27. It seems likely that the recession in the wool textile industry will continue throughout the year and many mills may be permanently closed.
Görünüşe bakılırsa, yünlü dokuma sanayiindeki gerileme yıl içinde de sürecek ve bazı fabrikalar tamamen kapanacaktır.
Yünlü dokuma sanayiinde bütün yıl boyunca devam eden bunalım sonucu çoğu fabrikanın süresiz olarak kapanması kaçınılmaz görünüyor.
Yünlü dokuma sanayiinde yıl içinde bir durgunluk görüleceği ve pekçok fabrikanın tamamen kapanacağı kesindir.
Yünlü dokuma sanayiinde durgunluğun yıl boyunca süreceği ve pek çok fabrikanın süresiz kapanabileceği muhtemel görünüyor.
Çoğu fabrikanın süresiz kapanmasına neden olabilecek durgunluk, yünlü dokuma sanayiinde yıl boyunca devam edecek gibi görünüyor.
28. What we really expect to find in a work of art is a certain personal element and a distinctive sensibility.
Bir sanat eserinde bulunmasını istediğimiz şeyler arasında belirli bir kişisel nitelik ile kendine özgü bir duyarlılıktır.
Belirli bir kişisel anlatım ve farklı bir duyarlılık, bir sanat eserinde gerçekten bulunması istenen niteliklerdir.
Gerçekten bir sanat eserinde bulmayı umduğumuz şey, belirli bir kişisel öge ve belirgin bir duyarlılıktır.
Çarpıcı bir duyarlılık ve belirli bir kişisel boyut, bir sanat eserinde esas olarak bulunmasını istediğimiz ögelerdir.
Belirli bir kişisel özelliğin ve etkileyici bir duyarlılığın, bir sanat eserinde bulunmasını gerçekten arzuluyoruz.
29. It was pointed out that the company, which had been on verge of bankruptcy, got over the crisis through substantial borrowings from various banks.
İflasın eşiğine gelmiş olan şirketin çeşitli bankalardan yüklü krediler alarak bunalımı aştığı belirtildi.
Bazı bankalardan bol kredi alarak bunalımı atlatmaya çalışan şirketin, iflasa doğru sürüklendiği belirtildi.
İflasla karşı karşıya gelmiş olan şirketin, bunalımı aşmak için, pek çok bankadan büyük krediler aldığı belirtildi.
Çeşitli bankalardan yüklü krediler alarak bunalımı atlatmaya çalışan şirketin iflasdan kurtulamadığı açıklandı.
İflas tehlikesini atlatmış olan şirketin bazı bankalardan bol kredi alarak bunalımdan çıktığı belirtildi.
30. Since the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, Britain has constantly been in conflict with her partners in the European Union over the question of monetary union.
Maastricht Antlaşması imzalandıktan sonra, İngiltere, para birliği konusunu ileri sürerek, Avrupa Birliği’ndeki ortakları ile sert bir çatışma içine girmiştir.
Maastricht Antlaşması’nın imzalanmasından beri İngiltere, Avrupa Birliği’ndeki ortaklarıyla para birliği konusunda sürekli bir çatışma içinde olmuştur.
Maastricht Antlaşması’nın imzalanmasından bu yana, İngiltere para birliği konusu üzerinde durmuş ve Avrupa Birliği’ndeki ortakları ile zaman zaman tartışmıştır.
Maastricht Antlaşması’nın imzalanması üzerine, İngiltere para birliği konusunda Avrupa Birliği’ndeki ortaklarından farklı bir tavır içine girmiştir.
Maastricht Antlaşması’nın imzalanmasıyla İngiltere, para birliği konusunda Avrupa Birliği’ndeki ortaklarıyla tam bir uyum içine girmiştir.
31. The committee unanimously rejected a proposal to divide the city into two zones and stressed the need to consider the whole city as a unit.
Kurul, kenti iki bölgeye ayırmayı amaçlayan öneriyi tümüyle reddetti ve kentin bir bütün olarak ele alınması gerektiğini savundu.
Kentin iki bölgeye ayrılmasına ilişkin öneriyi derhal reddeden kurul, tüm kentin bir bütün olarak ele alınması gerektiği görüşüne vardı.
Kurul, kenti iki bölgeye ayırma önerisini oybirliğiyle reddetti ve tüm kentin bir bütün olarak düşünülmesi gerektiğini vurguladı.
Tüm kentin bir bütün olarak değerlendirilmesi gereği üzerinde duran kurul, kenti iki ayrı bölgeye ayırmaya yönelik öneriyi tereddütsüz reddetti.
Kentin iki ayrı bölgeye ayrılmasını öngören öneriyi oy çokluğuyla reddeden kurul, tüm kentin bir bütün olarak görülmesi gereği üzerinde ısrarla durdu.
32. The report makes it clear that in 1995 most European countries met almost half of their energy needs by means of natural gas.
Raporda, doğal gazın 1995’de Avrupa ülkelerinin çoğunda enerji ihtiyacının yaklaşık yarısını karşıladığı belirtilmektedir.
Avrupa ülkelerinin çoğunun, enerji ihtiyaçlarının yarısını doğal gaz kullanarak karşıladığı 1995’de hazırlanan raporda da açıklanmıştır.
Raporda, 1995’de Avrupada enerji ihtiyaçlarının yarısından çoğunu doğal gaz yoluyla karşılayan pek çok ülke olduğu açıkça ifade edilmektedir.
Raporda açıkça ifade edildiğine göre, 1995’de çoğu Avrupa ülkesi, enerji ihtiyacının yarısını doğal gazla karşılamak zorunda kalmıştır.
Rapor, 1995’de çoğu Avrupa ülkesinin, enerji ihtiyaçlarının yaklaşık yarısını doğal gaz vasıtasıyla karşıladığını açıkça ortaya koymaktadır.
33. Most speakers at the meeting pointed out that, in recent years, some of the research projects undertaken by universities had been concerned more with current problems than with purely scientific matters.
Toplantıya katılan çoğu konuşmacı, son yıllarda üniversiteler tarafından uygulanan araştırma projelerinin sadece bilimsel konularda değil, aynı zamanda güncel sorunlarla da ilgili olması gerektiğini vurguladı.
Konuşmacıların toplantıda görüş birliğine vardığı gibi, son yıllarda üniversiteler tarafından yürütülen araştırma projeleri salt bilimsel konulardan çok, güncel sorunlarla ilgilidir.
Toplantıdaki pek çok konuşmacı, üniversitelerde sürdürülen araştırma projelerinden bazılarının salt bilimsel konular yerine, güncel sorunlarla ilgili olması gerektiğini belirtti.
Toplantıdaki konuşmacıların çoğu, son yıllarda üniversitelerce üstlenilen bazı araştırma projelerinin salt bilimsel konulardan çok güncel sorunlarla ilgili olduğunu belirtti.
Toplantıda söz alan pekçok konuşmacı, son yıllarda üniversitelerin yürüttüğü araştırma projelerinin bilimsel konularla olduğu kadar güncel sorunlarla da ilgili olduğunu belirtti.
34. Some years ago the German Constitutional Court decided by a 6 to 2 vote that no law could allow abortion in violation of the rights of the unborn.
Yıllar önce Alman Anayasa Mahkemesinin 2’ye karşı 6 oyla aldığı bir karara göre, hiçbir yasa, doğmamış çoçuğun haklarını hiçe sayarak kürtaja izin veremez.
Alman Anayasa Mahkemesinin birkaç yıl önce 2’ye karşı 6 oyla aldığı karar göre, doğmamış çocuğun haklarını ihlal etmek demek olan kürtaja hiçbir yasa izin veremez.
Birkaç yıl önce, Alman Anayasa Mahkemesi, hiçbir yasanın doğmamış çocuğun haklarına aykırı olarak kürtaja izin veremeyeceğine 2’ye karşı 6 oyla karar verdi.
Alman Anayasa Mahkemesi, doğmamış çocuğun haklarının ihlal edilmesi demek olan kürtaja hiçbir yasanın izin veremeyeceği görüşünü birkaç yıl önce 2’ye karşı 6 oyla değiştirdi.
Alman Anayasa Mahkemesi, birkaç yıl önce, hiçbir yasada kürtaja izin verilemeyeceğine 2’ye karşı 6 oyla karar vererek, doğmamış çocuğun hakkının ihlal edilmesini engelledi.
35-44 sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.
35. Sahara’nın yılda on kilometreye varan bir hızla güneye doğru genişlemekte olduğu bilimsel olarak saptanmıştır.
Recent scientific investigations have revealed that the southerly movement of the Sahara remains at under 10 kilometres per year.
There is scientific evidence to suggest that the Sahara is expanding southwards at a rate of roughly 10 kilometres a year.
The rate at which the Sahara is expanding southwards has been scientifically established as not exceeding 10 kilometres a year.
According to recent scientific data, the Sahara is moving in a southerly direction at a rate just under 10 kilometres a year.
It has been scientifically established that the Sahara is expanding southwards at a rate of up to 10 kilometres a year.
36. Makalede, dünya tahıl üretiminin son yıllarda önemli ölçüde düşmeye başladığı vurgulanmaktadır.
In the article it is emphasised that world grain production has begun to fall substantially in recent years.
From the article it is apparent that there has been a substantial fall in the world grain production in recent decades.
It should be emphasised in the article that there has been a noticeable drop in world grain production during the last few years.
According to article, a serious drop in world grain production only began a few years ago.
It is pointed out in the article that the substantial fall in the world grain production has begun in recent times.
37. ‘Gerçekçilik’, eleştiride kullanılan en belirsiz kavramlardan biridir; ancak bu, onun çok sık kullanılmasını engellemez.
‘Realism’ is so vague a critical concept that it should only be used infrequently.
‘Realism’ is one of the vaguest concepts used in criticism but that does not stop it from being frequently used.
‘Realism’ is a term that is frequently used in criticism, but it is often wrongly used.
The vagueness of the term ‘realism’ means that it is only infrequently used in a critical context.
The term ‘realism’ is frequently used in criticism but with only a vague concept of what it actually means.
38. Aile ve akrabalık, genelde, ilkel veya ilerlemiş olsun tüm insan topluluklarının temel gerçeğidir ve binlerce yıldan beri de hep öyle olmuştur.
In both primitive and advanced societies, family and kinship, in general, have, for thousands of years, been of basic importance.
For thousands of years now, the family and relatives have generally been basic realities in all human societies, both primitive and advanced.
During the last thousand years or so, the family, and kinship generally, have been among basic realities of all human societies whether primitive or advanced.
Until the last thousand years or so, in both primitive and advanced societies, family and kinship were usually regarded as basic elements of human existence.
Family and kinship, generally, are basic realities in all human societies, whether primitive or advanced, and, have been so for thousands of years.
39. Gelişmiş ülkeler çok düşük nüfus artış hızına sahip olsalar bile, bunların azgelişmiş ülkelerdeki hızlı nüfus artışından etkilenmeyeceklerini söylemek çok yanlış olur.
Even if there were a drop in the population growth of developed countries one should not say that the developing, with their rapidly expanding populations, would be likely to be affected by it.
Even supposing that the developed countries had a very slight population growth, it wouldn’t be fair to suggest that the rapid population growth of underdeveloped countries couldn’t affect them.
A very slight drop in the population growth of developed countries means nothing in the face of rapid increase in the populations of developing countries.
Even though developed countries have a very low rate of population growth, it would be wrong to say that they will not be affected by the rapid increase of population in underdeveloped countries.
It has been wrongly suggested that the rapid increase in the population of underdeveloped countries will have no effect on the slight decline in population in developed countries.
40. Sıtma tedavisinde kullanılan ilaçlar son derece önemli olsa da hastalığa neden olan sivrisineğin kontrolü çok daha önemlidir.
However effective the drugs used in the treatment of malaria may be, it is still important to control the mosquito that causes the disease.
Though the drugs used in the treatment of malaria are extremely important, the control of the mosquito, which causes the disease, is even more so.
If the mosquito that causes malaria could be controlled, the drugs used in its treatment would cease to be important.
Since new drugs are extremely effective in the treatment of malaria, there is less need now to control the mosquito which carries the disease.
Control of the mosquito which carries malaria has proved far more effective than any of the drugs that have been used in its treatment.
41. Bugün yayınlanan raporda, dünyada cüzzamlı 15 milyon insanın büyük çoğunluğunun tropikal ülkelerde yaşadığı belirtilmektedir.
A report has been released today confirming that there are 15 million people in the world with leprosy, most of whom in tropical countries.
In the report to be released today, it is mentioned that there are 15 million people in the world with leprosy, and most of these live in tropical countries.
In the report released today, it is pointed out that of the 15 million people with leprosy in the world the great majority live in tropical countries.
In a report to be published today it is confirmed that of the 15 million lepers in the world, a slight majority live in tropical countries.
According to a report published today it seems that of the 15 million lepers in the world by far the majority are to be found in tropical countries.
42. İnsanlar, uygarlığın doğuşundan beri gökyüzünü incelemişlerdir; ancak orada var olanların büyük çoğunluğu hala bilinmemektedir.
People have studied the sky since the dawn of civilisation, yet the bulk of what is out there is still unknown.
If people had studied the sky throughout civilised times, the bulk of what is out there would now have been known.
People were studying the sky even before the dawn of civilisation, but little was known about what was out there.
A large portion of space remains unexplored though man has been interested in it since the dawn of civilisation.
The sky has been under observation ever since civilisation began, but not much is known about it.
43. Rapordan, gelecek yüzyılda dünyada kişi başına düşen su miktarında önemli ölçüde azalma olacağı açıkça anlaşılabilir.
One may conclude from the report that during the next century, the average amount of water consumed per head of the population in the world will have to be reduced.
It is most clearly stated in the report that, in the next century the drop in the amount of water needed per head in the world will be enormous.
The report makes it clear that, during the next century, the amount of water available per head in the world will hardly be adequate.
The report makes the point that, in the next century, there will have to be a sharp drop in the amount of water made available per head of the population in the world.
It can be clearly understood from the report that, during the next century, there will be a considerable drop in the amount of water available per head in the world.
44. Yönetim, yeni hisse senetlerinin, rayiç piyasa değerinden % 20 daha düşük olarak fiyatlandırılmasını uygun görmüştür.
The board has proposed the sale of new shares on the market at a price 20 % less than their current value.
The management has suggested that the new shares be issued at a price 20 % lower than the present market value.
The management has agreed that the new shares be priced 20 % below their current market value.
The board has announced that the price of the shares currently coming onto the market should be reduced by 20 % .
The managing board has accepted the pricing of the new shares, which will be 20 % down on their actual value on the market.
45-52 sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
45. _____ you get magnificent views of the oak-covered slopes of these coastal mountain ranges that rise up from the Pacific.
If only the new road had been opened
As they headed for San Francisco
However unfairly the state of the roads was being attacked
Even though a great deal of money went into constructing the road
As you drive along the coast road
46. Dramatic changes have been taking place in the United States _____ .
ever since non-European immigrants began to pour into the country
until new regulations concerning immigrants were introduced
which started at the turn of the century
some of which would have been regarded as harmful
as soon as World War II ended
47. One of the best suggestions was put forward by Dr Johnson _____ .
that the managing director was especially impressed
who is generally the quietest member of the board
though the financial demands might be difficult to meet
unless it was approved by the committee
before any one else has time to make any contribution to the discussion
48. Darwin’s theory of evolution was based on the observation _____ .
while amassing evidence for 25 years in support of it
why many people of his own age were reluctant to admit it
whether his insight really was revolutionary
that all individuals of the same species are not identical
since the multiplicity of forms seemed unending
49. Although the effects of the famine have been made worse by the political instability in the country _____ .
the West would have shown its sympathy in a most generous manner
it was beyond the power of any government to undertake the responsibility
a fair distribution of the available food will have been achieved
so one disaster was naturally followed by another
food is now being distributed wherever it is needed
50. _____ , but it is not the only one.
Newspaper prices have risen dramatically in recent years
Most diseases are caused by germs and bad hygiene
Technological competition is a serious problem for the book industry
The printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany in the fifteenth century
The judge rebuked the witnesses for their disrespectful behaviour during the trial
51. _____ that they will be made redundant once the office has been computerised.
They called off the strike
The board of directors discussed the matter fully
The management adopted new marketing policies
The prospect for the company looks rather gloomy
Most of the staff are certain
52. If your boss asked you to take an extra work without more money _____ ?
have you discussed the matter with him
would you agree to do so
why do you think he may have suggested this
what was the reaction of your colleagues
will you resign at once
53-58 sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.
53. If it hadn’t been for the wind, the fire would never have spread so fast.
Unless the wind develops, the fire is hardly likely to spread fast.
Even without the wind, the fire would have spread just as fast.
It was the wind that caused the fire to spread at such a speed.
Had there been a wind, the fire would have spread even faster.
The force of the wind affected the way the fire spread.
54. We will never be able to get all these exhibits dated and labelled for the opening of the museum unless we get a lot of assistance.
It would help us to finish the dating and labelling of the exhibits if the museum is not opened for a while.
With just a little extra assistance we shall be able to get all these exhibits dated and labelled before the museum is opened.
The opening of the museum does not depend on whether or not we can get all these exhibits dated and labelled.
We’re going to need an awful lot of help if we’re to date and label these exhibits in time for the opening of the museum.
Once the museum is open we can easily get plenty of help in the dating and labelling of the exhibits.
55. There’s no point in learning several languages if you are not going to have the opportunity to use them.
You shouldn’t try to learn many languages except the ones which are spoken internationally.
Unless you are going to be in a position to use them, learning several languages would just be a waste of time.
There are several languages that are everywhere in use and these are the ones to learn
People used to learn several languages even though they had little opportunity to use them.
Certain languages which few people know are actually well worth learning.
56. He really doesn’t mind who he works for, but the pay has to be good.
It’s the money that interests him, not the type of work or his employer.
With him, it’s the money that matters, not the type of work.
To his way of thinking, the job should be better paid.
He’s the sort who will do anything for money.
He’ll work for just about anyone so long as they pay him well.
57. We got caught in a traffic jam so we’re among the last to arrive.
The late arrivers all put the blame on the heavy traffic.
The traffic was so heavy that nearly everyone arrived late.
Most people got there before us as we are held up by the traffic.
The roads were so congested that it’s a wonder anyone got there on time.
There was such a congestion on the roads that I thought we never would get there.
58. It’s not fair to put all the blame on him; he is not the only one at fault.
It wouldn’t be right to punish those who, like him, weren’t involved.
He deserves to be punished, but the others don’t.
Only the ones who were involved should be punished.
The fault is his only; so let him take the blame.
He doesn’t deserve to be blamed for everything; there were others involved.
59-64 sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.