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Matematic vorbind. Vreau ceea ce vor toţi: stabilitate economică şi socială, securitate şi bună-cuviinţă.
Interviu cu Svetlana Cojocaru
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Denumirea manifestării ştiinţifice, expoziţii, work-shopu-uir, tîrguri, mese rotunde
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Distincţii obţinute
Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională a Doctoranzilor – Tendinţe contemporane ale dezvoltării Ştiinţei: Viziuni ale tinerilor cercetători, 25 mai 2016, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Turuta S.
Darboux first integrals of Lotka-Volterra cubic differential systems with (1:-2)-singularity having invariant straight lines of two directions and total multiplicity six.
Raport secţie
International Conference “Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education” (MITRE – 2016), 6-th edition. Abstracts, Chişinău, June 23-25, 2016
Bujac C.,
Vulpe N.
First integrals of cubic systems with the maximum number of invariant lines.
Raport secţie
Calin Iu., Ciubotaru S.
GL(2, R)-comitants and Lyapunov quantities for bidimensional polynomial systems of differential equations with nonlinearities of the fourth degree.
Raport secţie
Ciubotaru S., Calin Iu.
The center conditions for a class of bidimensional polynomial systems of differential equations with nonlinearities of the fourth degree.
Raport secție
Dryma V.
On solving equations of flows of incompressible liquids
Raport secție
Neagu N.; Popa M.
Lie algebras of ternary differential systems with quadratic nonlinearities of the Darboux form and applications.
Raport secție
Orlov V.;
Popa M.
Canonical forms of the four-dimensional Lyapunov-Darboux differential system with quadratic nonlinearities.
Raport secție
Port S.; Pricop V.; Trifan V.
The mathematical model of emotion impact.
Raport secție
Pricop V.
The differential system s(1,3,5) and corresponding common Hilbert series.
Raport secție
Şubă A.; Turuta S.
Integrability of Lotka-Volterra cubic systems with (1:-2)-singularity having six invariant straight lines of two directions.
Raport secție
Vacaraş O.
Maximal multiplicity of the line at infinity for cubic differential systems with two real parallel invariant straight lines.
Raport secție
5-я Международная Kонференция “Проблемы математической и теоретической физики и математическое моделирование”, Москва, НИЯУ МИФИ, 5-7 aпреля, 2016.
Driuma V.
Об интегрировании уравнений течения несжимаемой жидкости.
Raport secție
XXII Международная конференция «Нелинейные задачи теории гидродинамической устойчивости и турбулентность», 14 −21 февраля 2016 г., Московский госуниверситета, 2016.
Driuma V.
On the integration of incompressible fluid flows equations.
Raport secție
International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Russia, Suzdal, 8-12 July, 2016
Driuma V.
Limit cycles and attractors in flows of incompressible fluid.
Raport secție
International Conference “Quasilinear equations, inverse problems and their applications”, The Eurasian Association on Inverse Problems (EAIP), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, 12 Sept. 2016 - 15 Sept. 2016.
Driuma V.
On integration of the equations of flows of incompressible liquids.
Юбилейная XXV научная сессии Совета по нелинейной динамике Института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова, РАН, г. Москва, 19-20 декабря 2016 г.
Driuma V.
О локализованных решениях уравнений течения жидкости.
Raport secție
Международная конференция «Системы Аносова и современная динамика», посвященная 80-летию со дня рождения Дмитрия Викторовича Аносова, г. Москва, Россия, 19–23 декабря 2016 г. ,МИ РАН им. Стеклова.
Driuma V.
О решениях уравнений течения жидкости.
Raport secție
Шестые Богдановские чтения по обыкновенным дифференциальным уравнениям. Международная математическая конференция. Минск, 7-10 декабря 2015.
Руденок А.Е.;
Шубэ А.С.
Базис Гребнера идеала ляпуновских величин cистемы Куклеса.
Raport secție
The 24st Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM-2016), September 15-18, 2016. Craiova, România.
Bujac C.; Vulpe N.
First integrals of the family of cubic differential systems with invariant lines of total multiplicity 8.
Raport secție
Orlov V.;
Popa M.
Invariant conditions for the stability of the unperturbed motion for the four-dimensional nonlinear polynomial differential system.
Raport secție
Pricop V.
The common Hilbert series of the differential system s(1,3,7) and the Krull dimensions of Sibirsky algebras.
Raport secție
Şubă A.; Vacaraş O.
Cubic differential systems with two parallel complex invariant straight lines of multiplicity m(2;2;3).
Raport secție
Turuta S.
Daboux integrability of Lotka-Volterra cubic differential systems with 1:-2 resonant singularity and six straight lines of three directions.
Raport secție
The International Scientific Conference “Differential-Functional Equations and their Application”, September 28-30, 2016, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Neagu N.; Cozma D.;
Popa M.
Centro-affin invariants and stability of unperturbed motion in ternary polynomial differential systems.
Raport secție
Şubă A.;
Vacaraş O.
Maximal multiplicity of the line at infinity for cubic differential systems with two real non-parallel invariant straight lines.
Raport secție
Roudenok A.; Şubă A.
Center conditions for non-linear differential systems.
Raport secție
Turuta S.
Classification of Lotka-Volterra cubic systems with 1:-2 singularity and straight lines of three directions and total multiplicity six.
Raport secție
XII Белорусская математическая
конференция (БМК-2016), 5–10 сентября 2016 года, Минск
Roudenok A.; Şubă A.
Necessary and sufficient center conditions for differential systems of non-linear oscillations.
Raport secție
Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională a Doctoranzilor – Tendinţe contemporane ale dezvoltării Ştiinţei: Viziuni ale tinerilor cercetători, 25 mai 2016, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Turuta S.
Darboux first integrals of Lotka-Volterra cubic differential systems with (1:-2)-singularity having invariant straight lines of two directions and total multiplicity six.
Raport secţie
International Conference “Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education” (MITRE – 2016), 6-th edition. Abstracts, Chişinău, June 23-25, 2016
Bujac C.,
Vulpe N.
First integrals of cubic systems with the maximum number of invariant lines.
Raport secţie
Calin Iu., Ciubotaru S.
GL(2, R)-comitants and Lyapunov quantities for bidimensional polynomial systems of differential equations with nonlinearities of the fourth degree.
Raport secţie
Ciubotaru S., Calin Iu.
The center conditions for a class of bidimensional polynomial systems of differential equations with nonlinearities of the fourth degree.
Raport secție
Dryma V.
On solving equations of flows of incompressible liquids
Raport secție
Neagu N.; Popa M.
Lie algebras of ternary differential systems with quadratic nonlinearities of the Darboux form and applications.
Raport secție
Orlov V.;
Popa M.
Canonical forms of the four-dimensional Lyapunov-Darboux differential system with quadratic nonlinearities.
Raport secție
Port S.; Pricop V.; Trifan V.
The mathematical model of emotion impact.
Raport secție
Pricop V.
The differential system s(1,3,5) and corresponding common Hilbert series.
Raport secție
Şubă A.; Turuta S.
Integrability of Lotka-Volterra cubic systems with (1:-2)-singularity having six invariant straight lines of two directions.
Raport secție
Vacaraş O.
Maximal multiplicity of the line at infinity for cubic differential systems with two real parallel invariant straight lines.
Raport secție
5-я Международная Kонференция “Проблемы математической и теоретической физики и математическое моделирование”, Москва, НИЯУ МИФИ, 5-7 aпреля, 2016.
Driuma V.
Об интегрировании уравнений течения несжимаемой жидкости.
Raport secție
XXII Международная конференция «Нелинейные задачи теории гидродинамической устойчивости и турбулентность», 14 −21 февраля 2016 г., Московский госуниверситета, 2016.
Driuma V.
On the integration of incompressible fluid flows equations.
Raport secție
International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Russia, Suzdal, 8-12 July, 2016
Driuma V.
Limit cycles and attractors in flows of incompressible fluid.
Raport secție
International Conference “Quasilinear equations, inverse problems and their applications”, The Eurasian Association on Inverse Problems (EAIP), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, 12 Sept. 2016 - 15 Sept. 2016.
Driuma V.
On integration of the equations of flows of incompressible liquids.
Юбилейная XXV научная сессии Совета по нелинейной динамике Института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова, РАН, г. Москва, 19-20 декабря 2016 г.
Driuma V.
О локализованных решениях уравнений течения жидкости.
Raport secție
Международная конференция «Системы Аносова и современная динамика», посвященная 80-летию со дня рождения Дмитрия Викторовича Аносова, г. Москва, Россия, 19–23 декабря 2016 г. ,МИ РАН им. Стеклова.
Driuma V.
О решениях уравнений течения жидкости.
Raport secție
Шестые Богдановские чтения по обыкновенным дифференциальным уравнениям. Международная математическая конференция. Минск, 7-10 декабря 2015.
Руденок А.Е.;
Шубэ А.С.
Базис Гребнера идеала ляпуновских величин cистемы Куклеса.
Raport secție
The 24st Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM-2016), September 15-18, 2016. Craiova, România.
Bujac C.; Vulpe N.
First integrals of the family of cubic differential systems with invariant lines of total multiplicity 8.
Raport secție
Orlov V.;
Popa M.
Invariant conditions for the stability of the unperturbed motion for the four-dimensional nonlinear polynomial differential system.
Raport secție
Pricop V.
The common Hilbert series of the differential system s(1,3,7) and the Krull dimensions of Sibirsky algebras.
Raport secție
Şubă A.; Vacaraş O.
Cubic differential systems with two parallel complex invariant straight lines of multiplicity m(2;2;3).
Raport secție
Turuta S.
Daboux integrability of Lotka-Volterra cubic differential systems with 1:-2 resonant singularity and six straight lines of three directions.
Raport secție
The International Scientific Conference “Differential-Functional Equations and their Application”, September 28-30, 2016, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Neagu N.; Cozma D.;
Popa M.
Centro-affin invariants and stability of unperturbed motion in ternary polynomial differential systems.
Raport secție