9. The British took over Boer territories and started to mine them, the British allowed Boers to keep their culture and rights, but severely restricted the freedoms of non-whites
9. The British took over Boer territories and started to mine them, the British allowed Boers to keep their culture and rights, but severely restricted the freedoms of non-whites
Part 2 – independent South Africa (1910)
10. Afrikaaners – National Party
10. Afrikaaners – National Party
11. Government system of extreme racial segregation – people classified into four groups: whites, blacks, Asians, coloreds (mixed background)
B. Nelson Mandela – main voice of the ANC, spent 27 years in prison after continually leading protest movements, after release and end of apartheid was elected President of South Africa.
C. Steven Biko – leader of Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa, died in prison causing international outrage against South African govt.
C. Steven Biko – leader of Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa, died in prison causing international outrage against South African govt.
15. Non-violent protest movement, resisted pass laws, refusal to pay bail when arrested
15. Non-violent protest movement, resisted pass laws, refusal to pay bail when arrested
16. Incident in 1960 in which police, greatly outnumbered, opened fire on protestors – 69 killed, 180 injured. After this, the ANC became more militant in its fight against the govt. (guerilla military tactics).
17. Military branch of the ANC – meant “spear of the nation”
17. Military branch of the ANC – meant “spear of the nation”
18. late 1960s and 1970s movement, favored more aggressive approach to resisting apartheid
19. Black schoolchildren protested a law that school must be taught in Afrikaans, police opened fire on the protesters (1976).
20. Boycotts, economic pressure, South Africa banned from Olympics and World Cup.
20. Boycotts, economic pressure, South Africa banned from Olympics and World Cup.
21. Some barriers were broken such as pass laws, marriage restrictions, and some participation in government was allowed for non-whites.
22. Allowed rallies by antiapartheid activists, legalized the ANC, let Mandela out of prison.
22. Allowed rallies by antiapartheid activists, legalized the ANC, let Mandela out of prison.