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been testing at over 500 MXG sites. MXG 8.8 WILL SAVE YOU TIME LATER,

Support for Amdahl MDF Performance Tool "MPT" SMF record.

Support for Amdahl MDFTRACK record.

Support for Amdahl SPMS Cache DASD Controller SMF record.

Support for Boole IMF 2.6 (for IMS 3.1).

Support for Cray COS 1.16 Operating System Data.

Support for DASD Space management with fast VTOC read program.

Support for DASD VTOCs and VVDSs for SMS variables.

Support for Hitachi processors MLPF.

Support for IBM CICS/ESA 3.1.1 Monitor and Statistics Data.

Support for IBM DCOLLECT data records.

Support for IBM DCOLLECT data records.

Support for IBM HSM user SMF records, including deaccumulation.

Support for IBM Hiperbatch statistics in SMF type 14, 15, & 64.

Support for IBM IMS/ESA 3.1.

Support for IBM MVS/ESA 4.1.

Support for IBM MVS/ESA 4.2.

Support for IBM NETVIEW/NPM 1.4

Support for IBM RMF 4.1.2 (APAR OY29112, PTF UY90666).

Support for IBM RMF 4.2.0

Support for IBM RMF 4.2.1

Support for IBM SMS records (HSM, VVR, VVDS, SMS/DFP) enhanced.

Support for IBM VLF subtype 3 in SMF type 41.

Support for IBM VM/ESA Version 1 Release 1.0 (ESA Feature).

Support for Landmark's Monitor for CICS Version 8.

Support for Landmark's TMON/MVS Version 1.1 and spanned records.

Support for Oracle SMF record.

Support for RSD WSF2 version 3.3.4.

Support for Tangram Arbiter Version 2.1.1.

SPIN library fills due to JES2 maintenance circumvented.

CICS Shutdown Statistics no longer printed, only in SMF or MXG.

Documentation of Trend Data Base processing.

Documentation of DB2 analysis.

Documentation of IMAC.... installation tailoring members.

Corrections in IMS Log measurement of INPQUETM/RESPNSTM.

NPM records from VM can be processed.

Testing of MXG Version 8.8 under SAS 6.06 Version 6.06.

DB2 trace SQL reporting.

DB2 trace Transit Time reporting.

BUILDPDB/3 Enhancements.

- SPIN library copied into PDB for backup and recovery

- ACCOUNTn and SACCTn added to SMFINTRV.

- TYPE25 processing added for JES3.

- PDB.SPUNJOBS allows reporting on jobs still in SPIN library.
MXG Software next-release agenda (subject to change):

Validation of EXPLORE/VM, EPILOG/CICS, and restructure of the

AS400 support was not complete as this was written.

DB2 2.3 will be supported when available, late this year.

CICS 3.2 will be supported when available, later this year.

Landmark CICS Version 9 will be developed later this year.

Cray UNICOS is a future consideraton.

VAX/VMS Account/SPM is a future consideration.

JES3 Tape Mount Merge with TYPETMNT is a future consideration.
2. Recent IBM Announcements and their MXG support.
IBM has made many major announcements relating to the System/390, the

ES/9000 family, and ESCON capabilities. The following table identifies

announced availability dates for the IBM product, and the corresponding

Version/PreRelease of MXG required to support that IBM product.

Product Name Availability MXG Version

Date Required

VM/ESA 1.1.0 (370 Feature) Oct 26, 1990. 7.7

RMF 4.1.2 (for MVS/ESA 3.1.3) Sep 7, 1990. 8.8

RMF 4.2 (for MVS/ESA 4.1) Oct 26, 1990. 8.8

MVS/ESA 4.1 Oct 26, 1990. 8.8

MVS/ESA 4.2 Mar 29, 1991. 8.8

RMF 4.2.1 (for MVS/ESA 4.2) Mar 29, 1991. 8.8

VM/ESA 1.1.0 (ESA Feature) Mar 29, 1991. 8.8

VM/ESA 1.1.1 Dec 27, 1991. ???

IV. SAS Notes.

1. SAS 6.06 has been repaired, and can be safely used.
SAS 6.06 has finished its shakedown cruise, and shipyard repairs have

been made, and the SAS Usage Note tape for March (or later) can now

be safely and easily installed. (Starting in February, SAS now ships

a load library on that tape which contains 100% pre-applied SAS ZAPs

for all SAS products. A SAS 6.07 will likely exist by year end, but


fixed by the March tape. Furthermore, SAS 5.18 sites that have made

extensions to BUILDPDB may find that their program is now too large

for the SAS 5.18 compiler (Error 344) which can only be eliminated

by execution under SAS 6.06 or later.

See Change 7.038 in member CHANGE07 for 344 error circumvention.
2. SAS 6.06 and 5.18 options now REQUIRED by MXG 8.8.
Please read this section carefully. MXG execution will fail if you

do not pay attention to these (potentially incompatible) changes:

MANDATORY OPTIONS with either SAS Version 5.18 or 6.06:
MANDATORY OPTIONS with SAS Version 5.18 that do not exist in 6.06:
MWORK=28000 GEN=0
MANDATORY OPTION with SAS Version 6.06 that does not exist in 5.18:
RECOMMENDED Options with either SAS Version 5.18 or 6.06:


SAS Version 5.18 requires the MACRO and MWORK=28000 options to be on

the EXEC statement, but all other mandatory/recommended options can be

specified in a SAS OPTIONS statement before your %INCLUDE statements:
a.) //stepname EXEC SAS,OPTIONS='MACRO MWORK=28000'








However, so you (and I) don't have to type all those options each time

we run an MXG 8.8 program under SAS 5.18, member SASOPTV5 was built and

it MUST be %INCLUDEd each time you execute under SAS 5.18:
b.) //stepname EXEC SAS,OPTIONS='MACRO MWORK=28000'



... the rest of your program ...



For SAS Version 6.06+, options are supplied via an OPTIONS statement,

via the CONFIG DDname, or (as is now MXG's recommendation), via the

CONFIG= JCL parameter on the EXEC statement. MXG 8.8 member CONFIG

contains the MXG-required options (CONFIG is a changed copy of BATCHXA

config member on the SAS distribution tape). In previous Newsletters

and sample JCL, MXG had used the CONFIG DDname, but because different

sites have their JCL procedure DD statements in different sequences,

and since overrides have to be EXACTLY in the right order, it is now

clear that specifying CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIG)' on your EXEC

statement is far safer to ensure the correct options are in effect:

// EXEC SAS606,TIME=10,


These are the required options added to BATCHXA to create CONFIG:


The MEMSIZE=12M parameter only works with MVS/XA and MVS/ESA. In almost

all of my tests, 12M was sufficient. The exceptions were when BUILDPDB

was "tailored" and many additional SMF records were added to BUILDPDB

using the EXPDB... exit facility. One large site with heavy user SMF

record additions to BUILDPDB reported they needed 24MB. Since this is

all virtual storage, and above the line, and only during the "build"

phase in MXG processing, it should not cause a problem. If you really

are limited in virtual storage (or are trying to execute MXG 8.8 with

SAS 6.06 under MVS/370) you can significantly reduce the virtual memory

requirement by specifying BLKSIZE=4096 or even 1024. Small blocks will

reduce the virtual memory size, but can significantly increase the real

CPU time, run time, I/O interrupts, and the amount of real memory used.

See the paper on blocksize in Chapter 42 of the MXG Guide.
3. Format library differences between MVS SAS 6.06-5.18.
The MXG-built "SASLIB" formats are built by the first step of either

JCLTEST (for SAS 5.18) or JCLTEST6 (for SAS 6.06).

Under SAS Version 5.18, formats are members of a PDS load library

which must be allocated as SPACE=(CYL,(3,1,99)).

SAS 5.18 formats are always referenced using the DDname of SASLIB.
Under SAS Version 6.06, formats are members of a SAS data library,

which must be allocated as SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)). Note there is NOT

a third parameter in SPACE (for PDS directory blocks) because data

libraries in SAS 6.06 are physical sequential files.

SAS 6.06 formats are always referenced using the DDname of LIBRARY.
In either version of SAS, the blocksize is set by the PROC FORMAT.
MXG always requires the appropriate DDname (SASLIB or LIBRARY).
You will fail with SAS 170 FORMAT NOT FOUND errors if you do not

have the correct format library pointed to by the correct DDname.

4. CMS-MXG Installation and Execution Considerations.
a. CMS Format libraries are different.
MXG Formats are created under SAS 6.06 by executing member FORMATS,

which creates a SAS Catalog that is named 0FORMATS LIBRARY (yes, the

first character is a numeric zero and the third an alphabetic "oh").

Since this catalog contains all of the MXG Formats, the installation

instructions on page 120 of the MXG Supplement ("iv. Optionally copy

TEXT into TXTLIB") no longer apply. Also the SASLIB SASLIB option in

the example is not used to access SAS 6.06 Formats (although SASLIB

SASLIB is still valid in SAS 6.06 to access SAS 5.18-built formats).

As long as the 0FORMATS LIBRARY file built by member FORMATS is on

your first disk, SAS 6.06 will automatically find MXG formats there.

b. Virtual Storage requirement for MXG and SAS 6.06 with VM/370.
Executing under VM/370, MXG 8.8 needed a 10MB machine for BUILDPDB.

It is necessary to use the NOSSEG option to disable the "SAS Saved

Segment" to use addresses above 7MB, because the SAS Saved segment

begins at address 7MB! The NOSSEG only applies to this machine,

and is needed only for the big virtual memory programs that build

lots of MXG datasets simultaneously (like VMACVMXA, VMACVMON, etc.).

The rest of MXG needs only a 4MB machine under VM/360.

The BLKSIZE is set small in the REXXTES6 exec, so that the virtual

storage required for the biggest MXG programs (BUILDPDB) would fit in

the 10 meg I could get under VM/370, but you should experiment to use

the largest BLKSIZE you can (and still compile the data step!). Small

block size reduces only the virtual storage size; a large block size

will reduce CPU time, elapsed time, I/O interrupts, and will actually

reduce the real memory required (always true for sequential access,

and building SAS datasets with MXG is a sequential process)!

Executing under VM/XA, MXG 8.8 was tested in a 16MB machine.

c. CMS SAS 6.06 ZAPs required.
SAS ZAPS Z6062068 (add) and Z6060508 (remove) appear to solve the

only serious CMS SAS 6.06 problem. Without the zap, CMS MACLIB

CONCAT concatenation fails, and you cannot read members from the

second concatenation.

d. CMS Testing Notes.
The REXX exec that was used for MXG testing with CMS SAS was printed

in MXG Newsleter EIGHTEEN and is contained in member REXXTST6.

Before the exec is invoked, you must first issue the DEFINE STOR 10M

command, followed by the IPL CMS command. All datasets are sent to

your "T" disk, a temporary disk (199 cylinders in the exec) that will

go away at logoff, unless you use the USER= SAS option, or PROC COPY.

One Irritating problem in my testing of MXG with CMS is IBM's fault:

There is no CMS equivalent for "DD DUMMY" or NULLFILE. Under MVS,

NULLFILE lets me syntax check all MXG code by dummying input files.

Under CMS I had to create pseudo records (but with RECFM=VB, instead

of RECFM=VBS) because of Another Irritating IBM feature:

CMS only partially supports the VBS record format:

CMS only reads, and can not create/write/copy VBS files, and

CMS ABENDs if it gets an SMF record with LRECL=32760.

All this, to verify that ALL of MXG executes under SAS/CMS, for those

sites who have only a SAS/CMS license and use MXG to process both the

VM and SMF data under CMS.
V. Documentation of MXG Software.

Member CHANGES always contains the version number of MXG Software, and

it lists changes that were installed in that version. Several members

named CHANGEnn are the contents of changes when that "nn" MXG version

was created. Details on enhancements will be found in the text of the

Change description that made the enhancement (in those CHANGES and

CHANGEnn members). The CHANGE members can also be scanned online (with

SPF BROWSE) to search for specific product name references (CICS,

MVS/ESA, etc.). The text of each Change identifies the member(s) that

were altered or added by that change, and documentation (especially for

new product support) is often found in comments at the beginning of

those named members.

Member NEWSLTRS contains the text of all newsletters (up through the

newsletter that accompanied that MXG release). You can search NEWSLTRS

for product name or acronym to find the technical notes, APARs, etc.

from all MXG newsletters. (The Change Log of each Newsletter is not

replicated in member NEWSLTRS, since that text will be in CHANGES).
Member DOCVERnn is the "delta-documentation" (in abbreviated Chapter

FORTY style) of only those variables and datasets that were changed

between successive MXG Versions. There is a DOCVERnn "delta" member in

the MXG library for each version.

Penultimately, member DOCVER contains abbreviated Chapter FORTY format

that documents all of the 26,355 variables from the 791 MXG data sets

that can be created by that MXG Software Version (alphabetically by data

set name and variable name).

Finally, MXG is a source distributed system, so you can often find your

answer by BROWSE/EDIT of the source member, especially the VMAC...'s

that actually create the data set, or ANAL....'s that analyze the MXG

datasets. In many instance, the MXG Variable is the IBM or Vendor's

documented field name. In other cases, the IBM field name is carried as

a comment beside the MXG variable that contains that information. In

all cases, you should also have the Vendor's documentation of the

particular data record you are using for analysis.

VI. MXG Version 8.8 Installation, Space, Compatibility, etc.

MXG Compatibility Exposures in MXG Version 8 for Existing Users:

a. The SAS options required by MXG for execution have changed.

b. Execution under SAS 6.06 is different than under SAS 5.18.

c. To create your PDB directly on tape, IMACCICS must be changed.

d. If you have added additional SMF record processing to BUILDPDB,

and you still execute MXG under SAS 5.18, you may encounter a

SAS Version 5.18 Compiler Limit "344" error. BUILDPDB is larger.

See Change 7.038 in member CHANGE07 for 344 error circumvention.
Always read comments in the CHANGES member for compatibility issues, as

well as for any last minute changes added after Newsletter composition.

1. Installation, re-installation, and Space Requirements.
The MXG Installation instructions were found in Chapter 32 of the MXG

Supplement for both new installation and for version replacement, and

those instructions, plus this discussion, is still usable. MXG SOURCLIB

member INSTALL will be a complete rewrite of Installation Instructions

for MXG, consolidating both Chapter 32s and these notes. After you have

unloaded MXG 8.8 SOURCLIB and read these notes, read member INSTALL.

This MXG tape is distributed as a Non-Labelled (NL) tape with a single

file, DCB=RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6160, that is actually an unloaded

Partitioned Data Set containing 1370 members (and about 309,959 source

lines) in IEBUPDTE format.

Under MVS use the IEBUPDTE utility to build MXG.SOURCLIB PDS library.

Under CMS use the TAPPDS command to build SOURCLIB MACLIB library.

Under MVS, MXG Version 8.8 MXG.SOURCLIB requires SPACE=(CYL,(40,1,299))


Under CMS, approximately the same space (40 cylinders) will eventually

required by the MXG SOURCLIB MACLIB, but during the CMS installation

process you should have at least 100 free cylinders on your minidisk.
MXG is tailored and extended by "Installation Macro" members (begin with

IMAC) and the "MXG Exit Facility" members (begin with EX) that are put

in the installation's "USERID.SOURCLIB", the "MXG Tailoring" library,

that is concatenated ahead of MXG.SOURCLIB in your SOURCLIB DDname:

//SOURCLIB DD DSN=USERID.SOURCLIB,DISP=SHR --> site tailoring (yours)

// DD DSN=MXG.SOURCLIB,DISP=SHR --> never changed (mine)

If this is an MXG re-install, there should already be a USERID.SOURCLIB.

If not, then allocate one using the same attributes as the MXG.SOURCLIB,

with SPACE=(CYL,(1,1,99)); for CMS create an equivalent MACLIB.
Changes are made by copying the member from my library to your library.
IMACXXXX members are self-documenting. IMACAAAA indexes all IMACs.
You should create a member CHANGES in your USERID.SOURCLIB and record

therein chronologically the MXG tailoring and installation history,

just like the member CHANGES in MXG.SOURCLIB tracks MXG itself.
You must now browse the members in USERID.SOURCLIB. If there are VMACs

members, they will override the new MXG code, and should be removed now.

However, the real purpose of USERID.SOURCLIB is for normal tailoring of

MXG for your site. It is completely normal to have some members there:

If you have installed printed changes from an MXG Newsletter, you

would have copied member(s) from MXG.SOURCLIB into your site's

USERID.SOURCLIB and then made the changes therein, or alternatively,

you would have made a new PDS (we suggested the name MXG.CHANGLIB)

into which you put those in-between-version changes, concatenating

it between USERID.SOURCLIB and MXG.SOURCLIB until you receive this

new MXG Release. In either case, if you made temporary changes,

now is the time to remove them. Delete the changed VMACs members

from your USERID.SOURCLIB, or remove the MXG.CHANGLIB from your

SOURCLIB concatenation.

If you have tailored IMAC.... members in your USERID.SOURCLIB, and

that member was changed by the new MXG Version, you must compare your

member with the new MXG member, and retrofit your tailoring on the

new member. These IMACs are of particular importance, if they exist:

IMACPDB (options for BUILDPDB) has changed and must be retrofit.
IMACKEEP can cause syntax errors when MXG creates a new dataset from

an existing record. MXG 8.8 support for CICS/ESA adds new

CIC.... datasets in TYPE110/VMAC110 processing. If IMACKEEP

had been used to tailor the variables kept in CICSTRAN by

redefining the _VAR110 macro (an appropriate use of this

tailoring exit), the new dataset will cause "Dataset not in

DATA statement" SAS error condition), unless you retrofit

your _VAR110 changes starting with MXG 8.8.

Whenever you install changes or test a new version of MXG (or even your

own reports), be extra careful to look on the SAS log for any real error

conditions. Search for all occurrences of "ERROR:" and "ERROR :" and

"UNINITIALIZED" and "NOT CATLGD", as they may indicate a serious error.

A PROC PRINT and a PROC MEANS of each new MXG-built SAS dataset can help

you to understand their contents, and should be used to examine any

unusually large, negative, or suspicious values. Print all variables in

the data set, and read the variable's descriptions in Chapter FORTY.

Summary of critical actions to be taken in installing new version:
a. All VMAC.... members in your USERID.SOURCLIB must be examined

and, in general, must be deleted.

b. All IMAC.... members in your USERID.SOURCLIB must be compared

with the new IMAC.... members, and if there is a difference,

you MUST start with this version's IMAC and retrofit your

installation's tailoring.

c. It is always wisest to PROC PRINT the first 50 observations of

important datasets, especially PDB.JOBS, which can be affected

by user tailoring in IMACPDB. A visual scan of that PROC PRINT

serves as an excellent validation of correct installation, and

will almost always detect any serious problems BEFORE you begin

your production MXG runs! See the MXG utility UTILPRAL.

VII. Change Log

==========================Changes Log=================================

You MUST read each Change description below to determine if a Change

will impact your installation. All of these changes have been made

to this MXG Source Library.
Member CHANGES of the MXG SOURCLIB will always be more accurate than

the printed changes in a Newsletter, because the software is created

after the newsletter is sent to the printer!
Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of

MXG Software that is contained in that library.

The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be

different that described in the printed NEWSLETTER (which might have

printed only the easily installed, critical part of the correction).
Always read the comments at the beginning of each source member named

under the Change Number for impacting changes.

Documentation of new datasets and variables, validation status, notes,

etc., are usually in comments in the source members.

Alphabetic INDEX of the most significant changes in MXG 8.8.
Member Change Description
ANALDB2R 8.030 DB2 Reporting from GTF data failed.

ANALDB2R 8.031 DB2 Report PMLOK03 fails with 170 format error.

ANALDB2R 8.067 Report selection by time frame incorrect, minor.

ANALDB2R 8.084 DB2 Trace reporting with PDB=SMF avoids IMAC102.

ANALDB2R 8.121 PMAUD02/PMAUD03 request caused SAS 145/170 error.

ANALDB2R 8.280 Transit time and SQL reports added.

ANALDBTR 8.249 DB2 Trace record pairing (SnnnSnnn) datasets built.

ANALDSET 8.077 ACCESS variable was not created, report failed.

ANALDSET 8.223 EXCP count deaccumulation from SMF 14/15 corrected.

ANALPRTR 8.146 New printer capacity analysis system.

AS400PDS 8.278 AS400 Records processing.

ASMTMNT 8.070 MXG Tape Mount Monitor on 7.7 does support MVS/ESA.

ASMVTOC 8.117 Assembly program for Fast reading of DASD VTOCs.

ASUMCICS 8.023 Variable LENGTHs caused trunction.

ASUMJOBS 8.230 Duplicate-Job-Name-Hold delay time estimated.


CICINTRV 8.182 New CICINTRV (CICS/ESA Interval Statistics) dataset.

CICINTRV 8.251 New CICEODRV (CICS/ESA Shutdown Statistics) dataset.

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