND= was specified on JOB card
OTHER Any other ABEND condition
If you have an IMACPDB member in your USERID.SOURCLIB, it
must be removed and instead you use the new 16.04+ design
that lets you add variables to PDB.STEPS/JOBS/PRINT with
%LET ADDxxxx= syntax (placed in your IMACKEEP member) as
described in the text of Change 16.341. This is because
to support CONDCODE, a new dataset WORK.CONDCODE is now
created in _PDBSUMS, but your old IMACPDB will override
that with the old logic, causing a SAS error message:
MXG now protects execution errors by creating a
zero-observation WORK.CONDCODE dataset just before
_PDBSUMS is invoked, but if your IMACPDB is in place, you
will end up with CONDCODE always zero in your PDB.JOBS
dataset. (No matter what you do, the CONDCODE in
PDB.STEPS is always correct!).
Change 16.182 Revised logic because %VMXGDEL did not always delete the
VMXGDEL _Wdddddd dataset, even when it was different from the
Aug 31, 1998 _Ldddddd dataset. This left datasets in //WORK library.
Change 16.181 The label for GDES2 was corrected, and the INFORMAT of
VMACQAPM variable DMSTS was changed from $EBCDIC1. to &PD.1., and
Aug 30, 1998 the INPUT of DIIDLT was changed from &PD.6. to &PD.6.8,
as it caused the value of PCTIOPBY in dataset QAPMDIOP
to be 10**8 too large.
Thanks to Colin Bowen, Old Mutual, SOUTH AFRICA.
Change 16.180 The %BLDNTPDB macro for NTSMF processing is structurally
BLDNTPDB functional for building daily, weekly, monthly PDBs or
IMACNTSM for ad hoc analysis. Some reports exist, more to come!
TYPENTSM -By default, %BLDNTPDB now will read your raw NTSMF data,
TYPSNTSM (KEEPERS= or DROPERS= can be used if you don't want ALL),
Sep 5, 1998 then SORT what you kept to your PDB, then create the
PDB.NTINTRV at the raw data's interval, then create the
PDB.ASUMNTIN summary hourly interval dataset, then copy
your PDB datasets into the correct day-of-week library,
and then print and graph the daily reports. Additional
arguments RUNWEEK=YES or RUNMNTH=YES can be specified to
create the WEEKLY, MONTHLY and TREND libraries, and all
parameters are described in the BLDNTPDB member itself.
For example, if you wanted no reports or summary data,
but want only the four datasets PROCESS, PROCESSOR,
MEMORY, and LOGLDISK, you would use this invocation:
to read those four objects and sort them into the PDB.
There are more reports to be added, and eventually the
logic will figure out when it is so a single invocation
can be used in every day's run, but that's a while away!
-Member TYPENTSM now only reads the NTSMF data and writes
to the default WORK location using the _WNTdddd macros;
TYPENTSM no longer sorts nor writes to the _LNTdddd macro
names, because new member TYPSNTMS (with the "S" instead
of the "E" to indicate "SORTs") performs the SORTs and
invokes NTINTRV to create PDB.NTINTRV.
If you were using TYPENTSM for your daily processing, you
should now use TYPSNTSM instead.
Member IMACNTSM no longer overrides the _L definitions.
Change 16.179 -SAS Version 7 incompatibility - long variable names.
VMXGSUM SAS Version 7 supports long variable names, and changed
Aug 28, 1998 the length of variable NAME (created by PROC CONTENTS)
Sep 8, 1998 from 8 to 32. MXG uses PROC CONTENTS in VMXGSUM and
expected 8-bytes; there is also a new SAS V7 warning when
different length variables are merged, and all of these
V7 "features" conspire to change the job condition code
from zero to four, which is just enough to cause your job
scheduling system to take notice of the change! The MXG
solution to this incompatibility between V6 and V7 is to
insert the statement LENGTH NAME $8 ; after the first
two statements DATA VAR1 (KEEP=NAME); in member VMXGSUM,
as that forces SAS to expect length 8 (and it is NOT my
intention to use long variable names in MXG, certainly
not in this millennium!).
-SAS Version 7 enhancement - OPEN=DEFER on SET statement.
A long-wanted Version 7 enhancement, OPEN=DEFER, lets you
read several datasets from different weekly PDBs using
only one tape drive:
However, inside VMXGSUM, if you used this logic for
your input, and those datasets are on tape and KEEP=
logic was also used, VMXGSUM could have caused
unnecessary tape mounts, as it tries to figure out
what data is where, but VMXGSUM has no real awareness
of the individual datasets, and we are still examining
the best solution, but this revision now recognizes
the OPEN=DEFER parameter (and note it is not enclosed
in parenthesis, since it is a SET option and not a
dataset option. It might be that the best fix will be
to build the output keep list rather than the input
list when processing a tape, but that still is under
investigation. The caveat is that if you use the
OPEN=DEFER syntax with VMXGSUM, there will be multiple
mounts if the OS datasets are all multi-volume and the
default KEEPALL=NO is used.
With this change, MXG 16.04 or later is required for MXG
to execute under SAS Version 7. See MXG Newsletter, SAS
Notes for additional Version 7 Compatibility Issues.
-VMXGSUM now correctly figures out where the WORK option
points, so we can do housekeeping without erasing what
you just created. On an MVS system the value of the WORK
option returned by PROC SQL is the DDNAME/LIBREF "WORK",
but on Unix and PCs you get a full path name, for example
"!sasfolder\saswork" or "c:/sas/saswork" depending on the
platform. This change supports these idiosyncrasies.
"Line generated by the macro variable "TEMP01"
followed by E:\SASWORK.M was fixed by this change.
Change 16.178 MXG 16.03 only. Variables added with _PDBADD2/_PDBADD3
BUILD005 were not added to PDB.STEPS or PDB.JOBS because ACCOUNT
Aug 26, 1998 dataset was not output in the new architecture. In both
members, OUTPUT ACCOUNT; was added before _EDBJOBS;
Thanks to Dave Gibney, Washington State University, USA.
Change 16.177 Support for Microsoft Terminal Server 1.0 adds new data:
VMACNTSM for NT 3.51 and Service Pack 5A these were added:
Aug 28, 1998 Dataset SYSTEM:
Dataset PROCESS:
-Cosmetically, the LABEL statements in macro _CDENTSM were
consolidated and alphabetized so that they will control
the alphabetizing of the variables in each dataset.
Thanks to Bill Feeney, Hennepin County, USA.
Thanks to Leigh Ann Payne,Wachovia Operational Services, USA.
Change 16.176 MXG 16.03 only. VMXGINIT "TALO" comments were corrected
VMXGINIT and IMACKEEP spelling corrected. Labels added for the
BUIL3005 SPIN datasets.
Aug 21, 1998
Thanks to Lindsay Oxenham, IBM Global Services, AUSTRALIA.
Change 16.175 Support for Soft Audit's "Installed Products File" will
EXSFTPR read from filename XPPROD to create new MXG dataset
VMACSFTA SOFTPROD to track installed products.
Aug 19, 1998
Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, CANADA.
Change 16.174 MXG 16.03 only. The statement PUT ' DEBUG NDM .... ;
VMACNDM clearly should have been deleted.
Aug 15, 1998
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 16.173 MXG 16.03 only. Macro variable PSUNTIN was not defined.
VMXGINIT It must be added to the GLOBAL statement and then %LET to
Aug 15, 1998 DEFAULT.
Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.
Change 16.172 MXG 16.03 only. The LABEL='NTTUDP: ...' should have been
VMACNTSM 'NTUDP: ...', as the DDDDDD portion of the label is used
Aug 15, 1998 to drive the _S sort macros.
Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.
======Changes thru 16.171 were in MXG 16.03B4 dated Aug 11, 1998======
Change 16.171 Support for IMS Log processing for IMS 6.1. As stated in
ASMIMSL6 MXG Newsletter TWENTY-FIVE, this code is not officially
JCLIMSL6 supported. This code has not been fully tested, but the
VMACIMSA ASMIMSL6 program's output was read, and the VMACIMSA code
Aug 11, 1998 changes to the 07 and 08 record were lifted from VMACIMS.
I have high hopes this code will work without problem,
but plan validation against IMF records in September,
as I ran out of time to squeeze this code in as it is!
The logic in ASMIMSL6 stores the MSC time for ARRTIME
when there is an MSC segment, which I think is a change
from ASMIMSL5 - does it make any difference in your data?
Thanks to Dario Franceschi, Nordbanken, SWEDEN.
Thanks to Sal Fazio, IBM Global Services, USA.
Change 16.170 Support for the NCR Teradata DBS performance data. This
ADOCTDTA user contribution works, and even has documentation in
JCLTDTA ADOCTDTA, and the JCL will need to be tailored. This
TYPETDTA was added to MXG 16.03B4 at the last minute and has not
Aug 11, 1998 yet been added to the MXG QA stream.
Nov 12, 1998 Nov 18: Members JCLTDTA and TYPETDTA actually added!
Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.
Change 16.169 Member ASUMTALO did not copy SPIN.SPINTALO into the PDB
ASUMTALO library for backup, but it should have, so I added:
BUILDPDB has backed-up its SPIN datasets into the PDB
since Version 8, and all MXG components that use the
SPIN library will now also backup their SPIN datasets.
Why backup the SPIN library? Because if your daily PDB
job fails, you can recover by copying all of the SPINxxxx
datasets from your last good PDB library into your //SPIN
then pick up processing with the SMF data from the day
after the last good PDB was built!
Thanks to Kevin Marsh, AT&T Solutions EMEA, ENGLAND.
Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.
Change 16.168 Variable SMF88RAT was described in Change 13.156, but was
VMAC88 not created in dataset TYPE88 until this change.
Aug 11, 1998
Thanks to Martin Peck, iT-Austria, AUSTRIA.
Change 16.167 Minor. Cleaned up VMACUNIK so it will execute under MVS,
VMACUNIK just for MXG test stream. The real member for UNIKIX on
Aug 8, 1998
Change 16.166 Variables SMSHWMDS 'HWM SIZE' and SMSHWMDT 'HWM TOTAL'
ANALCISH were reversed in their INPUT statement; DT is first, then
VMAC110 DS is input. ANALCISH reports were correct, because it
Aug 7, 1998 used the wrong names, so now it too must be changed to
use DS for Peak DSA Size and DT for Peak DSA Total.
Thanks to Andrew Adams, Australian Taxation Office, AUSTRALIA.
Thanks to Craig Magill, Australian Taxation Office, AUSTRALIA.
Change 16.165 Type 79 subtype 15 (IRLM Long Lock) records contain only
VMAC79 two triplets, and IBM's documentation makes no note that
Aug 7, 1998 there are only two, and since all other subtypes had 3,
MXG expected three. Now, the number of triplets is
tested and only two are input when there are only two!
Thanks to Kenneth C. Jones, Boeing, USA.
Change 16.164 MXG's MXGTMNT monitor misses too-fast VTS tape mounts.
ASMTAPES Scratch Tape Mounts to VTS (Virtual Tape System) can be
Aug 11, 1998 satisfied in much less than the 2-second sampling rate.
Tests at 1/2 (500ms) and 1/10 (100ms) will be made, but
the internal VTS log shows the Mount and Ready times can
be in the same .01 second. It might be that the software
delay can be captured with the 100ms sampling even when
the VTS itself thinks it took less time, but it may also
require a significant change to the architecture of the
MXG Tape Mount monitor - we may have to capture the Mount
message as an event to capture these too-fast mounts!
There was no change made by this change, but this text
will be revised when the tests have been completed.
VTS is a pretty slick technology, even if it causes me
design problems in the tape mount monitor. In the day
in question, MXG missed about 300 mounts out of 1200.
Note: Member ASUMTAPE was added after this change, and
corrects the need to reduce the ASMTAPE interval time.
Change 16.163 Variables JESNR, INITTIME, and READTIME were INPUT but
VMACTMNT not kept in TYPETMNT dataset, so Mount and Step records
Aug 6, 1998 can be combined.
Change 16.162 This analysis is not complete, but the program matches
ANALVTS SMF type 30 DD segment for tape allocations, the MXGTMNT
Aug 6, 1998 Tape Allocation SMF record, the MXGTMNT Tape Mount SMF
record, and the type 21 Tape Dismount record to construct
a complete picture of each tape allocation and mount.
The program needs some cleanup to deal with long running
tasks and steps that span the time interval in the SMF
file (start-before-end-in and start-in-end-after), but
for events which all occur within the SMF file, it's
pretty accurate. If you are interested, run the program
and give me a call - there are lots of ways these tape
events can be analyzed, now that we have total duration
of allocation and mount and usage and bytes read/written!
The ultimate name may change; this program was used to
verify that MXGTMNT was missing Virtual Tape System tape
mounts - see Change 16.163 and 16.165.
Thanks to Chuck Olsen, Alltel, USA.
Thanks to Ken Lamonda, Alltel, USA.
Change 16.161 Variables ALOCTIME and LOADTIME were added to the KEEP
VMAC30 list for dataset TYPE30_D (a/k/a PDB.DDSTATS) to support
Aug 6, 1998 the ANALVTS utility.
Change 16.160 Support for Landmark's SQL/CAPTURE type 'D6' record adds
EXTMDD6 three new datasets:
EXTMDD6B TMDBD6 - Base segment stats, CPU, counters, etc.
EXTMDD6S TMDBD6B - Per Buffer Pool counts
Aug 4, 1998 Variable D6RECNR will be common for all observations in
the Buffer Pool and SQL Text datasets for each record and
is the merge variable to use to match observations.
This was challenging: the SQL text field has either text
in ASCII or in EBCDIC but there is no flag. I now test
the first character of the first segment for EBCDIC or
ASCII, and use that mode to decode the rest of the 100-
byte segments of SQL text. Initially, I tested the first
character of each 100-byte segment, until I hit a segment
starting with '6D'x that is an ASCII "m" or an underscore
in EBCDIC. Using the start of the SQL text will decode
correctly since the start text is real text characters.
(And the '6D'x was actually an EBCDIC underscore!).
Thanks to Robin Tremblay, Regie des Rentes du Quebec, CANADA.
Change 16.159 The calls for OUTCODE and OUTCODE1 exits were moved to be
VMXGSUM after the calculation of DURATM so that its value would
Jul 31, 1998 be available in those exits.
Change 16.158 A new analysis of SMF Write Rates (MEGABYTES at 1/10/100
USMFRATE second intervals) reads your SMF file and produces print
Jul 31, 1998 reports and an export dataset to be sent if needed. If
you have had SMF Buffer shortages, this analysis will let
you know how much SMF data is being produced and how well
it is being handled by your DASD and SMF Buffering. Read
the comments, run the program, and send the listing. An
MXG Technical Article on this subject will follow soon.
Change 16.157 MXG CONFIG member's value of VMCTLISA=40K can cause a 0C4
CONFIG ABEND in function VMZGMAE that goes away if VMCTLISA=60K,
Jul 29, 1998 and the SAS default value in 6.09 is now VMCTLISA=160K!
That old value for VMCTLISA as well as old values for the
and SYSLEAVE options were set years ago for SAS 6.06, but
they are now deleted from member CONFIG so that MXG will
no longer override those SAS memory options.
Thanks to Lee West, Direct Line, ENGLAND.
Change 16.156 Variable R723CQDT in TYPE72GO was misspelled R723CDQT.
VMAC7072 Now, both variable names exist to protect for past usage
Jul 29, 1998 but R723CDQT is the correct spelling.
Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.
Change 16.155 Support for BGS I/O Monitor Version 5.1.0 (COMPATIBLE)
VMACBGSI added new triplet to support of Goal Mode changes that
Jul 27, 1998 creates new B1MONSRV dataset (I/O by Device by SRVCLASS),
and the new version supports the year 2000.
Change 16.154 ML-17 of MXGTMNT Tape Mount and Alocation Monitor adds:
ASMTAPES - SMF interval support; MXGTMNT now listens for ENF 37
Jul 27, 1998 and automatically synchronizes to your global interval
- Initialization messages are issued when MXGTMNT is run
as a batch job instead of a started task.
- Error recovery recursion was improved.
- USINGs were cleaned up to prevent HLASM warning message
and eliminate CC=4 due to USINGs.
Note that ML-16 was never generally distributed.
Change 16.153 The CICS GMT offset value, MCTMNTAD, is only four bytes,
VMAC110 causing it to be truncated by as much as 1.04 seconds.
Jul 27, 1998 Since MCTMNTAD is added to STRTTIME/ENDTIME to convert to
the local time-of-day, they were also slightly off. But
now I see there is an 8-byte GMT offset value MCTMNDTO
that is exact and eliminates the truncation, so now the
variable MCTMNTAD will be set equal to MCTMNDTO as long
as the two values are within two seconds (to protect for
a zero value in DTO?), by the addition of the line:
immediately after the MCTMNTAD=1.048576*MCTMNTAD line.
(Back in MXG 14.14 I had tried to make MCTMNTAD exact
with MCTMNTAD=3600*FLOOR((MCTMNTAD+900)/3600) logic, but
but I had removed that approximation by MXG 15.15, and it
was the comparison between MXG versions that provided
this opportunity to use the exact GMT offset value.)
Thanks to Andrea C. Schiro, Duke Energy Company, USA.
Change 16.152 These archaic members that were needed only in the past
VMAC110M are deleted to save space and avoid wasting your time
VMAC110S reading their comments to find out what they were! The
VMACRRTM VMAC110's were for SAS 5.18, VMACRRTM became VMACROSC,
Jul 26, 1998
Change 16.151 Macro _CMFDATA was still defined in these members, but it
IMACCMF has not been referenced in MXG since Change 7.119, when
VMACCMF Boole added bits by which variable PRODUCT could be set
Jul 25, 1998 to 'CMF...' instead of 'RMF'. The macro definition and
its now-incorrect comments have been deleted.
Thanks to Dan Worsham, Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation, USA.
Change 16.150 Variable TYPETASK='A ' for both ASCH and OMVS address
VMAC30 spaces, but in those SMF records that contain the SUBSYS
VMAC32 field, it contains either ASCH or OMVS, so it makes sense
VMAC42 to set TYPETASK=SUBSYS when TYPETASK starts with an 'A'.
VMAC91 There are other SMF records that contain TYPETASK that do
Jul 23, 1998 not contain the SUBSYS field: VMAC's 434, 6, 26J2, 26J3,
they will still have TYPETASK='A '; While both type 6
26 have a variable SUBSYS, it is not the MVS SUBSYS field
but the PDB.JOBS/STEPS/PRINT datasets will now have the
correct TYPETASK value, from the type 30 records.
Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt AG, GERMANY.
Change 16.149 The SHORT ABAR message still existed after Change 16.025
VMACHSM because an INPUT @15+OFFSMF @; is also needed after the
Jul 20, 1998 ELSE IF 15 LE FSRTYPE LE 16 THEN DO; statement.
Thanks to Alan Freed, ADP, USA.
Change 16.148 Dataset DB2STATR contained repeated outputs of the first
VMACDB2 QLST segment because CHANGE 14.195 was dropped somewhere
Jul 16, 1998 after MXG 14.14 and was not in MXG 15.15. Insert the
statement OFFQLST=OFFQLST+LENQLST; immediately before the
described in CHANGE 14.195.
Thanks to Warren E. Waid, JC Penny, USA.
======Changes thru 16.147 were in MXG 16.03B3 dated Jul 15, 1998======
Change 16.147 NETSPY 'N' records from old release 4.4 were dropped by
VMACNSPY MXG between MXG 14.14 and MXG 15.15, because I did not
Jul 9, 1998 think anyone was still using 4.4. The NSPYREC='N' logic
had been changed to use only NSPNRECI in recognizing the
subsubtype, but back with 4.4, NSPNRECI is always zero,
so I have had to put back the test for NCPELTYP and
NSPNSUBT to support these old records.
Thanks to Kevin Marsh, AT&T Solutions EMEA, ENGLAND.
Change 16.146 -VMXGSUM syntax for the "DATETIME" variable was kludgy;
VMXGSUM you had to say DATETIME=xxxxTIME, and then use DATETIME
Jul 9, 1998 in the SUMBY= list instead of the real xxxxTIME variable
name. This was needed so that the variable DATETIME
could carry the modified datetime values generated by
VMXGDUR when you specified INTERVAL= and DATETIME= to
create a new interval value. And, in order to retain
the original labels for the variable used in the
datetime calculations, you also had to use an ID
statement and then manually drop the variable DATETIME.
This change that logic; you no longer need to code the
name "DATETIME" in the SUMBY or ID arguments. You only
need to specify the argument DATETIME=xxxxTIME, to tell
VMXGSUM what variable to use as the datetimestamp value,
and now you can use the real xxxxTIME variable name in
the SUMBY= argument. This change is backward compatible
and will work properly if DATETIME is still used in the
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