Change 23.275 Support for CA TopSecret SMF 80 records with SMF80DTP of
EXTY80TS 103,104,105,109,255 values. This is preliminary support,
IMAC80A as the DSECT does not exactly match the SMF record, so
VMAC80A further validation is required. Dataset TYPE80TS is
VMXGINIT created from all of those DTP values.
Oct 28, 2005
Thanks to Chris Hober, Charles Schwab, USA.
Thanks to Neil Ervin, Charles Schwab, USA.
Change 23.274 The MACRO definition for MACRO _N120 was missing the text
VMAC120 MACRO for each of the _NULL_ entries; attempting to use
Oct 27, 2005 the _N120 macro to null out all datasets failed.
Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, ISO, USA.
====== Changes thru 23.273 were in MXG 23.08 dated Oct 27, 2005=========
Change 23.273 NOT SORTED error in building PDB.ASUMCEC (error was right
VMXG70PR after the - IFA2 FOR CEC note on the log) can occur with
Oct 27, 2005 some data values. The reset of STARTIME to the nearest
minute (in EXCECTIM) caused the out of order condition,
which is now corrected by a PROC SORT.
Thanks to Joe Montana, Acxiom, USA.
Change 23.272 -First MXG 23.08 only. ARRAY SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE error
VMAC7072 due to MXG logic introduced in Change 23.237 to count IFA
Oct 27, 2005 and IFL engines using the (new-in-z9) SMF70CIN values in
new NRIFACPU and NRIFLCPU variables (which are non-zero
ONLY if you have a z9 processor that puts IFA and IFL in
the SMF70CIN field). The new logic was fine, but the new
LCPUADDR values that are greater than the number of real
engines in the LPARNAME='PHYSICAL' caused the failure.
The solution was to relocate the LPARNAME='PHYSICAL' test
that sets MXGCIN='PHY' above the test for LCPUADDR.
-New MACHTIME was in the year 2041; the SMF documentation
had SMF70HWM after SMF70LAC, but the new SMF70HOF field
was inserted between LAC and HWM in z/OS 1.7.
Thanks to Joe Montana, Acxiom, USA.
====== Changes thru 23.271 were in MXG 23.08 dated Oct 25, 2005=========
Change 23.271 An unknown NAF record segment caused the record to be
VMACNAF DELETEd, so subsequent segments were not OUTPUT. The
Oct 22, 2005 DELETE was removed and the number of messages limited,
and a hex dump of the first five unknown records is now
printed on the SAS log.
When documentation for the 'C0' segment is found, the
segment causing the problem will be supported.
Thanks to Joe Babcock, JPMC, USA.
Change 23.270 Due to popular demand, though I really fail to see the
VMAC7072 need, I've put back the individual IFA engine percentage
Oct 21, 2005 busy variables, PCTIFBY0-PCTIFBY9,PCTIFBYA-PCTIFBYX in
Oct 25, 2005 the KEEP= list for dataset TYPE70.
Oct 25: And now, they have non-missing values; those
variables were added in 22.09 and then removed, but even
in 22.09 their values were always missing.
Thanks to Stan Dylnicki, Royal Bank of Canada, CANADA.
Thanks tO Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Systems, USA
Change 23.269 z/VM MONWRITE dataset VXSYTEPM, Extended Channel Metrics,
VMACVMXA had not been data-tested for accumulated data values.
Oct 21, 2005 Now, ESCON variables ECMCPBTC and ECMCPBTL and FICON
variables ECMCBC ECMCCWUC and ECMCCWUL are DIF()'ed.
ESCON and FICON observations have different variables
populated; variable CSCCMCMG identifies FICON/ESCON.
The default _TESTMW macro invokes the _SSYTEMP macro that
does the actual deaccumulation.
-Bit CALINIT was on in one observation, uncovering a data
record that must be used to initialize the DIF() function
but then must be delete.
Thanks to Melanie Hitchings, BT, ENGLAND.
Thanks to Brian Crow, BT, ENGLAND.
Change 23.268 RMF 79 subtype 9 records had never been validated; some
TYPE79 fields are accumulated and some are not, and IBM doesn't
VMAC79 choose to document which is which, so real data is needed
Oct 20, 2005 to know that these variables had to be deaccumulated:
in the _STY799 "Dataset Sort Macro, which is invoked by
the _S79 "Product Sort Macro".
-The TYPS79 member did invokes the _S79 macro, but that
is now also added to the TYPE79 member so you don't
accidentally create only the accumulated datasets.
-Variables R799DPB and R799PCT have clearly invalid values
but IBM documents them as "not used".
Thanks to Jerry Ellis, Liberty Mutual, USA.
Change 23.267 Optional CICS OPID field with CMODHEAD='OPID' creates new
IMACICO1 OPID variable in CICSTRAN dataset, but only if UTILEXCL
UTILEXCL was used to create an IMACEXCL, and only if a dictionary
VMAC110 record had that CMODHEAD entry, and only if the comment
Oct 20, 2005 block in member IMACICO1.
Thanks to Lucy Fukishima, California Health and Welfare, USA.
Change 23.266 Documentation. DFSORT SMF Release 16 SMF 16 records are
VMAC16 already supported; there have been no changes to the IBM
Oct 20, 2005 SMF 16 SMF record since Release 14.
Change 23.265 -MXG 23.05-MXG 23.07, the RMFINTRV workload variables with
VMXGINIT IFA and IFE CPU times were always zero; Change 23.123 did
VMXGRMFI not correctly create those workload variables.
Oct 20, 2005 -Logic was added to VMXGRMFI in Change 23.215 to determine
Nov 3, 2005 if a VIEW could be used, but macro variable name VGETENG
was not GLOBALed in VMXGINIT, which caused SAS error that
Nov 3: Text updated. Adding VGETENG also required there
be a //INSTREAM DD, which has been in MXGSAS JCL
for years, but I never told ITRM this change made
it now required that their JCL also have this
Nov 28: See Change 23.298 which eliminated the use of the
//INSTREAM in VGETENG to avoid this exposure.
Thanks to Wolfgang Vierling, Allianz, GERMANY.
Change 23.264 The subtype 31 SARR records had a coding error; the code:
Oct 19, 2005 should have been:
Thanks to Wim Desmecht, NV INFOCO, BELGIUM.
Change 23.263 The length of MXG-created variable CPCFNAME, which is the
VMXG70PR concatenation of CPUTYPE and CPCMODEL, was increased from
Oct 12, 2005 $8 to $10 because an Amdahl GS2108E system has 2000-2108E
for CPCFNAME, which wouldn't fit in 8 bytes.
Thanks to Steve Rowe, DST Systems, Inc, USA.
Change 23.262 Documentation note only. If you get these error messages
The error is due to a corrupted SPIN library (due to a
prior failure when testing a %UTILBLDP or BUILDPDB run
that didn't complete successfully).
- If this is still in testing, and there WAS nothing of
value in the SPIN library, then you only need to use
PROC DELETE DATA=SPIN._ALL_; and can then re-test.
- If this should happen after BUILDPDB/UTILBLDP is in
production and you had data in the SPIN data library
(VERY RARE, because you had to have done something to
MXG to cause this failure and then tried to run the
production BUILDPDB job), then you must restore the
//SPIN data library to the way it was prior to what
you did that caused the failure, from the last PDB
data library from the last succesful BUILDPDB. This
is easy, because BUILDPDB backs up your SPIN library
datasets into each PDB data library, so you would use:
(the 'colon' is the wildcard in the SELECT statement).
Change 23.261 Invalid Extended Segment section in SMF 14 record caused
Oct 11, 2005 tried to read the rest of the record after detecting this
bad segment, but the rest of this record was also trash,
so now, the error messages are printed:
and the rest of the INPUT is now skipped.
Thanks to Sidney Owens, District of Columbia Government, USA.
Change 23.260 Linux under z/VM dataset VXAPLSLM variable PGFAUMI label
VMACVMXA said "PAGE*FAULTS*MINOR*ONLY" but the field contained the
Oct 6, 2005 MAJOR*ONLY faults. This change creates PGFAUMJ with the
Oct 13, 2005 MAJOR*ONLY faults, and corrects the value in PGFAUMI so
it is the MINOR*ONLY to match it's label.
Oct 13: Original divide changed to multiply.
Thanks to Kris Ferrier, State of Washington DIS, USA.
Change 23.259 The SMF _ID macro for some early SMF records didn't start
VMACWYLB with _ID; this change adds the "standard" ID maro name of
Oct 4, 2005 MACRO _IDxxxx nnn % to replace those archaic spellings,
but the original macro can still be used, since the code
IF ID=_oldname OR _ID= _IDxxxx THEN DO;
is used in these members:
Oldname Standard
Thanks to Freddie Arie, Merrill Consultants, USA.
Change 23.258 Support for SYSVIEW for IMS user SMF records.
EXSYSIDL dddddd Dataset Description
IMACSYSI This code is still in early testing, but because all of
TYPESYSI the test file has only the TRN, CNT and CLK segments, and
TYPESYSI exactly one each, and multiple segments doesn't make any
TYPSSYSI sense for the transaction, I now combine those three into
VMACSYSI a single obs in the SYSITRAN dataset. Because none of
VMXGINIT other segments are populated, the code, for now creates a
Oct 5, 2005 separate dataset for each segment, which may or may not
be the final design.
-Also, there is undocumented data in the records. While
the triplet count is 3 and the first three triplets are
populated for the TRN, CNT, and CLK segments, the eighth
triplet, "WRK" is also populated, pointing to a segment
with at least 8 populated TODSTAMP fields, but the WRK
segment is not described in the DSECT.
Thanks to John Rivera, (i)Structure, USA.
Thanks to Ken Steiner, (i)Structure, USA.
Thanks to David Zelmer, (i)Structure, USA.
Change 23.257 All variables created from TEMP were LENGTH $200, even
VMACTPMX though the actual INPUT was INPUT TEMP $VARYING16. And,
Oct 4, 2005 variables JBBND and JLIMT should have had $VARYING17. as
they can contain two levels and a period. So, lacking a
clear knowledge of exact maximum lengths, I folded all of
the $VARYINGnn (nn=6,14,16,64,80), into (nn=17,80) using
only TEMP17 and TEMP80 variables to set the kept lengths.
Note that as long as the MXG default option COMPRESS=YES
is still in effect, essentiall no space was wasted even
when the length was $200.
Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Systems, USA.
Change 23.256 Updated revision; warning messages RMFV022W and RMFV023W
ASMRMFV could be incorrectly issued, ASI data would be missing
Oct 4, 2005 and ASMRMFV would set Return Code 4.
Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom CDC, USA.
Change 23.255 The text for several TNG metrics in $MGTNGVN format were
FORMATS truncated in their VALUE statement, printing MXG messages
Oct 3, 2005 about UNKNOWN fields. Fields 31,34,36,37,46,and 113 for
the NT data for the SMPT Server Object were corrected.
Thanks to Peter Krijger, ANZ National Bank Limited, NEW ZEALAND.
Change 23.254 The ADOCMWSU member for HP MeasureWare for Sun has been
ADOCMWSU updated with the REPORT command syntax that creates the
VMACMWSU data fiels with the fields that TYPEMWSU expects.
Oct 3, 2005 -VMACMWSU's test for TYPE was expanded to test 'TRAN' so
Oct 5, 2005 those records will now be output.
Thanks to Albert Jacobs, KBC Bankverzekieringsholding, BELGIUM.
Change 23.253 Initial rewrite of the ASUMTAPE program that combines
ASUMTAPE MXG's Tape Mount TYPETMNT data with IBM's Tape Dismount
VMACTMNT TYPE21 SMF data to create PDB.ASUMTAPE dataset, with the
VMAC21 start and end times of the mount, the dismounted time,
Sep 30, 2005 and bytes read, written, and any tape error counts.
Oct 19, 2005 Because the "Exit-Driven" architecture of ASMTAPEE ML34+
captures all mounts and populates all JOB-related data,
only the PDB.TYPETMNT and PDB.TAPES (a/k/a TYPE21) are
needed to create PDB.ASUMTAPE. (PDB.TYPETALO was used
to populate missing fields when mounts were sampled.)
-The SPIN.SPINMOUN and SPIN.SPIN21 will hold incomplete
mount/dismount records, to be reintroduced tomorrow.
-These variables, from the allocation event, are no longer
created in PDB.ASUMTAPE:
-These job-related variables were only in the Allocate
record; they are now created in PDB.TYPETMNT and will be
created in PDB.ASUMUOW, but they will be blank until the
ASMTAPEE monitor program adds them to the mount record:
-VMAC21 now sets BLKSIZE=. if SMF21LB is not on.
-"Group" definition macros, _GRPMNNM and _GRPMNCD, are now
added in ASUMTAPE to group SYSTEMs that have overlapping
DEVNRs. Using the example in the comments to create a
each "location/group" is analyzed correctly.
-A macro _DEBUG is defined in ASUMTAPE, and when invoked
it will print a log of the sequence of mount, dismount
and allocation records for diagnostics if there is a
problem case observed; if you can also send the JOBLOG of
the job(s) involved, it will help our investigations.
-This revision is in early testing; it appears to work
perfectly when there is a match of mount/dismount, and
it recognized back-to-back dismounts (i.e., missed mount)
in variable STATUS, but it needs extensive validation and
comparisons to the SYSLOG of weird cases before I can
fully say it's ready for prime time.
-In testing this revision, I discovered that ASMTAPEE at
ML-34 thru ML-36 do NOT capture all tape mounts in their
exit logic: these are two known cases of missed mounts:
- Multi Volume Mounts - Only first Mount is captured in
the IBM Volume Mount Exit; STK's HSC exit sees all.
- DFHSM Mounts to 3590s - None captured, but mounts for
other jobs on 3590s are captured.
An investigation by "asmguy" has just been started today
as a result of this (unwanted!) discovery, which will
likely require SLIP traps, dumps, and possibly multiple
iterations to find out why these mounts were not seen.
-Oct 19: Macros _grpALxx are renamed to _grpMNxx to be
consistent; AL is for allocation and MN is for mounts,
and ASUMTAPE should be used instead of TYPETMNT for tape
-See further revisions in Change 23.300 and later.
Thanks to Normand Poitras, IBM Global Services, CANADA.
Thanks to Beau Chavis, Bank of America, USA.
Thanks to Jim Sherman, Lockheed-Martin, USA.
Change 23.252 TMS/CA-1 DEVTYPE variable was blank for TRTCH='E2'X, but
VMACTMS5 now DEVTYPE='STK9840-C' is decoded for that TRTCH value.
Sep 29, 2005 DEVTYPE='STK9842' already was decoded for TRTCH='E7'X.
Thanks to John Gebert, FDIC, USA.
Change 23.251 Enhancement to set TRANNAME in PDB.ASUMUOW from CICSTRAN
VMXGUOW observation in each Unit of Work that was not the CSMI
Sep 29, 2005 transaction but that had the longest IRESPTM duration, as
a more robust identification of the "real" transaction.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 23.250 OPTIONS NODSNFERR NOVNFERR; was missing from the TRNDCACH
TRNDCACH member; it is needed to protect the first-time-through,
Sep 28, 2005 when the TREND.TRNDCACH member doesn't yet exist.
All other TRND members had that option, so I assume it
was inadvertently deleted.
Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.
Change 23.249 Using %READDB2 to process DB2 Trace 102 SMF record now
ANALDB2R decodes the DBID and OBID values, if you enabled 105/107
READDB2 IFCIDs, and those records are in the input SMF data file.
VFMT102 (Previously, only the %ANALDB2R report printed the real
Oct 22, 2005 names of the OBID or DBID). Formats $MGDB2DB/$MGDB2OB
are created by VFMT102 member, used by both ANALDB2R and
VMAC102, if 105 or 107 records were found, but only cover
the time frame of the trace, since DBID and OBID can
change. The 105/107 records are only written at OPEN,
and the formats use the timestamp range of the data read
by READDB2, so you may still find $HEX4. values for the
DBID and OBID variables some of the time.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 23.248 An ending */ was missing in the exit member, but there
EXDB2ACC were subsequent end comments that apparently prevented an
Sep 22, 2005 error, as this was observed by Bruce, rather than the
result of a reported error condition. Sometimes, a
missing end comment, even when there are subsequent ends
for other comments, has caused strange errors.
Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.
Change 23.247 ML-36 of ASMTAPEE corrects a problem in the Allocation
ASMTAPEE Monitor introduced in ML-35 that cause a major increase
Sep 22, 2005 in the CPU time of the MXGTMNT task.
Thanks to Normand Poitras, IBM Global Services, CANADA.
Change 23.246 Support for adding un-sorted datasets to your WEEKly PDB.
WEEKBLD MONTHxxx programs supported adding unsorted datasets by
WEEKBLDT using MACRO _BY % MACRO _SORTBY % in place of
WEEKBLDD the normal MACRO _BYLIST var1 var2 % definition, but the
WEEKBL3 WEEKxxxx programs were not revised to define those two
WEEKBL3D macros, until now. As a reminder, once these two macros
WEEKBL3T have been specified, all subsequent datasets will be
Sep 16, 2005 treated as non-sorted, so the un-sorted dataset build
macros should be at the very bottom of your EXPDBWEK or
EXPDBMON tailoring member.
Thanks to Cheryl Heiner, State of Montana, USA.
Change 23.245 A single quote (') in the WLM data for a variable was not
REXXWLM converted to two single quotes (''), which could cause a
Sep 16,2005 SAS error.
Thanks to Sam Bass, McLane Company, USA.
Change 23.244 NO LONGER TRUE, FIXED BY SAS IN 2005. Original text:
VMXGSET read from all SAS data libraries in your JCL that have
Sep 16, 2005 DDNAMES starting with "XYZn" can fail to read all DDs,
but ONLY if you have installed the IBM PATCH for HSM that
is documented in IBM APAR OY63500, and ONLY if one of the
"XYZn" datasets is independently being migrated by HSM!
That PATCH allows HSM to bypass normal DSENQ protection;
the site runs an HSM job every 30 minutes to migrate data
from ML0 to ML2. The HSM task started the migration, and
then the MXG job started to run (because DSENQ had been
bypassed). VGETDDS tests each XYZn DD with PROC SQL to
find its ENGINE, but SAS did not recognize that XYZ3 was
a SAS Data Library in its DICTIONARY.MEMBERS table (due
to its migration-in-progress status), so VGETDDS saw
UNKNOWN engine, and stopped its search for other XYZn
DDNAMES when the first UNKNOWN engine type is found.
Since VGETDDS only saw XYZ1 and XYZ2, the XYZ3 DDNAME
was never opened by SAS, so the OPEN ABEND discussed in
the IBM APAR text never happened.
If you have the "PATCH" in OY63500, and you permit your
PDBs to be migrated by HSM while trying to use one, there
is no possible MXG fix for this error; the only clues
that there was an error was that many fewer obs were
read than expected, and/or the VGETDDS message on the log
explicitly said it only found two XYZn DDNAMES.
(But the whole point of VGETDDS/VMXGSET is so your JCL
determines how many XYZn DDNAMES are read, and so you
DON'T have to tell me how many to expect!).
The only way to prevent I can think of is to put these
PDB libraries in a dataclass that is not migrated by the
interval task, to eliminate the exposure.
Change 23.243 Enhanncement to RMF III VSAM support ASMRMFV/TYPERMFV.
ADOCRMFV -ASMRMFV corrects a few issues, reduces CPU utilization by
ASMRMFV use of MVCL instruction, and adds the ASI Extension that
CLRMFV had been requested by Lawrence Jermyn, along with other
DOCLRMFV minor changes. The ASI Extension improves the ability to
VMACRMFV subset and group RMF Monitor III data for historical
Sep 15, 2005 analysis at the Address Space level. This version also
Sep 16, 2005 offers additional Assembly Language symbolics to let you
tailor the ASMRMFV defaults.
-CLRMFV: There are no changes to the CLIST; its just here
as a reminder that it is used to process RMFV data.
-ADOCRMFV: Extensive notes on what Jerry did are added!
-DOCLRMFV: Updated notes.
were added to ZRBASI dataset. ASIVERG3 values '0F'x and
greater indicate that the zAAP fields are present in the
-Sep 16: Old SVP Buffer Table cleanup added.
Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom CDC, USA.
Change 23.242 Support for SMF type 82 subtypes 20 and 21 is added.
EXTY8220 Subtype dddddd Dataset Description
EXTY8221 20 TY8220 TYPE8220 Crypto Coprocessor Timings
FORMATS 21 TY8221 TYPE8221 ICSF Sysplex Group Change
IMAC82 -In TYPE8220, MXG variables NQAPDQAP and DQAPWAIT are the
VMAC82 calculated delta times between TNQ-TDQ and TDQ-TWT, after
VMXGINIT using the TWT-SMFTIME delta to create GMT82OFF. Since it
Sep 12, 2005 is the coprocessor duration, and not time of day, that is
of interest, the original SMF82TNQ, SMF82TDQ and SMF82TWT
variables are not kept.
-SMF82TSF, Coprocessor sub function code is not documented
in the SMF manual; it is a $HEX4. value, and will be
formatted when it's possible values are known.
-SMF82TRN will be missing until you install z/OS 1.7.
-TYPE8221 code has not been tested with records, yet.
Thanks to Ian Arnett, TD Canada Trust, CANADA.
Change 23.241 Two more typos: NR25SEGS in the WHEN (24) group should
VMAC80A have been NR24SEGS, and NR44SEGS in the WHEN(43) group
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