Jun 4, 1997 -The "DW" record INPUT was realigned, DWWLRTME was changed
Jun 24, 1997 from TIME8 to HH &NUM.2 and DWWLRDAT's JULIAN input was
revised so the code will work under EBCDIC or ASCII SAS,
and the variable text is now correctly input.
-The "DE" record has the common header; the test
was expanded to also test OR LMRKREC='DE'.
Thanks to Tricia Dudley, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Thanks to Luc Gariepy, Regie des rentes du Quebec, CANADA
Change 15.113 DB2 Trace SMF type 102 subtype 125.
VMAC102 -The +2 after QW0125MR must be +1. This error affected
Jun 5, 1997 only variable QW0125NR.
-The DO OFFSET=QWT02R2O in the IFCID 125 section was
replaced with DO _I_=1 to QWT02R2N logic from IFCID 172.
Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt AG, GERMANY.
Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstat AG, GERMANY.
Change 15.112 Support for APAR OW26451/OW26453/OW26497 added fields for
VMAC42 MAXRSPTM and MAXSRVTM (Max Response/Service Time) to data
Jun 3, 1997 set TYPE42DS. Other minor changes were made.
Change 15.111 Support for TANDEM D42/D43/D44/G02 releases.
VMACTAND Documentation indicates compatibility, in that new data
Jun 3, 1997 fields are added at the end of the record, but you will
Jun 20, 1997 still find it INCOMPATIBLE, because you will have to
change the LRECL of each MVS dataset into which the data
records are sent when you install the versions with new
data. Initially, it appears there is no problem with
D42, but I need to review the later three systems and
will update this note when I know more.
Thanks to Tim Crocker, AT&T Universal Card Services, USA.
Change 15.110 Enhancements so MXG Tape Mount records that will be in
VMACTMNT ML-14 of ASMTAPES (see later Change) are coded now:
Jun 2, 1997 -New variables are added to TYPETMNT:
-Existing unpopulated variables will be populated by the
changes in ASMTAPES at ML-14:
-Variable JESNR now supports 5-digit JES numbers.
-The interval start value did not replace ALCSTIME with
the interval-start time for interval records created
if a job spans a day boundary; in error, the allocation
timestamp of the original allocation was stored.
Thanks to Mark Kemig, VF Services, Inc, USA.
Change 15.109 Format MGBYTRT (bytes-per-second) truncates on the left
FORMATS (1099KB/Sec prints as 99KB/Sec) because the DEFAULT=8 in
May 30, 1997 the PICTURE MGBYTRT statement must be DEFAULT=10.
After making that change, you need only to re-build your
format library by %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(FORMATS); (with the
//LIBRARY DD allocated with DISP=OLD under MVS).
Thanks to Leigh Ann Payne, Wachovia Operational Services Corp, USA.
Change 15.108 DCOLLECT variable DCASRCI (dataset DCOLCLUS) is relabeled
May 29, 1997 variables DCAHARBC and DCAHURBC, according to IBM, should
be used for VSAM space (high RBA) allocated and used in
place of DCAHARBA/DCAHURBA variables. Also, variables
DCAHARBC and DCAHURBC are now formatted MGBYTES.
In merging DCOLDSET and DCOLCLUS for VSAM datasets (to
get HLQ classifications by storage group with accurate
allocated/used statistics), John noted that sometimes,
the High Used RBA was greater than the Allocated Space
(i.e., DCAHURBC GT DCDALLSP). Chuck tracked this to obs
for the Index component for VSAM datasets which used
IMBED or REPLICATE; it appears that the index bytes that
are imbed/replicated in the Data Component are being
counted in the RBA for the Index Component, causing it to
appear to have more "used" than "allocated".
Thanks to John Astle, National Australia Bank, AUSTRALIA.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.107 New TYPE8025 dataset is now created for RACF Event 25,
EXTY8025 RACF RVARY Command. Variable RACFTYPE was removed from
IMAC80A the KEEP= list, as it contained the TYPE value of only
VMAC80A the last segment in a type 80 record. (Variable TYPSTRNG
May 29, 1997 lists all segment types found in each record).
Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA.
Change 15.106 Support for APAR OW20921 which created TYPE42VT dataset
EXTY42VT with response time statistics like TYPE42SR, but for the
IMAC42 VTOC, VTOC Index, and VVDS for each volume. This APAR
VMAC42 also added stripe count and flag variables to TYPE42DS.
May 28, 1997 In the new TYPE42VT, there are occasional observations
with AVGIOQMS less than zero (-.127 maximum), indicating
that the data is not exact.
Thanks to Tim Vanderhoek, Fidelity Systems Company, USA.
Change 15.105 Variables in dataset QAPMAPPN read in after ANDBE8 were
VMACQAPM wrong; the offset 1464 was incorrectly repeated in two
May 27, 1997 lines. Subsequent offsets have now been corrected.
Variable ATCSDR is INPUT @558 vice @588 now.
Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.
Change 15.104 Duplicate variable names were corrected.
VMACPW -VMACPW: TOIOOPCT should have been TOIOPCRT, first
VMACSTRS -VMAC102: second QW0221AN was removed
May 26, 1997 -VMACSTRS: second TOTSERV was removed
Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.
===Changes thru 15.103 were included in MXG 15.02 dated May 23, 1997===
Change 15.103 Support for RACF data for OMVS RACF using IBM's IRRDBU00
EXRAC120 unload utility creates two new datasets, thanks to this
EXRAC270 user-contributed enhancement. New datasets are:
IMACRACF Dataset Description
May 22, 1997 RACF0270 User OMVS Data
Thanks to Ben Cowan, University of Nevada System, USA.
Change 15.102 Support for Filetek's Optical Disk SMF record creates
EXFTEKIC three new datasets:
EXFTEKID Dataset Description
EXFTEKGL FILTEKIC IC Command Link Task Record
IMACFTEK FILTEKID ID Data Transfer Task Record
TYPEFTEK FILTEKGL GL Global Statistics Record
VMACFTEK This is preliminary; the Global record is not complete.
May 22, 1997
Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA.
Change 15.100 A new macro that compares two SAS Data Libraries and
VMXGCOMP lists datasets in one and not in the other, and then
May 22, 1997 generates PROC COMPARE on all datasets that are common
to both Data Libraries. The observations compared are
limitable via an option.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.099 A new macro that resets the setting of most SAS Options
VMXGOPTR (those whose name is 8 bytes or less and which can be
May 22, 1997 changed after SAS Initialization). The current setting
is kept so that MXG can change it and then reset it to
the original value (Change 15.098 uses it in VMXGSUM to
reset the OBS= option). Documentation is in the member.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.098 Enhancement to VMXGSUM that uses the new VMXGOPTR macro
VMXGSUM to examine SAS Options to detect that OBS=n (as opposed
May 22, 1997 to the default OBS=MAX) was specified. OBS=0 causes the
PROC CONTENTS (used to determine which variables to keep)
to have no observations, so the list of kept variables is
wrong. (Even OBS=n will cause trouble, if n is less than
the number of variables to be kept). With this new
enhancement, VMXGSUM detects the OBS=value, sets OBS=MAX
for the Keep-Variable-Create phase, and then resets OBS
to its original value. This greatly improves MXG QA runs,
which use OBS=0, by eliminating unnecessary messages!
Additionally, VMXGSUM now allows use of USER= and the
TEMP01/TEMP02/TEMP03 options.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.097 RACF "SKIPPED SEGMENT RACFEVNT=xx:desc RACFTYPE=nn ...."
VMAC80A messages are normally harmless; they indicate that your
May 22, 1997 RACF record contained a segment (RACFTYPE=SMF80DTP=nn)
that MXG did not know about in creating TYPE80A dataset.
(The event causing the type 80 record is RACFEVNT, which
might not even be an event of interest to you!).
You can look at Table 2. Relocate Section Variable Data
in Chapter 4 in "RACF Macros and Interfaces" SC23-3732
to see a) is the DTP value documented, and b) do you
care! If the segment contains data of interest, when I
get a hex dump of a record with the new segment, I will
decode the segment and add new variable(s) to the event
dataset; if the data is of no interest, I add logic:
to member VMAC80A to bypass the segment without notice.
(the example skips the un-documented DTP=91 value found).
Thanks to Bruce Hewson, CITICORP, SINGAPORE.
Change 15.096 Inconistency analysis uncovered these flaws:
VMACNSPY -Variable APLUIDR in VMACNSPY is now format $HEX8 (the
VMACLMS length was only two bytes because $HEX4. preceded its
VMACOMCI INPUT statement).
VMACRMDS -Variable TDBSYS in VMACLMS is now initialized to a value
May 21, 1997 of 'TMS ' so the kept length is eight bytes.
Variable ISITSL in VMACLMS is LENGTH $3, and the INPUT
@53 is changed to ISITSLX, as are following five IF's.
-Variable EWAITDC in VMACOMCI was removed from $NOTRAN
informat list (because INFORMAT was seen before INPUT,
variable had kept length of only one).
-Variable RMDSFORM is set LENGTH $9 because later code
INPUTs as 9, but first occurrence was for 8.
Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Change 15.095 Support for DB2 Version 5.1.0.
FORMATS New formats $MGD022A, MGD022Q, and $MGD221M were added.
VMACDB2 Type 101 Record (DB2ACCT) Compatibly changed.
VMAC102 Eight new variables added:
Type 100 Subtype 0. DB2STAT0. Compatibly Changed.
One new Q9STxxxx variable, three QDSTxxxx variables,
and six QXxxxxxx variables added.
Type 100 Subtype 1. DB2STAT1. Compatibly Changed.
Twelve QBGLxx variables added.
Type 100 Subtype 1. DB2GBPST. Compatibly Changed.
Twelve QBGLxx variables added.
Type 100 Subtype 2. DB2STAT2. Compatibly Changed.
One variable, QDBPXSQT, added.
Type 100 Subtype 3. DB2GBPAT. Compatibly Changed.
One variable, QBGBGAS, added.
Type 102 Record. Only IFCIDs listed have been validated.
IFCID 022. INCOMPATIBLY changed. Record restructured
Fifteen new variables added.
Record restructured. Ten new variables added.
IFCID 222. Compatibly changed. Three new variables.
However, MXG created Pipe Duration in variable QW0222SM
by subtraction, but now IBM uses that name, so Pipe
Duration time is now calculated in variable QW0222PD.
IFCID 231. Compatibly changed. Five new variables.
Thanks to Ted Blank, IBM, USA.
Change 15.094 -Variable R723TYPE was kept as LENGTH $23 because it was
VMAC7072 not in the LENGTH $1 statement, so SAS took it's length
VMAC110 from the MGRMFTY format. Now it is kept as LENGTH $1.
VMAC74 -Variable LDGDSAIN was listed both as $1 and $2, but is
May 21, 1997 now only in the $1 list.
-Variable R744QSIZ is now formatted MGBYTES; the variable
R744QFLG is formatted $HEX2. and added to $NOTRAN.
-Variable MCDFLG3 (IF '1.......'B, DATASET is KB) is now
input @291 MCDFLG3 &PIB.1. in the MCD section, formatted
HEX2., labeled, and kept.
Thanks to Neville Wright, Telstra, AUSTRALIA.
Thanks to Lindsay Oxenham, Telstra, AUSTRALIA.
Change 15.093 Comments were revised to explain why the error messages:
may print on the SAS log when you run the JCLPDB6 sample
job to build the PDB, and why they actually tell you the
BUILDPDB run was successful. (Briefly, they are from the
ANALxxxx members, and to have gotten that far is to have
successfully built the PDB library; they occur because of
"shotgun" reports that include old and new variables so
everybody gets some sample report output.)
Thanks to Robin Mitchell, SmithKline Beecham, USA.
Change 15.092 MXG 15.01 only. An incomplete CICINTRV member was sent
CICINTRV in MXG 15.01 (last minute changes to add READTIME were
May 20, 1997 tested but not migrated); now I realized that the change
was redundant, as CICSSTCK is logically the READTIME!
Note that the DURATM variable in PDB.CICINTRV is the sum
of the durations of the discrete intervals that were
summed into this observation, and might not be the delta
between COLLTIME values. MXG defaults to HALFHOUR, but
if you are only recording USS records, and you took the
IBM default interval, your records will be written every
three hours, so PDB.CICINTRV will have an obs with the
COLLTIME of the half hour preceding the end of that
interval, but the DURATM value will be the 3 hours
represented by the actual data in that observation.
Thanks to Ben Cowan, University of Nevada System, USA.
Change 15.091 Variables ACTBYTES and ACTPAGES from TYPE26J2 are added
IMACPDB to macro _PDB26J2 in IMACPDB so that they will be kept in
May 20, 1997 dataset PDB.JOBS. The ACTBYTES is the total number of
bytes of SYSOUT text that was created by each job, and is
useful in determining the JES2 Track Group Size.
Thanks to Clark Jennings, Reynolds Metal, USA.
Change 15.090 -Support for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2 which
EXNTACSR INCOMPATIBLY inserted a null field in the Process record,
EXNTCNFI and support for Version 5.0 of MS Exchange, which added
EXNTCNIN (need I say INCOMPATIBLY) eight real fields and 33 null
EXNTHTIN fields to MSEXCHDS and MSEXCHPR datasets. NRDATA count
EXNTMSIM was corrected for MSEXCHDB dataset.
EXNTMSIP -Support for NTSMF Version 2.0. Change 15.027/MXG 15.01
EXNTMSWB did not (in spite of saying so) handle the new records.
EXNTWBPR -Support for several new datasets (new objects):
EXNTWSPR Dataset Object
May 20, 1997 CONTINFI Content Index Filter
HTTPINDX Http Contents Index
MSEXCHIM MS Exchange Internet Mail Service
MSEXCHIP MS Exchange Internet Protocols
MSEXCHWB MX Exchange WEB Component
WEBPROXY WEB Proxy Server Cache
WINPROXY WinSock Proxy Server
-Of the 68 objects now supported, all but 16 have been
tested with data records.
Change 15.089 MXG 15.01 only. INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED for type 94 SMF
VMAC94 record. SMF94VR3 should be +2 vice +1, while variables
May 17, 1997 SMF94VDC,VDX,VDN and VDA should be &PIB.1. vice &PIB.2.
This only affected the new section added for VTS.
Thanks to Pat Quinette, Principal Mutual Life Insurance Co., USA
Change 15.088 MXG 15.01's new ANALDDCN member inadvertently contained
ANALDDCN "./" IEBUPDTE control cards for several IMACxxxx members,
PROCSRCE so when you unloaded the IEBUPDTE file to create your MXG
May 8, 1997 SOURCLIB, those "./"s created those IMACs from ANALDDCN
(and by design they DROPed most variables from type 30s).
But fortunately, the real "./" cards for those IMACxxxx
members were found later on in the MXG tape, so they
successfully replaced the incorrect members, so your
SOURCLIB was correctly built!
Thank you Heavenly Father: if the member name had been
ZNALDDCN, your SOURCLIB would have been wrong!).
It used to be that IEBUPDTE set a CC=4 when a new member
replaced an existing member, but no longer; the IEBUPDTE
set CC=0. The only clue is in the print message "IEB816I
(but IEB messages print to the //SYSPRINT DD, which is DD
DUMMY because it is hugh (1,005,099 print lines, 126 MB,
because IEBUPDTE prints all 980,991 lines of MXG 15.01,
plus 8 lines of IEBxxxx messages and blank lines for each
of MXG's 3,200 members, plus pages and the JES log!).
I have revised PROCSRCE to ERROR ./ cards found in its
input while creating the IEBUPDTE format file, so this
error should not be seen again.
Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.
===Changes thru 15.087 were included in MXG 15.01 dated May 6, 1997===
Change 15.087 QA tests for MXG 15.01 generated these corrections:
JCLQAJOB -CICINTRV. Variables SDGTSUPR/SDGTTKN were misspelled and
May 6, 1997 are now SDGSSUPR/SDGSTKN.
-VMACDALO. Variables DALODDN/CODE/JFCB are now labeled.
-DIFFDB2. Variables PREVGN,DIFDB21,PREVBPID are dropped,
and dropped only once.
-VMACIMS. Many unlabelled variables are now labeled, and
LABEL statements consolidated.
Change 15.086 Support for World Wide Web Proxy logs in Common Log
TYPEWWW Format to track an installation's access frequency and
May 4, 1997 destinations for URLs and IP addresses via the WWW is
provided in this user contribution, which is based on
Dan Squillace's CMG96 paper. Comments in TYPEWWW by
Brian document his approach to decoding the log into
new MXG dataset TYPEWWW.
Thanks to Brian Farley, Reliastar Life Insurance Co., USA.
Change 15.085 A new utility for ASCII platforms that produces a hex
UDUMPEBC dump like the LIST; statement on MVS, with characters
May 4, 1997 decoded as EBCDIC rather than ASCII (so you can read the
hex dump of your SMF record on your PC!). This utility
was written and contributed by Dan (but I actually made
it into a %MACRO with arguments!).
Thanks to Dan Kaberon, Hewitt Associates, USA.
Change 15.084 Sample CLISTs for MXG and SAS execution under TSO.
May 4, 1997
Thanks to ???, ????, USA.
Change 15.083 Documentation. The discussion of why you get fractional
ADOC26J2 priorities in variable ONPRTY in PDB.JOBS or TYPE26J2 now
May 4, 1997 matches the code in VMAC26J2. The old documentation said
that MXG FLOORed ONPRTY to an integer, but it never did;
ONPRTY has always been a real, rather than an integer.
Thanks to Brian Sanger, Eagle Star Group Services Ltd., ENGLAND
Change 15.082 Support for Boole and Babbage IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1) is
VMACCIMS already in place in MXG. The changes were a) increase
May 4, 1997 in maximum DBD segments in a record (from 50 to 500, and
associated record length increase) but MXG always reads
whatever segments are in the record, and b) IMF 3.2 now
supports the year 2000 (by documenting dates as yyyyddd)
but MXG support was also already in place for that too!
No code was changed by this change.
Change 15.081 This user contribution is a revision of TYPEIMS7 (which
IMACIMSD reads IMS log records 07/08 for transactions and BMPs),
TYPEIMSD for IMS DBCTL, because TYPEIMS7 threw away DBCTL events.
May 4, 1997 The documentation of the significant logic necessary to
capture IMS DBCTL from the IMS log is provided also by
Bruce, in the comments in member TYPEIMSD.
Thanks to Bruce Galle, Talbots, Inc, USA.
Change 15.080 The revisions in Change 14.349 to support Stress Test's
VMACSTRS enhancements in Release 3.3.6 accidentally failed to
May 4, 1997 INPUT some variables from the earlier version.
Change 15.079 ASUMUOW combines CICS and DB2 transactions by UOW, or
ASUMUOW unit of work, but IRESPTM was kept from the last CICS
May 4, 1997 transaction physically encountered, rather than the
first (initiating) transaction. The ENDTIME should have
been a MAX() rather than MIN(), and QWHCATYP is now in
the DROP list as it is unneeded after first step.
Thanks to Tom Elbert, John Alden, USA.
Change 15.078 DB2 variable QWHCATYP printed a value of '41' when a
FORMATS value of 11 decimal or 0Bx was found. (I now know that
May 4, 1997 the 0Bx value is for "DB2 Utilities" and the MGDB2TY
May 9, 1997 format that decodes QWHCATYP was updated May 9, 1997,
but at the time, the value 0Bx was not in the format.)
Why did MXG print 41 when the value was actually '0B'x?
Because there was a logical error in the MGDB2TY format
for undefined values; the OTHER format was $HEX2, but it
should have been HEX2, because QWHCATYP is a numeric
variable! Using $HEX for a numeric variable in the OTHER
operand of PROC FORMAT is a SAS "feature" that prints not
the hex of the data value, but rather prints the hex of
the internal representation of the numeric value (as
stored by each platform). Since numerics are internally
stored as floating point numbers, the '41'x printed was
the hex value of the first byte of MVS's internal value
of '41B00000'x, where the '41' is the exponent and 'B0'
is the mantissa. But under Windows, a '00' was printed,
because Intel stores eleven as '00002640' with its
exponent in the last byte. In any event, using HEX2
instead of $HEX2 correctly shows the 0B value under MVS
or Windows. (This was the single instance of $HEX for a
numeric in FORMATS.)
Thanks to Roman Jost, Gjensidige, NORWAY.
Change 15.077 The MXG Tape Allocation Monitor records had new fields
ASUMTALO added in ASMTAPES in MXG 14.14 that are now INPUT into
VMACTMNT tape allocation dataset TYPETALO by member VMACTMNT:
In addition, ML-12 added the new subtype 5 interval-end
record (to keep track of long-running allocations) but
MXG 14.14's VMACTMNT skipped over the subtype 5 record.
With this change, VMACTMNT now OUTPUTS the subtype 5
into TYPETALO, and this requires a new ASUMTALO member
that exploits these interval observations to improve the
accuracy of counts if you have long-running allocations.
This logic is more accurate than prior ASUMTALO, but may
not be perfect until the ASMTAPES ML-14 monitor provides
time-synchronized subtype 5 records. I have copied the
MXG 14.14 ASUMTALO member into ZSUMTALO and modified it
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