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set to the maximum SMF time found. Variable OPENTM is

created only for a match-up. Close-without-open will

have OPENTM=. and ID=64, while open-without-close will

have OPENTM=. and ID=62 in the VSAMOPEN dataset.

There are often four close records for each open; I guess

the Data and Index are closed, and then when the Cluster

is closed, there is a second pair for the Data and Index.

This is work in progress, and the efficiency of the merge

will be enhanced. One consideration is using the output

dataset to measure availability of VSAM production

datasets, so there will likely be revisions to ANAL6264.

Thanks to Rachel Quiroz Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.
Change 16.070 New utility likely to be needed only by me. UTILBHEX will

UTILBHEX build a file of readable SMF records from an email of the

May 4, 1998 SYSOUT print file of the SAS log that contains the hex

dump of SMF record(s) that were printed by the "LIST"

statement, or were printed when "INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED

RECORD" errors occur. That automatic hex dump on the SAS

log has been invaluable in resolving errors, incompatible

records and new product validation, and I still rely on

the dump, but debugging a problem in CICS type 110 SMF

records with excluded fields plus optional segments was

made much easier by writing this utility to create the

record and then enabling the debugging logic in MXG code.

While member SENDDATA provides instructions by which you

can re-read the SMF data and create an SMF file on MVS to

then be downloaded, zipped, and emailed, now, if you have

an error and I need to see the record, you can simply

save the SYSOUT as a file on MVS, download it and zip it

on your PC, and then email it to me for diagnosis. Also,

member SENDDUMP shows how to produce a hex dump of select

SMF records, and now its output can also be converted to

readable records by this utility.
Change 16.069 IMS log processing datasets now have _L, _K macros for

IMACIMS the additional datasets created by JCLIMSLG's TYPEIMSA,

VMACIMSA so you can control the contents of all IMS log datasets.

Apr 30, 1998 New exit members EXIMSTRN, EXIMSBMP, EXIMSUNM, EXIMSMRG

EXIMS07I, EXIMSFAS, and EXIMS598 (and similarly named

_L and _K macros) exist for the IMSTRAN, BMPS, UNMATCHED,

IMSMERGE, IMS07, IMSFASTP, and IMS5938 datasets.
Change 16.068 Macro variables &PCICTRN, &PDB2ACC, &PIMFTRN and &PIMSTRN

VMXGINIT created and GLOBALed to continue the externalization of

Apr 30, 1998 DDnames for datasets created by BUILDPDB. I have decided

Jun 25, 1998 on the naming conventions for dataset LIBNAME macros:

Exit Member Name Dataset Name Dataset &Macro

EXTYxxxx TYPExxxx &PDBxxxx

EXdddddd All others &Pdddddd

All VMACs that process SMF records will have their

&PDBxxxx or &Pdddddd "Dataset &Macro" defined and set

with a %LET in VMXGINIT member. All resolve to "PDB" by

default, except for the CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT (high

volume) datasets that are not sorted by MXG's BUILDPDB.

See Change 15.320 for further discussion.
Change 16.067 Candle's Omegamon Version V400 for CICS/ESA 4.1 and

IMACICDA CICS TS 1.2 have two new optional segments added to their

IMACICOC type 110 record, CANMQ with MQ Series counts and duration

IMACICOM and CANWLMSC with WLM Service Class names. These new

IMACICOW segments are now supported in new members IMACICOM and

VMAC110 IMACICOW respectively, and member IMACICDA was updated to

Apr 30, 1998 add their include in the default order (MQ before WLMSC),

and the new variables were added to the KEEP= list in the

VMAC110 member (but no new variables are created unless

you remove the comment block in IMACICOM or IMACICOW).

As always, you need to run UTILCICS to find out which of

the segments exist and in what order in each region, and

and might have to update IMACICDA if UTILCICS shows the

order is different in your records than MXG expects.

Since I now have the DSECTS, I found that there are two

bytes of flags in the OMEGBSC segment that are now two

variables, OMDBWRN (DB Warnings) and OMGENWRN (General

warnings) added to CICSTRAN if you enable IMACICOC.

Thanks to Melanie Floyd, UPS, USA.

Thanks to Jon Taf, UPS, USA.

Thanks to Dennis Hancock, UPS, USA.
Change 16.066 The MXG CONFIG option SASAUTOS=(SOURCLIB SASAUTOS) is now

CONFIG used so that sites that have their own macro libraries in

Apr 28, 1998 their SASAUTOS collection can be found under MXG.

The earlier option was just SASAUTOS=SOURCLIB, which

prevented you from finding your macros in your SASAUTOS.

(Many sites concatenated their macro libraries and/or

the SAS.MACRO library to their //SOURCLIB DD.)

Thanks to Alfred Mueller, ABN - Amro, USA.

Change 16.065 The NPM format MG028VA decoded an undocumented '0A'x

FORMATS value. IBM has confirmed the '10'x documented for the

Apr 28, 1998 LVMATYP field should be '0A'X, so FORMATS now contains:

10='0AX:PCT TIME IN BLOCKED RATE' instead of


Thanks to Paul Hill, Midland Bank, ENGLAND.

Change 16.064 In dataset TYPE72GO, variable RESPAVG is kept and EXETTM

VMAC7072 is created and kept. RESPAVG is equal to AVGELPTM, but

Apr 28, 1998 keeping RESPAVG, which was the name in TYPE72, will help

Aug 14, 2001 sites migrating to Goal Mode. The Total Transact

Execution time, R723CXET, is now kept in new variable

EXETTM. Previously, only the average value AVGXETTM was

kept in TYPE72GO, and it was calculated only if TRANSEXC

was non-zero (because I thought EXETTTM was updated only

when TRANSEXC - when a transaction in execution phase had

ended). But Brenda found non-zero EXETTM with zero count

in TRANSEXC, and Don Deese's current paper confirms that

EXETTM is non-zero for batch service classes, even though

TRANSEXC is always zero for batch. So now, not only is

EXETTM a kept variable, but also AVGXETTM is calculated

as EXETTM/TRANSEXC if there were subsystem transactions

terminating, or else AVGXETTM=ELAPSTM/TRANS if there were

no TRANSEXC but TRANS was non-zero.
For non subsystem transaction service classes (like batch

and TSO), variable EXETTM now measures in Goal Mode what

was measured in ELAPSTM in Compatibility Mode.

In debugging my change, (examining the missing value

notes on the log), I found a line with PCTUSNDI that

did no harm but is now deleted, and I discovered that





not only eliminated the missing value notes on the

log, but also saved CPU time! While SUMPTRAN (the

accumulated transaction count as I loop across the

thirteen response count buckets) was always set to

zero before the loop, if a service class had no

response buckets, RTSTRN(M) was missing, and the loop

ran thru all thirteen buckets, because the ADDING zero

to missing is still missing. Instead, using the SUM

function, zero plus missing is zero, so the test that

follows (IF SUMPTRAN GE NRPTRANS) is now satisfied on

the first iteration, so we bail out of the loop,

instead of DOing it thirteen times!

Thanks to Brenda Rabinowitz, Prudential Securities, USA.

Thanks to Carole Storby, LMCO, USA.

Change 16.063 Support for OS/400 Version 4.2.0 (COMPATIBLE).

VMACQAPM -New QAPMCONF configuration GKEY values of 'CI' and 'SJ'.


JBTHCT,JBMTXT, and JBSTSF were added. The QAPMJOBS file

is now LRECL=812 vice 617.

-The +52 after JBSJFG was changed to +58. This change

corrects 4.1.0 variables after JBSJFG.



DSPBCO and DSPBU were added. The QAPMDISK file is now

LRECL=346 vice 267. The variable PCTIOPBY seems to be

invalid, as the DSIDLC field contains very large values.

This needs to be examined further, and will be updated

if I learn more.

-New QAPMECL variable EMDUP was added.

-New QAPMETH variable ETMDUP was added.

-New variable XIADRN was added to QAOMIOP1-4 datasets.

Except for possible LRECL changes in your JCL, the 4.2

records were compatibly changed.

Thanks to Clark Jennings, Reynolds Metal, USA.

Thanks to Stuart Burnett, Reynolds Metal, USA.
Change 16.062 This revision to the RMF III VSAM assembly program adds

ASMRMFV support for the CSR, the Common Storage Remaining data

May 10, 1998 segments. This level 002 of ASMRMFV has been tested, but

I have not yet updated the TYPERMFV code for the CSR.

Change 16.061 The UTILCICS output listed UN98309 for any region, but

UTILCICS that APAR only applied to CICS 4.1; the fields added by

Apr 27, 1998 that APAR are in CICS TS by default, so the test to set

PTF='UN97309' now also tests SMFPSRVR=41.0. This CICS

dictionary-reading utility also now knows about the new

CANMQ and CANWLMSC sections and sets the ERRMQ=64 error

if CANMQ segments of only 64 bytes are found. The early

Candle documentation showed 64 bytes, but the correct

length is 76; if you get ERRMQ=64, then your CICS guru

needs to correct the MCT length for CANMQ to be 76 bytes.

Thanks to Melanie Floyd, UPS, USA.

Thanks to Jon W. Taff, UPS, USA.

Change 16.060 Sterling's Connect Direct (formerly NDM) subtype "PT"

VMACNDM process termination data is trashed; timestamp variables

Apr 27, 1998 NDMSUBTM and NDMSKDTM get INVALID VALUES messages, and

other PT variables are also wrong. Sterling has an open

problem report, item PI-754129, but no fix yet, but now

called Sterling CASE 7916. In 1994 there was a similar

error in "PT" in Change 11.326, but this time I found

Sterling Tech Support and received same-day service!.

But there was also an MXG error, as the INPUT for the PT

segment was off by two bytes, and there was a new

variable, NDMSEQ, added at the end that was overlooked.

Also, to prevent those INVALID VALUE messages before you

get a fix from Sterling, I inserted the ?? modifier for

each packed PT field. The MXG fix to the PT input:

change LOC=LENGTH-21; to LOC=LENGTH-23;.

Thanks to Brian Crow, BT, ENGLAND.

Change 16.059 -Variable NWMSINRT was not kept in dataset MSEXCHIS due to

VMACDECS mispelling as NWMSINRJ in the KEEP=list.

VMACNTSM -Repeats of six variables in KEEP= list in VMACDECS were

Apr 27, 1998 removed, though they caused no problem.

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.
Change 16.058 Changes made in MXG 15.15 caused ASMIMSL5 to fail during

ASMIMSL5 assembly were corrected and the revised member was tested

Apr 27, 1998 with IMS 5.1 log records without error.

Thanks to George Ellard, FEDEX, USA.

Change 16.057 -The label for variable OMVSOPR in dataset TYPE30OM built

VMAC74 by BUILDPDB was wrong, because dataset TYPE74OM also has

VMAC78 a variable OMVSOPR, and the 74's label replced the 30's.

Apr 27, 1998 To resolve the conflict, the type 74 variable OMVSOPR was

renamed to OMVSOPRP to protect the TYPE30OM variable,

which could cause VARIABLE OMVSOPR NOT FOUND, but only if

you use the TYPE74OM data set AND explicitly referred to

OMVSOPR in your SAS report code.

-The label for variable SYSNAME in member VMAC78 was used

for all BUILDPDB datasets, but it had a typo. The

correct spelling is IEASYSXX and not IESAYSXX.

Thanks to Randy Shumate, LEXIS-NEXIS, USA.

Change 16.056 Comments and INVOKEBY= were changed to ASUMCICX in this

ASUMCICX optional replacement for ASUMCICS (see Change 15.205).

Apr 25, 1998

Thanks to Jim Ray, Branch Banking and Trust, USA.

Change 16.055 Archaic FMXGUCBL failed under SAS 6.09, but re-assembly

FMXGUCBL of the member with the SETSSI AF010000 (as mentioned in

Apr 25, 1998 Change 12.015), eliminated the 0C4, and by changing

TXTUC15 DC X'0015',X'0001',X'0003' CODE 15 - UNIT ADDRESS

to increase its length from three to five bytes:

TXTUC15 DC X'0015',X'0001',X'0005' CODE 15 - UNIT ADDRESS


with REASON-021C error on each volume.

The SETSSI statement now sets AF010000 vice AF000000.

This member is archaic in that DCOLLECT is now the MXG

recommendation, and before that, ASMVTOCs had replaced

the very old FMXGUCBL. However, it still works and

fixing it with a re-assembly was easier than re-writing

the existing reports to use ASMVTOC or DCOLLECT!

Thanks to Karl Schlichting, CSC New Zealand, NEW ZEALAND.
Change 16.054 Cosmetic. Now, if you try to use TYPETMO2 to read TMON

VMACTMO2 records that were converted to V 8.1 format, member

Apr 25, 1998 TYPETMO2 (which is for native V 2.0 unconverted format)

will tell you that you should be using member TYPETMO8.

Thanks to Diane DePasquale, CSC TMG Warren, USA.
======Changes thru 16.053 were in MXG 16.01 dated Apr 9, 1998======
Change 16.053 Minor errors corrected after first MXG 16.01 tapes:

ASUMPRTR ASUMPRTR now %INCLUDEs IMAC6 and IMAC7072 to protect the

TRND72 _LTY6 and _LTY72 macro names when ASUMPRTR is run as part

VMACIPAC of the MXG QAJOB. TRND72 had RESPSTD located after the

VMACTRSN the ending parenthesis, causing syntax error.

Apr 9, 1998 VMACIPAC syntax error. IF CC=. THEN IF .... changed to

IF CC=. AND IF .... in four lines.

VMACTRNS was deleted again; it was a misspelling that was

removed from 15.15 but crept back into the first 16.01.
======Changes thru 16.052 were in MXG 16.01 dated Apr 8, 1998======
Change 16.052 Another INCOMPATIBLE Year 2000 change, the RDS 6.1 SMF

VMACIPAC record inserted two bytes to change YY to YYYY in four of

Apr 8, 1998 their five subtypes. This change tests variable VERSION

to be NE 'V-1', but I have not been able to verify if the

record version is actually going to be useable to detect

the changed record format. At worst, you might have to

use a different SMF record number for the RDS 6.1 record,

and change the MXG test in VMACIPAC that reads IF VERSION

NE 'V-1' in four places to IF ID=nnn. V-1 is in current

version records, but is also shown in the Mobius copybook

for 6.1, so I don't know if they actually changed the

VERSION field or not. Look for an update to this change

text on our homepage once 6.1 records have been created.

View Direct 6.1 is the new name of RDS / IPAC product.

See revisions in Change 16.085.

Thanks to Clark Jennings, Reynolds Metal, USA.

Change 16.051 Variable RESPSTD, the standard deviation of the average

TRND72 response of ended SRM transactions, is now created in the

TRND72GO TRND72 and TRND72GO trending. The default MXG summary

Apr 8, 1998 level of PERFGRP or SRVCLASS can be changed to break out

each PERIOD, by simply adding variable PERIOD at the end

of the SUMBY= statement in those members, if you want to

see individual periods' data (so you can trend TSO period

one, for example). I cannot safely change my default to

a lower level without potentially destroying somebodys

reports, but you can change it for your site and then

add PERIOD to your reports.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

Change 16.050 PROC PRINT's that have multiple pages per BY group are

ANALCNCR messed up due to a SAS problem, a conflict between the

Apr 8, 1998 NOBYLINE parameter (which permits us to make reports

prettier) and the existence of an ID statement with the

same list of variables as the BY statement (and we used

BY &SUMBY; ID &SUMBY; to make the reports even prettier).

SAS Usage note V6-PRINT-6788 discusses the error, found

in SAS 6.07, but there will be no fix sooner than SAS

Version 7. So, while the reports are prettier still with

both the NOBYLINE parameter and the ID statement, I have

commented the two ID &SUMBY; statements, so you still get

pretty reports, but now they will print All report pages!

Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern Food Corporation, USA
Change 16.049 Landmark's TMON Version 2 records that are converted to

TYPEMON8 Version 8.1 format by TMON utility program TMONCNVT are

Apr 7, 1998 now Year 2000 compliant, but the change was INCOMPATIBLE

so you will need MXG 16.01 or later is you still convert

your new TMON records to the old format. Landmark also

replaced the TMMDCCLK field which was a series of packed

fields (0962821314185700 was 96282 13:14:18.57) with a

new value (B043AA3E81B0F701 now for April 6, 1998),

which causes INVALID DATA FOR D12 messages because D12 is

no longer a valid packed field, and since I have no clue

from Landmark documenting this change (I have only a dump

of the record causing that message), and since it is late

at night and I want to wrap up MXG 16.01 before I sleep,

variable TMMDCCLK will be a missing value in these new

Y2K-compliant-8.1-format records, and the INVALID DATA

message is eliminated. Fortunately, TMMDCCLK is an

internal datetimestamp that was not even kept by MXG.

Thanks to Tim Downs, WCI/CSC Warren Ohio, USA.

Thanks to Mike Cezarro, City of Rochester, USA.

Thanks to Kumar Thavakumar, City of Rochester, USA.

Change 16.048 -Support for NTSMF new Object SNA Logical Unit Sessions

EXNTMSES creates new SNALUSES dataset with the same variables as

EXNTSNAL in the SNA Connection Object (dataset SNACONN).

EXNTSNAR -Support for NTSMF new Object SNA 3270 Response Times

EXNTWIDE creates new SNARSPTM dataset with five response buckets

IMACNTSM R3270TH1-R3270TH5 with percentage of responses (whatever

VMACNTSM that is) in each bucket. However, the values are the

Apr 8, 1998 same for each SNACONNM value, so I believe these data

are still wrong in NTSMF 2.1.0 (which had to deal with

the people writing this object not following the rules

to write data correctly!).

-Support for new MS Exchange Event Services object

creates new MSEXCHES dataset.

-Support for the SNA Adapter SnaDlC1 (yep, that's a

lower case l, a upper case C and the numeral one!)

outputs to the existing SNAADAPT, but there is no

longer an SNAADAPT name field. I reused the same

dataset because there never were any NTSMF records

created with the original name field + counters.

-Support for the WideToMBErr object creates new dataset


-The _BNT macros needed these variables added to the BY

list for the dataset sorts: _BNTPROC has PID added,



Thanks to Jim Quigley, Con Ed, USA.

Change 16.047 Variable JCSPTOD in CICS Journal Segment was validated

VMAC110 for Shared Medical System's journal data, but only with

Apr 7, 1998 CICS Version 2 data. The CICS/ESA logic in VMAC110 still

had JCSPTOD ?? PDTIME4., which produced wrong values.

The logic from V2 journal was copied into the CICS/ESA

journal processing logic. This error impacts you

only if you were decoding your own journal segments.

Thanks to John Croasdale, Barclays Bank Group, UK.

Change 16.046 New ASUM member to summarize TYPE42DS (SMS Interval

ASUM42DS I/O activity) by dataset to report total I/O to each

Apr 6, 1998 dataset from all users, counting the number of users

using that dataset during each interval.

Thanks to Simone Niemczura, FISERV, USA.
Change 16.045 -Support for Internet Information Services Global Object

EXNTSMTP Version 4.0 in INCOMPATIBLE with Version 3.0; the two

EXNTWEBS counter objects Cache Size and Cache Used, MXG variables

IMACNTSM CACHSIZE and CACHUSED in dataset IISG, were removed by

VMACNTSM the new 4.0 version of IIS.

Apr 3, 1998 -Support for Active Server Pages object's nearly complete

restructure, with 14 fields kept from prior version,

with 19 new fields added, and these 10 fields deleted:



-Support for new FTP Service Object replaced the previous

FTP Server Object, but MXG outputs into the same FTPSERV

dataset that was built from the prior FTP Server Object.

The only difference between the old and new objects is

that the new FTP Service Object has an instance field,

new MXG variable FTPSERVR (name of the FTP Server), that

did not exist in the old FTP Server object.

-Support for new Web Service Object creates new WEBSERV

dataset; this new Web Service Object logically replaces

the previous HTTP Service object that created MXG HTTP

dataset, but as many HTTP fields no longer exist in the

new Web Service Object, and as there are many new fields,

the new WEBSERV dataset must be used in place of HTTP.

-Support for new SMTP Server Object creates new SMTPSERV


Thanks to Leigh Ann Payne, Wachovia Operational Services, USA.

Change 16.044 The JCL example had //DB2ACCT DD pointing to the DB2ACCT

ANALDB2C dataset, but the default in IMACDB2 creates PDB.DB2ACCT,

Apr 2, 1998 so the example now has //PDB instead of //DB2ACCT.

The newer combination of ASUMUOW and ANALUOW are really

the better tools for matching CICS and DB2 transactions.

Thanks to Alfred Holtz, Merck Medco, USA.

Change 16.043 -ASUMIDMS was touched up. Variable TASTTYPE and TASKTYPE

ASUMIDMS now have their length set as $1 and @26 respectively, in

TESTUSER LENGTH statements instead of FORMAT statements. The

TRNDIDMS -TESTUSER was touched up. The hardcoded IDMSxxx dataset

Apr 2, 1998 names were replaced by the _LIDMxxx macro names.

Jan 19, 1999 -TRNDIDMS is a new contribution from Alan, based on the

TRNDCICS member of MXG, and provides IDMS trending.

-Updated Jan 19, 1999: In ASUMIDMS, the line that read


Thanks to Alan Deepe, Perot Systems, ENGLAND.

Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool, USA.
Change 16.042 Using TYPERACF to read the unloaded RACF database that is

VMACRACF created by IBM utility IRRDBU00, variable OMVSPROG was

Apr 2, 1998 not created in dataset RACF0270, but now it is, being

INPUT @1050 as a $CHAR200 variable.

Thanks to Randy Shumate, LEXIS-NEXIS, USA.
Change 16.041 Change 15.320 inadvertently changed the PDB to PDBMXG in

UTILCONT two places and lost an &, so this new utility to print

Apr 2, 1998 the contents (in mega-bytes and obs) of SAS datasets in

a SAS Library fails. Change both PDBMXG to PDB, and

add the missing & to %LET PDB=%UPCASE(&PDB); .

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