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Oct 30, 1998 (for concatenation). I use exclamation points instead of

long vertical bars because exclamation points translate

between ASCII and EBCDIC in all languages and long bars

did not translate from UK to USA (hence this change).

Thanks to David Nuechterlein, Nissan Motor Corporation, USA.
Change 16.251 TMS support was still not correct for multi-dataset tape

TYPETMS5 volumes; some variables from TMSRECS dataset were blank

Oct 30, 1998 in the output DSNBRECD dataset, because it turns out that

the RETAIN statement doesn't work like I thought it did!

See SAS Technical Note 1., Newsletter 35 about RETAIN.

The SET statement to combine TMSRECS and DSNBRECS was

changed back to MERGE, the IF FIRST.VOLSER THEN was

changed to IF FIRST.VOLSER and INTMS THEN DO;, and the

subsequent adjacent END; and IF INTMS THEN DO; statements

were deleted (so that now the logic is FIRST.VOLSER to do

all the INTMS processing followed by IF INDSNB to do the

DSNBREC processing, and then the if LAST.VOLSER to output

the volume record into TMS.TMS).

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MNBA, USA.

Change 16.250 -MXG 16.04 only. Zero observations in dataset SYNCSORT if

ASUMPRTR you used IMACSYNC from 16.04. Syncsort's ID macro name is

IMACRMDS _SYNCID, but the example in IMACSYNC had _IDSYNC. MXG's

IMACRTE convention now is for the name to be _IDxxxx, but three

IMACSYNC early names were spelled _xxxxID ( _SYNCID in IMACSYNC,

Oct 27, 1998 _RMDSID in IMACRMDS, and _RTEID in IMACRTE ) and all are

now correctly spelled in their IMAC comments. These IMAC

members: CADM, CIMS, DIOS, HO15, OLDV, SAM, SFS, TAND had

incorrect comments that have been revised

-Member ASUMPRTR deletes datasets with PROC DATASETS, but

it was missing the NOLIST option, so it printed lines of

unneeded/unwanted messages on your SAS log. Now it don't.

Thanks to Glenn Harper, Memorial HealthCare System, USA.
Change 16.249 Support for Interlink TCPaccess Version 5.2(INCOMPAT).

EXILKA23 -New subtypes and new headers for new subtypes will cause

EXILKAAP the old MXG code to fail.

EXILKAIU -New variables were added to the ILKAST20 dataset, and it

EXILKAOE now contains both subtype 20 and subtype 22 events; the

EXILKAPR variable SMFACTYP identifies which subtype created the

EXILKASP observation (20 is end of ftp, 22 is end-of-volume ftp).

EXILKAVS -New ILKAST23 dataset tracks TELNET sessions from st 23.

FORMATS -Subtypes 110 thru 124 create new ILKASTPR protocols

VMACILKA dataset. Note: Nov 4: The IF 150 LE ... statement was

VMXGINIT wrong; it should have been ELSE IF 150 LE ... and the

Oct 27, 1998 IN (110-112,118,123-124) should have been written as

Nov 4, 1998 IN (110,111,112,118,123,124) to process 111 records.

-Subtypes 150,151,152 create new ILKASTAP, ILKASTIU, and

ILKASTOE for API, IUCV, or Open Edition Close events.

-Subtype 80 creates ILKASTVS with global virtual storage

and creates ILKASTSP with individual subpool virtual

storage; only subpools with non-zero allocation/usage are

output in ILKASTSP.

-Subtype 100 is not yet decoded, no test record yet.

-However the new subtypes 80 and 150-152 have severe data

errors. The UOF and DOF offsets are off by one byte due

to SMFACACB being only 7 instead of 8 bytes. (MXG can

protect that offset). In the subtype 152, the counters

appear to be off by one byte (open problem with vendor).

In the subtype 80, the subpool sections are not all 40

bytes long - some are 39 (open problem with vendor).

Thanks to Will Evans, CNF Transportation, USA.

Change 16.248 The two ELSE IF PCTRDYWT=.; statements should have been

VMAC7072 written ELSE PCTRDYWT=.; but very fortunately, this

Oct 23, 1998 typo-that-became-a-logic-error has never been executed.

Only when there are OS/390 systems with 15 or more CPUs

would this typo have become an execution error, and then

the results (if not the cause) would have been obvious:

zero obs would have been created in dataset TYPE70!

Thanks to Harry Olschewski, DeTeCSM/SLM, GERMANY

Change 16.247 Support for MainView Compressed history files. Beginning

ASMMNVW with MainView for MVS 2.5, and soon with other MainView

TYPEBBMQ products, Boole history files are compressed (although

TYPECMFV specifying HISTCOMP=N as a parm on the EXEC card in the

VMACBBMQ MMR PAS JCL will turn compression off). Boole's SAMPLIB

VMACCMFV member MMRHUNC contains a standalone decompression job,

Oct 23, 1998 but this change creates a new SAS INFILE exit "MNVW" that

decompresses the compressed data during INPUT on the fly!

You assemble the ASMMNVW member to create the load module

named MNVWIFUE and store that member in a load library

that you concatenate to the //STEPLIB for the SAS step

that will read the compressed data.

You then copy the INFILE-macro definition from the VMAC

into the IMACxxxx member for the specific product:

IMACxxxx INFILE-macro INFILE Product



and add the string "MNVW" (which is the exit name) after

the INFILE name:






These INFILE statements are now externalized by new MXG

macros _CMFV and _BBMQ that are defined in their VMACxxxx

member, so you can enable the MNVW INFILE exit either by

copying the _CMFV or _BBMQ macro definition into the

IMACxxxx for that product, or you can use the MACKEEP

architecture to change the definitions in your SYSIN.

As long as you have the load module in the //STEPLIB

concatenation, you can enable the INFILE exit now as it

will read any mixture of compressed or uncompressed data.

The Assembly code in ASMMNVW was written by Ray Revis.

Thanks to Ray Revis, Boole and Babbage, USA.

Change 16.246 Tandem variable RESPTM in dataset TANDLINE was too large

VMACTAND by a million; it should be INPUT as @119 RESPTM &PIB.8.6

Oct 22, 1998 instead of just &PIB.8.

Thanks to Raff Rushton, Kaiser Permanente, USA.

Change 16.245 Support for the RACF "installation-defined data field" in

VMAC80A SMF80DTP='07'x data segment is now INPUT as new variable

Oct 20, 1998 RACF07DT with maximum length of 32 bytes.


WHEN (7) DO;




WHEN (7) DO;









-add variable name RACF07DT to the KEEP= list for datasets


TYPE8020 and TYPE8021, as this field can exist in all of

those RACF events.

Thanks to Albert Venetitay, CTICEP, FRANCE.

Change 16.244 Notes amplifying what is captured in which TCP records

ADOCTCP from an IBM Support person were added to documentation.

Oct 20, 1998 The TYPETCPA "APICALLS" event appears to capture all

bytes of all TCP/IP traffic, and even includes FTP counts

so it appears using TYPETCPA for accounting bytes in/out

may be feasible.

Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, ISO, USA.
Change 16.243 Variable ENDTIME should have been kept in all datasets in

VMACCMFV VMACCMFV, but it was missing from the KEEP= list for some

Oct 20, 1998 datasets.

Thanks to Neil Ervin, Huntington Services, USA.

======Changes thru 16.242 were in MXG 16.04 dated Oct 19, 1998======
Change 16.242 MXG expected the new TCP Statistics record to be created

IMACTCP as SUBTYPE=5, but TCP lets the TCP installer set whatever

VMACTCP value they want for each subtype. MXG has always been

Oct 19, 1998 able to look inside the TCP record to determine what it

was without using the subtype, but the Statistics record

support does depend on the SUBTYPE value. This change

defines the new MACRO _SUBTCP5 5 % with its default of

5 than can be changed with MACKEEP/IMACKEEP/IMACTCP if

your subtype is not five.

Thanks to Ben Coonfield, Browning-Ferris Services, Ind., USA.

Change 16.241 MXG 16.04 only. Dataset VXMTRDEV was not created, so the


Oct 19, 1998 The correction was inside MACRO _SIODDEV definition; the

SORT was changed to OUT=_LMTRDEV instead of ZZMTRDEV, and

the SET ZZMTRDEV was changed to SET _LMTRDEV;

Thanks to Steve Clark, California Federal Bank, USA.

Change 16.240 Counter variables MROTRAN/DB2TRAN were set to zero, but

ASUMUOW this should be done only if the observation did not come

Oct 19, 1998 from the SPIN library, so IF NOT INSPIN THEN DO; ... END;

was added around the two statements. After IF LAST.

logic, new variables WTRLIOCN/WTRLIOTM were not reset,

but now are equated to HTRLIOCN/HTRLIOTM.

Thanks to Harry Olschewski, DeTeCSM/SLM, GERMANY.
Change 16.239 Variables SMF30AIC/SMF30AID/SMF30AIW were multiplied two

VMAC30 times by 128, and variables SMF30EIC/SMF30EID/SMF30EIW

Oct 19, 1998 were not multiplied at all; the last three lines should

have been for EIC/EID/EIW instead of repeat AIC/AID/AIW.

These new address space level connect/disconnect/pend

durations were added in OS/390 Release 2.4.

Thanks to Martin Peck, iT-AUSTRIA, AUSTRIA.
Change 16.238 MXG 16.04 only. The dataset names for SMF type 115 MQ

IMAC115 Series are now as they were before 16.04. The correct

VMAC115 names of MQMLOG, MQMMSGDM, and MQMBUFER are created,

Oct 19, 1998 instead of TYPE1151, TYPE1152, and TYPE115B.

Thanks to Brian Crow, British Telecom, ENGLAND.
Change 16.237 The first occurrence of &OPTNAME=S2 should have been

VMXGOPTR &OPTNAME=S. This had no effect in any delivered code,

Oct 19, 1998 but if you had used %VMXGOPTR to reset the S= option, it

did not work.

Thanks to Tom Parker, CSC/Hogan Systems, USA.
Change 16.236 New RACFEVNT=26:APPCLU SESSION ESTABLISH now creates new

EXTY8026 dataset TYPE8026. This event is new in RACF 2.2. This

VMAC80A new record causes MXG 14.14 to fail, but MXG 15.15 and

Oct 19, 1998 later did not fail with either TYPE80A or TYPE80.

Thanks to Roger Lowe, CITIBANK Asia Pacific Center, SINGAPORE.
Change 16.235 Invalid CICS type 110 Journal Format Subtype 0 records

VMAC110 with JCRLL value of zero caused MXG to loop on the same

Oct 19, 1998 record. MXG now protects for this invalid record, prints

an error message and deletes the bad records.

Thanks to Tom Wieland, Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Co., USA.
Change 16.234 JES3 with more than 9999 job numbers caused log message

VMAC57 INVALID DATA FOR JESNR because the old 4-byte location is

Oct 19, 1998 now hex zeros. Adding the ?? modifier between JESNR and

&NUM.4. eliminates the message. There actually was no

error in the TYPE57 dataset, since the real JESNR is read

from a 5-digit field later in the record, but this will

eliminate an unnecessary and confusing message.

Thanks to Bendt Wiberg, CSC Computer Management A/S, DENMARK.

Change 16.233 MXG 16.04 only. Two Sort Macros, _SDB2STB and _SDB2STR,


Oct 19, 1998 instead of _LDB2STB and _LDB2STR, causing ANALDB2R to

fail when PDB=SMF was specified, if there was no PDB DD.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 16.232 The PROC SORT of dataset INTWKLD needed variable DURATM

NTINTRV to be added at the end of the BY statement.

Oct 14, 1998

Thanks to Howard Glastetter, Weyerhaeuser Company, USA.

======Changes thru 16.231 were in MXG 16.04 dated Oct 9, 1998======
Change 16.231 Variables STDUPLEX, FCB, OVLYLOAD, and OVLYUSED are added

BUILD005 to MACRO _PDB30_6 so that they will exist in PDB.PRINT

BUIL3005 dataset (and hence will be in ITSV's XPRINT table). These

Oct 8, 1998 variables were needed because they had been kept in MICS.

Thanks to Theo Peelen, SHELL, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 16.230 If there are duplicate type 30 subtype 5 records, and you

VMAC30 have job records with MULTIDD='Y' (there were so many DDs

BUILD005 that SMF had to write multiple physical type 30 records),

BUIL3005 the PROC SORT of TYPE30_5 was not robust enough to delete

Oct 8, 1998 those MULTIDD duplicates, which causes variable RESTARTS

in PDB.JOBS to be greater than 1 for job/TSO/STCs that

were not restarted. Fortunately, nothing else was bad!

Member VMAC30 was changed to KEEP variable EXTRADD in the

TYPE30_5 dataset, and the BY statement in macro _STY30U5

was changed by adding MULTIDD EXTRADD at its end.

Members BUILx005 had the BY statement for the PROC SORT

of DATA=TYPE30_5 changed by adding MULTIDD EXTRADD also.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 16.229 Validation of revised VMACTPMX uncovered several spelling

VMACTPMX typos and token id typos in the format table. Message is

Oct 9, 1998 now printed on log if an unknown token is encountered.

Oct 19, 1998 The token finding logic was revised to work under ASCII.

Variables PERFORM and INSYSAF no longer have $HEX format.

Labels were "split" with * characters and ending parens.

IMACTPMX's comments were corrected.

Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Investments, USA.

Change 16.228 NTSMF Version 2.2 records with Record Header 2.2.1


Oct 8, 1998 I did not understand the new Record Header Values:

Header Description

2.0 Original Header format, no 0.0 record

2.0.h Extended Header format, 0.0 record created

2.1 Compressed Header format.

2.2.1 0.1 record created, 2.0.H Extended Format

2.2.2 0.1 record created, 2.1 Compressed Format
Records with Record Header 2.2.2 were read without error.
HEADER FORMAT 1 should be specified in your DCS, as it

reduces the amount of data in each record header and

hence the volume of data sent from the monitored to the

monitor. However, if you have not installed 2.2 on all

of your machines, NTSMF 2.2 will use the old spec on the

monitored machines, and if they contains HEADER FORMAT 0,

you will write the old, longer records until you change

that parameter.

The MXG variable, VERSION, is used not only to determine

the format of the record, but whether there will be a 0.0

record (used to calculate STARTIME if it exists), whether

there are CPU fields in the 0.0 record, whether there

will be a 0.1 record, and whether it will precede (prior

to NTSMF 2.2) or follow (NTSMF 2.2+) the 0.0 record!

Thanks to Howard Glastetter, Weyerhaeuser Company, USA.
Change 16.227 IMS 5.1 records with IMF 3.2 cause INPUT STATEMENT EXCEED

VMACCIMS error, because MXG only input the new segment for 6.1.

Oct 8, 1998 Change the IMSLEVEL test from 61 to 51 so it will read:


@373+OFFIMS UTCA ....

Thanks to Harmut Peter, R & V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, GERMANY

Thanks to Don Cleveland, Wellpoint, USA.
Change 16.226 Variable SYSTEM was added to the KEEP= list for dataset

VMAC110 CICSSAP from the optional SAP journal segment. In 16.04,

Oct 8, 1998 the _LCICSAP and _WCICSAP datasets had incorrectly spelt

the dataset CICSAP instead of CICSSAP.

Thanks to Theo T. Peelen, Shell, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 16.225 MXG 16.04, DFSMS 1.3 caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, but

VMACHSM DFSMS 1.4 records caused no error message. MXG Change

Oct 8, 1998 16.136 incorrectly located the INPUT for new variables

WFSCPUTM and WFSACCT to before the INPUT of the VOLSER

segments. If there were 36 bytes of VOLSER data, the new

logic INPUT them as WFSCPUTM/WFSACCT, and then when the

old logic tried to read the VOLSERs, there were none!.

In addition, only the first VOLSER segment would have

been input. This change moves the new logic until after

any VOLSERs were input, and also iterates on WFSRNENT.

Thanks to Michael E. Friske, Fidelity Investments, USA.
======Changes thru 16.224 were in MXG 16.04 dated Oct 7, 1998======
Change 16.224 First MXG 16.04 only. JCLTEST6 fails with ID=220 SMF if

VMACOMVT they are not from OMEGAMON for VTAM. (If you have OMVT

Oct 6, 1998 records and have overridden the _IDOMVT macro in either

your IMACOMVT or IMACKEEP, you don't see this error - it

is only if you don't have OMVT but some other product is

writing type 220 records). Change the "220" in _IDOMVT

to "512", which is the impossible default SMF number that

should have been in VMACOMVT.

Thanks to Edd Carter, General Mills Restaurant, USA.
Change 16.223 The labels for variables CPUACTTM and CPUOVHTM were

RMFINTRV changed from "PROCESSOR" to "PROCESSORS" to be consistent

Oct 6, 1998 with variable CPUUPTTM and because all three variables do

contain the total time that all processors in the CEC

were active, uncaptured, or "up" (i.e., available).

Thanks to Edd Carter, General Mills Restaurant, USA.

Change 16.222 -First MXG 16.04 only. The new _STYTCPA "Sort" macro,

VMACTCP used only by the new TYPSTCP member, was missing an

VMXGINIT ending parenthesis in its definition. The DATA statement

Oct 6, 1998 that follows "MACRO _STYTCPA" statement should be:


-Macro variable PTCPTCPS was not GLOBALed nor %LET in the

VMXGINIT member, causing unresolved macro reference.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

======Changes thru 16.221 were in MXG 16.04 dated Sep 30, 1998======
Change 16.221 Trending of Tape Allocations could overcount in a last

ASUMTALO interval that had data spread across two week's input

TRNDTALO with overlap during the same hour (i.e., last weeks last

Sep 30, 1998 allocation was from 0300-0315, this week has an allocate

from 0330-0345). This change corrects the allocate tape

count in that interval, but MXG's revisions in ML-17 of

ASMTAPES/MXGTMNT automatically synchronizes its interval

with SMF interval, so the exposure is reduced further.

Thanks to Jim Stevens, MBNA, USA.
Change 16.220 Logic for creation of NTCONFIG dataset from 0.0 and 0.1

VMACNTSM records was revised. For NTSMF 2.0 and 2.1, the 0.1 was

Sep 28, 1998 written first and then the 0.0, so MXG could OUTPUT to

NTCONFIG from the 0.0 record (including the three fields

that were RETAINed from the preceding 0.1 record). Now,

the output for NTCONFIG was located until after both the

0.0 and 0.1 were read and all their fields RETAINed, and

then OUTPUT from the 0.1 if NTSMF is 2.2 or later, or

OUTPUT from the 0.0 if NTSMF is Version 2.1 or earlier.

This really has minimal impact, as the NTCONFIG dataset

is only a log of configuration status, and not critical,

but now as new configuration fields are added to the 0.1

record, they will be added to dataset NTCONFIG.
Change 16.219 Final validation of MXG Support for IMS 6.1 Log Records.

ASMIMSL6 -The TIME DEC call returns a 0CYYDDDF format that is used

Sep 28, 1998 as a reference date to decide whether to delete or ignore

"old" INQUEUE records, but that value should have been

converted to the YYYYDDDF format of the INQUEUE record.

-ASMIMSL6 was enhanced to prevent U0012 abends if there

were insufficient slots being allocated on the initial

table load. While the number of slots can be provided to

ASMIMSL6 thru the //SLOTS DD statement, this enhancement

eliminates the need to specify slots in advance; the

INQUEUE is read (fast) to count records and NUMSLOTS is

reset to records+1000 if the slots are too few.

Thanks to Alan Green, British American Financial Services, ENGLAND.
Change 16.218 The VMXGTAPE macro sets TAPELIB=YES if an MVS SAS dataset

VMXGTAPE is on tape, but when run under ASCII SAS, produced notes

Sep 30, 1998 the SAS log. Additionally, when VMXGTAPE was used with a

DISK dataset, the second execution failed with an error

message UNABLE TO CLEAR LIBNAME. That error is fixed by

relocating the RUN; statement to be before the LIBNAME.

The error was not reported, because the only member to

use VMXGTAPE twice, TYPECIMS, uses tape rather than disk

for those large IMSTRAN files from IMF, and VMXGTAPE did

work fine when the MVS SAS dataset was on tape.

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.
Change 16.217 -Support for NTSMF new objects NetShow Station Service and

EXNTNSHS NetShow Unicast Service creates NETSHOWS and NETSHOWU

EXNTNSHU datasets, respectively.

VMACNTSM -Logic for NTCONFIG was revised to read CPU Speed field

Sep 23, 1998 when VERSION GE '2.0.H' AND NTVERSN GE '3.51' because

the segment exists in the 2.0.h records. Additionally,

VERSION=UPCASE(VERSION); was inserted after its INPUT

and before the test to avoid case sensitivity.

Thanks to Jim Quigley, Con Ed, USA.

Thanks to Denny C. Wong, New York Life, USA.

======Changes thru 16.216 were in MXG 16.03B6 dated Sep 23, 1998======

Change 16.216 Support for OS/390 2.6 (COMPATIBLE) added new data:

VMAC73 -Dataset TYPE73 new var SMF73ACR, Channel Path Acronym

VMAC74 -Dataset TYPE74 new var DEVDISNV, Device Disconnect Time

VMAC79 Is Not Valid flag, Y or Blank.

Sep 23, 1998 -Dataset TYPE74. IBM renamed field SMF74NID to SMF74DCT

and increased it from 26 to 28 bytes, but MXG continues

to name the variable SFM74NID and it contains either the

Node Descriptor ID for self-describing devices, or the

four-byte Device Number.

-Dataset TYPE74CA new var R745CCMT, Hardware Type and

Model of the Control Unit, 28 byte character variable.

-Dataset TYPE79C new var R79CACR, Channel Path Acronym.

-Changes to TYPE99 subtype 6 were already in MXG.

Change 16.215 ACF2 Version 6.2 INCOMPATIBLY changed the type 'V' record


Sep 23, 1998 Fortunately, most sites don't use the ACF2VR dataset that

is built from this record, so you can process their other

6.2 data by inserting the new line that tests LENGTH-COL

so that member VMACACF2 then contains:




CA provided same day documentation and technical support

of the changes in their record, which inserted an offset

field to the optional DB2 data fields, which is now used

and tested by MXG. No other new data was added.

Thanks to Frank d'Hoine, National Bank of Belgium, BELGIUM.

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