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------ ------ ------ ------

Message(s) RMFV070W RMFV071W RMFV072W RMFV073W

Return Code 0004 0004 0004 0004

When a setting is ABEND (for diagnostic use):

------ ------ ------ ------

Message(s) RMFV070E RMFV071E RMFV072E RMFV073E

Abend Code U0998 U0998 U0998 U0998

Reason Code 70 71 72 73
-An extra RMFV037I message displays the values assigned to

these FIND error settings at ASMRMFV startup as I, W, or


-When an SCERR=, RCERR=, WLERR=, or RGERR= setting is WARN

and a FIND error occurs ASMRMFV updates the usual 32 byte

Description field for the Service Policy category in ASI,

ENC, RCD output records as follows:
Category Description Field Contents

-------------- ---------------------------

Service Class SC: I=nnnnnnn E=eeeee L=lll

Report Class RC: I=nnnnnnn E=eeeee L=lll

Workload WL: I=nnnnnnn E=eeeee L=lll

Resource Group RG: I=nnnnnnn E=eeeee L=lll


nnnnnnn is the invalid index value up to 7 decimal digits

eeeee is the actual number of entries in the Service

Policy for this category up to 5 decimal digits

lll is the length of one entry in the Service Policy

for this category up to 3 decimal digits

These Descriptions eventually become part of the MXG PDB.

When a Service Class, Report Class, Workload, or Resource

Group name variable in an MXG PDB is blank the

Description field in this case helps to explain why.

-When a setting is WARN AND an index value is ZERO the

respective Description field is also updated.

In this case NO messages are issued. An index may

validly be zero.

As examples, in a given Service Policy not all Service

Classes belong to a Resource Group nor do they

necessarily have a Report Class. The index for the

Resource Group and/or Report Class in these cases would

be validly zero.

-When a SCERR=, RCERR=, WLERR=, or RGERR= setting is

IGNORE and the respective index value is either invalid

or zero, the corresponding Description field is instead

left as blanks.
This was the behavior of prior ASMRMFV versions for zero

index values. Users who prefer to have the Description

field remain blank in the PDB in these cases should use

the IGNORE setting for all 4 error parameters (or set

MAXFINDS=0 as noted below).

-NOTE: The respective 8 byte Service Class, Report Class,

Workload, or Resource Group name variable itself in the

PDB remains as blanks for invalid or zero indexes

regardless of IGNORE or WARN settings.

-A new parameter MAXFINDS= (aliases MAXFIND=, MAXFI=,

MAXF=) specifies the number of FIND warning messages

RMFV070W, RMFV071W, RMFV072W, and RMFV073W to be shown

for each RMF III data set processed when the WARN setting

is in effect. The default is MAXFINDS=10.

-With the MAXFINDS= default up to 10 each of RMFV070W,

RMFV071W, RMFV072W, and RMFV073W warning messages could

be shown for each RMF III data set processed. The

counter is reset for each new RMF III data set.

-An extra RMFV037I message displays the numeric value

assigned to MAXFINDS= at ASMRMFV startup.

-MAXFINDS=0 EXCLUDES all FIND warning messages and has the

same effect as coding SCERR=IGNORE, RCERR=IGNORE,


-MAXFINDS=MAX allows virtually unlimited FIND warning

messages to be shown per RMF III data set.

-Documentation Section 2 "Terminology" has been expanded.

-Documentation Section 6 "Report Control Parameters" is

updated for the new MAXFINDS= parameter.

-Documentation Section 8 "Error Handling Parameters" is

updated for the new SCERR=, RCERR=, WLERR=, and RGERR=


-Documentation Section 9 "JCL and SYSIN Parameter Usage"

has been updated.

-Documentation Section 12 is now called "Messages" and now

includes ALL possible messages that can be produced by

ASMRMFV. For each message there is a discussion of

purpose, whether the message is Multi-Line and/or

Multi-Severity, possible action(s) to be taken, and an

explanation of all variable fields in the message.

-Documentation Section 17 "Abend Reason Codes" is updated.

-Documentation Section 21 is now called "Extended

ASI/ENC/RCD/UWD Record Support" and has been updated.

-Documentation Section 24 "Sysplex Master Gatherer" is

updated for the new MASTER RMF III option in z/OS 2.1.

-Message RMFV032E was missing trailing +++ characters.

-Message RMFV034I is now message RMFV017I and message

RMFV034I is no longer in use.

-Error message RMFV043E is now a severe error message


-Message RMFV052* (* = I,W,A) had an invalid value for


-Message RMFV106W was missing trailing * character.

-Two new diagnostic only messages for the ASI table

RMFV076I and RMFV077I have been added but do not

normally appear without a special procedure.

-Data ORIGIN message RMFV009I now includes the RMF Version

Number, z/OS Version and Release Number, and the MINTIME

sample time stamp to better identify the source of data

being processed for each RMF III data set.

-In the event multiple RMF versions have created data in

an RMF III data set message RMFV009I will be repeated as

needed for each new version detected.

-REQUIREMENT: In order to implement these features the

ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change must be

installed. See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for sample

JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps.

Thanks to Warren Cravey, Fidelity Institutional, USA.
Change 32.107 Support for optional CICS segment ESIUSER.



May 8, 2014

Thanks to Alfred Holz, Express-Scripts, USA.
Change 32.106 Optional CMRDETL CICS segment is now 384 bytes long with

IMACICMX unpopulated/useless 128 bytes added to each CICS 110-1,

UTILEXCL so UTILEXCL is updated to detect the new length and tell

May 4, 2014 you to tailor the new IMACICMX member. The previous 256

length is still detected and IMACICMR identified for you

to tailor. IF BOTH IMACICMR and IMACICMX are identified

in your data, please send the UTILEXCL output using the

first example to support@mxg.com and we will return a

tailored member that will support both lengths.
Change 32.106A Protection for divide by zero in VXPRCPRP when HFCOUNT is

VMACVMXA zero, VMDUSER is removed from VXPRCMFC BY list as it is

May 4, 2014 not always populated.
Change 32.105 Variable NDMNODET is now labeled DIRECTION*OF*DATA and is

VMACNDM formatted with $MGNDMNT.

May 1, 2014
Change 32.104 Change 32.089 subtracted CPUASRTM from CPUTCBTM and added


May 8, 2014 also corrected by moving ASRUNITS from CPU to SRB, since

CPUASRTM is SRB, and not TCB, time.

Thanks to Julian Smailes, Experian, ENGLAND.
Change 32.103 DCOLMIGS dataset variable UMLRECL was always zero because

VMACDCOL the DSECT in Access Method Services has the wrong offset

May 1, 2014 for the 10 reserved bytes, which misled me to incorrectly

input UMLRECL.

Thanks to Steve Gormley, UNUM, ENGLAND.
Change 32.102 Support for OS/390 RMF data. MXG changes after MXG 30.30

VMAC7072 caused zero observations in PDB.TYPE70 for records from

Apr 28, 2014 OS/390. Now, IF VERSNRMF LE 607 THEN OS390='Y' is set and

used to force output when TYPE70EN has no observations.

Thanks to Jeff Fracas, WIPRO, USA.
====== Changes thru 32.101 were in MXG 32.04 dated Apr 27, 2014=========
Change 32.101 -Duplicate DB2 SMF ID=102 Trace records are removed in the

ADOC102 revised _S102nnn dataset sort macros that now correctly


Apr 26, 2014 (Previously, a DATA _Ldddddd; SET _Wdddddd; was used in

the "sort" macro to copy from WORK to PDB data library).

-The BY list _V102SRT _B102nnn, where V102SRT is this list

of common variables used for all T102Snnn sorts



and _B102nnn is the IFCID-specific variables that are

also needed for NODUP to work.

-But: NODUP can ONLY be verified with actual data records:

These IFCIDs had 50% removal with _ALL_ BY List:

004 005 006 007 022 027 053 058 059 060 061 062

063 064 064 066 072 703 074 075 080 081 082 086

090 091 095 096 107 108 109 112 142 173 177 191

199 208 225 247 250 254 261 262 263 267 268 340

342 343 350 359 361 362 366 370 371 377

This 1 IFCID needed it's _B102199 BY List Populated:


These 24 IFCIDs did not remove 50% with _ALL_:

023 024 025 055 083 087 106 140 141 143 144 145

169 172 192 196 219 220 258 313 319 337 402 SSS

All other IFCIDs had zero observations so it is not

known if the default _V102SRT BY list is sufficient, but

you can easily verify, by reading the same SMF input

twice with %READB2(IFCID=nnn,PDBOUT=PDB) and observing

if the PROC SORT duplicate observation count is equal to

to the output observations, i.e., 50% of the input.

-Obscure: Previously, variable T102RECN was accidentally

output with the physical record number in the SMF input

file, when it should have been a missing value, as it was

intended for internal debugging or support diagnostics.

But that non-missing value prevents NODUP removal of any

duplicate records, since duplicates would have different

values in T102RECN. It can't be dropped without possibly

causing someone's "perfectly good programs" to fail, so

it is now set to a missing value, as intended.

If you needed to know which SMF record created an obs,

you can populate T102RECN by inserting this statement


in your //SYSIN input.

Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.
Change 32.100 VGETOBS First 32.04: A RUN; statement is REQUIRED, and,

VGETOBS only under SAS V9.2, the newly-used-in-32.04 FEXIST()

Apr 27, 2014 function didn't recognize a valid //PDB DISP=NEW DDNAME

that had already been written to; the BUILDPDB failed


made the first VGETOBS call to create PDB.CICINTRV.

-The RUN; statement is required to be inserted inside the

%MACRO VGETOBS definition to force resolution of input

%macro variables before their reference, discovered when

%ANALZPCR failed to create any output.

-The FEXIST(DDNAME) function replaced a PROC SQL in 32.04

(to determine if the DDNAME existed when DDNAME.DATASET

didn't exist) because it looked simpler and faster with

a large VTABLE, but the measured difference was small and

large VTABLEs are very uncommon, so the initial test for

DDNAME existence is changed to %SYSFUNC(LIBREF(&DDNAME)),

with code reordered to expect existence, the normal case.

The fall thru to find if the DDNAME exists but has not

been opened/assigned, reverts to use the PROC SQL on

DICTIONARY.EXTFILES to avoid 9.2 FEXIST problem.

-Why is VGETOBS so pervasively used in MXG? First, to

verify that the DDNAME.DATASET of interest exists. Often

in MXG internal code, like VMXGWORL, so MXG can find and

copy/delete the WORK/PDB copy transparently, and often in

ANALxxxx report members that require your names as input,

VGETOBS is used to verify your request does exist. By

finding the non-existence before the reference, the user

can be alerted with explanatory MXGNOTES. Otherwise, not

only does the job eventually fail, but the failure error

messages can be quite confusing (BY VARIABLE NOT FOUND)

as they are not the actual cause of the failure. Second,

MXG can significantly reduce tape mounts and EXCPs using

VGETOBS to detect that tape or sequential format library

is in use; since SEQ doesn't have a directory of datasets

on tape, MXG can bypass the read of each tape volser to

find that this DATASET exists. And third, many of the

ANALxxxx/ASUMxxxx members use VGETOBS to bypass execution

of DATA and PROC steps where there is no data to report

or summarize.

Thanks to Jim Horne, Lowe's, USA.

Thanks to Robert B. Richards, OPM, USA.
====== Changes thru 32.099 were in MXG 32.04 dated Apr 23, 2014=========
Change 32.099 NEARTIME updates a daily PDB library with every SMF dump,

NEARTIME to provide nearly current time reports throughout a day.

Apr 21, 2014 You can build a complete PDB each time, or only process a

few records that you may want to have available during

each day. It can create all of the PDB datasets in the

LIBNAME of NEARTIME, and after all datasets are created

and sorted, it can either APPEND or COPY those datasets

from the NEARTIME data library to the PDB data library.

It keeps track of its last run in SPIN.LASTRUN and for

the first run on a new day, it PROC COPYs to initialize,

or PROC APPENDs all datasets found in NEARTIME to PDB.

If you choose to run a full BUILDPDB, the standard

invocations of RMFINTRV CICINTRV ASUM70PR and ASUM113

are suppressed until after the copy process is complete,

so that the summarizations include all the data to that

point in time and they are redriven with every execution.

The JOBS/STEPS/PRINT datasets are built by the normal

BUILDPDB process, where SPINCNT is incremented for each

execution, so you may need to increase the SPINCNT value

in your IMACSPIN tailoring to account for the increased

number of executions per day. You could even add an MXG

step to your SMFDUMP routine to cause the daily PDB to

be as current as the last SMF dump. This has been tested

by two sites, so please use with caution and report any

problems, and any enhancement suggestions.
Change 32.098 Variable PCTMVSBY is added to PDB.ASUM70LP dataset.


Apr 21, 2014
Change 32.097 The pairing-macros sorts for the TRANSIT report wrote to

ANALDBTR T102Snnn dataset names that overlaid the originals and

Apr 21, 2014 caused SORTED BY errors. Now, P102Snnn names are used.
Change 32.096 Change 32.091 corrected VGETOBS performance, but that new

ANALID design removed a PROC SQL that had (accidentally) caused

VGETOBS instantiation of a macro variables, exposing an error in

Apr 20, 2014 ANALID where a RUN statement should have been used. The

missing RUN; statement is added in ANALID, but a second

RUN; statement is added at the top of VGETOBS in case any

other members needed that accidental protection.
Change 32.095 UNINITIALIZED variable DB2PARTY message eliminated.


Apr 20, 2014
Change 32.094 Support for SMF ID=92 Subtypes 16 and 17 create:

EXTY9216 dddddd dataset description



VMAC92 But, the subtype 16 is NOT documented in the z/OS 2.1 SMF

VMXGINIT SMF Manual nor in SYS1.MACLIB ember BPXYSMFR, so none of

Apr 20, 2014 the subtype 16 specific variables are created, pending

response from IBM with the documentation.

-Reading a subtype 17 record with earlier VMAC92 will

print a harmless INVALID READTIME message.

Change 32.093 -RMF III Documentation Upgrade

ADOCRMFV -There are now 25 sections in the ASMRMFV source

ASMRMFV prologue documentation and in the corresponding

Apr 20, 2014 ADOCRMFV member as follows:

Section Contents

------- --------

0 Contents

1 Installation

2 Terminology

3 Execution JCL

4 RMF III Table Input Selection Parameters

5 Input Data Selection Parameters

6 Report Control Parameters

7 Output Data Control Parameters

8 Error Handling Parameters

9 JCL and SYSIN Parameter Usage

10 Parameter Syntax Rules

11 Parameter Coding Examples

12 Common Report Messages

13 Filtered Records

14 Skipped Records

15 Program Limitations

16 Return Codes

17 Abend Reason Codes

18 REGION Size and Memory Usage

19 Output LRECL


21 Extended ASI/ENC/UWD Record Support

22 RMF III Data Set Index Usage and Sizing

23 RMF III MONITOR III Options and Effect on


24 RMF III MONITOR III Sysplex Master

Gatherer & CFDETAIL

25 Summary

-Section 1. New. "Installation" has been added.

-Section 2 "Terminology" has been expanded.

-Section 12 "Common Report Messages" is greatly expanded

to include most information-only messages in the ASMRMFV


-Section 17. New. "Abend Reason Codes" added. Each Abend

Reason Code that can be issued is now unique with no

repeat usage.

-REQUIREMENT: In order to implement the unique Abend

Reason Code feature the ASMRMFV utility program from this

MXG change must be installed. See MXG SOURCLIB member

JCLASM3 for sample JCL for the assembly and link-edit

install steps.
Change 32.092 Initial support for TMON/MVS Version 4.4 (INCOMPATIBLE).

VMACTMVS This change updated the TMVSSYS dataset. Contact support

Apr 17, 2014 at MXG to request the next dataset(s) you need updated.
Change 32.091 MXG 32.03: VGETOBS on z/OS could elongate elapsed time

VGETOBS and increase EXCP counts; both effects are now corrected:

Apr 17, 2014 -If there are tape DDs in the step, a loop inside the

Jul 11, 2014 macro did not use the correct index in VGETTAPES string

(contains all detected TAPE data library DDNAMES). Only

the first was found so other tape DDs could be read to

look for the needed dataset, causing an increase in EXCPs

and elapsed times. VGETOBS now uses the %SYSFUNC for the

EXIST function that checks for the existence of a SAS

dataset, and for the FEIXST function that validates the

EXTFILE name, and uses OPEN/CLOSE to get the number of

OBS in the dataset, instead of using the (expensive)

dictionary tables, unless DATASET=_ALL_ was specified to

build the MXGTABLES dataset.

-On zOS, VGETOBS can optionally build a dataset to keep

track of all tables it finds. Then, when done, it deletes

that table, but that destroyed the SYSLAST/_LAST_ value,

so a subsequent PROC step without a DATA= argument failed

with a dataset not found error. Now, VGETOBS preserves



CPU TIME of any job with LOTS of VGETOBS executions.

In one case, 29.06 took 20 seconds, while 32.01 took 192.

Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.

Change 32.090 AUTOEZOS/CONFIGEZ provide new "EAZY" methods to execute

AUTOEZOS MXG on z/OS with SAS 9.2 and above, using your site's SAS

CONFIGEZ JCL procedure and your site's default SAS options.

JCLEZCFG Jul 19: WPS 3.1.1 is required for AUTOEZOS.

JCLEZSAS -The JCLEZSAS example %INCLUDEs the new AUTOEZOS member,

Apr 17, 2014 which uses the SAS APPEND= option to set the //LIBRARY

Jul 19, 2014 DDNAME for the MXG Formats, uses the SAS INSERT= option

to add SOURCLIB to SASAUTOS, and then invokes %VMXGINIT

to set the other options required for MXG execution.

This is the simplest way to set up the MXG environment,

but it does require that your site's SAS options do not

conflict with those needed by MXG's environment.

(It is unlikely you would need to tailor AUTOEZOS.)

-The JCLEZCFG example would be used if your default SAS

options conflict with those required by MXG, where simple

JCLEZSAS cannot be used. JCLEZCFG adds a CONFIG= option


sets ALL MXG-required options; the JCLEZCFG example also

then %INCLUDES AUTOEZOS, as above, to set the LIBRARY and

SOURCLIB DDNAMEs and to invoke %VMXGINIT. Since all MXG

required options are in CONFIGEZ member, it is unlikely

that you would need to tailor it, although those SAS

options that must be set at SAS Initialization can only

be set in that CONFIGEZ member.

Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.
Change 32.089 IBM TYPE30 field SMF30CPT (CPUTCBTM) has always included

VMAC30 CPUASRTM (SMF30ASR), but ASR is time under an SRB, so ASR

Apr 17, 2014 is now subtracted from CPUTCBTM and added to CPUSRBTM so

Aug 7, 2014 those variables match reality; this has no impact on the

total CPUTM variable (which IMO should be used, always).

MXG also had subtracted CPUASRTM from CPUTCBTM to create

TASKGCPTM, but that subtraction is redundant and removed.

- I am asking IBM SMF if the new ASR Instruction Counts

are also included in the CPT Instruction Counts.

Apr 23: IBM RMF support replied that the WLMGL Report in

the RMF Report Analysis Book shows under SERVICE, that

CPU service includes the task and preemptible-class SRB

processor service, and the SRB units contain only the

non-preemtible SRB service units. Unfortunately, in the

RMF 72 records, there is no "ASR" field with either the

service or CPU time of the preemptible-class SRB metric.

Aug 7: This reduction in CPUTCBTM increased the value

of variable AVGWKSET in TYPE30 datasets, calculated as


starting with MXG 32.04.

Thanks to Julian Smailes, Experian, ENGLAND.

Thanks to Brent Turner, Citigroup, USA.

Change 32.088 Support for NMON BBBPMOUNT and BBBPNETSTAT records create

EXNMONMT new datasets:




VMXGINIT The mount record contains only the month and day without

Apr 17, 2014 a year; if the current month is larger than the mount

month, the mount date uses last year's year value.


a one-digit hour value was corrected.

-Jul 17: Cosmetic. _WNMONFR, _WNMONFW and _WNMONFO in the

MACRO _NNMON were removed; they never existed.

Thanks to Len Marchant, Coke-Cola, USA.
Change 32.087 Support for SMF 120 Subtype 100 ODM (Operational Decision

VMAC120 Manager record creates new dataset:

VMXGINIT dddddd dataset Description


EXT1201C Jun 3 update, in MXG 32.05:

Apr 18, 2014 -Only Subtype 100 with non-zero EXN are output; st-100's

Jun 3, 2014 are written every interval (30 minute default), one for

each CICS APPLID in test data, but most have no segment;

some records do have multiple EXN segments so each one is

now output in dataset TY120100.

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