- For MXG under ITSV: no impact; ITSV has always used
COMPRESS=YES default option.
- Reversible; just specify OPTIONS COMPRESS=NO; as your
first statement in the //SYSIN stream.
Those benefits far outweigh the only possible negative:
a moderate increase in CPU time on old CMOS pre-G6 CPUs.
The savings in human intervention alone is worth the very
small increase in CPU time of your MXG jobs.
Benchmarks in Newsletter FORTY justify this change.
-All CONFIGs now have OPTION SOURCE, so that the SAS code
statements in your //SYSIN stream will be printed on the
SAS log (so I can figure out what program you are running
if you have a problem).
Change 19.278 Support for RMDS 2.3 added new RMDSORG=5 RMDSACT=A Report
FORMATS with several new variables in TYPERMDS, and new Sign On
VMACRMDS and Sign Off RMDSORG=4 RMDSACT=U/X events with no new
Jan 28, 2002 data fields. FORMATS was updated for RMDSORG values.
Thanks to Bruno Peeters, Dexia Bank, BELGIUM.
Change 19.277 New examples of Availability Reporting based on TYPE30_V
ANALAVAI a/k/a PDB.SMFINTRV data from type 30 interval records.
Jan 27, 2002
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA,
Change 19.276 NTSMF object MSEXCHANGE DS has two added fields:
Thanks to Terry Heim, ECOLAB, USA.
Change 19.275 Support for NDM Connect Direct for OS/390 CPU time that
VMACNDM was added to the end of PT, CT and RT statistics record.
Jan 27, 2002 MXG variable NDMCPUTM now exists in those datasets, and
will be non-missing if the extra field is found.
Thanks to John Rivera, (i)Structure, Inc, USA.
Change 19.274 Variables B1HITRAT/B2/B3/B4 in DB2STAT1 dataset were not
VMACDB2 changed when BPHITRAT in DB2STATB was, by Change 17.338.
Jan 26, 2002 Now all Buffer Hit Ratios use that same equation.
Thanks to Helmut Roese, COM Software GmbH, GERMANY.
Change 19.273 IMACEXCL now defines MACRO _CICXC22 for CICS/TS 2.2, if
IMACEXCL your CICS guru has excluded CICSTRAN fields from the SMF
VMAC110 type 110 subtype 1 record.
Jan 24, 2002
Change 19.272 The default stored length of numeric variables is changed
VMACmanymany from 4 bytes for most and 8 bytes for MGBYTES-formatted
Jan 24, 2002 memory variables, to 5 bytes for most, and 5 bytes for
Jan 28, 2002 memory, on EBCDIC, and to 6 bytes for both under ASCII.
Two macro variables were created so you can change either
default back; %LET MXGLEN=4; for most numerics, and with
%LET MXGBYLEN=8; the variables will be their original
MXG Newsletter FORTY, SAS Techical Note 2 documented the
truncation of up to 255 counts when a large-value 4-byte
binary input field is stored in 4 bytes (floating point).
It was SAS's original choice of using floating point
that made SAS shine in 1972; other programs used
integer values in fixed length fields, and truncated
the high-order digits with large values! Using FP
keeps track of the decimal point, avoiding errors!
and all variables with MGBYTES format lengths are now
set with &MXGBYLN instead of ' 8 ' bytes.
Both MXGLEN and MXGBYLN are set by VMXGINIT when MXG
initialized, but can be changed in your //SYSIN code
or in IMACKEEP with %LET MXGLEN=4; %LET MXBYLN=8; to
restore the pre-MXG 19.10 default values.
There is only one exposure when I change variable length:
If you use your own PROC APPEND, you must make certain
that it uses the FORCE operand, which has always been an
MXG reconnendation, so that datasets with dissimilar
attributes can be concatenated.
The only use of PROC APPEND in MXG is optional in the
VMXG2DTE member, which has always specified FORCE.
This change has been under discussion for some time, but
it was DB2 Statistics records, which contain accumulated
counters, that precipitated the change, which was not
needed until now (because DB2 and OS/390 used to crash
before the counters got this large: QB2TGET=301,219,072).
Two adjacent intervals with truncated large values with
a delta less than 255 resulted in a zero delta value.
I considered just identifing the MXG variables that are
accumulated and could get "big" enough now, but that is
both human-intensive and high-exposure-to-missing-one;
the real exposure should never have existed, and the
default length of 5 for a PIB4 has absolutely integrity.
Historical choice of 4 versus 5. In early 70s, sorts
with SYNCSORT failed when lengths other than 4 or 8
were used; SYNCSORT thought only FORTRAN *4 and *8 FP
could exist. Old memories of 3am ABENDS remain strong!
But MXG has had length 3, 5, and 6 for sometime, so I
now deem it completely safe to use!
Datetimestamp variables are still kept in 8 bytes stored
length, as are a few other variables that need the full
resolution possible (like SERVUNIT, which may be used
directly for billing, and there, pennies ARE important!).
With the increased lengths, PROC COMPARE between 19.10
and 19.09 showed many variables are slightly larger now
than before, but the magnitude of the difference is very
small; a 60 minute time value was 0.006 seconds larger.
But PROC COMPARE will not show exact values before and
after MXG 19.10.
The net impact of changing the default stored lengths on
the size of the //WORK space and the //PDB libraries, as
usual, depends! It depends on how many numeric variables
were increased from 4 to 5, and how many were reduced
from 8 to 5, in the datasets that interest you.
But, if you use compression, almost always a wise choice
now, there is NO increase in the disk space required.
Without compression, the storage increase depends on how
many records of what type you keep, but here are a two
examples of what we have measured with MVS defaults:
a. An 842 MB 6/26/30 SMF file created JOBS/STEP/PRINT
datasets; PDB increased from 350MB to 390MB, 11%.
b. A 456 MB all-record SMF file, 30 RMF intervals, full
PDB increased from 316MB to 356MB, 12% increase.
c. Chuck's big 1160 Cyl PDB increased by 30 Cyl, 3%.
There is also a small increase in Virtual Storage needed
for a big job like BUILDPDB. Chuck's Total Memory went
from 69MB to 71MB, but that 2MB increase did cause one
one site to fail with an out-of-memory error:
viloada: autoload failed for module SASXKRN2
because they were limited to 64M by their defaults:
In V6: set by the MEMSIZE=64M default in CONFIGV6.
In V8: Do not have MEMSIZE in CONFIG, use REGION=80M
You should compare the Total Memory used reported on the
SAS log, or in the IEF374I message on the job's SYSLOG,
with your REGION= parm to make sure you have VS left!
-z/OS 1.12 message IEF032I/33I replaced IEF374I/276I.
Thanks to M.J.H. Elbersen, Rabobank, THE NETHERLANDS.
Thanks to F. Nijdam, Rabobank, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 19.271 This conversion utility, used to convert $HEX FORMATed
UTILCVRT character variables in PDB libraries moved from EBCDIC
Jan 23, 2002 to ASCII platforms (if you move your MXG processing from
MVS to PCs/unix, you'll copy your historical PDBs),
never did work right, but it now works as designed.
CPORT/EXPORT changes all characters variables values,
like '40'x EBCDIC to '20'x ASCII, during download,
but we need the original '40'x value so bit tests work
and so that the CPU Model is '9672'x and not '96B7'x.
The 1994 iteration used $EBCDIC, but Change 19.163 shows
that won't work. Instead, UTILCVRT now uses the $MGAS2EB
mapping ASCII-2-EBCDIC, defined in member FORMATS, and
selects variables with FORMAT=:'$HEX', no longer using
the original and 'not happening' INFORMAT=:'NOTRAN' test.
Of course, this conversion works only if the table that
SAS uses in your country matches that format; some sites
may find it necessary to edit the $MGAS2EB format into
the IMACFMTS tailoring member to match your tran table.
But any MXG datasets that you create under ASCII, reading
SMF,etc, data, are correct and do not need UTILCVRT.
Thanks to Mark Darvodelsky, Royal Sun, Australia
Change 19.270 Two variables that estimate the Average Logically Swapped
VMAC71 frames, CSFRLSAV and ESFRLSAV were found to be negative
which printed as -42E5. The problem is subtracting two
average values on a system with essentially no logical
swapping, the "zero" is slightly negative. I now test
the calculation, and when negative, the variable is set
to a missing value, so that a real zero value would still
be preserved as a zero value, but these negative values
will just be missing.
Thanks to Kenneth D. Jones, xwave, CANADA.
Change 19.269 The Initiator Number, INITNUMB and Name, INITNAME are now
BUILD005 added to the type 30 subtype 1 (job initiate) record when
BUIL3005 you install the Assembly code in SMF exit IEFU84 that
IEFU84 will move those values into the subtype 1 record.
VMAC30 -This change creates and keeps those two new variables in
Jan 23, 2002 dataset TYPE30_1, and updated BUILDPDB logic to add them
Jun 24, 2004 to the PDB.JOBS dataset as well. The variables will be
missing/blank if the SMF exit has not been installed.
Jun 24, 2004: The IEFU84 exit code member was added by
MXG Change 22.136; the original IEFU83 references were
wrong, as it is IEFU84, not IEFU83, that writes the SMF
30 subtype 1 SMF record. Text was changed from 83 to 84.
-The SMF exit IEFU84 source code is in member IEFU84,
along with notes, so your SYSPROG can see what it does.
The exit moves the initiator number (in binary) into
the first four bytes of PROGRAM (SMF30PGM) name field,
and the initiator name (character) into the second
four bytes of PROGRAM name. SMF30PGM is not populated
at job initiate since PROGRAM doesn't exist until
after the step initiates.
-However, it is your System Programmer's responsibility to
install and test any SMF exit, and thus your company, and
not Merrill Consultants, must take all risk in choosing
to adapt this enhancement SMF exit into your systems:
recognize that the risk with an SMF exit-in-error could
be as bad as a system outage.
I would not provide this example if I did not think it is
safe, and almost every MVS site uses an SMF exit, but you
should read up on SMF exits in the SMF manual before you
convince your friendly SysProg to install the exit.
Remind them that the exit will let you to help them track
which job us which initiator, to help in chasing ABENDS
with overlaid initiators, or in measuring which init is
used how often, etc.
This exit is provided because IBM does not currently
provide this information in their SMF type 30 record. I
have provided them with the tested exit code in the hope
that they will eventually add the fields so that you
don't have to install an SMF exit to get them.
Several MXG-L postings on the subject of initiator number
precipitated this change, but the guys who suggested and
coded the solution, respectively, get the CodeShark cite!
Thanks to Mike Shaw, MVS QuickRef/Chicago Soft, USA.
Change 19.268 Under very strange circumstances: when %LET MACKEEP= was
VMXGDEL used to redefine an old style macro that contained an
VMXGOPTR %VMXGDEL(DDDDDD=dddddd) invocation, the internal call to
VMXGSUM %VMXGOPTR by VMXGDEL generated this error message:
Jan 23, 2002 ERROR 14-12: Invalid option OBS=;; for SAS option OBS.
Jan 26, 2002 VMXGOPTR was needed by VMXGDEL solely because PROC SQL
doesn't execute if OBS=0, but PROC SQL/VTABLE had to run
in VMXGDEL (even when OBS=0 was specified) to populate
macro variables, and OBS=0 is commonly set for testing.
We had used VMXGOPTR to store the old OBS=value, set it
to OBS=MAX (so PROC SQL would execute), and then restore
the original OBS= value, all inside VMXGDEL. But when
we could not diagnose this particular macro error, Rick
Langston at SAS showed us the GETOPTION() function, which
allowed us to remove the PROC SQL/VTABLE in both VMXGDEL
and in VMXGOPTR, with a cleaner, safer approach.
The GETOPTION() function can be used in two ways:
- DATA step solution:
- pure macro solution:
We chose the pure macro solution in VMXGDEL and VMXGOPTR.
We also changed the design of VMXGOPTR so that it resets
the option value to what it was in the prior VMXGOPTR
execution; the original design kept the value of the
option only from the very first invocation of VMXGOPTR,
and did not recognize if you changed the option between
paired invocations of VMXGOPTR. See comments in VMXGOPTR.
-In QA tests of these VMXGOPTR and VMXGDEL changes, Bruce
set OPTION OBS=10, and found two places inside VMXGSUM
where we had failed to use %VMXGOPTR to protect for user
change of OBS=; VMXGSUM was corrected to now protect.
With OBS=11, this error would not have been corrected!
Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.
Thanks to Rick Langston, SAS Institute, USA.
Thanks to Rosalind Howe, IBM Global Services, USA.
======Changes thru 19.267 were in MXG 19.09 dated Jan 21, 2002======
Change 19.267 Support for IBM SMF 119 (TCP/IP) record from z/OS V1R2.0
EXT11901 Communications Server, which replaces the SMF 118 record
EXT11902 from the current IBM TCP/IP product. The data content is
EXT11903 significantly enhanced beyond what is in the current 111,
EXT11905 with many new subtypes and these datasets created:
EXT119A7 SUBTYPE DATASET description
Jan 18, 2002
Change 19.266 Variable RVSTBIN, Bin Number, can be characters, but MXG
VMACEDGR did not know that, and character data caused a non-fatal
Jan 16, 2002 INVALID DATA FOR RVSTBIN message. New variable RVSTBINC
is now Character; RVSTBIN is still numeric, but missing
value now if RVSTBINC has non-numeric characters.
Thanks to Joe Ellis, American Century, USA.
Change 19.265 Dataset STCHSC has zero observations, because STK changed
VMACSTC the length of the record; long ago MXG had to protect for
Jan 16, 2002 records shorter than the then-written 140 bytes, but now
their subtype=7 record is only 120 bytes. Logic revised.
Thanks to Fraser Wong, CitiCorp, USA.
Change 19.264 Cisco Memory Pool variables NRPxxxxx in NPMINNRP were all
FORMATS missing; MXG tested NRPDTYP=1 for Cisco, but the records
VMAC28 contained NRPDTYP=0, so nothing was input. Now, the test
Jan 14, 2002 is for NRPRTYP=2 (Record Type, not Data Type) for the
Jan 16, 2002 Memory Pool data. IBM lists two other NRPRTYP values of
NRPRTYP=1 - CPU and Memory NRPRTYP=3 - Interface
but does not document the contents of the NRP segment for
those (as yet) unsupported values. Variables NRPRTYP and
NRPDTYP are now kept in NPMINNRP so you can see if any of
the new Record Types are in your SMF data; contact MXG
support when you find any, so we can decode them!
New format MG028PT decodes Cisco pool type variables
Jan 24: IBM APAR OW53087 documents that the DTYP=0 in the
NRP and NRT segments is now a reserved field, but that
APAR does not document the RTYP=1 and RTYP=3 data.
Feb 15: IBM will correct OW53087. The xxxRTYP field has
only one value in each record: NRPRTYP==2 NRT=1 NIT=3,
so there are no undocumented segments, and the misleading
documentation will be revised by IBM. See Change 20.003.
Thanks to Howard Swift, HSBC Bank, UK.
Thanks to John Wilmot, HSBC Bank, UK.
Change 19.263 The _SDB2ACC sort macro for DB2ACCT and _BDB2ACC BY list
VMACDB2 were defined as blank, to prevent an accidental sort of
Jan 14, 2002 that potentially large dataset, but since the _SDB2ACC
reference in _SDB2 is commented out, both macros are now
defined, in case you do need to sort and remove dupes
from your DB2ACCT dataset.
Thanks to Rosalind E. Howe, IBM Global Services - South, USA.
Change 19.262 A sample AS/400 report from TYPEQAPM Performance
ANALQAPM Monitor data.
Jan 11, 2002
Thanks to Stephen Hoar, TSB, ENGLAND
Change 19.261 Support for IBM AIX Performance Toolbox and Performance
ADOCAIX AIDE for POWER, PTX Version 2, refs: SG24-2011-00.
EXAIXPTX This internal design is extremely robust, and is similar
IMACAIX to the new WebLog support; the list of fields in your
TYPEAIX data is read and used to input the record, so you can
TYPSAIX have different sets of fields defined for different AIX
VMACAIX servers, and the one MXG program will work on all their
VMXGINIT data, transparently.
Jan 15, 2002 This implementation supports the default set of 55 fields
Jan 17, 2002 and the heavy work is done; expansion to keep any of the
other 2000 possible fields is easy, when anyone actually
has actually created those additional fields!
Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern, USA.
Thanks to Al Sias, Wakefern, USA.
Change 19.260 New optional design will change timezones of all datetime
TIMEBILD variables read from SMF records, based on a table lookup
TIMETABL of SYSTEM/SYSPLEX/datetime-range in which you set the
VMACmanymany offset to be added to all datetime variables.
VMXGTIME This is needed when you have SYSTEMs with different time
Jan 11, 2002 zones, so you can have a common timezone for analysis of
Jan 15, 2002 shared dasd, time of day, etc.
Jan 26, 2002
The table is defined in member TIMETABL (copied into your
USERID.SOURCLIB tailoring library) with a syntax of:
SYSA 01/01/2002 00:00:00 01/31/2999 23:59:59 -21600
to change SYSA datetimes back 6 hours, for a datetime
range from now until infinity.
Even if you have defined your table in member TIMETABL,
nothing happens until you enable time change with this
statement in your //SYSIN stream:
Invoking %TIMEBILD enables the time changing logic, and
reads the TIMETABL member with the TIMEBILD program that
creates the (temporary) format $MGTMPTM that is the look
up table that is used by %VMXGTIME.
The default table is the TIMETABL member in your SOURCLIB
concatenation, but you can use %TIMEBLD(TIMETABL=XYZ);
to use a different time change table; see its comments.
While the table supports SYSPLEX for selection, SYSPLEX
only exists in some records, so it is really there only
for future selection. Only in the case where you know
that all records you want to change (RMF is the only one
at present) contain SYSPLEX, then and only then could you
have a value for SYSPLEX in the TIMETABL, and you could
not then use that same TIMETABL to select TYPE1415 data
that does not contain a SYSPLEX variable.
To make the actual time change itself, this statement
%VMXGTIME(var1 var2 var3,system,sysplex);
was inserted in the correct place in every VMACxxxx
member that creates datetime variables from SMF records.
All MXG members that process IBM or User SMF records have
been updated, as were most other products that contain a
SYSTEM variable. Some non-SMF products that do not have
a "SYSTEM" field were set aside until a need arises.
VMXGTIME statements were inserted 874 places in 380 MXG
members, listing 1,300 variables that can be changed in
'one felt swoop': update TIMETABL, invoke %TIMEBILD.
See VMXGTIME revisions, GMT support, and corrected CPU
and memory cost measurements in Change 19.286/MXG 19.11.
Change 19.259 The MXGTMNT Tape Mount and Tape Allocation Monitor SMF
ASMTAPES record had the wrong DDNAME if the tape UCB was a 4-digit
VMACTMNT address (the incorrect DDNAME was the last DDNAME in the
JAN 20, 2002 TIOT). The previous logic compared UCB address to get the
the correct DDNAME; this revision compares device numbers
for the UCBs, so this logic will work regardless of
whether the tape UCB address is above or below the 16MB
line, or 3 or 4-digit device address. The revision also
gets the correct DSAB allocation flags for tape mounts.
This revision is "ML-20" of the monitor program. Your
SysProg must re-assemble ASMTAPES and link edit the new
MXGTMNT program that is executed by your MXGTMNT started
task that writes the SMF records, to get the corrected
DDNAME into those SMF records, but you don't need to do
anything to your daily MXG SMF processing jobs; they will
get the correct DDNAME without any change. Only if you
want the new DSABFLAG variable (which is not currently
used by MXG) in your TYPETMNT dataset, will you need to
use the revised VMACTMNT member.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Thanks to Jim Sherman, FDC, USA.
Change 19.258 Variable XCPUFLAG is now formatted with new $MGXCMCP
FORMATS format to decode the CPU type of the ftp transfer, and
VMACXCOM the list of old and new values for XCPUFLAG in ADOCXCOM
Jan 9, 2002 was updated with the new values.
Thanks to Tony P. Steward, Post Office, ENGLAND.
Change 19.257 Two examples that select related pairs of SMF records.
ANAL30 Program ANAL16 reads SMF to create TYPE16 (sort) obs for
Jan 8, 2002 selected sorts (in this example, those with concatenated
Jan 15, 2002 SORTIN datasets, because only the first DSNAME is in the
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