Dataset OPC24D_B has new variables MTDRESE and MTDRESQ.
Dataset OPC24_25 formerly contained subtypes 2,3,4 and 5
(MT0TYPE) of the Type 24 record, but this change creates
new dataset OPC24_2 for the subtype 2, and now OPC24_25
contains only subtypes 3,4, and 5. The new OPC24_2
dataset exit name is EXOPC24Y because EXOPC242 is already
in use.
Thanks to Randy Shumate, LEXIS-NEXIS, USA.
Change 14.076 Variable MSOUNITS is now stored as 5 bytes instead of 4,
VMAC30 because a value such as 2,804,486,170 is truncated to
Apr 11, 1996 only 2,814,486,016 when stored in 4 bytes.
Thanks to Aldo Valenti, SAS Italy, ITALY.
Change 14.075 If KEEPALL=YES was specified, and some of the parameters
VMXGSUM were not used in your %VMXGSUM invocation, the logic to
Apr 10, 1996 reconstruct the strings failed since it should never have
been executed. This change makes KEEPALL=YES work as it
was intended, and provides improved error checking.
Thanks to Tom Elbert, John Alden Insurance, USA.
Change 14.074 If TRNDLPAR has less than one week's data (i.e., first
GRAFLPAR time it's being used), strange graphs occurred because
Apr 10, 1996 MXG assumed more than one week's data. This change uses
the "best fit" algorithm of GRAFTRND so that all points
represent a monday or a start of the week.
Change 14.073 ERROR: VARIABLE QWHSIID NOT FOUND with DB2 I/O reports
ANALDB2R (a holdover from before ANALDBTR existed to pair the DB2
Apr 10, 1996 I/O trace records) is corrected by this change.
Thanks to Roland Nieuwenhuizen, SAS Netherlands, THE NETHERLANDS.
Thanks to Paul Ritzen, KLM, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 14.072 Variable CLASRC was added to EREPOBR dataset (to identify
ADOCEREP which record created the observation), and ADOCEREP was
VMACEREP updated to describe datasets EREPOBL and EREPHDR.
Apr 10, 1996
Change 14.071 Dataset DB2STATB previously had zero observations unless
EXDB2STB you tailored exit member EXDB2STB, because I thought the
Apr 10, 1996 dataset could be large. In fact, there is only one obs
for each buffer pool for each interval, and thus I have
removed the comment block around the OUTPUT _LDB2STB;
statement, so observations will now always exist.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 14.070 IBM APAR OW19251 addresses RACF and the year 2000; since
VMAC80A the RACF database only has three bytes for date, IBM has
Apr 10, 1996 declared that RACF dates with YY of 71 or higher will be
interpreted as year 19YY and dates with YY of 70 or less
will be interpreted as year 20YY. Further information is
to be in APAR OW19683. In examining VMAC80A, two dates
were not converted from Julian to SAS. After the INPUT
of variables REVOKDTE and RESUMDTE (two separate places),
Change 14.069 TYPE99_2 now contains one observation for each period in
VMAC99 each service class that had activity; previously only the
Apr 10, 1996 first period's data was output.
Before the INPUT @SM992CPO insert DO _I_=1 TO SM992CPN;
After the %%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXTY99U2); insert
I discovered that the SRVCLASS variable that I INPUT
from the Period Data Section must instead be INPUT from
the Class Data Section (i.e., where SM992NAM was input),
and I now INPUT new variable SM99PCNM where SRVCLASS was
is kept instead of SM992NAM. The Internal Service Class
Name only appears in type 99 records, with names like
$SRMDInn for discretionary periods, or $SRMBEST, $SRMGOOD
and $SRMDUMP names.
Thanks to Sridhar Gopalaswami, Barnett Technologies, USA.
Change 14.068 MXG only output the first QLST segment in DB2STATS, but
DIFFDB2 there is one segment for each Remote Destination used in
EXDB2STR each interval. Now, the QLSTxxxx variables in DB2STATS
IMACDB2 will contain the sum of all remote activity to all remote
VMACDB2 locations during the interval, while new dataset DB2STATR
Apr 9, 1996 contains one observation for each Remote Location during
each interval with the detail QLSTxxxx counts. Member
DIFFDB2 was altered to also deaccumulate DB2STATR.
Thanks to Peter Li, John Deere, USA.
Thanks to Ralph Baechle, John Deere, USA.
Change 14.067 Variable QBSTHBE in DB2STATB and variables QBnTVPL,
DIFFDB2 QBnTHPL, and QBnTHBE for n=0,1,2,3 in DB2STATS are not
Apr 2, 1996 not accumulated values but are endpoint values, so their
DIF() statements were removed from DIFFDB2. (QBSTHPL and
QBSTVPL were removed from DB2STATB by Change 13.269).
Thanks to Peter Li, John Deere, USA.
Change 14.066 Validation of TYPE88 with data corrected INPUT STATEMENT
Apr 2, 1996 have been &PIB.4. vice &PIB.2., and the +2 after SMF88SAB
must be +4, SMF88RVN is now input as &NUM.2 vice &PIB.2.,
and SMF88LIT is input TODSTAMP8 and formatted, and new
field SMF88EFS (undocumented in SMF manual) is input.
Thanks to Lee Borgman, Boeing Information Services, USA.
Change 14.065 APARS OW08565 and OW10584 adds SYNCTIME and statistics
VMAC28 (CPU utilization, Fast Program Storage Utilization, and
Apr 1, 1996 Buffer Storage Utilization) for each of the (up to 18!)
processors in the 3746/900 in the NAC segment, and adds
TIC utilization per frame and per byte sent and received
in the CSL segment.
Thanks to John Astle, National Australia Bank, AUSTRALIA.
Thanks to Sandro Aiello, National Australian Bank, AUSTRALIA.
Change 14.064 Using Tape instead of DASD for ANALDSET fails; the step
ANALDSET added in MXG 13.02 reused the same DDNAME. The lines
data step was added after that step with
Thanks to Bill Bechtloff, Acxion, USA.
Change 14.063 DASDMPL value 1000 times too large in dataset TYPE42DS.
VMAC42 RESPTIME is in millisec, not sec, so equation must be:
Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, Insurance Services Office, USA.
Change 14.062 Just before the "DATA PDB.ASUMAPAF;" statement, insert:
to protect sort order if you increase the number of
MDF domains.
Thanks to Scott Snyder, Card Establishment Services, USA.
Change 14.061 Variables MVUCDATE and MVUCTIME need ?? modifier (just
VMACEDGS like change 13.124) to prevent INVALID DATA messages when
Apr 1, 1996 there was no last user change date. In addition, dataset
EDGSOREC and EDGSOVOL were not correct. After the +7,
insert @; IF MOCFLG EQ '08'X THEN INPUT before MOOWNSUR,
Thanks to Emmanuel Chenay, Toyota Motor Europe, BELGIUM.
Change 14.060 UCICSCNT CICS diagnostic tool was enhanced to count the
IMACEXCL different record sizes found in your CICS transaction
VMAC110 (type 110 subtype 1) data that you can verify if all of
UCICSCNT your regions have the same EXCLUDE/INCLUDE definitions.
Apr 1, 1996 Comments in IMACEXCL were improved for multi-line INPUT
statements for the same CICS field number, and debugging
logic in VMAC110 was strengthened.
Change 14.059 TYPE72GO variable VALDSAMP was incorrect, which caused
VMAC7072 the PCTDLxxx variables to sometimes be wrong. The correct
Mar 29, 1996 equation should have five terms:
In addition, VALDSAMP is added to the KEEP= list for the
TYPE72GO dataset.
Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA
Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.
Change 14.058 TYPE71 statistics for Shared Page Groups added in ESA 5.1
VMAC71 by IBM but missed by MXG until now. New variables are:
Mar 29, 1996 SHPG-IN/OU-AU/EX - Page in/out from AUX and ESTORE
SHPGSYxx - Shared Page Groups in the system
SHPGCSxx - Shared Page Groups in CSTORE
SHPGESxx - Shared Page Groups in ESTORE
SHPGAUxx - Shared Page Groups in AUX STORE
SHPGFXxx - Shared Page Groups Fixed
SHPGLOxx - Shared Page Groups Fixed below 16MB
where xx = AV,MN,MX for average, min and maximum.
Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.
Change 14.057 Support for STK's NearOAM (formarly NearImage) user SMF
EXTYNOAM record creates dataset TYPENOAM with one observation for
IMACNOAM each individual request to retrieve an object. Their SMF
TYPENOAM record can contain up to 100 requests from a single tape;
VMACNOAM MXG creates one observation per request, with the start
Mar 28, 1996 and end times and duration of each request, and the name
of the tape dataset being processed.
Thanks to Fiona Crane, Sun Alliance Insurance Group, ENGLAND.
Change 14.056 Cosmetic. Test macro _TESTINTX defined in VMACVMXA is
JCLTEST6 too long and is renamed _TESTINX to conform with 8-byte
VMACVMXA limit of SAS. There was no change to JCLTEST6, but that
Mar 27, 1996 MXG job encountered this error in VMACVMXA.
Thanks to Philip Sills, IFF International Flavors & Fragrance, USA.
Change 14.055 STK's HSC Subtype 08 record comes in two (incompatible)
VMACSTC lengths of 38 or 40 bytes, but MXG Change 14.001 knew of
Mar 27, 1996 only the 38 byte record. STK expanded a one byte thrice
defined field into three separate fields. Either length
record caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error message.
To fix, conditionally execute the INPUT statement by
inserting IF LENGTH-COL+1 EQ 18 THEN before input,
then block replicate the input, change the condition to
and then remove the +M1 before fields STC08CID, STC08MAG
in the GE 20 input.
Thanks to Herb G. Strozinsky, Burlington Northern Santa Fe RR, USA.
Thanks to Sudie Wulfert-Schickedanz General American Life Ins, USA.
Change 14.054 Support for Netview FTP (File Transfer Protocol) subtype
FORMATS 51x, written when the Server Finished Request Processing
VMACFTP creates FTP25X dataset with bytes transferred, CPU time,
Mar 27, 1996 begin and end, as well as compression factor.
APAR PN82953 corrects documentation.
Thanks to Herb G. Strozinsky, Burlington Northern Santa Fe RR, USA.
Change 14.053 Variables LUNETID PCSESSID VILUNAME in NSPYLU dataset are
VMACNSPY trashed, because two new fields, LUATTCHS and LUUSRSPS
Mar 27, 1996 were not input by MXG. After the line that INPUTs
Mar 28, 1996 variable LUNRSPSS, and before the @; that ends that
INPUT statement, insert
then add the two variable names at the end of the NSPYLU
KEEP= list, just before the _KNSPYLU macro reference.
Additionally, variable NSPYNETW was trashed, as six bytes
were inserted in July 95 that were not in the March 95
documentation for Netspy 4.6. To circumvent, after the
line that INPUTs SGTRGT4, insert a line with +6 to
skip six bytes. The actual change creates new variable
NSPYDBKY, Database Key from the Netspy Header, but does
not keep the new variable (until someone tells me what
use it is in which Netspy datasets!).
Thanks to Dennis Longnecker, State of Washington OAC, USA.
Change 14.052 HSM ABARS short FSRTYPE=15 record caused INPUT STATEMENT
VMACHSM EXCEEDED RECORD error. While I am still investigating
Mar 15, 1996 what changed, to circumvent the error and skip the bad
record, insert IF LENGTH-COL+1 LT 274 THEN RETURN;
in two places, immediately preceding both occurrences of
Thanks to Robert A. Burns, The Travelers, USA.
Change 14.051 Variable ELAPSTM was not created in dataset TYPE72GO Goal
VMAC7072 Mode, causing RMFINTRV to have missing values for all of
RMFINTRV the response (TSORESP,BATRESP) when you migrate to WLM
Mar 15, 1996 Goal Mode, because ELAPSTM is the numerator of response.
Just adding ELAPSTM to KEEP list for TYPE72GO won't work.
Thanks to Waldemar Schneider, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Thanks to Kevin Carpenter, First of America Services, USA.
Change 14.050 INVALID DATA FOR BETASTRT and BETAEND with BETA 1.6.5 for
VMACBETA subtype=21 because MXG failed to skip over three reserved
Mar 13, 1996 bytes. Find the statement ELSE IF SUBTYPE=21 THEN DO;
Then find the statement about 21 lines later reading:
Change the line to read
Thanks to Mr. Hasselmann, Braun AG, GERMANY.
Change 14.049 Changes to keep DATETIME in Change 14.028 should also be
BUILDPD3 made in BUILDPD3 and BUIL3005 (for JES3) to be consistent
BUIL3005 with BUILDPDB and BUILD005 (for JES2). Variable DATETIME
Mar 13, 1996 is kept and labelled in PDB.JOBS, PDB.STEPS and PDB.PRINT
and LENGTH statements were also made consistent.
Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Change 14.048 Variable ULOGADAE should have been INPUT as &PIB.4.3 vice
Mar 13, 1996
Thanks to Jens Schlatter, Independent Consultant, GERMANY.
Change 14.047 DB2 Trace dataset T102S096 variable QW0096SN should have
VMAC102 been INPUT as &PIB.4. vice &PIB.2.; variables QW0096SC
Mar 13, 1996 and QW0096SK should be &PIB.2. vice $EBCDIC1.
Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt AG, GERMANY.
Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstadt, AG, Germany
====Changes thru 14.046 were included in MXG 14.01 dated Mar 7, 1996===
Change 14.046 Validation of TMON for UNIX at a real site with real data
VMACTUX uncovered these corrections.
Mar 7, 1996 -Variable INTERVAL added to KEEP= for TUXCPU and TUXDISK.
-Variables UTIME, STIME, UTIMETOT, STIMETOT are divided
by 100.
-For data from AIX, memorymgmt fields swapins, swapouts,
filefault, swapfault, and faultiorate do not exist, and
system fields swapin_rate and swapout_rate do not exist,
and must be commented out in your input statement (until
I find a permanent solution!).
-Comparing the sum of utime and stime from process records
was typically 70%-80% of the usertm from cpu records for
HP G50, but with AIX, stime+utime is always greater than
the usertm, usually about 150%, and utime by itself with
AIX is 75-80% of usertm.
-Nowhere is TMON/UNIX is CPU model/speed/size or memory
size kept.
Thanks to Dan Sidorik, SmithKlein Beecham, USA.
Change 14.045 The //LKED.SYSLMOD DD statement must be moved to the end
ASMRMFV of the member for the assembly and link edit to execute
Mar 6, 1996 without error.
Thanks to Jay Beeler, Key Services, USA.
Change 14.044 A truncated DB2 3.1 type 101 SMF record caused INPUT
VMACDB2 STATEMENT EXCEEDED because MXG validation of the triplet
Mar 6, 1996 (offset, length, number) was not as robust as it is now.
Change the test now reading:
to read
The record may have been truncated during copying after
creation, or DB2 might have created the bad record; the
site is still investigating, and this note will be
updated when more is known. Now, MXG will detect this
class of bad records, tell you they are there while
avoiding the STOPOVER error, and keep on truckin'.
The actual change was made to all forty statements of the
preceding form, one for each record segment type.
The bad record had a product section length (in the
triplet) of 152 bytes, but there were only 114 bytes
left in the record from the start of the PROD data
section. The PROD data section contained a valid
76-byte header 1 subsection, and the beginning of a
header 2 section with expected length of 76 bytes, but
only 38 bytes exist.
Thanks to Dan Null, Caterpiller Inc, USA.
Change 14.043 DCOLLECT dataset DCOLSG (Storage Group definitions) has
VMACDCOL variable DSGGBKUF too large, because MXG was off by one
Mar 6, 1996 byte. After the IF DCOLRTYP='DC' THEN DO; statement,
insert new statement M8=-8; Then change the line that
inputs DSGGBKUP so that it reads:
+M8 DSGGBKUP $EBCDIC1. +7 /* label ... */
(DSGGBKUP is a redefinition of DSGCNFRM).
Thanks to Mike Moss, Royal Bank of Scotland, SCOTLAND.
Change 14.042 -INVALID DATA for TIGETMCT or TIFREMCT because the fields
TYPETMON are documented as XL8 and I assumed they were floating
Mar 6, 1996 point (like all the other Landmark XL8 fields) and input
them as &RB.8. Since all of my test data had zero values
I could not tell. Well, it turns out they are fixed and
not float, and their input must be changed from &RB.8. to
&PIB.8., and the two lines after the @; that multiply by
1000000 must be deleted.
when your CICS guy uses new TMON TCE 1.3 programs
TMONCNVT or $DBUTIL to convert old TMON TCM 8.3 records;
trashed records of the wrong length (2276) are created by
the Landmark program when you cross versions. Although I
think the Landmark program should have recognized their
inconsistency and ABEND their convert, they don't, so MXG
will now test for wrong length and warn you on the log
that bad records have been found and deleted.
Thanks to Rudra Rishy Maharaj, Stelco Inc, CANADA.
Change 14.041 -Variables CPUTYPE and CPUVERSN are now added to TYPE72GO
EXTY72GO observations. Retained from the last type 70 record, the
VMAC7072 variables were kept in TYPE72 PERFGRP data, so it makes
Mar 5, 1996 sense to keep them also in the TYPE72GO SRVCLASS data, so
Mar 27, 1996 that old reports can be used for WLM reporting.
Apr 23, 1996 -Variable R723RTYP was added to TYPE72GO KEEP= list.
-Change 13.228 was not actually implemented in MXG 13.13,
but its logic (in EXTY72GO to OUTPUT TYPE72GO only if the
service class or report class had activity during the
interval) was finally added in MXG 14.01. Subsequently,
its test for R723TYPE IN(1,2,4) was changed in MXG 14.02
to test for R723TYPE IN(1,2,4,5), because report classes
were being output with all zeroes for report classes
whose associated service classes were never initiated
(e.g., CICS report classes defined on a CICS backup).
-Because R723CRCA is frequently blank even when resources
are recorded for a Service Class, and because it is used
to set R723RTYP values 4 or 5, the logic to set the value
of R723CRCA was changed to now read:
Thanks to Brenda Rabinowitz, Prudential-Bache Securities, USA.
Change 14.040 TCP/IP release 2.2.1 prior to APAR PN40511 was a user SMF
VMACTCP record with ID greater than 128, but if you used ID=118
Mar 5, 1996 for this old release, you caused MXG to print UNEXPECTED
TCP/IP DATA message notifying you that MXG had deleted a
record. However, if the bad record happened to have "S"
in column 69, MXG failed with INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.
Correcting SMF TYPE eliminates the error (and with that
APAR and later releases of TCP/IP, you no longer can set
the ID, it is fixed at 118), but I added protection to
avoid the STOPOVER condition.
Thanks to Jim Majors, Barnett Technologies, USA.
Change 14.039 Altai & CA job schedulers can't restart a multi-step SAS
MXGSAS job due to the DISP=(MOD,PASS) on the //NULLPDS DD
Mar 4, 1996 statement in the JCL procedure to execute SAS, because
you cannot restart a step that needs passed datasets.
However, if you could change PASS to DELETE, the step
would be restartable, and since NULLPDS exists only to
satisfy JCL syntax for the LOAD and SASAUTO symbolic
parameters, and since NULLPDS is never actually opened,
it would be safe to change the PASS to DELETE. However,
when PASS was changed to DELETE, now a second execution
of the PROC fails with ABEND 213-04, and the matter is
still under investigation. Stay tuned.
Thanks to Neil Ervin, Huntington Services, USA.
Change 14.038 Consistency clean-up. Datasets DCOLAI and DCOLCN did not
VMACDCOL have variable ZDATE in their KEEP= list, but now they do.
Mar 3, 1996
Change 14.037 MAINTLEV 8 of the MXG Tape Mount and Allocation Monitor.
ASMTAPES Two principal changes: Use of the CVT to load the return
ZASMTAPE address of the SRB routine, so we will no longer be
Mar 3, 1996 dependent on the SRB DSECT to properly exit the SRB, and
far more stringent use of the lockword; the SRB will now
exit immediately if it is unable to obtain the lockword,
whereas prior versions assumed we were serialized and
continued to process. MAINTLEV 7 has failed only once at
only one site (but it was in its SRB routine, while in
FRR), and it may have caused another ASID to fail! Dumps
of that failure did show the exposure in our SRB routine
that are now corrected.
Thanks to Paul Hill, Midland Bank, ENGLAND.
Change 14.036 Support for type 6 ESS segment decoding is added and is
IMAC6ESS externalized in new IMAC6ESS. By default, no fields in
Mar 3, 1996 the ESS segments will be decoded until you remove the
comment block in this member. You will also want to set
the desired LENGTH of the new variables to be kept, and
if you want the ESS variables in your PDB.PRINT, you will
also need to update _PDB_6 macro in IMACPDB.
Thanks to Martin Wieland, Neckermann B.V., THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 14.035 Format MGD145S (for DB2 trace IFCIDS 124, 145, and 183)
FORMATS should map binary, not hex values, so the X's on both
Mar 3, 1996 sides of the equal sign were removed.
Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA.
Change 14.034 NDM subtypes 'SI' and 'ST' were not correct. In the 'SI'
VMACNDM section, insert +4 between INPUT and NDMUNODE, and
Mar 2, 1996 change $EBCDIC8. after NDMUID to $EBCDIC64. In the 'ST'
section, change $EBCDIC8. after NDMUID to $EBCDIC64.
Worse, I discovered NDMTIME and most other NDM datetime
variables were missing. Thirteen lines that now read
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