1992 mayis kpds sorulari

We understand from the passage that over the past hundred years

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83. We understand from the passage that over the past hundred years _____

  1. a vast amount of new facts concerning Michalengelo have come to light.

  2. the research carried out about Michalengelo has proved inadequate and in places irrelevant.

  3. scholars have concentrated solely upon Michalengelo’s artistic creativity.

  4. In spite of much research, little has been learned about Michalengelo.

  5. though many new biographies have been written about Michalengelo, they are all far short of truth about him.

84. It is obvious from the passage that the source material concerning Michalengelo ____

  1. has shed light only on his daily routine life.

  2. consists only of books written about him by his contemporaries.

  3. has taken nearly a hundred years to be annotated and published.

  4. has not received adequate critical attention.

  5. not only includes his letters, poems and biographies but also documents relating to his commissions and sales.

85. According to the passage, the new data about Michalengelo ____

  1. have led to similar studies about his contemporaries.

  2. have, in some instances, contradicted the traditional view of him.

  3. have fully confirmed the views expressed by his early biographers.

  4. have created a great deal of controversy among historians.

  5. have yet to be analysed and collected.

86-88 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The fact that the brain is divided into a left and a right half is not a new discovery. Once the skull is removed the division is obvious to the naked eye and it is a common feature of brains throughout the animal kingdom. What is interesting about this division in man is that each half seems to have developed specialised functions, the left side appearing to be better at some tasks and the right side better at others. The most obvious difference in functioning is that the left side of the brain receives sensations from and controls the right side of the body and vice versa. The reasons for this are still unclear. Despite a number of interesting theories there is no obvious advantage in such a crossover.

85. As the writer points out, it has long been known that ____

  1. damage to the left half of the brain produces far more serious defects.

  2. the human brain is unlike that of other animals has a very complicated structure.

  3. the right side of the brain has the same functions as the left side.

  4. the left side of the brain works more efficiently than the right.

  5. in the animal world brains consist of two halves.

87. We can understand from the text that, in man, each half of the brain ____

  1. is characterized by a crossover of innumerable nerves.

  2. functions in full harmony with the other in all activities.

  3. performs certain specialised tasks.

  4. controls the corresponding side of the body.

  5. can be removed without damage being caused to the other.

88. The passage is mainly concerned with ____

  1. the recent history of brain studies.

  2. how the body is controlled by the brain

  3. the division of the brain into two halves and the way each half functions.

  4. the reason why there is a crossover of nerves in the brain.

  5. how the sensations of the body are transmitted to the brain.

89-91 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

For years the theory of higher education in the United States operated something like this: men went to university to get rich, and women went to university to marry rich men. During the 60s, as a result of the fact that this theory lost much of its popularity, as the nation began to recognize the folly of relegating women to a secondary role, women soon joined men in what once were male pursuits. This rebellious decade pushed women toward independence, showed them their potential and compelled them to take charge of their lives. Many women took this opportunity. Since then famine autonomy has been the rule not the exception at least among university women.
89. According to the passage, the view had long been held in the States that ____

  1. the independence of women would impair the integrity of family life.

  2. only rich men had the opportunity to have higher education.

  3. the rights of women were first recognized at the universities.

  4. a woman’s potential could be brought to the fore only through education.

  5. universities were the place where women found rich husbands.

90. The writer points out that from the 1960s onwards, women in America ____

  1. became more and more dominated by men in their working life.

  2. began to assert themselves in society both as individuals and professionally.

  3. became less and less interested in their fight for emancipation.

  4. began to go to universities in much greater numbers.

  5. became aware of the fact that the universities were prejudiced against them.

91. According to the passage most American women today ____

  1. are obsessed with their inferior status in business life.

  2. are not content with the change in their lives.

  3. regard marriage as outdated and potentially harmful

  4. claim and enjoy a position of full independence.

  5. still prefer to play a secondary role in society

92-94 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The collection of foreign intelligence, which is the pursuit of a special kind of information, is an indispensable service for any government having even the most elementary international associations. Nations must devise a strategy to provide for both their security and well-being. History teaches us that responsibility cannot be met without knowledge of the political, economic and military capabilities and intentions of other nations. Indeed advance knowledge of these matters, or its absence, could well settle the fate of a great nation especially in an era when a single nation or consortium of nations is capable of smashing another society in a single stroke or of controlling it under the threat of poised catastrophe. The well-being of any great nation will depend on decisions taken by others, which must be foreseen, correctly analysed and countered.

92. As is clear from the passage a nation for its own well-being even survival ____

  1. needs to know what is going on in other countries and what is being planned.

  2. must have a good standing army to defend itself.

  3. should be on good terms with several other countries as a safeguard.

  4. must be prepared to counteract any internal revolt.

  5. should not put much faith in foreign intelligence to maintain its security.

93. The writer points out that, in our time, it is ____

  1. a major concern in foreign intelligence to study the political and economic developments in neighbour states

  2. usual for governments to rely more on military strength than on foreign intelligence.

  3. possible for one nation to be completely wiped out by another or others.

  4. almost possible to get reliable intelligence about other nations.

  5. scarcely necessary to anticipate attack from consortium of nations.

94. In the passage foreign intelligence is regarded as ____

  1. the unfair pursuit of the data relating to the military potential of another nation.

  2. essential only for the economic well-being of a country.

  3. clandestine interference in the affairs of another nation.

  4. the acquirement of a particular type of information.

  5. a series of strategies devised to counter any military threat.

95-97 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A subject in which there has been a lot of interest recently is the acquisition of language. ‘Normal’ children - that is, those who have not had a particularly rich early environment - usually begin talking after the first year of their life. By eighteen months they have a vocabulary of about half a dozen words; at two years a vocabulary of more than a hundred words. The traditional view has been that during the first year of life babies are not mature enough to learn languages. Talking, however, is only the outer manifestation of the development of the language. Long before he first utters a meaningful word a baby can be observed responding to the language of the others.
95. As pointed out in the passage the way in which a language is acquired ____ .

  1. is noticeably affected by the social background of the child.

  2. follows a very similar pattern in all children.

  3. has rarely attracted a great deal of attention.

  4. does not depend at all upon the age of a child.

  5. is best observed during the first year of life

96. According to the passage one can define ‘talking” as ____

  1. the first means for a child to communicate with others.

  2. the positive proof that a language is being learned.

  3. the manifestation of a child’s physical development.

  4. the first step towards acquiring a language.

  5. a way of building up a vocabulary.

97. The passage makes the point that we now have ____

  1. a revised review of language acquisition among normal children.

  2. a distorted view of how a child begins to communicate.

  3. returned to the traditional theory concerning language acquisition among children.

  4. a rather contradictory theory concerning the acquisition of language by two-year-olds.

  5. the means and techniques to speed up vocabulary acquisition among one-year-olds.

98-100 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Economic dynamics have decisively shifted from the national economy. From now on, any country and also any business, especially a large one that wants to prosper will have to accept that it is the world economy that leads and that domestic economic policies will succeed only if they strengthen or at least do not impair the country’s international competitive position. This may be the most important - it surely is the most striking - feature of the changed world economy.

98. The writer explains that one significant development in economy has been ____ .

  1. the stress on the importance of domestic economic policies

  2. the growing importance of national economic policies

  3. a keener competition between domestic and international companies

  4. that national economics are now closely interrelated with the world economy

  5. the decline of competition in home markets

99. From the passage it seems that for a country to achieve economic prosperity, it ____ .

  1. has to encourage and support big corporations

  2. must protect itself from new dynamics in domestic economy

  3. has to think and plan in terms of world economy

  4. must be ruthless in economic policies

  5. must create competition within the domestic market

100. The passage deals with ____ .

  1. the growing importance of internationalism in the field of economics

  2. the dangers of foreign competition in trade

  3. the dynamics in the implementation of domestic economic policies

  4. the question of how big business can influence the world economy negatively

  5. some of the more striking features of the current economic policies.

1-24 sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen kelime veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. Among the problems facing bridge engineers, the most serious ones are those of ____ and repair.

  1. improvement

  2. reassessment

  3. determination

  4. distinction

  5. maintenance

2. The two major political parties in Britain have currently ____ to extreme and radically different approaches to the solution of Britain’s economic problem.

  1. referred

  2. obsessed

  3. committed

  4. implied

  5. meant

3. It now appears that while US leaders are still willing for the nation to exert itself abroad and give large amounts of foreign assistance, the American public is ____ to go along with these policies.

  1. spontaneous

  2. precarious

  3. competitive

  4. reluctant

  5. deliberate

4. It is ____ surprising that the art of ancient America remains the most mysterious and the least accessible.

  1. urgently

  2. notably

  3. indifferently

  4. elaborately

  5. hardly

5. Bartok was influenced as much by the musical innovations of Debuasy and Starvinsky as by East European, ____ Hungarian, folk music.

  1. exceedingly

  2. notably

  3. appropriately

  4. vehemently

  5. adequately

6. Due to the industrialisation and colonisation, the nineteenth century ____ the greatest expansion of wealth the world had ever known.

  1. brought about

  2. put off

  3. held up

  4. gave in

  5. set off

7. The two archaeologists have tried hard to read the inscription in old Latin, but I do not think they have ____ what it really means.

  1. got away with

  2. written off

  3. taken after

  4. made out

  5. brought up

8. The children of today are healthier and better ____ than those of the past, and far fewer of them die in infancy.

  1. disposed of

  2. fed up

  3. rounded up

  4. looked into

  5. cared for

9. Naturally I will come to you for advice whenever I feel in need of ____ .

  1. them

  2. one

  3. some

  4. none

  5. a few

10. We’ve had some pretty good directors over two years but Dr Radeliffe is ____ the most capable of them all.

  1. by far

  2. over all

  3. just so

  4. as much

  5. too much

11. The committee showed their wholehearted approval of the designs he submitted and ____ .

  1. me, too

  2. so did I

  3. so have I

  4. so we do

  5. we also have

12. The other climbers were all for giving up the attempt, but it was ____ impossible to convince him of the need to do so.

  1. too

  2. such

  3. quite

  4. as

  5. much

13. Could this possibly be the firm’s new buyer ____ reputation, if we are able to believe the newspapers, is not quite what it should be.

  1. whom

  2. which

  3. whatever

  4. what

  5. whose

14. ____ takes on the task of investigating these particular allegations is going to run into a lot of difficulties.

  1. Someone

  2. Anyone

  3. Whatsoever

  4. Whoever

  5. Whichever

15. His scheme, with all its shortcomings, will inevitably be pushed through ____ we can produce one, by Tuesday, which is obviously much more feasible.

  1. how

  2. so that

  3. unless

  4. moreover

  5. in case

16. ____ he gives the appearance of sincerity and reliability, just remember that you can’t trust him an inch.

  1. Though

  2. That

  3. As far as

  4. Nevertheless

  5. So

17. On that occasion, he really was ____ luck; it was as if every thing had combined ____ him.

  1. up to / through

  2. away from / behind

  3. out of / against

  4. into / upon

  5. onto / over

18. Few sociologists will admit that a city is distinct ____ a village merely ____ the number of its inhabitants.

  1. of / for

  2. from / by

  3. to / over

  4. in / though

  5. off / in

19. Water has a moderating effect on temperature, ____ summer and midday heat, and winter and midnight cold.

  1. diminished

  2. having diminished

  3. to diminish

  4. being diminished

  5. diminishing

20. Of course nobody knows what the outcome of the election ____ but at the moment Malcolm ____ as the most likely candidate.

  1. would have been / is being regarded

  2. is / has been regarded

  3. was / would have been regarded

  4. will be / is regarded

  5. has been / has been regarded

21. When that happened, their hopes ____ because the army ____ its most trusted leaders.

  1. wane / would lose

  2. are waning / loses

  3. waned / had lost

  4. were waning / has lost

  5. have waned / lost

22. They ____ the advantages and the disadvantages of the takeover when I ____ them an hour or so later.

  1. will discuss / would rejoin

  2. have discussed / am rejoining

  3. are discussing / will rejoin

  4. were discussing / rejoined

  5. would discuss / had rejoined

23. The doctors are of the opinion that if the disorder ____ a few months earlier, it ____ treated successfully.

  1. had been diagnosed / could have been

  2. were diagnosed / would be

  3. has been diagnosed / will be

  4. is being diagnosed / is being

  5. were to be diagnosed / has been

24. We still ____ that any changes in the law along these lines ____ to our advantage.

  1. had believed / will have been

  2. believed / had been

  3. have believed / would be

  4. would believe / were being

  5. believe / will be

25-34 sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

25. Of all the great changes in the history of the world, none has been more dramatic and more rapid than the end of colonialism.

  1. Dünya tarihinde görülen diğer büyük değişimler, sömürgeciliğin kaldırılması kadar çarpıcı ve etkileyici değildir.

  2. Dünya tarihindeki tüm büyük değişimlerden hiçbiri, sömürgeciliğin sona ermesinden daha çarpıcı ve daha hızlı olmamıştır.

  3. Dünya tarihinde, sömürgeciliğin sona ermesinden daha çarpıcı ve daha önemli başka hiçbir büyük değişim yoktur.

  4. Dünya tarihini incelediğimizde görüyoruz ki sömürgeciliğe son verilmesinden daha çarpıcı ve daha güç başka bir değişim yoktur.

  5. Dünya tarihindeki büyük değişiklikler içinde hiçbiri, sömürgeciliğin tamamen kaldırılması kadar çarpıcı ve kapsamlı değildir.

26. In establishing our trade network in Africa we must always remember that it is not only a vast continent but also an enormous mixture of tribes and cultures.

  1. Afrika’nın kabileler ve kültürler karışımı geniş bir kıta olmasının, kurulmakta olan ticaret ağımızdaki önemini daima hatırlamalıyız.

  2. Ticaret ağımızı kurmakta olduğumuz Afrika’nın hem çok geniş bir kıta hem de kabilelerin ve kültürlerin oluşturduğu karmaşık bir bölge olduğunu her zaman hatırlayalım.

  3. Afrika'daki ticaret ağımızı kurarken, burasının sadece geniş bir kıta olmadığını fakat aynı zamanda muazzam bir kabileler ve kültürler karışımı olduğunu daima hatırlamamız gerekir.

  4. Afrika'daki ticaret ağımızı kurabilmek için bu kıtanın sadece büyük olduğunu değil fakat aynı zamanda bir kabileler ve kültürler bileşimi olduğunu da hatırlamalıyız.

  5. Afrika'daki ticaret ağımızı kurunca, burasının çeşitli kabile ve kültürlerden oluşan çok geniş bir kıta olduğunu her zaman hatırlamak zorundayız.

27. Not until the end of l6th century did anyone think of combining drama and music, and so invent the new art we know today as “opera”.

  1. 16. yüzyılın sonundan itibaren herkes tiyatro ile müziği birleştirerek o gün için yeni bir sanat olan “opera”yı yaratmayı düşünüyordu.

  2. 16. yüzyılın sonlarında hiç kimse tiyatro ile müziği kaynaştırarak yeni bir sanat olan "opera"yı yaratmayı düşünmüyordu.

  3. 16. yüzyılın sonuna kadar hiç kimse tiyatro ile müziği birleştirmeyi ve böylece, bugün "opera" olarak bildiğimiz yeni sanatı icat etmeyi düşünmedi.

  4. Müzikle tiyatronun kaynaşması sonucu ortaya çıkan "opera"yı hiç kimse 16. yüzyılın sonuna kadar bir sanat olarak nitelendirmedi.

  5. 16. yüzyıldan önce hiç kimse tiyatro ile müziğin birleşebileceğine ve bugün "opera" adı verilen yeni bir sanatın doğabileceğine inanmıyordu.

28. Like President Carter before him, Reagan discovered by the end of his first year as President that eliminating or even substantially reducing the budget deficit was exceedingly difficult.

  1. Reagan, kendinden önce gelen başkan Carter gibi, bütçe açığını en aza indirmek için çok çaba harcaması gerektiğini başkanlığının ilk yılının sonunda gördü.

  2. Bütçe açığını kapatmanın veya büyük ölçüde azaltmanın ne kadar zor olduğunu, Reagan, kendinden önceki başkan Carter gibi, başkanlığının daha ilk yılında hemen anladı.

  3. Başkan Carter gibi Reagan da başkanlığının ilk yılında bütçe açığını ortadan kaldırmanın veya azaltmanın mümkün olmadığını itiraf etti.

  4. Bütçe açığını kapatmak veya en aza indirmek için Reagan, başkan Carter gibi çok zorlu bir çalışmaya girmenin gerekli olduğunu başkanlığının ilk yılında anladı.

  5. Kendinden önceki başkan Carter gibi, bütçe açığını ortadan kaldırmanın, hatta önemli ölçüde azaltmanın bile çok zor olduğunu başkanlığının ilk yılının sonunda anladı.

29. One must remember that, despite the great prosperity of the people, Canada's principal political problem remains the relationship between her English and French speaking communities.

  1. Halkın büyük refahına rağmen, İngilizce ve Fransızca konuşan topluluklarının arasındaki ilişkinin, Kanada'nın başlıca siyasal sorunu olarak durduğu hatırlanmalıdır.

  2. İngilizce ve Fransızca konuşan toplulukları büyük refah içinde olsa da, bunların birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerinin Kanada'nın temel siyasal sorunu olduğu göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.

  3. Halkı büyük refah içinde olan Kanada'nın başlıca siyasal sorununun, İngilizce ve Fransızca konuşan topluluklarının arasındaki ilişkiye dayandığı hiçbir zaman unutulmamalıdır.

  4. Bugün Kanada'nın en önemli siyasal sorununun, büyük refah içinde yaşayan, İngilizce ve Fransızca konuşan toplulukları arasındaki ilişkiler olduğu bilinmelidir.

  5. Şu bilinmelidir ki büyük bir refah içinde yaşayan İngiliz ve Fransız toplulukları arasındaki ilişki, bugün Kanada'nın en başta gelen siyasal sorunudur.

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