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Jul 6, 1994 into the PDB.PRINT dataset; now it is.

Thanks to Tom Parker, Hogan Systems, USA.

====Changes thru 12.084 were included in MXG 12.02 dated Jul 4, 1994====
Change 12.084 New features/enhancements to VMXGSUM were transparently

DOC added to this powerful MXG summarization utility.

VMXGSUM - A dataset name in the INDATA= string can now be a fully

Jul 1, 1994 qualified SAS name like with "INDATA=PDB.JOBS," or

macros can be used, like with "INDATA=_DAY._DSET,".

- It is no longer necessary to use a DROP DATETIME;

statement, nor do you need to assign the real variable

name in an assignment statement. (The DATETIME= option

set up an internal variable named DATETIME). Now, if

DATETIME=VARIABLE, and VARIABLE appears in the ID list,

and the variable name is not DATETIME, then MXG inserts

VARIABLE=DATETIME in the logic, and drops DATETIME.

- New options allow specialized use of summarization that

are described in detail in member VMXGSUM:

CLASS = Allows specifying CLASS and keeps _TYPE_

so that multiple outputs can be created.

MEANOPTS= Allows passing options to the PROC MEANS.

ORDER = Allows insertion of LABEL statement to force

alphabetic order in the output dataset vars.

INCODE1 = Continuation of INCODE= in case the 32K byte

SAS limit (including blanks!) is too small.

INCODE2 = New exit for code insertion after the

normalization phase on the input side.

OUTCODE1= Continuation of OUTCODE=, see INCODE1.

OUTCODE2= New exit for code insertion before the

de-normalization phase on the output side.

- Although these internal changes were implemented in a

transparent manner, so your existing programs that use

%VMXGSUM should not need any changes, all of the MXG

members that invoke it were cleaned up. Now redundant

DATETIME= references were removed, all invocations now

contain INVOKEBY="member" argument to make it easier to

tell which member has executed %VMXGSUM, and

invocations were collimated for clearer reading.

Thanks to Wolfgang Vierling, Vereinte Versicherungen, GERMANY, who

suggested several of the new options, and who provided sample

implementation code.
Change 12.083 If an invalid value was specified for INTERVAL=, it was

VMXGDUR ignored without any warning; now a warning message is

Jul 1, 1994 printed on the log.
Change 12.082 If TREND database was used for TMNT reports, the graphs

GRAFTMNT were useless since they were designed for daily reports.

Jul 1, 1994 This revision supports TREND data base reporting.
Change 12.081 Analysis of Measured Usage uses both the new TYPE89 and

ANALUSAG existing TYPE72 data to calculate the "bands" for usage

Jul 1, 1994 based pricing of IBM software products. For TYPE89 the

real product name is used; the analysis based on TYPE72

uses the workload definition in IMACWORK to name the

"product". This report will be revised when IBM makes

their report format available.
Change 12.080 Batch LSR analysis could report I/O exceeded 100% if the

ANALBLSR pattern of utilization of a VSAM cluster by multiple runs

ANALDSET of the same job changed, because average value was used.

Jul 1, 1994 This revision uses the sums to accurately calculate the

percentage of I/O attributable to a given component.

Also, it turns out that turning on BLSR suppresses the

Buffer Count in TYPE64 dataset, so those reports were

eliminated, as they were useless!

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Enserch Corporation, TEXAS.
Change 12.079 DB2 3.1 support was enhanced in Change 12.033 for the new

READDB2 buffer pools in the building member VMACDB2. This change

ASUMDB2A adds that support to the READDB2 utility and to the

TRNDDB2A DB2 Accounting summary and trending members.


Jul 1, 1994

Change 12.078 Using ANALDB2R with PDB= on tape was inefficient; it

ANALDB2R could cause three passes of the tape, especially when

Jul 1, 1994 ACCOUNTING reports were requested and neither ASUMDB2A

nor DB2ACCT was found on the first tape volume. The logic

was changed: if we see the PDB= points to a tape dataset,

we now look only for the PDB.DB2ACCT dataset, unless you

explicitly tell us to use the PDB.ASUMDB2A (by specifying

USEACCT=ASUM option in your %ANALDB2R invocation).

The old logic looked first for ASUMDB2A, and if not found

then looked for DB2ACCT, requiring multiple passes of the

PDB= when on tape. While our example JCL in JCLPDB6 does

build the PDB.ASUMDB2A, we can't guarantee you did so, so

we by default go for PDB.DB2ACCT. (The PDB.ASUMDB2A is

smaller and the preferred source, so if it exists it is

wise to specify USEACCT=ASUM for PDB=tape). This change

does cause new messages on the log:




because to detect if the PDB= points to tape, we must

first open the DDNAME as an INFILE and then clear it!
Change 12.077 The vertical axis specification on the workload plots was

GRAFTRND removed; if the normalization of CPU time or the

Jul 1, 1994 predicted workload growth exceeded 100%, the workloads

disappeared from the graph as they passed 100.

Change 12.076 If SASGRAPH=NO was specified when you invoked GRAFWORK,

GRAFWORK the numbers for CPUTM and % CPU were cumulative totals

Jul 1, 1994 rather than the values for individual observations.

Also, values of EXCPs, IOTM, and MEMR were added to

Thanks to Tom Bell, Rivendel Consultants, USA.
Change 12.075 Type 30 APPC segment offsets should be zero in

VMAC30 MULTIDD='Y' records, but they are not, causing MXG to

Jun 30, 1994 input values in APPC variables. This is an IBM error,

and APAR OW07036 now has PTFs UW09744-UW09746.

If you use TYPE30_4, TYPE30_5 or PDB.STEPS to analyze

APPC resources, you can delete observations with

MULTIDD='Y' and the APPC resource analysis will be valid,

but any EXCP counts in those MULTIDD records will be

lost. However, this MXG fix eliminates the error, and

will work even after IBM fixes the problem: - After the

@; following the input of @101+OFFSMF EXTRADD

insert these two lines:



- After the END; after the DO group that sets OFFAPPC,


insert this DO group:






Thanks to Bill Keller, West Publishing, USA.
Change 12.074 Several DCOLLECT flag variables that were set to 0 or 1

VMACDCOL for NO or YES are now formatted with MGLMSYN and their

Jun 30, 1994 labels now end with a question mark to clarify that they

are YES/NO values. The variables are these:



Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA.
Change 12.073 Type 6 may cause INVALID SUBSTR FUNCTION because variable

VMAC6 RLSELEFT should be FORMATed $HEX16. instead of $HEX8.

Jun 29, 1994 (the FORMAT statement is the first occurrence of this

variable and thus determines the variable's length).

The error occurs only if you have modified JES2 to create

the print release time as described in Change 7.137.

Thanks to Andy Vick, Allied Dunbar Assurance, UK.
Change 12.072 ACF2 SMF record subtype 'V' had INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED

VMACACF2 error because DB2 and NEXTKEY segment logic was wrong. To

Jun 29, 1994 circumvent (with no data loss), change the statement



The actual code change was more extensive. Additionally,

ACF2 SMF record subtype 'D' printed a note: RECORD TYPE

D, EXCESS DATA AT END SKIP=7 on the log. This had no

impact (NEXTKEY data was not read, but is not kept) but

logic for this subtype was also corrected.

Thanks to Russell Ochocki, Investors Group, CANADA.
Change 12.071 Trending of ASUM70PR PR/SM dataset did not support LPAR

TRND70PR 0; replicate occurrences of LPAR 1 variables and change 1

Jun 28, 1994 to zero to include LPAR 0 in TRND70PR (only Amdahl's MDF

uses LPAR zero).

Thanks to John Chan, The Toronto Hospital, CANADA.
Change 12.070 Support for IBM's CRR 1.6 (Cache DASD RMF Reporter) SMF

FORMATS record. The record format was incompatibly changed by

VMACACHE the 1.6 release. Note that if you run a 3990-6 in Basic

Jun 27, 1994 mode, you can't tell that it's a mod-6, because

REPORLVL=03. If you enable the 3990-6 in Enhanced mode,

REPORLVL=06 and the mod-6-only fields will be


Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.

Thanks to Scott Ashby, Wachovia Operational Services, USA.
Change 12.070A NDM data created zero observations in NDMCT dataset, due

EXNDMCT to misspelling in member EXNDMCT. All occurrences of

Jun 23, 1994 NDMST in that member should have been NDMCT.

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Enserch Corporation, TEXAS.

Change 12.069 VM/ESA MONWRITE processing has caused UNEXPECTED/INVALID


Jun 23, 1994 FAILURE when the end of data was at the end of block with

Jul 6, 1994 a 1.13 record; the MXG logic was not sufficiently robust.

To correct the MXG error, find the second occurrence of

BYTELEFT=BYTELEFT-MRHDRLEN; and insert these four lines

after that statement:





Thanks to Ricky Valeroso, City of New York - CDCSA, USA.

Change 12.068 Boole & Babbage CICS Statistics record subtype 0BB02x has

VMAC110 been suppressed by recent IBM CICS changes, causing these

Jun 23, 1994 special records to not be written. Boole's PTFs BPC2347

and BPC2348 change their subtype value to 00B02x, and MXG

test was changed to IF SUBTYPE=0BB02X OR SUBTYPE=00B02X

to support either value.

Thanks to Bill Gecci, Boole and Babbage, USA
Change 12.067 New Measured Usage datasets TYPE89 and TYPE30MU are built

BUILDPDB automatically in BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3. This change was made

BUILDPD3 in MXG 12.01, but the change was not noted in CHANGES.

Jun 23, 1994

Change 12.066 INFOPAC variables REQSTART and REQEND may be incorrect

VMACIPAC for some subtypes - changing the test IF SMFIPSTP NE 1

Jun 23, 1994 THEN to read IF SMFIPSTP NE 4 has cured the problems.

Thanks to Ron Bleeden, Jewel, USA.

Change 12.065 Variables INTBTIME & INTETIME will be missing in interval

VMAC30 TYPE30_V/PDB.SMFINTRV observations which have MULTIDD='Y'

Jun 23, 1994 if you are at MVS/ESA 4.2 or earlier. The GMT

corrections following setting MULTIDD='Y' in VMAC30 must

be executed only if GMTOFF30 is non-missing:





Thanks to Tom Parker, Hogan Systems, Inc, USA.

Change 12.064 No IPLS/TYPE0 observations with MVS/ESA 5.1 SMF data (but

VMAC0 MXG did print an error message on the log), or a short

Jun 22, 1994 type 0 record could still cause an INPUT STATEMENT EXCEED

Jul 19, 1994 message, because the tests for LENGTH were incorrect.

-In MXG 11.11, change the line reading IF LENGTH GT 31 ...


-In MXG 12.01 or 12.02, the first LENGTH test should read:


and the second LENGTH test should now read:


and the INPUT of SYSPLEX should be @49 instead of @39.

This text was revised between 12.02 and 12.03.

Thanks to Tom Parker, Hogan Systems, Inc, USA.

Thanks to Mike Skopec, Platinum Systems, USA.


VMACACF2 can contain hex zeros, causing INVALID DATA messages. By

Jun 23, 1994 inserting double-questionmarks between the variable name

Jul 19, 1994 and the &PD.4. input format, the messages and hex dump

will be suppressed and the variables still set to missing

when these dates do not exist. This change was revised;

the first two variables were corrected in MXG 12.02, the

final two were corrected in MXG 12.03.

Thanks to Phil Seale, Central Regional Council, UK.
Change 12.062 Variable QTPKALL should have been DIF()ed, in addition to

DIFFDB2 variable QTPKALLA, which was already in the DIF() list.

Jun 22, 1994 Without this change, QTPKALL will contain wrong values.

Thanks to Tom Parker, Hogan Systems, Inc, USA.

Change 12.061 PDB.JOBS variable RESTARTS may be incorrect for a small

BUILDPDB number of jobs on the day you implement MXG 11.11, due to

Jun 22, 1994 change 11.269, which renamed MULTIDD to MULTIDD5 for the

SPIN30_5 logic, but didn't protect existing observations

in SPIN30_5 on the first execution. If there were no

MULTIDD records in the SPIN.SPIN30_5, there is no error.

If the SPIN.SPIN30_5 dataset that you are going to use

for the initial run with MXG 11.11 has the variable

MULTIDD instead of MULTIDD5, and if there are any

observations with MULTIDD='Y', and if those jobs are

matched up by the first execution of BUILDPDB, the count

of RESTARTS will be incorrect, but the count will be ok

on all subsequent days. If you really want to correct

this obscure error, you should rename variable MULTIDD in

your SPIN.SPIN30_5 dataset to MULTIDD5 and then run your

first MXG 11.11 BUILDPDB execution. This might not have

been noticed, but it happened to a TSO session, and

RESTART greater than 1 should not occur for TSO!

Thanks to Tom Parker, Hogan Systems, Inc, USA.
Change 12.060 If you needed more than 3 account fields in your PDB, you

IMACPDB had to change IMACPDB, because it (incorrectly) limited

Jun 22, 1994 the number of fields to three. Since MXG 8.8, member

IMACACCT is where you control how many account fields you

keep, so this change only revises IMACPDB so it now has

ACCOUNT1-ACCOUNT9 and SACCT1-SACCT9 specified; that way,

your definition of kept account fields in IMACACCT will

always be in control.

Thanks to Tom Parker, Hogan Systems, Inc, USA.
Change 12.059 Type 6 records from VPS product have UCS='VPS' but had a

VMAC6 SUBSYS='JES2'. Because it may be important to know which

Jun 22, 1994 subsystem created the type record, MXG now sets variable


Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 12.058 The MXG Tape Allocation and Tape Mount Monitor, ASMTAPES,

ANALTALO (which replaces the MXG Tape Mount Monitor, ASMTMNT) has

ASMTAPES been fixed and has been running at two MVS/ESA sites, one

ASUMTALO with both SMS and MIM, for two weeks without any ABEND!

BUILDPDB The monitor creates an SMF record for each tape drive

BUILDPD3 allocation event, so actual tape drive usage is measured,

BUILD002 even for dynamically allocated drives, and it creates an

GRAFTALO SMF record (same ID, different subtype) for each tape

TRNDTALO mount event, so human and silo efficiency is measured.

Jun 17, 1994 MXG member TYPETMNT creates three datasets from the SMF

record: TYPETALO for Tape Allocation, TYPETMNT for Tape

Mounts, and TYPETSWP for Tape Error Swaps. Both TYPETMNT

and TYPETSWP are already automatically created in the PDB

by BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3; now PDB.TYPETALO will also exist in

your PDB library. Members ASUMTALO/TRNDTALO provide the

summarization and trending logic, while ANALTALO/GRAFTALO

provide sample printed and graphical reports, and the CPU

cost of the monitor is minimal. See Change 12.105.

Thanks to Bob Kinney, Kaiser Permanente, USA.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.

Thanks to Bill Fairchild, Royal Software Associates, USA.
Change 12.057 Final support for DFSMS 1.2 added a few variables that

VMACDCOL were not in earlier APARs:



Dataset DCOLCLUS variable DCANSTAT

Dataset DCOLMIGS variable UMSDSP

Thanks to John Maher, Home Savings, USA.
===Changes thru 12.056 were in MXG PreRelease 12.01A dated Jun 15, 1994=
Change 12.056 Support for MEMO subtype 6 SMF record creates new dataset

EXTYMEML MEMOLIST. Code was originally added as member XMACMEMO

IMACMEMO in MXG 12.01A, untested, but now has been verified and

VMACMEMO has replaced VMACMEMO in MXG 12.03.

Jun 15, 1994

Jul 7, 1994

Thanks to Jukka Suhonen, VTTK, FINLAND.
Change 12.055 MXG 12.01 only. Change 12.047 DASD RESP changes were not

ANALRMFR spelled right, causing uninitialized variable messages

Jun 15, 1994 and non-printing of the summary report.
Change 12.054 Variables MNSMFTME and MXSMFTME are not kept by MXG and

VMACSMF thus were not in the LENGTH 8 list, but if you were to

Jun 14, 1994 keep them, the LENGTH DEFAULT=4 would cause truncation of

their datetimestamp values, so they are now added to the

LENGTH 8 list in macros _SMF and _SMFTEMP in VMACSMF.

Thanks to Graeme Yeandle, British Telecom, UK.

Change 12.053 Division by Zero was not protected for the calculation of

VMACNSPY T1RSPPC-T4RSPPC when TRANSNO was zero; that block of code

Jun 14, 1994 has now been protected.

Thanks to Jim Wertenberger, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Ohio, USA.

Change 12.052 MXG 12.01 only. The OUTPUT _LDB2ACC in exit member

EXDB2ACB EXDB2ACB should have read OUTPUT _LDB2ACB instead. (Only

VMACDB2 if you used new Buffer Pools would there have been any

Jun 12, 1994 actual problem). See Change 12.033.

Unrelated, I changed the ID=0 statement before IMACACCT's

%INCLUDE in VMACDB2 to a "faker" for better cosmetics.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Primerica, USA.
Change 12.051 DCOLLECT variable DCDNMBLK in dataset DCOLDSET is wrong;

VMACDCOL it needs to be multiplied by 1024. Insert a line for

Jun 12, 1994 DCDNMBLK immediately following DCDSCALL=1024*DCDSCALL;

Additionally, add variables DCAHURBA DCAHARBA and DCAASP

to the MGBYTES format list, to be consistent with other

variables that measure space allocated/used.

Thanks to Mark Mustoe, Nestle Foods, USA.
Change 12.050 In 12.01, new dataset TYPE30MU was not protected in the

ANALDSET IEBUPDTE step. Replicate the two "30OM" lines and change

Jun 4, 1994 "30OM" to "30MU".

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, TEXAS.

Change 12.049 TCP APAR PN34837 added 8 undocumented bytes to the TELNET

VMACTCP Server record - the datetimestamp of LOGF. Variable

Jun 3, 1994 TELLOGFT now contains that value.

Thanks to Barry Pieper, Norwest Technical Services, USA.

Change 12.048 INVALID NUMERIC DATA 'SAT' can occur in ASUM70PR if you

ASUM70PR modified IMACRMFI using the example in comments that uses

IMACRMFI the variable named "DAY". Unfortunately, changes made to

Jun 3, 1994 VMXGDUR (which is invoked internally by ASUM70PR) now use

the variable named "DAY" as a numeric variable, causing

the error message. Since the problem only arises if you

have modified IMACRMFI, you can change "DAY" in IMACRMFI

to "DAYSHIFT" to eliminate the conflict. I have changed

the example in comments to now show "DAYSHIFT".

Thanks to John Chan, The Toronto Hospital, CANADA.

===Changes thru 12.047 were in MXG PreRelease 12.01 dated Jun 1, 1994===
Change 12.047 The RMF-look-alike CPU Activity report may show BUSY TIME

ANALRMFR of zero (but the Summary CPU times are correct) due to

Jun 1, 1994 incorrect logic. Change:

Jun 2, 1994 IF CPEF(I) NE . THEN DO; to IF CPEF(I) GT 0 THEN DO;

then 35 lines later, change

IF PEFT(I) NE . THEN ... to IF PEFT(I) GT 0 THEN ...

then 19 lines later, change



On the Summary Report, the "DASD RESP" was incorrect; MXG

included both Tape and DASD in its calculation (but on

Device reports the device and LCU detail was correct).

The DASD RESP fix was not included in the Jun 1 tapes.

Thanks to Linda Carroll, American Software, USA.


TRNDRMFI and TSO4TRAN were left out of the NORM1= argument list,

May 25, 1994 and were incorrect in the TREND.TRNDRMFI dataset.

Thanks to Wolfgang Vierling, Vereinte Versicherungen, GERMANY.

Change 12.045 "Performance Management in a DFSMS/MVS World" GG66-3252,

VMAC42 by IBM's J.P. Burg is an excellent discussion of use of

May 25, 1994 the new SMS data in type 42 SMF records. Six variables

that he uses in that manual are now created in TYPE42DS

(data set detail) and TYPE42SR (storage class) datasets:


Take a look at John's analysis and discussion!
Change 12.044 This report member has been revised, but work is still in

ANALRACF progress - the PROC TRANSPOSE still raises an error. The

May 24, 1994 text of this change will be revised when report is fixed.

Sections WPDBRACF,WRACCMDS, and WRACLINK were revised.

Change 12.043 The "Candidates to be moved" report of tape data sets is

ANALTMS5 revised so that tape GDGs will be reported as the root

May 24, 1994 name, without the GooVoo, and the estimate of tape feet

will include all volumes in the GDG.

Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.
Change 12.042 The ANALTAPE analysis of tape drive allocation has been

ANALMNTS updated to report on 3490 tape drive counts; however, it

ANALTAPE will never be as accurate as ASMTAPES analysis, when that

May 24, 1994 Tape Allocation monitor is fully validated! The archaic

ANALMNTS, which can only calculate average tape mount

time, and which has been effectively replaced by ASMTMNT,

was also updated to recognize 3490 tape mounts.

Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.

Change 12.041 Recognition of TCP/IP event type in SMF type 118 record

VMACTCP was based on the 4-byte string test, but TELSERVER value

May 24, 1994 of 'LOGN' and FTPSERVER value of 'LOGNSEQ' looked same,

so the logic was revised to use the length of the record

(38-44 is API, 72-86 is TELNET, 194-200 is FTP). While

there is a subtype value in the record, it is not fixed

(you specify it, with different parameters, in different

TCP/IP files, with different syntax, so for me to use it

you would have yet another MXG table to update to tell

me what you chose!), so I chose to use record length and

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