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version (see alphabetic list at beginning of Change Log). You

you MUST start with the IMAC in this version and retrofit your

installation's tailoring. Member IMACAAAA indexes all IMAC's.
c. It is always wisest to PROC PRINT the first 50 observations of

important datasets, especially PDB.JOBS, which can be affected

by user tailoring in IMACPDB. A visual scan of that PROC PRINT

serves as an excellent validation of correct installation, and

will almost always detect any serious problems BEFORE you begin

your production MXG runs! See also the MXG utility UTILPRAL.

VI. SAS Technical Notes.

1. The following important notes are repeated from prior Newsletters:

a. SAS OPTIONS REQUIRED under version 5.18, 6.06, or 6.07.

Please read this section carefully. MXG execution will fail if you

do not pay attention to these (potentially incompatible) changes:

SAS options that are MANDATORY with all SAS Versions:
NOIMPLMAC should ALWAYS be used in ANY program.


resolve %MACRO references without extra I/O by using autocall.

ERRORABEND ensures SAS stops on any error condition.

MACRO enables SAS to recognize %MACROs.

DQUOTE is needed to extract values of certain string %MACROs.

SAS options MANDATORY under SAS Version 5.18 (do not exist in V6):
MWORK=28000 GEN=0
MWORK was needed in large %MACROs (like %ANALDB2R).

GEN=0 was needed to eliminate unnecessary I/O and CPU time, and

is discussed in the 1984 Guide (see Index).
SAS options MANDATORY under SAS Version 6 (did not exist in 5.18):
Previously, MXG recommended MEMSIZE=12M, but programs that build

many datasets concurrently (like BUILDPDB, VMACVMXA, etc.) will

need more of this virtual storage above the line, because of the

new MXG recommended value for BLKSIZE='half-track'. The MEMSIZE

option only works under MVS/XA and MVS/ESA, and since it is not

a real resource, and only used when needed during the "building"

phase in MXG processing, the new default of MEMSIZE=24M should

not cause any problem, and will avoid unnecessary ABENDs.

If you are using MXG and SAS 6.06 under MVS/370 or CMS/370, you

will have to reduce this MEMSIZE= parameter to no more than 6M,

and must reduce the BLKSIZE (try 4096, or the minimum 1024).

Small BLKSIZE will allow your program to compile, but the DASD

work space you will need will significantly increase, as will

the run-time, IOs, and CPU requirements for the same job.

SAS options STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for SAS 6.06 performance:
BLKSIZE=23040 BUFNO=2 -- for 3380's

BLKSIZE=27648 BUFNO=2 -- for 3390's

Both are now automatically set by MXG's use of BLKSIZE(DASD)=HALF

in MXG's CONFIG/CONFIG07 members for permanent datasets, but

note that the WORK DD in the default SAS JCL procedure contains

a BLKSIZE=6144 parameter which MUST be overridden or changed for

optimum execution performance:


The BLKSIZE option in the CONFIG member will have no effect if a

DCB=BLKSIZE value is specified on the JCL DD statement.

See "SAS Benchmarks" in Newsletter TWENTY for resource savings.

SAS options recommended with either SAS Version 5.18, 6.06 or 6.07:



So how do you specify these recommended/required MXG options?
In Version 5.18, MACRO and MWORK=28000 must be specified on the EXEC

statement, but all other options could be specified on an OPTIONS

statement right after your SYSIN DD * statement. However, so you do

not have to remember them nor type them, MXG member SASOPTV5 has all

of the recommended options in an OPTIONS statement, so you need only

%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(SASOPTV5); as your first SAS statement:

//stepname EXEC SAS518,OPTIONS='MACRO MWORK=28000'



... the rest of your program ...

For SAS Version 6, options can be set with an OPTIONS statement, or

with the OPTIONS= JCL parameter, or (as is MXG's recommendation) via

the CONFIG= JCL parameter on the EXEC statement. MXG member CONFIG

contains the MXG required and recommended options for SAS 6.06, and

member CONFIG07 contains the SAS 6.07 recommendations. The BLKSIZE

and MEMSIZE options were increased in MXG 9.9, and the new CONFIG07

member was added with new SAS 6.07 options. (You could also supply

options by overriding the CONFIG DD in the SAS JCL procedure, but

using the CONFIG= parameter is safer and simpler.).
// EXEC SAS606,TIME=10,


// EXEC SAS607,TIME=10,




b. Format libraries are different in MVS SAS Version 6 and Version 5.
The MXG-built "SASLIB" formats are built by the first step of either

JCLTEST (for SAS 5.18) or JCLTEST6 (for SAS 6.06).

Under SAS Version 5.18, formats are members of a PDS load library

which must be allocated as SPACE=(CYL,(3,1,99)). SAS 5.18 formats

are always referenced using the DDNAME of SASLIB.
Under SAS Version 6 formats are members of a SAS data library, which

must be allocated as SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)). Note there is NO third SPACE

parameter (for PDS directory blocks), because data libraries in SAS

Version 6 are physical sequential files. SAS Version 6 format

libraries are always referenced using the DDNAME of LIBRARY.
In either version of SAS, the blocksize is set by the PROC FORMAT.
MXG always requires the appropriate DDNAME (SASLIB or LIBRARY).
You will fail with SAS 170 FORMAT NOT FOUND errors if you do not

have the correct format library pointed to by the correct DDNAME.

VII. Documentation of MXG Software.

Member CHANGES always contains the version number of MXG Software, and

it lists changes that were installed in that version. The members named

Changenn have the contents of CHANGES when that "nn" MXG version was

created. Description of enhancements will be found in the text of the

Change description that made the enhancement (in those CHANGES and

CHANGEnn members). The CHANGE members can be scanned online (with SPF

BROWSE) to search for specific product name references (CICS, MVS/ESA,

etc.). The text of each Change identifies the member(s) that were added

or altered by that change. Documentation (especially for new product's

support) is usually also found in comments at the beginning of those

members listed in the change entry.

Member NEWSLTRS contains the text of all newsletters (up through the

newsletter that accompanied that MXG release). You can search NEWSLTRS

for product name or acronym to find the technical notes, APARs, etc.

from all MXG newsletters. (The Change Log of each Newsletter is not

replicated in member NEWSLTRS, since that text will be in CHANGES).
Member DOCVERnn is the "delta-documentation" (in abbreviated Chapter

FORTY style) of only those variables and datasets that were changed

between successive MXG Versions. There is a DOCVERnn "delta" member in

the MXG library for each version.

Penultimately, member DOCVER contains abbreviated Chapter FORTY format

that documents all of the variables names in all of the MXG datasets

that are created by that MXG Software Version (alphabetically by data

set name and variable name).

Finally, MXG is a source distributed system, so you can often find your

answer by BROWSE/EDIT of the source member, especially the VMACs that

actually create the dataset, or ANALs that analyze the MXG datasets.

In many instance, the MXG Variable name is the IBM or Vendor's field or

DSECT field name. In other cases, the DSECT field name is carried as a

comment beside in the MXG INPUT statement to map field name to MXG's

variable name. MXG expects you to also have access to the vendor's

documentation of particular data records you are using for analysis.

VIII. Change Log
==========================Changes Log=================================
You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will

impact your site. All changes have been made in this MXG Library.

Member CHANGES of the MXG SOURCLIB will always be more accurate than

the printed changes in a Newsletter, because the software is created

after the newsletter is sent to the printer!
Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of

MXG Software that is contained in that library.

The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be

different that described in the change text (which might have printed

only the easily installed, critical part of the correction).
Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments

at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the

documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,

are often found in comments in the source members.

Changes thru 9.241 are contained in MXG Version 9.9 Mar 1, 1992

Changes thru 9.235 were printed in NEWSLETTER TWENTY-ONE Mar 1, 1992.

Changes thru 9.218 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.8 Feb 3, 1992.

Changes thru 9.212 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.7 Jan 27, 1992.

Changes thru 9.205 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.6 Jan 14, 1992.

Changes thru 9.184 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.5 Dec 1, 1991.

Changes thru 9.175 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.4 Nov 15, 1991.

Changes thru 9.107 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.3, Aug 1, 1991.

Changes thru 9.104 were printed in NEWSLETTER TWENTY Aug 1, 1991.

Changes thru 9.069 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.2, July 1, 1991.

Changes thru 9.038 were contained in MXG PreRelease 9.1, June 3, 1991.

Changes thru 8.305 were contained in MXG Production 8.9, May 1, 1991.

Changes thru 8.285 were contained in MXG Production 8.8, Apr 8, 1991.

Changes thru 8.283 were printed in NEWSLETTER NINETEEN, Apr 8, 1991.

Alphabetic INDEX of significant changes in MXG 9.9 (after MXG 8.8):
Member Change Description
many 9.151 DASD Device 3345 ("Serpentine") data recognized.

many 9.152 Tape Device 3490E ("Serpentine") data recognized.

ANALACHE 8.293 Cache RMF Reporter analysis uses 3990 records now.

ANALDBTR 9.135 DATASET S064058 NOT SORTED error corrected.

ANALDB2R 8.299 Variable Not Found if only Acct Trace Long requested.

ANALDB2R 9.030 DB2 Reports have incorrect values for some fields.

ANALDB2R 9.032 DB2 Audit Reports not created if PDB=SMF specified.

ANALDB2R 9.104 DB2 Trace TRANSIT report causes DATA IS NOT SORTED.

ANALDB2R 9.210 DB2PM-like SQL trace reports added.

ANALRACF 9.064 RACF Analysis of OPERATOR,SPECIAL activity.

ANALTMS 9.059 PROC SUMMARY out of memory condition.

ANALVVDS 9.031 PERM should be changed to MXGVVDS.

ANALVVDS 9.053 MXG 9.1 only, VMXGVVDS should have been MXGVVDS.

APAR/PTF 9.141 OY33312/UY52529 has no impact on MXG processing

ASUMDBDS 9.012 TMON/CICS trending fails with Release 7 data.


ASUM70PR 9.091 TYPE70PR data summarized into PDB.ASUM70PR

ASUM70PR 9.179 ASUM70PR data wrong if NRPRCS not equal to PARTNCPU.

AS400PDS 8.286 AS400PDS contains no records.

BLKSIZE 9.109 MXG distribution tape block size changed to 32720.

BUILDPDB 9.049 SAS 6.06 and MXG 8.8 under MVS/370 options.

BUILDPDB 9.095 Dataset TYPE0203 added to default datasets built

BUILDPDB 9.175 DB2ACCT,STAT0/1 automatically created by BUILDPDB.

CASORT66 8.295 SAS datasets destroyed by CASORT release 6.6.

CHANGE08 9.073 Example to create _DAY in 8.213 was wrong

CONFIG 9.022 Option VERSIONLONG specified to display SAS version.

CONFIG 9.131 Default CONFIG for 6.06 updated.

CONFIG07 9.131 Default CONFIG for 6.07 updated.

DIFFDB2 9.080 Not all DB2STAT0/1 variables were deaccumulated

DIFFDB2 9.128 DB2STAT0/1 variables improperly deaccumulated.

EXPDB304 9.034 BUILDPDB/3 steps data creation exit.

EXPDB6 9.034 BUILDPDB/3 steps data creation exit.

EXTY72 9.184 CPURCTTM invalid in TYPE72, not included in CPUTM.

IEBUPDTE 8.286 Unload of MXG 8.8 set condition code 4.


IMACCICS 9.005 PDB cannot be built on tape unless IMACCICS changed.

IMACDB2 9.121 DB2 Correlation ID decoding corrected.

IMACEXCL 9.051 Support for CICS type 110 EXCLUDE statement.

IMACEXCL 9.145 CICS EXCLUDE/INCLUDE logic externalized

IMACFMTS 9.066 New IMAC for user formats for SAS 6.06.

IMACICDA 9.146 CICS EMP data control externalized

IMACICDB 9.181 Support for APAR PL83370 in DBCTL data with CICS/ESA

IMACICOx 9.146 Omegamon V550 User EMPs added to type 110

IMACKEEP 9.017 A better way to drop MXG variables not using IMACKEEP


JCLMNTH 9.225 MONTHBLD require only one tape drive, runs faster!

JCLTEST6 9.108 FORMAT not found error in step SMFSMALL.

READDB2 9.164 List processing %MACRO for DB2 IFCIDs added.

RMFINTRV 9.184 Enhanced, MVS/ESA CPU times and PR/SM data added.

RMFINTRV 9.204 RMF72D NOT SORTED condition corrected.

SPUNJOBS 9.005 PDB.SPUNJOBS on tape caused 207 error.

SPUNJOBS 9.013 SPUNJOBS timestamps not 8 bytes, truncating values.

TLMS 9.041 TLMS causes 713-04 ABEND if DBLTIME=0.

TRNDDB2A 8.301 DB2 Acct trending failed in 2nd week of execution.

TRNDDB2A 9.209 DB2 Trending errors corrected.

TRNDDB2S 8.301 DB2 Stats trending failed in 2nd week of execution.

TRNDVMXA 9.028 VM/XA Trend Data Base implemented.

TRNDVMXA 9.089 VM/XA Trended PFXUTIME and PCTCPUBY incorrectly

TRND70PR 9.091 TYPE70PR data creates new TREND.TRND70PR

TRND70PR 9.179 TRND70PR data wrong if NRPRCS not equal to PARTNCPU.

TRND71 9.092 TYPE71 data creates new TREND.TRND71

TRND72 9.093 MVS/ESA 4.2 variables added to TREND.TRND72

TYPEAPAF 9.218 Support for Amdahl's APAF.

TYPECIMS 9.122 IMF Chained Transactions response time corrected.

TYPECIMS 9.235 Support for IMF 2.7 log records.

TYPEIMS 9.106 IMS Multi-trans resources wrong.

TYPEIMS 9.182 Multi-trans corrections, CONDCODE no longer blank.

TYPEIMS 9.216 IMS 3.1 resources wrong for Quick Reschedule trans.

TYPEMON8 9.011 TMON/CICS Release 9.0 supported via conversion only.

TYPEMON8 9.015 TMON/CICS Version 8 History file cause MXG failure.

TYPEMON8 9.168 STOPOVER with bad record in Landmarks Monitor

TYPEPDL 8.297 Fujitsu FACOM MSP and FSP support replaced XPDLPDA.

TYPE84 9.202 JES3 JMF type 84 SMF record partial support.

UTILCICS 9.019 Not Sorted error corrected for CICS/ESA dictionary.

VDOCACHE 9.027 Documentation re-write has begun.

VMACACF2 8.289 ACF 5.2 new variables not kept.

VMACACF2 9.086 ACF2 REC=L CN=3 records were not output

VMACACHE 8.293 Cache RMF Reporter support enhanced and decoded.

VMACAIM2 8.298 Fujitsu AIM database manager records corrected.

VMACCADM 9.021 Support for CADAM's Statistics Data File.

VMACCCC 9.172 Softtool Corporation's CCC (Change Control) user SMF

VMACCMA 9.143 Support for CMA-SPOOL user SMF record

VMACCMF 9.126 CMF User SMF record STOPOVER corrected.

VMACCTLD 9.038 Support for Boole & Babbage CONTROL-D SMF record.

VMACDB2 9.138 Support for DB2 2.3.0

VMACDCOL 8.285 IBM DASD measures use MB for million, not megabytes.

VMACDCOL 9.144 DCOLLECT values incorrect after IBM APAR OY36364

VMACDCOL 9.157 DCOLLECT variables changed from character to numeric

VMACDCOL 9.180 Capacity values off by 120 bytes.

VMACDMON 9.196 Support for ASTEC 1.5.

VMACEPIL 8.284 Support for EPILOG/CICS 451 added, and enhanced.

VMACEPIL 8.287 Invalid member on MXG 8.8 replaced.

VMACFOCU 9.223 Support for Information Builder's FOCUS MSO SMF.

VMACFTP 9.056 Support for NetView FTP User SMF record.

VMACFTP 9.170 FTP records produce no observations

VMACHSM 9.097 Support for HSM 2.6 SMF record

VMACILKA 9.020 Support for Interlink's SNS/TCPaccess SMF record.

VMACILKG 9.020 Support for Interlink's SNS/SNA Gateway SMF record.

VMACILKV 9.020 Support for Interlink's SNS/TCPvt SMF record.

VMACIMS 9.063 TYPEIMS Input Queue time correction.

VMACLMS 9.229 Support for Memorex Telex LMS/PM SMF record.

VMACMIM 9.173 LEGENT's Multi-Image Manager (MIM) user SMF record

VMACMIM 9.173 Support for LEGENT's Multi-Image Manager MIM record.

VMAC28 9.116 NPM 1.4.1 support was not complete in MXG 9.3.

VMACNETP 9.118 Support for NET-PASS user SMF record.

VMACNSM 9.194 Support for NOMAD's Session Manager record.

VMACNSPY 9.033 STOPOVER protection for invalid records.

VMACNSPY 9.044 STOPOVER with NETSPY Accounting record.

VMACNSPY 9.045 NETSPY Accounting subtype caused STOPOVER.

VMACNSPY 9.165 LEGENT's LANSPY component of NETSPY additions.

VMACOMCI 9.147 Omegamon V550 User SMF record

VMACOPCA 9.224 IBM's OPC/A Job Tracking and Audit Trail Log.

VMACRMDS 9.139 RMDS records RMDSORG='D' STOPOVER corrected.

VMACSMF 9.094 New message at end of SMF processing on log

VMACSNAP 9.167 Codework Software's SNAPAD-MVS user SMF record

VMACSPMS 9.088 Support for Amdahl's SPMS Release 1.2 SMF record

VMACTAO 9.018 Support for Fischer's Totally Automated Office TAO.

VMACTAO 9.200 Support for Emc2/TAO Release 3.3.0.

VMACTMS5 9.016 Support for CA-1 (TMS) Release 5 complete rewrite.

VMACTMS5 9.057 Missing semicolons.

VMACTMVS 9.142 TMON/MVS spanned record STOPOVER circumvented

VMACUCB 9.002 3490E cartridge tape now recognized.

VMACVMXA 8.296 VM/XA used more work space than really required.

VMACVMXA 9.096 LOGICAL RECORD SPANS message corrected

VMAC102 9.178 IBM incompatible change to IFCID 140, 141 in 2.3

VMAC110 8.292 Unexpected Statistics Subtype due to Boole CICSMGR.

VMAC110 9.051 Support for Shared Medical Systems CICS modifications

VMAC110 9.062 Support for CICS/ESA 3.2.1.

VMAC110 9.084 CICS PCLOADCN has different meaning.

VMAC23 9.134 New fields were not input.

VMAC28 9.061 Support for NetView Performance Monitor NPM 1.4.1.

VMAC28 9.214 Support for NPM Release 1.5.

VMAC30 9.001 INVALID DATA FOR SMF30ASO with MVS/ESA 4.2 eliminated

VMAC30 9.085 STCs starting with A confused APPC logic.

VMAC30 9.134 Support for MVS/ESA 4.2.2.

VMAC42 9.048 Circumvention of IBM DFP 3990 Cache type 42 errors.

VMAC57 9.010 Invalid ESS Section message due to IBM error.


VMAC6 9.154 LEGENT's Bundle product caused type 6 stopover

VMAC6156 9.046 TYPE6156 variables ACTION, FUNCTION not valid.

VMAC7072 9.001 INVALID DATA FOR IOCRFC with MVS/ESA 4.2 eliminated.

VMAC7072 9.054 MXG 9.1 only, Change 9.001 incompletely installed.


VMAC7072 9.072 TYPE70PR LCPUADDRs 2 and 3 wrong if DEDICATED CPU

VMAC7072 9.119 ACF2 STOPOVER due to bad record length corrected.

VMAC7072 9.120 ESA CPU times HPT/IIP/RCT wrong by 2%.

VMAC73 9.001 INVALID DATA FOR IODFDATE in MVS/ESA 4.2 eliminated.

VMAC74 9.001 First STOPOVER with MVS/ESA 4.2 data corrected.

VMAC74 9.039 Second STOPOVER with MVS/ESA 4.2 data corrected.

VMAC78 9.055 STOPOVER with MVS/ESA 4.2 data corrected.

VMAC78CU 9.047 Missing fields due to IBM microcode errors.

VMAC79 9.007 Support for (archaic?) RMF 3.5.1 type 79 records.

VMAC90 9.134 Support for MVS/ESA 4.2.2 added new subtypes.

VMXGHSM 9.009 HSM MCD data can cause STOPOVER.

VMXGVPD 9.158 STOPOVER with VPD record type "E".

VMXGVTOC 9.159 VTOC data beyond 3rd extent lost since MXG 7.2.

VMXGVTOF 9.035 SAS 5.18 only, did not read all extents.

VMXGVTOF 9.040 First Extent on each volume lost. .

VMXGVTOF 9.159 VTOC data beyond 3rd extent lost since MXG 7.2.

WEEKBLD 9.050 Submitting job may need DCB on INTRDR DDNAME.

XMAC74 9.054 MXG 9.1 only, Change 9.001 incompletely installed
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:

NEXTCHANGE: Version 9 72

Change 09.245 Yet another IMS idiosyncrasy was discovered after MXG 9.8

TYPEIMS and corrected by this contributor. For Message Switching,

Feb 20, 1992 each transaction in a single logical business task has the

same ARRVTIME (i.e., the arrival time of the first of the

group). Since RESPONSE time is calculated from ARRVTIME

to ENDTIME, this caused the calculated response time for

Message Switched transactions to be overstated. Russell

tried to use SEQNO and NMSGSW to identify each group of

transactions, but that algorithm did not always uniquely

identify a group, and IBM was unwilling/unable to provide

technical validity of those fields. Thus the solution was

to sequence the IMSTRAN dataset and then, after the fact,

recognize (using the LAG function) and correct the

ARRVTIME of subsequent Message Switched transactions.

Thanks to Russell Dewar, NM Computer Services Pty., AUSTRALIA.
Change 09.244 The "Prudential Writer" program is a "freebie" for Xerox

VMAC6 9700 forms management, which writes a type 6 SMF external

Feb 19, 1992 writer record. Unfortunately, the READTIME value put in

the SMF record is not READTIME but JCNVTIME, and thus this

type 6 record cannot be matched with the other SMF records

written by the same job! There is presently no fix, but

their error was only discovered today! If you use this

program, call/fax us for a status update.

Thanks to David Ehresman, Univerity of Louisville, USA.
Change 09.243 JES2 SPOOL Transfer Program can cause real purge records

BUILDPDB to be mis-recognized by BUILDPDB and sent to PDB.NJEPURGE.

Feb 19, 1992 Change 7.008 discussed the MXG logic added to process the

multiple purge records that are created when a job is

offloaded before execution and then later reloaded for its

execution. The SPOOL transfer purge record was recognized

because DEVNAME begins with 'OFF', and was sent to the

PDB.NJEPURGE, since it is not the true job purge record.

However, it is possible to offload a copy of a job using

SPOOL transfer, but not delete that job from spool. (Sites

specify DISP=KEEP on the JESPARMS OFFLOAD statement to

make a backup copy of the spool before system maintenance,

but only reload if a failure occurred during testing).

The offload does not create a purge record, but the actual

job purge record now contains DEVNAME=OFF1.JT1 (I guess,

so you know the job had been previously copied to spool?).

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