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Change 14.348 Variable JOBCLASS was increased to LENGTH $8 (from $1)

VMAC30 in VMAC30 and VMAC26J3 because JES3 needs all eight

VMAC26J3 bytes for JES3 Main Class. Only one byte is input in

Feb 19, 1997 VMAC26J3, but by increasing the length in TYPE26J3 will

May 21, 1997 cause the kept size in BUILDPD3 to be eight bytes. What

is really slick is that the length of JOBCLASS in the

JES2 PDB.JOBS and PDB.STEPS datasets will still be only

one byte, so there is no increase in the size of the JES2

PDB as a result of this change to type 30. However, the

TYPE30_x datasets will have JOBCLASS with length 8 to

support either JES2 or JES3 job class names.

Thanks to Jack Mintz, Hudson Williams, USA.
Change 14.347 Continued enhancements to the RMF-like reporting.

ANALRMFR -ANALRMFR now detects and reads PDB on tape or disk.

Feb 19, 1997 -Workload Activity Report-Compatability Mode,

REPORT=WKLD, RPTOPT parameter is now the way

to make report selections. If none are selected

no reports are created.

RPTOUT=PERIOD Performance group period

within performance group.

GROUP Summarizes data for all performance

group periods within the

performance group.

DOMAIN Summarizes data by domain for the

entire system.

STM Summarizes data for the entire


-Workload Activity Report-Goal Mode, REPORT=WLMGL


Update Sevice Policy Page column Resource Groups

allowing for all service classes to be output.

-Workload Activity Report-Goal Mode, REPORT=WLMGL

RPTOPT=RCLASS, report classes defined in a service

policy, is added.

-Workload Activity Report-Goal Mode, REPORT=WLMGL

RPTOPT=SCLASS, summary of data for all service class

periods defined for a service class, is added.

There was no data to confirm values.

-Coupling Facility Activity, REPORT=CF

Reports created "Coupling Facility Usage Summary"/

"Structure Summary"/"Storage Summary"/"Processor

Summary" and "Coupling Facility Structure Activity"

Unconfirmed values a ouput on the report as "??".

-LCU summary does not include the first device.

Remove LCUIORAT=0 ....... from FIRST.DATE OR





Thanks to David Childress, Lowe, USA.

Thanks to Alan M. Sherkow, Management Strategies LTD.

Change 14.346 Variables NRBINDS and NRLIMITS should have been spellec

VMACTPM NBINDS and NLIMITS, and variable JCTJOBID was added to

Feb 17, 1997 the KEEP= list for dataset TYPETPMF.

Thanks to Brian Sanga, Eagle Star Group Services Ltd, ENGLAND.

Change 14.345 The FMXGUCBL function (to allocate dynamically all DASD

FMXGUCBL devices for the archaic VMACVTOC) did not support four

Feb 17, 1997 digit UCBs, but now does, thanks to this contribution.

Thanks to Sue Yarker, Midland Bank, ENGLAND.

Change 14.344 "IHDR" exit for Boole and Babbage IMF records was added,

IHDRCIMS after newsletter text was sent to the printer. See text

VMACCIMS of Change 14.342.

Feb 17, 1997

===Changes thru 14.343 were printed in MXG Newsletter THIRTY-ONE=======
Change 14.343 New ASUMUOW summarizes CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT by "Unit of

IMACUOW Work UOW" to create PDB.ASUMUOW with total CICS and DB2

ASUMUOW resources in a single observation, keeping the original

Feb 19, 1997 TRANNAME and USERID of the real UOW. Member IMACUOW will

May 4, 1997 enable "SPINing" of incomplete CICS transactions (e.g.,

long running LU 6.2 events) to ensure completeness. This

member is a replacement/enhancement of ANALDB2C that is

renamed to an ASUMxxxx because it is now designed to be

executed as a data-set-builder (PDB.ASUMUOW) rather than

an ANALysis example (and UOW makes more sense than DB2C)!

The main assumption is that the earliest transaction for

any UOW must be the first transaction; during the merge,

if the TRANNAME of the first transaction is CSMI (i.e.,

an MRO mirror) or is blank (DB2), that transaction is

not complete, and the current records are SPUN (written

to the SPIN library to be held until the next run, if you

updated macro _SPINUOW in member IMACUOW to non-zero).
The ASUMUOW dataset contains the same CICS variables as

are needed to create the ASUMCICS interval summary from

detail CICS transactions (plus the DB2 variables for CICS

transactions calling DB2), so the ASUMUOW dataset could

be used as input to ASUMCICS (you would probably want to

make your own enhanced copy that also keeps the DB2

variables) so as to create interval UOW statistics. In a

test of 2.6 million tran obs in CICSTRAN, ASUMUOW had

only 1 million obs. ASUMUOW can be used even if only

CICSTRAN data exists, as it will combine all MRO events

into one observation per UOW.

Text revised May, and November, 1997.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 14.342 "IHDR" exits (taken after the header of raw records have

IHDRTMON been read in) are added for Landmark's Monitor for

IHDRTMDB CICS/ESA and for Landmark's Monitor for DB2. These

IMACMONI "IHDR" exits are similar to the "IMACFILE" exit for SMF

IMACTMDB (which should be named IHDRSMF by my new naming

TYPETMON convention).


Feb 15, 1997

Change 14.341 Using EXTMSTMS and macro _KTMSTMS in IMACTMS5 to create

TYPETMS5 new variables did not work as expected. The new

Feb 15, 1997 variables were added to the initial TMSTMS dataset, but

post processing in TYPETMS5 did not include the _KTMSTMS

macro reference, so the new variable was lost. The

_KTMSTMS and _KTMSDSN references were added.

Thanks to Andy Chandler, Eagle Star, ENGLAND.
Change 14.340 DB2 Reporting Enhancements for DB2-PM like reports from

ANALDB2R DB2 4.1. Individual Buffer Pool and Individual Package

ASUMDB2A Execution data is now reported (See DB2 Technical Note in

ASUMDB2P Newsletter THIRTY-ONE). The Account Detail and Long

TRNDDB2A Trace reports now use the detail buffer and package data

TRNDDB2P (DB2ACCTB and DB2ACCTP) if they exeist. The default

Feb 15, 1997 assumption is that all of your DB2 datasets are in the

PDB libref, but if you have used IMACDB2 to send them

to different librefs, you can tell ANALDB2R where to find

them with the new DB2ACCT=, DB2ACCTB=, and DB2ACCTP=

arguments in your ANALDB2R invocation.
This change is incompatible with prior versions of the

ANALDB2R report in that only a single PDB will be used

to generate the report. (Previously, you could specify

PDB=PDB1 PDB2 PDB3, and the libraries would have been

"concatenated". This restructure lost that capability

but you can easily combine multiple PDB datasets first

and then invoke ANALDB2R.)
Most, but not all, of the DB2 4.1 fields have been

added; in particular, the individual buffer and package

sections are complete.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

Change 14.339 User enhancements to the ASMIMSLG/ASMIMSL5 programs for

ASMIMSLG IMS log processing protect for a short error message,

ASMIMSL5 and in case of MSC transactions, since the ARRVTIME may

Feb 14, 1997 be wrong (out of sync), now, the MSC timestamp is used

for ARRVTIME with good results.

Thanks to Harry Olschewski, dvg Hannover, GERMANY.

Change 14.338 Variable HIUICAV (TYPE71) was added to RMFINTRV dataset

RMFINTRV (the maximum of the individual values is kept) and it is

TRNDRMFI added to TRNDRMFI dataset (the average of the maximum is

Feb 15, 1997 kept).

Thanks to Manfred Thomas, BHF-Bank, GERMANY.
Change 14.337 Candle's EPILOG for MVS decoding was enhanced. The IO

ANALEPMV and ENQ data is now rolled into the EPMVEP dataset. The

VMACEPMV derivation of results to match Epilog screen reports that

Feb 14, 1997 doing straight-forward arithmetic with sample counts did

not resemble their (proprietary) calculations but

diligent work by Simon is now available in the ANALEPMV

member to do those calculations for reports. mon P.

Thanks to SiMundy, Telstra, AUSTRALIA.

Change 14.336 Support for Landmark's The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.5 is

TYPETMON already in MXG, as the only change in the records is the

Feb 14, 1997 version (LMRKVREL) contains 0Fx rather than 0Ax. Their

Version 2 product is due out this year, but that will

require changes to MXG to support. Stay tuned.
Change 14.335 Support for NPM APAR OW17875 added new NPMSUBTY=2Ax that

VMAC28 is now decoded and output in the existing NPMSUMRY data

Feb 14, 1997 set. Subtype 2Ax allows the collection and reporting of

session data summarized by LU Group; the value of

SCDSPLUG (LU Group summarized) is stored in existing MXG

variable SCDSPNAM, rather than creating a new variable.

Change 14.334 Segmented TSO/MON records containing only DRU segments

VMACTSOM have missing STRTTIME in TSOMDRU dataset because MXG did

Feb 13, 1997 not protect for DRU-only TSO/MON records, but now does.

Thanks to Rick Ireland, Imperial Oil Limited, CANADA.

Change 14.333 NTSMF datasets ICMP, TCP, and UDP have been validated

ADOCNTSM with data records and the table in ADOCNTSM updated.

Feb 13, 1997

Thanks to Richard Clary, ENTERGY, USA.

Change 14.332 New member PROCSRCE is "Proc Source" for ASCII SAS. It

PROCSRCE creates a single IEBUPDTE-format file from individual

Feb 13, 1997 files, so that only a single file upload or download is

required to move MXG Source library between ASCII and

OS/390 platforms. See instructions in member PROCSRCE.

The basic technique is to pipe the DIR command's output


to create a list of file names in NAMEFILE.MXG, then

start SAS and submit %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(PROCSRCE); which

reads NAMEFILE and copies each file into IEBUPDTE.MXG,

inserting the ./ ADD NAME=xxxxxxxx statements.
Ain't elegant, but it is how I build the IEBUPDTE.MXG

master file that is copied to 3480 distribution tapes.

The actual file on 3480 tape is about 75MB (because each

record is exactly 80 bytes long) but on ASCII takes only

about 40MB (variable length records with trailing blanks

removed), and it PKZIPs to less than 9MB. To upload MXG

for OS/390 validation, the 9MB IEBUPDTE.ZIP is sent via

IND$FILE across SDLC at 19.2KB, and on MVS is unzipped by

PKZIP for MVS (from ASI, 513-885-2031). With PKZIPing,

transmission takes 90 minutes. Unzipped, transmission

takes 7 hours!
The existing MXG member IEBUPDTE is the inverse of the

PROCSRCE program, as it reads PROCSRCE's output file to

create each member as a separate *.SAS file.
Change 14.331 NETSPY record 'N' might cause INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED;

VMACNSPY the +15 and +29 after the INPUT of NSPSTAFL should be

Feb 13, 1997 +16. No error was directly reported, but this might be

why one European site claimed they had to change the DO

interation's maximum value (reduced by one) to avoid an

ABEND (but I never got a record dump for diagnosis!).

Thanks to Carl Downing, BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota, USA.
Change 14.330 Amdahl APAF Version 3.0 records have been validated with

VMACAPAF data records. Changed test for SUBTYPE=31 or =32 to be

Feb 13, 1997 =49 or =50 (Amdahl listed subtypes in hex not decimal!),

and corrected algorithm for counting bits on in a field

(see SAS Technical Note in Newsletter THIRTY-ONE).

Thanks to Bob Gauthier, American Stores Company, USA.

Change 14.329 SYNCSORT's product COBOL Advantage populates one byte in

VMACSYNC the SYNCSORT user SMF record. New variable SOOPCAT in

Feb 11, 1997 dataset TYPESYNC contains that byte, formatted in hex.

Thanks to Jim Ray, Branch Banking & Trust, USA.

Change 14.328 TYPE74CF (Coupling Facility) QSIZnn variables are the

VMAC74 structure size as specified in the CFRM in units of 4096

Feb 10, 1997 bytes per unit, while TYPE74ST (Structures) R744SSIZ

(and SMAS/SMIS) variables are actual allocated size of

the structure, in units of 4000 bytes per unit, but IBM

did not document the use of 4000 vice 4096. To properly

size the allocations, MXG now multiplies SSIZ/SMAS/SMIS

by 4000 instead of 4096 (and SSIZ will then be smaller

than QSIZ values).

Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.

Change 14.327 Variable I was incorrectly used as the index variable

VMAC102 for two nested loops, which caused VMAC102 to loop.

Feb 7, 1997 There are two places, in the QWHSIID=21 and QWHSIID=44

processing that contain DO I= 1 TO 19 BY 3; In that

line, in the two following lines (...PUT(SUBSTR...

and in the line IF I=19 AND J=7 THEN J=20, change the

"I" to "L" to correct the error.

Thanks to Paul Hill, Midland Bank, ENGLAND.

Change 14.326 MXG 14.11 only. Data set TYPE42S2 had incorrect values

VMAC42 because "NEW" before SMF42FB2/SMF42FB3 was not removed.

Feb 6, 1997 Labels for variables SMFJOD01-SMFJOD16 were corrected.

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, TEXAS.

Change 14.325 MXG 14.11 only. Array CFNUM should only have sixteen

VMAC74 elements CFNUM01-CFNUM16 but was accidentally changed to

Feb 6, 1997 CFNUM01-CFNUM64. Had no actual impact.

Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.

===Changes thru 14.324 were included in MXG 14.11 dated Feb 4, 1997===

VMACNTSM because the test ... OFFDATA NE 20 ... should be NE 21

Feb 4, 1997 (this test is right after the test for


Thanks to Richard Clary, ENTERGY, USA.
Change 14.323 MXG 14.11 dated Feb 3, 1997 only. Type 102 subtype 100

VMAC102 ERROR: NO MATCHING IF-THEN CLAUSE because the two lines

Feb 4, 1997 QW0100SB=QW0100SB+GMTOFFDB;


were mis-located. They must be immediately before the

OUTPUT T102S100;


Fortunately, the 100 subtype is not used in ANALDB2R or

any other MXG program, so only specific use of T102S100

exposed the error (my QA caught it but I overlooked it).

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, TEXAS.
===Changes thru 14.322 were included in MXG 14.11 dated Feb 3, 1997===
Change 14.322 This is ML11 of the Tape Mount/Allocation monitor.

ASMTAPES This revision eliminates the use of an SRB to capture

ZSMTAPES job-related info, and instead does all of the cross

Feb 3, 1997 memory data collection in AR (access register) mode.

Running in AR mode will cause more recorded CPU time in

the TMNT address space, but what is really happening is

that all of our collection overhead is now captured in

the (calling) TMNT address space, whereas previously some

of the CPU time of the SRB's execution was recorded in

the SMF records of the allocating (monitored) address

space. The previous revision ML9 is in member ZSMTAPES.
ML12 will contain 3 improvements : workload manager

support, UCB common extension access changes, and

configuration change detection using ENF, and will be

available later this year.

Change 14.321 Don Deese's continued research into measurement of the CF

VMAC74 caused me to create new variables R744QSIZ and R744QFLG

Feb 3, 1997 from the QO segment into the SO per-structure segment

so QSIZ/QFLG are added to TYPE74ST (while we investigate

why QSIZ is often very difference thatn R744SSIZ!).

The structures names in QO and SO are not in the same

order, so MXG scans across the QO entries to find the

matching SO entry.

Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.
Change 14.320 As will be discussed in the next newsletter, this is the

DOC first MXG Version (14.11) to be built at our office on

Jan 31, 1997 my new Overland 3480/3480IDRC/3490/3490E tape drive.

The EBCDIC to ASCII translation with IND$FILE is not the

same as the Overland default, and the Overland default is

also wrong (especially trashing the long-vertical-bar and

the not-sign), so I had to build my own translate table

to create EBCDIC tapes from my ASCII master file:




cent-sign 4A 5B same AD l. Sq. Bracket

not-sign 5F 5E AA caret

long vertial 4F 5D B3 BD r. sq. bracket

split vert 6A 7C same 4F split vert bar
(Note that in NEWSLETTER THIRTY-ONE 'A9'x was erroneously

typed for a not-sign on ASCII, but it is really 'AA'x).

I found I also had to change Overland's (DataTools for

Windows) default ASCII-to-EBCDIC table three errors

5D-->4F and not BD 5B-->4A and not AD

7C-->6A and not 4F

plus my two additions

AA-->5F B3-->4F

To correct symbols on your ASCII platform after you use

IND$FILE to download, change all '5D'x to 'B3'x and all

'5E'x to 'AA'x and your comments with vertical bars

and non-signs will look correct. Of course, before you

could upload that ASCII MXG to EBCDIC with IND$FILE, you

must reverse that change on ASCII before the upload.

I took this opportunity to rid "not-signs" from all MXG

code, using NE or NOT instead, and replaced all of the

remaining instances of double long-vertical-bars (for

concatenation) with double exclamation points, to

minimize any future exposure if MXG source is moved from

ASCII to EBCDIC, and removed all of the '4A'x extraneous

characters in text members.
However, there were some uses of single long vertical

bars that were inside comments and too pretty to lose,

and a few instances of "not sign" (suggesting not to use

it) that were left. These members were revised:











MXG is now distributed as an unnumbered data set; columns

73 thru 80 are blank in all records on the MXG tape.

I have not used line numbers for references for several

years, and eliminating line numbers makes the source

library much smaller on ASCII.
Change 14.319 LPAR data now contains flag variable LPnCAP to indicate

ASUM70PR which partitions are Capped, and variable LPnSHARE which

Jan 31, 1997 contains the partitions percentage of the sum of the LP

share values (i.e., if the partition is Capped, then

LPnSHARE is the capping percentage).

Thanks to Ian Porter, Nissan European Data Center, SCOTLAND.

Change 14.318 Support for OS/390 Release 3 (Compatible) adds major new

VMAC7072 measures to the TYPE72 and TYPE72GO datasets; the first

Jan 30, 1997 five variables were added to both (i.e., COMPATIBILITY







and only in WORKLOAD MANAGER do we find:











The calculation of VELOCITY is also changed in Release 3,

as PCTUSTOU (R723CTOU) replaces PCTUSCUS (R723CCUS) in

the numerator and variable R723VELI='Y to indicate that

the exection velocity now includes I/O delays.

Change 14.317 Dataset DB2ACCTP (Package Accounting) has new variables

VMACDB2 QWACBSC and QWACESC (start/stop of plan) added to KEEP=

Jan 30, 1997 list because they appear on DB2PM reports, and because

Oct 13, 2003 variable QPACSCB (start of package) cannot be used, as

it is null in the 2nd and subsequent segments of the

type 101 subtype 0 (accounting record, holds first ten

package statistics), and QPACSCB is nulls in ALL of the

type 101 subtype 1 (package only) records, and finally

because the subtype 1 record is written first (so I can

not retain from the subtype 0!).

Update: October 13, 2003: QPACSCB and QPACSCE appear

to always exist, now, in DB2ACCTP observations, both

from Subtype=0 (first 10 packages), and from Subtype=1

(more than 10 packages).

However, QWACBSC and QWACESC will always have missing

value in DB2ACCTP observations from subtype=1 because

that record does not contain the QWAC segment!

This 2003 note is only for documentation.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 14.316 Subtype 5 HMF record with only 1 segment caused INPUT

VMACHMF STATEMENT EXCEEDED error. Although undocumented, this

Jan 29, 1997 record had only the bus segment; there was no memory

segment present. To correct, insert after the @; that

is after the INPUT of HMF5BUS:


and after the following IF SKIP GT 0 THEN INPUT +SKIP @;

insert END;

(so that only the bus stats are read when HMFSEGS=1).

Thanks to Ann Knapik, ISSC Akron, USA.

Change 14.315 DB2 utility programs set QWHCATYP=41 as their attachment

FORMATS type value, an undocumented value that IBM does not set.

Jan 28, 1997 The site is pursuing IBM for a better answer.

Thanks to Roman Jost, Gjensidigo, NORWAY.

Change 14.314 Dataset MEMOACCT new variables ENTRCALE/ENTRFORM are now

EXTYMEMO INPUT from previously reserved fields. In addition, the

VMACMEMO MEMOACCT dataset contains variable CURRMODE with values

Jan 28, 1997 of T - terminate session or C - continuation, the latter

having accumulated values, so in most cases you only want

the type T, so in member EXTYMEMO I have added an example


would cause only type T obs to be output, but that sample

code in EXTYMEMO is commented out by default, so MXG will

create both C and T observations until you change it.

Thanks to Roman Jost, Gjensidigo, NORWAY.
Change 14.313 Invalid type 80 RACF record caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEED

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