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Thanks to Carole Larivee, System One Corporation, USA.

Change 06.191 Support for SMF records created by STC's 4400 tape silo.


EXSTCVAR and STCENTER are created for BLOS stats, VARY station,

EXSTCLSM modify LSM, LMU read statistics, cartridge ENTER and







Jan 8, 1989

Thanks to Rodney L. Reisch, General Electric Plastics, USA.

Change 06.190 Support for SQL/DS accounting records created under VM

EXVMSQLI has been written but has not been tested with data yet.


EXVMSQLT are created for Initialization, System, Termination and

EXVMSQLU User events as described in SH24-5043-2.


Jan 8, 1989

Thanks to Norbert Korsche, OMV-AG, AUSTRIA.

Change 06.189 Several VMACROSC fixes: Variables VOLSER1-6 in data set

ANALROSA ROSCODSF now exist and are spelled DSFVOL1-6, and DSNAME

ANALRRTM and MEMBER were added. Code to process 'F4'X ROSREC was

DIFFROSC relocated to cause ROSCOSHU observations to be created.

VMACROSC The MONITOR='ATT' test was expanded to include 'AJO' too.

Jan 8, 1989 In DIFFROSC: START ISTART and IEND are now dropped after

their RETAIN (keeping START caused unexpected conflict


divides are now protected against zero-divide error.

Thanks to Norbert Korsche, OMV-AG, AUSTRIA.

Change 06.188 Additional sets of workload variables are now created in

EXRMFINT RMFINTRV and labeled in EXRMFINT. MXG now creates five

IMACWORK new "OTHn" sets of variables (OTH0, and OTH6 thru OTH9).

RMFINTRV With the four predefined BATCH, TSO, CICS, and IMS groups

Jan 8, 1989 you have fourteen sets of workload variables available.

Comments in all three cited members have been (hopefully)

clarified on how to set workload definitions in IMACWORK

and to then label them in EXRMFINT. Variables CPUTYPE

and CPUVERSN (from type 70) were added to RMFINTRV. The

variable SIO73CNT now contains total SIOs/SSCHs from the

type 73 (if MVS/370) or type 78 (if MVS/XA).
Change 06.187 Support for Netspy Release 3.1 Level 3 new type V record

EXNSPYVR (Virtual Routes being monitored) creates new NSPYVIRT

VMACNSPY data set. Thanks Duquesne for releasing the format of

Jan 8, 1989 the new record before they ship their enhancement!

Thanks to Luis Motles, Duquesne, USA.
Change 06.186 MXG member naming conventions are changed by this change.

ANALDB2 Past members ANALDB2 and ANALROSC performed de-accumulate

ANALROSC using DIF() function, but since they produced no reports,

DIFFDB2 they should not have begun with ANAL. Now, they will be

DIFFROSC contained in new members DIFFDB2 and DIFFROSC. To keep

Jan 8, 1989 your present programs error free, there still are the

members ANALDB2 and ANALROSC on the MXG library, but they

now only %INCLUDE their respective DIFF.... member name.

All future SMF processing which requires DIF() will be in

members beginning with DIFF. At you convenience after

MXG Version 6 is installed, you should change references


DIFFDB2/DIFFROSC (assuming, of course, that you even use

the MXG Exit Facility to process DB2 or ROSCOE SMF data

with BUILDPDB/3!)
Change 06.185 Support for Duquesne's TPX Session Manager SMF records

EXTPXAOF creates six new datasets: TPXSTART, TPXINTRV, TPXTRMON,


EXTPXINT is written as accumulated, member DIFFTPX is required to

EXTPSSTA de-accumulate the interval data. MXG includes DIFFTPX in

EXTPXTOF TYPETPX automatically, but if you intend to read TPX data

EXTPXTON in BUILDPDB/3, you will need to include DIFFTPX in your

IMACTPX EXPDBOUT member.IMACTPX sets your chosen SMF record id.



Jan 8, 1989

Thanks to David Daner, Sun Refining and Marketing, USA.

Change 06.184 The text portion of all prior MXG Newsletters are now in

NEWSLTRS this new member (the "Change Log" portion of Newsletters

Jan 3, 1989 are in members CHANGEnn for prior MXG Versions and in

member CHANGES for the current MXG Version.) We choose to

put the Newsletters online so you can search for specific

items, and to (hopefully) eliminate the need for multiple

copies of the printed Newsletters for large sites. Does

this solution meet your needs?

Change 06.183 Variable BRFLDBNO in TYPE37 (Receive level in DBm) is an

VMAC37 IB2. and not PIB4. field.

Jan 3, 1989

Thanks to Claudia Ku, Farmers Insurance, USA.

Change 06.182 Variable TYPETASK from Type 30, which is propagated into

VMAC30 PDB.JOBS and PDB.STEPS, should contain JOB, STC, or TSU.

Dec 29, 1988 However, tasks started before JES (such as LLA, MSTR, SMF

BLSJ, JES, and DUMP) have their jobname in TYPETASK. With

this change, MXG forces TYPETASK to be STC if it is not

JOB or TSU, so that TYPETASK can accurately be used to

differentiate jobs, sessions and started tasks. Variable

TERMNAME (MVS/ESA, symbolic terminal name) contains the

TSO user's terminal name, but contains garbage for JOBs

and STC. (IBM failed to check before moving data - a PTF

will be issued eventually).

Thanks to Jim Gilbert, Texas Utilities, USA.

Change 06.181 Type 74 processing was enhanced to include SKIP logic to

VMAC74 compatibly handle any future IBM changes in data length.

XMAC74 (I thought I had done this to all RMF code last year, but

Dec 29, 1988 must have overlooked this member.)

Change 06.180 DOWNTM estimate from type 0 SMF record will be zero if a

VMACSMF type 90 record (OPERATOR IPL response) precedes the IPL

Dec 28, 1988 record. To give a better estimate of when the last record

was actually created, the PREVTIME PREVSYS variables are

now retained only if it is not a 2, 3, or 90 SMF record;

(i.e., type 90 was added to the test.)

Thanks to Jeff Fox, SKF USA, USA.
Change 06.179 DOS POWER variable SYSID (system identification) was not

TYPEDOS kept in the MXG DOS..... data sets. Now it is.

Dec 28, 1988
Thanks to Richard Steele, Louisville Gas and Electric, USA.
Change 06.178 For VM/370 Monitor data from sites with (a) nonzero value

VMACVMON of SYSTIME in their DMKSYS module, and (b) which process

Dec 27, 1988 concatenated VM/Monitor data, MXG incorrectly reset the

GMT time zone delta when the second 0/97 Monitor Start

record was encountered, causing STARTIME in MXG datasets

to change to GMT instead of Local, because two variables,

FFFFF and FRSTBASE were not retained in the first RETAIN

statement (line 304).

Thanks to Rodney L. Reisch, General Electric Plastics, USA.
Change 06.177 Continuing cleanup of VM/XA replaced several unnecessary

VMACVMXA variables in VXMTRSPR with SDOMAINS and HDOMAINS decoded

Dec 23, 1988 just like EDOMAINS in VXMTREPR to identify which domains

are active for Sampling, Hi-Freq, and/or Event data, and

CHANBYTM label was corrected (ANY channel active). Much

more significantly, the VXIODDEV and VXDEVTOT datasets

are now enhanced and contain the RDEVCLAS, RDEVTYPE, etc.

fields from the VXMTRDEV start-up records. Additionally,

the MXG logic to recognize a user logon failed once when

only 11 actual samples were counted by IBM in a 60 second

interval with hfrate of 5 seconds. Line 6194 was changes

to test (ZZQUCT+1) LT instead of ZZQUCT LT to hopefully

compensate for a lost sample. The implementation to add

device information requires a FILEDEF/DDNAME of INSTREAM,

(temporary, 3 tracks at most) during the creation of the

VXIODDEV etc. data sets. MXG writes SAS code to INSTREAM

filename and then %INCLUDEs INSTREAM to execute the PROC

FORMAT which is the table-look-up of device mapping.

Thanks to Richard Steele, Louisville Gas and Electric, USA.
Change 06.176 This error was only on the 6.5a and 6.5b pre-releases DB2

VMACDB2 type 101 record. Line 1275 took a finger fault. It should

Dec 20, 1988 read IF QWHCLEN GE 56 THEN .... instead of GE 46.
=============Changes thru 6.175 comprised MXG 6.5b pre=release =======
Change 06.175 The MXG exit code which creates SMF records from IDMS is

IDMSEX05 now updated for IDMS 10.2, due to this user. The ASM

IDMSEX13 code formerly in IDMSEXIT is now split into IDMSEX05 and

IMACIDMS IDMSEX13. Exit 05 creates SMF record 190 (was type 200)

VMAC200 and exit 13 creates SMF records 191-193 (was types 201

VMAC201 203 in IDMS 10.1). The same data sets (TYPE200-TYPE203)

VMAC202 are built, and member IMACIDMS tells MXG the actual SMF

VMAC203 type you choose. The variable ID has been added to the

Dec 19, 1988 four MXG data sets so you can tell which IDMS created the

particular SMF record.

Thanks to Ed Dassori, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.

Thanks to Keith A. Immink, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.

Change 06.174 The MXG option to read VM/XA MONWRITE output data and to

VMACVMXA then build "true" VB format records was not true, as four

Dec 16, 1988 extra bytes were embedded. (It worked in testing because

the _VMINPUT macro expected those extra bytes!). Both the

_OUTFILE and _VMINPUT macros were corrected to build and

read real VB data correctly!

Janice Radel, McDonnell Douglas Automation, St. Louis.
=============Changes thru 6.173 comprised MXG 6.5a pre=release =======
Change 06.173 The summarization of CICS transaction data from either


Dec 6, 1988 dataset is accomplished by this program. MACROs defined

in the member determine the grouping (default is by


the interval summarized (default is hourly). Data set

PDB.CICS contains resources sums (CPU, I/O, characters)

maximum response, and eight buckets for response counts

of 1,2,3,4,5,8, 10 and over 10 seconds. This will be the

CICS part of the "Trend Data Base" to be implemented in

Change 06.172 Preliminary reports for NPM 1.3 type 28 data sets is now

ANALNPMR available in this user's report contribution.

Dec 6, 1988

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Dean Witter Reynolds, USA.

Change 06.171 Support for Duquesne's DASDMON SMF records started with

ANALDMON the SAS code provided with the DASDMON product, but the

EXDMDSN code was redesigned to conform to MXG structure and was

EXDMJOBS validated with actual data. Some preliminary reports are

EXDMVOL also available in ANALDMON.




Dec 6, 1988

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Dean Witter Reynolds, USA.

Change 06.170 IDMS 10.2 Performance Monitor from Cullinet is a complete

EXIDMaaa re-design of the SMF record subtypes and contents which

IMACIDMS changed variable names and added new data sets as well.

TYPEIDMS This support replaces the TYPERTE and IDMS.... data sets

VMACIDMS built for the 10.1 PM. The 10.2 data sets now all start

Dec 5, 1988 with IDMS, but now have three letter suffixes: ARA,BUF,


of four.

Thanks to Keith A. Immink, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.

Thanks to Roger Edwards, South Carolina Electric and Gas Co, USA.

Change 06.169 Support for Network System's Channel Extension equipment

EXHO15LK sequential file creates the HO15LINK and HO15TRNK data

EXHO15TK sets in this user contribution. See comments in TYPEHO15.


Dec 5, 1988

Thanks to Rodney L. Reisch, General Electric Plastics, USA.

Change 06.168 VM/SP Monitor data sets VMONCU and VMONDEV are created if

VMACVMON there was activity or queueing (formerly only activity

Dec 1, 1988 caused an observation in CU, and no-activity DEV records

created useless observations. More important, the data in

VMONCU is now merged with VMONDEV into a revised VMONDEV

data set which now contains new useful variables IORATE

PCTQUEDV, PCTQUECU, and MSPERIO (millisec of queue and

service per IO).

Thanks to Ron Roberts, The Equitable Life Assurance Society, USA.
Change 06.167 TSO/MON data set TSOMCALL KEEP= list contained variables

VMACTSOM NRTRIV1-NRTRIV8 which should have been NTRIV1-NTRIV8 to

Nov 28, 1988 KEEP the variables actually inputted!

Thanks to Ed Shigo, Plaza Technology Corp, USA.

Change 06.166 DB2 trace record. In VMAC102 after INPUT QWPZBPID PIB2.

ANALDB2R insert +2 and change next two fields from PIB2. to PIB4.

VMAC102 In ANALDB2R, reverse QWPZTOUT and QWPCISWT lines 2550-53

Nov 28, 1988 and line 2506 QWPZDBC should be QWPZAUTH.

Thanks to Ervin Claxon, Great Western, USA.
Change 06.165 NPM exception variables NPMDATA,NPMMONVL,LNAMLIM,NPMLOWER

VMAC28 and NPMUPPER were not created in NPMEVNCP or NPMEVNET.

Nov 23, 1988 Added to _VA28NAM list, and INPUT (PIB1.,+2,four PIB4.).

Thanks to Doyle Hanel, Compass Computing, USA.

Change 06.164 Support for CICS Version 2 Release 1 CMF Monitor Facility

IMACPTF verified by examination of the SC33-0507-0 Customization

Nov 22, 1988 Guide. Since IBM chose not to change SMFPSRVR's value, it

is not possible to differentiate between CICS 1.7 and 2.1

CMF records. Thus you must still update IMACPTF to tell

MXG the "pft's" installed as described in IMACPTF. There

are no significant changes documented in 2.1.
Change 06.163 Support for DB2 Version 2 Release 1 changes to type 100 &

ANALDB2 101 record added new variables:

VMACDB2 Data set DB2STAT0 (Type 100):




Data set DB2STAT1 (Type 100):





Data set DB2ACCT (Type 101):

Change 06.162 Several lines removed to make ANALDB2R executable under

ANALDB2R PC SAS. No logical changes were involved. Code still gets

Nov 21, 1988 an error message under PC SAS (NODSNFERR and NOVNFERR are

not yet supported in 6.03) but code does run (slowly!!!)

Change 06.161 Further comparisons of VM/XA Monitor data uncovered two

VMACVMXA incorrect assumptions. SCMCNTIM, SCMFPTIM, and SCMDDTIM

Nov 18, 1988 (in VXIODDEV, connect, pending, and disconnect duration)

are in 128 microsec units, not timer units. RDEVRTPD (in

VXIODDEV, reserve duration) is ascending vice descending.

Thanks to Richard Steele, Louisville Gas and Electric, USA.

Change 06.160 Inserted ELSE PUT /; after line 2915 to put a blank line

ANALDB2R between DB2 AUTHID when only one plan was used.

Nov 18, 1988

Thanks to Allan Russell, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.

Change 06.159 -Change 6.129 was not fully tested, but only if you made a

BUILDPDB change to IMAC30IO does an error surface. Only MXG 6.5

BUILDPD3 was affected. In IMACPDB, after MACRO _SUMSTP replace the

IMACPDB lines EXCP thru IOTM with _IO30EX EXECTM _IO30TM after

IMAC30IO MACRO _MAXSTP change D3330DRV to _IO30DR, and after MACRO

VMAC30 _PDB30_4 add IOTMERR just before _IO30IO. In IMAC30IO,

Nov 28, 1988 remove IOTMERR. In VMAC30, add IOTMERR after INPRTY and

before _IO30IO in all three places.

-Change 6.150 created _CICACCT macro to control the DDname

to which CICSACCT dataset is written, but BUILDPDB/3 had

a temporary reassignment of _CICACCT to WORK, built the

WORK.CICSACCT data set in your WORK file and then SORTed

that data set to your _CICACCT.CICSACCT destination. With

large volume CICSACCT data sets this caused problems in

the size of the WORK data set. If you had wanted to use

a tape data set for CICSACCT, you still needed that much

DASD work space for sorting!
With this change, the CICSACCT data set is created direct

into the _CICACCT ddname and is not sorted in BUILDPDB/3.

If you set _CICACCT (in IMACCICS) to PDB, then BUILDPDB

will create PDB.CICSACCT (unsorted) you your PDB.

If your report programs expected CICSACCT to be sorted,

you may have a compatibility problem; you can use the PDB

exit member EXPDBOUT as follows to sort the dataset:

For a sorted CICSACCT dataset in the PDB on DASD:


Then in EXPDBOUT, add:


BY whatever-variables-you-want;

For a sorted CICSACCT dataset on tape DDNAME of MYDATA:


Then in EXPDBOUT, add:


BY whatever-variables-you-want;

(When you put _CICACCT on tape, you cannot use the

same DDname for OUT= (you can't sort a tape onto

itself), and must use two tape DDnames, SORTED and

UNSORTED, cataloging SORTED and deleting UNSORTED.)
This is an impacting change for BUILDPDB/3 users.
Remember that if you don't want CICSACCT observations at

all, you can forget all of this stuff, comment out the


zero observations to be created from the accounting data!

Thanks to Tracy Blackstone, Kaiser Permanente, USA.
Change 06.158 Member IMACJBCK allows SMF data for only selected job(s)

ANALALL to be processed; its comments were made clearer. It is

IMACJBCK now included in VMAC41 and VMAC6156. A new analysis is

VMAC41 added in ANALALL which will select all SMF records from

VMAC6156 a job, store the records in a SAS library, and will also

Nov 12, 1988 print all observations of all datasets in a SAS library.

This is a collection of several utilities I have found

useful in examining specific job detail resources.

Change 06.157 RMF 4.1.1 creates Monitor III data in new subtype 2 of a

BUILDPDB type 72 record, which creates the new TYPE72MN dataset.

BUILDPD3 TYPE72MN is also created by BUILDPDB/3, and in the PDB it


Nov 11, 1988 data is created for each PERFGRP and contains counts of

initiated, active, idle, out-ready, and DIV users, counts

of users delayed due to paging or swapping, pagein rate,

and memory usage (both total frames for the PERFGRP and

average frames per category of user) for frames held by

active, idle, out-ready, DIV users, ASM slots in use, and

fixed frames for the PERFGRP. For all memory measures,

(frames or slots) MXG has converted to bytes and uses the

MGBYTES format to show the memory measure in KB, MB, etc.

for more direct comparison of values.

Change 06.156 Support for the Hiperspaces in RMF 4.1.1 added two new

VMAC72 variables to TYPE72: HIPPGINS,HIPRDMIS (HIPER pageins and

Nov 11, 1988 read misses) by performance group period.
Change 06.155 Support for the Hiperspaces in RMF 4.1.1 added eight new

VMAC71 variables to TYPE71: HIPMIGRS,HIPREADS,HIPWRITS pagerates

Nov 11, 1988 migrated, read and written to/from ESTORE; HIPAGINS and

HIPAGOUT HIPER pageins/out, and HIPEXAV,MN,MX (average,

minimum and maximum HIPER pages in ESTORE).
Change 06.154 Support for VIO paging into ESTORE (implemented by PTFs

VMAC71 for APAR OY09186) added six new variables to TYPE71:

Nov 11, 1988 VIOMIGRS,VIOREADS,VIOWRITS (VIO page rates migrated, read

and written to/from ESTORE), and VIOEXAV,MN,MX (average,

minimum and maximum VIO pages in ESTORE).

Change 06.153 Support for the 3990-3 Cached DASD Controller CRR SMF

EXCAC90 data, "Cache DASD RMF Reporter" creates a new dataset

IMACACHE CACHE90 with new variable names, although it is quite

VMACACHE similar in structure to the existing CACHETY dataset

Nov 9, 1988 from the 3880-23 controller.

Thanks to John Chase, ???.
=============Changes thru 6.152 comprised MXG 6.5 pre=release =======
Change 06.152 MXG 6.5 Quality Assurance runs uncovered these glitches.

IMACKEEP Most were detected by specifically designed enhancements

TYPEVM to the UTILXREF cross reference utility.

VMAC535 a.@OFFSET+95 removed from INPUT TERMNAME in VMAC535.

DOC b.Extraneous % removed from IMACKEEP.

Nov 2, 1988 c.DEVICE renamed to DEVICEOR in new VMRSCS data set built

from VM/ACCOUNT data to avoid length conflict.

d.Variables with blank labels now have a label. In some

instances the label is simply the variable name, but this

ensures that a variables was not overlooked.

e.Some DATETIME variables were discovered to have length 4,

which caused a loss of the low-order resolution (seconds)

and now UTILXREF catches this coding error.

f.The most pervasive change touched every member which had

a character variable with a $MG.... format. Because MXG

located the FORMAT statement ahead of the INPUT statement

(so the source code reads better), and because SAS does

not work as I thought it did, the stored length of these

character variables in a FORMAT statement was taken by

SAS from the FORMAT statement, rather than being set by

the actual INPUT statement (as documented). The result

was that 8-bytes were being used where only 1-byte was

needed. The circumvention was to insert the affected

character variable in a LENGTH statement preceding the

FORMAT statement with the correct length (not all were 1

byte!). A problem has been opened with SAS to correct the

"design feature". If the character format is unknown in

the SAS System (eg, all $MG formats), SAS picks a length

of 8-bytes for the variable. Note, however that:


causes SAS (mainframe and PC) to used 10 bytes storage

for the one byte variable.

g.All members touched by these LENGTH, FORMAT and LABEL

corrections were renumbered.

Change 06.151 The new PGPAGEIN and ACTFRMTM variables (page-ins and the

RMFINTRV resident frame-seconds by performance group period, new

Nov 2, 1988 with RMF 4.1 in TYPE72) look to be so useful that they

are now created in the RMFINTRV data set as rates by each

Change 06.150 Support for ROSCOE 5.6 added new variable USRPRFIX to the

VMACROSC ROSC.... accounting data sets. Another new field, record

Nov 1, 1988 version, is in the data record but not kept in MXG, as it

is there to identify future changes in their record.

Thanks to Paula Bryan, Ohio Edison, USA.

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