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Apr 18, 2003 -In Trending logic, EXRMFINT is now invoked; without that

logic, variables dropped from RMFINTRV in EXRMFINT were

not being dropped in the TRNDRMFI dataset.

-Invoking VMXGRMFI twice, using PDB=PDB logic to create

two levels of summary (like RMFINTRV and RMFINTHR, as

suggested in comments in the original RMFINTRV member)

corrupted the SPINRMFI dataset so it did not keep enough

data for correct calculations of MSU4HRAV. The example

is revised, and the TREND logic should be used for the

second summary, to eliminate SPINRMFI corruption:












These examples assume the IMACWORK=YES default, i.e., the

workload definitions are in your IMACWORK member. If you

instead invoke %VMXGRMFI with IMACWORK=NO and use its

WORKnn= arguments to define your PDB.RMFINTRV workloads,

then you must specify those same WORKnn= arguments when

you use the VMXGRMFI to create TREND.TRNDRMFI dataset;

otherwise, none of the extended varaibles will be in


Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.

Change 21.066 TYPSZARA was revised to copy the ZARA datasets into the

TYPSZARA PDB library; the ZARA support is unique in that it does

Apr 18, 2003 depend on the macro overrides in IMACZARA, so this was

the safest change to copy ZARAxxxx datasets into the

PDB ddname, and still preserve prior user's tailoring.

Thanks to Bob Miller, Conseco, USA.

Change 21.065 Support for servers with more than 16 CPUs or LPARs.

VMAC7072 -TYPE70 Dataset: Support for 32 engines.

VMXGRMFI The existing sets of 11 CPU-specific variables per CPUID



where suffix 0-9 and A-F are for CPUs 0-15, have 17 more

suffixes, G-L and N-X, for CPUs 16 thru 32 (187 vars).

Note that the suffix letter "M" had to be skipped,

because variable CPUWAITM was already defined.

Labels document which suffix is for which CPU number.

-TYPE70PR Dataset:

No change was needed for more than 16 LPARs; MXG stores

the LPARNUM in four bytes. Note, however, we recommend

you use the MXG-build PDB.ASUM70PR or PDB.ASUMCEC dataset

for your LPAR and CEC analysis, as those datasets know

how to recognize and not count LCPUs that are ICFs or

Linux partitions; if you use TYPE70PR, you'll have to

make sure you understand how to recognize what's what.

-RMFINTRV Dataset:


were added to the ID= operand for PDB.RMFINTRV dataset.

-ASUM70PR,ASUMCEC datasets (built by member ASUM70PR):

The existing sets of 22 LPAR-specific variables per LPAR





where suffix 0-9 and A-G are for LPARs 0-16, have 16 more

suffixes, H-O and Q-X, for LPARs 17 thru 32 (+352 vars).

Note that the suffix letter "P" had to be skipped,

because variable CPUWAITM was already defined.

Labels document which suffix is for which LPAR number.

This was "Feature 0" or "z/OS 1.4 z990 Compatibility".
Change 21.064 Support for IMS Version 8.1:

ASMIMSL6 -BMC's IMF, Candle's ITRF, Landmark's TIMS.

VMACIMS -MXG's "Supported" TYPEIMS7 to create IMS0708 dataset

Apr 17, 2003 -MXG's ASMIMSL6/JCLIMSL6 to create IMSTRAN dataset.

May 21, 2003

-BMC's IMF, Candle's ITRF, and Landmark's TIMS products

write their own records that MXG reads, and none have

changed in their output records, so MXG 20.20+ supports

their products under all versions of IMS, including 8.1.
-MXG's "Supported" TYPEIMS7 program to create the IMS0708

dataset from 07 and 08 log records (has IMS resources by

transaction name, but no response times) does work with

IMS 8.1, but there are "INVALID DEQDATE" messages and hex

dumps printed on the job log, because IBM incompatibly

changed their 036x log record. VMACIMS has been updated

to support the non-fast-path IMS log records, and when

fast path 8.1 records are available along with DSECTS,

the VMACIMS code for them will be examined for changes.

The _IMSVERS macro default value in IMACIMS7 and

IMACIMS are left at 7.1, since some sites may be

exploiting that existing default; change to 8.1 to

process IMS Version 8.1 records.
-MXG's "pseudo-supported" ASMIMSL6 program and JCLIMSL6

examples work just fine with IMS Version 8.1 records, as

they do with IMS Version 7.1 records, but you must first

re-assemble the ASMIMSL6 assembly program using the IMS

Version 8.1 macro library to create the V 8.1 program,

and you must run separate JCLIMSLx jobs to process the

V7.1 and V8.1 data separately; you cannot concatenate

the IMS logs from two versions and read with JCLIMSLx.

MXG 20.03 contained the last change to this support.
-Log record 31x with PSTNUMBR=0 are output in IMS31O in

VMACIMS logic, and a FLAG2 test added for log record 36x.

Thanks to Jiann-Shiun Huang, CIGNA, USA.
Change 21.063 NTSMF 2.4.5 new 0.10 record INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED due

VMACNTSM to NRTRIPLT=1 but no triplets in that record. Error is

Apr 16, 2003 circumvented by inserting a statement


before the test for the NRTRIPLT input statement.

Thanks to Roger Zimmerman, Hewitt Associates, USA.

Change 21.062 MXG 20.07 thru 21.01 may have filled SPIN.SPINUOW with

FIXASUOW many observations that should not have been spun. Change

JCLUOWP 20.221 did not expect cases when the DB2ACCT ending time

JCLUOWV stamp was after the CICS end time, which caused TRANNAME

VMXGUOW to be blank, causing that observation to be "spun". And

Apr 15, 2003 because TRANNAME is now blank (and we will most likely

never see another record for that unit of work) that

record will spin up for 7 days (default in SPINUOW), and

that increased the size of SPIN.SPINUOW. This change

now uses a forward sequence of the Start Time to put all

the CICS and DB2 pieces together, and is not dependent on

the end times.

-If you wish to preserve the "spining" records currently

in your SPIN.SPINUOW dataset, member FIXASUOW can be used

to create a revised SPIN.SPINUOW dataset that can then be

used with the revised VMXGUOW to create the corrected

PDB.ASUMUOW. That first execution will "clean out" many

of the spinning transactions that should not have been

spun in the first place. Or, you can just delete your

existing SPIN.SPINUOW and start fresh with the new code.

-VMXGUOW has a new parmeter, TRACEUOW=YES (Default NO) to

trace the UOW chain for diagnostic purposes (printing

lots and lots of messages on the log).

Thanks to Alfred Nardi, CMX Group, USA.

Change 21.061 Dataset T102S196 was never fully decoded, but now is, for

FORMATS V6 and V7. An observation is created for each holder of

VMAC102 this lock that caused a timeout for the "victim". This

Apr 9, 2003 "victim" is identified in QWHCxxxx & QWHSxxxx variables.

Apr 14, 2003 The lock is identified in QW0196RH/RL/FR/KD/KP/K1-K7/WU

/WS/WD/WF/TI and QW0196TC variables; those QWHC, QWHS, &

QW0196xx variables repeat in subsequent observations if

there was more than one holder (QW0196NU counts holders)

segment in an SMF record. The identity of the holder(s)

are in the three sets of variables QW0196Hx, QW1196Hx, &

QW21196Hx for up to 3 holders of the lock. More than 3

holder prints a note.

-MGD044K format was expanded for new values.

Thanks to Ron Alterman, Charles Schwab, USA.

Change 21.060 The row between 16M-2G was added to the Paging Report;

ANALRMFR this row shows values only if your system is running in

Apr 6, 2003 ESAME mode; in ESA mode, the row will show 'N/A'.

The Channel report READ(MB/SEC) and WRITE(MB/SEC) values

in the IBM report are incorrect: IBM code divides the raw

byte values by 1000*1000 to print as MegaBytes, but they

should have used 1024*1024 to convert; the IBM values are

about 5% too high.

Thanks to David Kellerman, ADP, USA.
Change 21.059 -Type 74 Subtype 4 Structure data (TYPE74ST) has several

FORMATS fields thate were negative, because IBM documented them

VMAC74 as floating point, but they contained binary data. The

Apr 9, 2003 variables R744SPST,SPSS,SRST,SRSS,SCST,R744SCSS are now

Apr 22, 2003 correctly input as binary, and R744SLSV as TODSTAMP8.

Apr 24, 2003 -Some (but not all) observations in TYPE74ST had missing

values for R744QSIZ, when there were a large number of

structures. The QSIZ (SMF744QN) segments are written at

the beginning of one physical physical record, followed

by as many SSIZ segments that can fit in that record,

but additional SSIZ segments are in a separate physical

record. Those additional SSIZ elements had missing QSIZ.

By retaining the QSIZ array and storing the number of

elements, the subsequent SSIZ segments are now populated

with their QSIZ values.

-But R744QSIZ will only be non-missing in records from the

one system in a sysplex that "owns" the Coupling Facility

i.e., the "Sysplex Master" system. This is now discussed

in IBM Information APAR II13172, which applies to both

the RMF III data and the RMF 74 subtype 4 QSIZ segments.

-Variable R744QFLG is now decoded by new $MG074QF format,

which includes '00X: NOT SYSPLEX MASTER, NO QSIZ' value

for TYPE74ST observations from non-master systems, and

obs with R744QFLG='00'X will also have R744QSIZ missing.

Thanks to Coen Wessels, Unicible, SWITZERLAND.
Change 21.058 Support for APAR OW54347 adds Command-Response (CMR) time

VMAC74 to RMF records and RMF Device Activity Reports, and sets

VMAC79 the existing Director Port Busy (DBP) and Control Unit

Apr 6, 2003 Busy (CUB) Delay fields to zero in SMF 74 and 79 records.

Apr 29, 2003 The CMR time for a start or resume function of the sub-

channel is the time needed until the device indicates it

has accepted the command; this allows distinction between

real hardware errors versus workload spikes (contention

in the fabric and at the destination port).

-In dataset TYPE74, new variables DLYCMRTM and AVGCMRMS

are created. Variables DLYDIRTM, DLYCHATM, PCTPNDIR,

DLYCUBTM, AVGPNCUB PCTPNCUB will all be zero when this

APAR is installed. And I've assumed that DLYCMRTM should

also be subtracted from DEVPNDTM to calculate DLYOTHTM

(since DLYCUBTM and DLYDIRTM were).

-In dataset TYPE799, new variable R799CMR is created, and

variables R799DPB and R799CUB will be zero with the APAR.

-OW54347 documented that R799CMR was added at offset +92,

but the original text of APAR OW31701 had R799TMS added

at offset +92. IBM now confirms that OW31701's text was

wrong, R799CMR is at +92, and that R799TMS does not exist

in the RMF 79 record.

Thanks to Ermanno Bewrtolotti, Banca Intesa, ITALY.
Change 21.057 Format MG080QU for RACFQUAL, and format MG080TY for

FORMATS RACFTYPE are updated for new values in z/OS 1.2 and 1.4.

Apr 7, 2003

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

Change 21.056 -Enhancements to BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3. Exit member EXPDBSPJ

BUILD005 and old-style macro _EPDBSPJ are created so that local

BUIL3005 variables can be added to the PDB.SPUNJOBS dataset.

EXPDBSPJ -Variable DATETIME (Start of Shift, equal to INTBTIME) is

SPUNJOBS added to PDB.SMFINTRV for consistency.

Apr 4, 2003 -Variables SMF6LPGE and DOCLENFT are added to PDB.PRINT,

and those variables plus PAGECNT are summed into the

PDB.JOBS and the PDB.SPUNJOBS datasets.

Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, USA.
Change 21.055 Support for FACOM SMF records 116 caused JCLTEST8 to fail

VMACAIM6 when ID=116 MQ Series records were in your test SMF data.

Mar 28, 2003 To avoid conflict, FACOM support was changed to use an

_IDAIMn macro to set SMF TYPE of FACOM records, and the

default value is set to the impossible value of 512. All

FACOM users will have to redefine the appropriate macro

in their IMACKEEP member to create observations in the

FACOM datasets from the FACOM records:


110 _IDAIM0

111 _IDAIM1

112 _IDAIM2

113 _IDAIM3

116 _IDAIM6

117 _IDAIM7


For example, to process the FACOM 116 record, you would

put this statement


in your IMACKEEP member.

Thanks to Mike Hoiey, Ameren Services, USA.
Change 21.054 UTILEXCL created incorrect values in KY8DISTM & KY8CPUTM;

UTILEXCL the KY8DISTM=16*KY8DISTM; after the IF CMODIDNT='263'...

Mar 28, 2003 should have been KY8CPUTM=16*KY8CPUTM;

Jun 12, 2003 -Jun 12,2003: Original change only changed the first

instance, but there was a second instance in lines after

CMODIDNT='263' that also needed to be changed.

Thanks to Steve Yucha, Aetna, USA.

Thanks to Tony P. Steward, Royal Mail, ENGLAND.

Change 21.053 Support for BlackBerry Server object.




Mar 28, 2003

Thanks to Jim Quigley, ConEd, USA.

Change 21.052 -Archaic V6 JCL example was revised to match MXGSASV8 with

MXGSAS DISP=(NEW,DELETE) per Change 20.076.

MXGSASV8 -DISP was changed to NEW,DELETE in MXGSASV9 as it should

MXGSASV9 have been in MXG 20.20

Mar 27, 2003 -The WORK DD symbolic &WORK was not in parenthesis in V8


Thanks to Yao Chun Rickert, Bank One, USA.

Thanks to Jim Horne, Lowe's, USA.

====== Changes thru 21.051 were in MXG 21.01 dated Mar 24, 2003=========
Change 21.051 -Negative values for LOGNATMP & TOTANONS in WEBSERVR occur

VMACNTSM because MXG de-accumulation did not recognize a stop and

Mar 23, 2003 start of the webserver. Adding SEQCHECK=DIF(SEQNR) and

testing SEQCHECK EQ 1 now correctly deaccumulates.

-Support for SYSTEM object with 32 fields; that object has

only 26 unique fields; the last six are repeats.

-The Discovery Print macro _UNTDISC was updated to support

multiple sets of discovery records.

Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, ISO, USA.
Change 21.050 Support for 2105 Cache Controller data in CMF User SMF

VMACCMF record adds variable CMF27MDL to dataset CMF27C93, which

Mar 21, 2003 will now contain both 2105 and 3390 observations; the

2105 observations contain CMF27MDL='20', while 3990s have


Thanks to Kevin Batty, EMC Engineering, USA.

Change 21.049 MXG Execution under unix at SAS with early ports of V9.1

AUTOEXEC suggested revisions for MXG's IEBUPDTE program, and found

IEBUPDTE a workaround for a unix SASAUTOS error that is now fixed:

Mar 21, 2003 -MXG's IEBUPDTE program (IEBUDPTE for ASCII) needed these

Apr 10, 2003 revisions to work under unix:

- LENGTH MEMBER $200; was added, as that becomes the full

member plus path name and 50 was too short as default.

- Only the PDS_MEMBER is lower cased; previously, the

full path and member were lowcased, but unix path names

can be mixed case.

- The suffix "sas" in the member is now lower case, so

that the files do not have to be re-cased.


MXG autoexec.sas file did not correctly work under unix:

SAS Note SN-000444 - SASAUTOS fileref is not

automatically generated on unix platforms.

The SASAUTOS is required, because MXG uses the associated

MAUTOSOURCE options so that %MACROs references (%ANALDB2R

%VMXGSUM, etc) are automatically resolved. A workaround



was added in MXG's AUTOEXEC member in MXG 21.01, which

works on both unix and Wintel SAS platforms, but in April

SAS unix developers fixed the problem, so that syntax is

not required, and was removed in MXG 21.02.

Thanks to Jan Squillace, SAS Institute, USA.


TYPEVLFC printed if OPTIONS MSGLEVEL='I' is in effect; this has

VMAC6 been documented since V6, and occurs when a character

VMAC6156 variable is defined by a function, and the variable is

VMACCTLG not in a LENGTH/ATTRIB statement (unless the function is

VMACEAGL SUBSTR - then, the length of the first argument is used).

VMACTNG The longer length has no MXG impact, but the seven cases

Mar 21, 2003 where the message was produced are now protected with the

variables now in a LENGTH statement, just to eliminate

that possibly confusing message:

Member Variable


VMAC6156 - SYSPAR61 (was SYSPARM, but renamed).

VMACCTLG - SYSPARCL (was SYSPARM, but renamed).




Thanks to Stephen Bell, Sparkassen Informatik, GERMANY.

Change 21.047 Format $MGCICCL (applied to variable A17DTTYP in dataset



Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.

Change 21.046 Support for SMF 119 APAR PQ71376, which changes TICONNID

VMAC119 and TTCONNID from $EBCDIC8 to $CHAR4 with $HEX8 format.

Mar 19, 2003 Originally the CONNID fields had jobname, which was not

unique; now they contain the unique hex Connection ID.

Variable TISUBTSK was removed; it never really existed.
Change 21.045 The (LABEL= SORTEDBY= _BYLIST) fails under Version 6, and

WEEKBLDT works fine under Version 8, but the LABEL= was not fully

Mar 18, 2003 implemented, so it can be removed if you're under V6. I

intended to have (LABEL= _LABEL SORTEDBY=_BYLIST) and

set MACRO _LABEL 'this is the dataset label' for each of

the weekly and monthly datasets, but didn't do that yet.

Thanks to Jesse Gonzalez, CSC - NASA, USA.
Change 21.044 Using R70MAX to add maximum to the TRNDRMFI dataset did

VMXGRMFI not work, because the &R70MAX statement was left out of

Mar 18, 2003 the Trending part of VMXGRMFI, and because the doc was

not clear: to use the &R7xMAX= macro to "add" variables,

you must list all existing variables in the default list,

and then add you new variables in your invocation.

Thanks to Rick Mansfeldt, IBM Global Services, USA.
Change 21.043 Variables JHSUBT and JHEXCP are calculated, and JHRFLAG1

VMACESPH and JHRFLAG2 are decoded into individual variables.

Mar 18, 2003

Thanks to Jesse Gonzalez, The Gap, USA.

Change 21.042 Variables QPPCTNOW and QPPCTLOW, the percent buffers are

VMAC115 full now, and full lowest, are created in MQMBUFFER.

Mar 18, 2003
Change 21.041 Both members now tolerate the complete absence of input

ASUMCICS datasets while still creating a 0 obs output dataset with

ASUMCICX all variables labelled and formatted. Additionally, some

Mar 14, 2003 variables that were only output in ASUMCICX are now also

created by ASUMCICS.

Thanks to Diane Eppestine, SBC, USA.

Change 21.040 New graph plots the Peak to Average Utilization ratio at

GRAFTRND the SYSTEM SHIFT level; the peak value of the shift is

Mar 14, 2003 compared to the average for that shift and plotted on a

range of 1 to 2 by .1. If the ratio exceeds 2, it is set

to 2.

Thanks to Cheryl Watson Walker, Watson & Walker, USA.

Change 21.039 Cosmetic. LABEL was missing for NDMCPUTM.


Mar 12, 2003

Thanks to Khoan Dang, MBNA, USA.

Change 21.038 Protection for WORD7 to be the last word eliminated NOTE:


Mar 11, 2003 a WebSphere HTTP log file.

Thanks to Craig Collins, State of Wisconsin, USA.

Change 21.037 Documentation. Thou shalt not use a RENAME= statement in

VMXGSUM your OUTCODE= argument to %VMXGSUM that renames variables

Mar 11, 2003 that are in the SORTEDBY= list; thy %VMXGSUM will fail



Thanks to Khoan Dang, MBNA, USA.

Change 21.036 -RSDA AUDIT error message was printed even though AUDHEXZR

VMACRSDA was zero; the test should have been 0000X (numeric) but

Mar 11, 2003 was incorrectly coded as '0000'X (character, so the test

failed when AUDHEXZR was zero).

-But then View Records (AUDACT=04) caused INPUT STATEMENT

EXCEEDED message, because those records do not have the

Folder Name segment that MXG expected; a test was added

to see that the Folder Name segment is present.

Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC BankVerzekeringsHolding, BELGIUM
Change 21.035 Using ASUMUOWT to combine TMON and DB2 data failed with


Mar 10, 2003 BY list in MACRO _SUOWTMO was not updated in VMXGUOW.

Thanks to Tom Heaton, Texas Legislative Council, USA.

Change 21.034 Protection for missing STARTDTE was added; records with


Mar 10, 2003 message, but no actual impact on the output XCOMDATA.

Thanks to Mark Williams, Marks & Spencer, ENGLAND.

Change 21.033 Additional AS/400 5.2 files LRECL have been validated and

VMACQACS are listed in the comments in VMACQACS. Minor cosmetic

Mar 7, 2003 changes were made to suppress INVALID DATA messages for

Mar 17, 2003 reserved packed fields. The data files had been sent to

MVS with incorrect LRECLs, and when those MVS files were

ftp'd to me, I discovered Padded Bytes added to the last

record of each file; the bytes are all hex zeros and they

caused invalid data messages when PD fields were input.

So MXG tests the INTNUM packed decimal field and prints a

message "PAD RECORD FOUND AND DELETED _N_= nnnn" on the

log. As long as the _N_= value is the same as the xx in

the SAS NOTE: xx RECORDS READ, then the delete record was

comprised of these pad bytes and there was no error.

Thanks to Brian Keller, ConAgra Foods, USA.

Change 21.031 -Tests for FTPSTART xx FTPEND and FTPEND xx SMFTM were

ANALTCP incorrect as GE, and are changed to the correct GT, and

Mar 7, 2003 two output columns were shifted one position.

Mar 14, 2003 -A sort step was added, required only when PDB=SMF.

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