Risk Manager, Bar-S Foods, Co. Phoenix, AZ. Sandy is an active member of the Central Arizona Chapter of RIMS and has held several Board positions. She has been practicing in the risk management discipline for 8 years, and prior to that as a Liability claims supervisor and adjuster for a number of large carriers.
Be able to develop a network of professionals that will help you and help to make your program successful
How to develop an overall strategy to address areas of risk in your organization.
How to develop an overall strategy to address areas of risk in your organization.
Develop a listing of partners you can engage when you begin to develop and implement your risk management strategy.
Understand what Risk Management is and what it is not:
Understand what Risk Management is and what it is not:
It is: Relationship driven, highly varied, extends to every department in the organization, communicates laterally and vertically; depending on the size of the business, there may be one or more staff in the risk management department, it’s vendor management, its effective utilization of financial resources, its loss prevention and loss control, and more.
It is not: All about insurance, insurance purchasing and claims management – although that is a large part of it.
Identify, Establish and use your Network of Resources
Implement your program, Monitor it, Adjust it when needed, and re-implement.
Teach Safety 24/7
How do you identify and build a network of Resources?
How do you identify and build a network of Resources?
Get involved in professional organizations like as well as industry associations to help you identify exposures and find resources to treat your exposures