trying to avoid competing with the private sector and were demonstrating their anxiety. This "non-healthy" competition caused the biggest damage to our medical department that was going from strength to strength with every passing day.
I was not forgetting about issues that seemed to be so distant and unrealistic that I could easily be compared to Don Quixote. Ever since autumn 1991 I had an idea on my mind that would not leave me -Khazar University must have a territory for its own campus. I would address the government many times on this issue, I would even hire architects to prepare plans for the future campus in order to prove the seriousness of my intentions and speed up the solution of the problem. In the US many years ago the so-called "land grant" movement50 gave a great impetus to the development of the universities, so why could not our government do it?
From the very first days of our activity I discovered my weakest point - how can we charge students tuition fees? The government does not help the student, the people are generally poor, and it is embarrassing to ask them for money. Of course being brought up in socialism did not help - we all believe that it is not appropriate to ask money for services that you provide. I would much prefer to establish a foundation that would help students to pay their tuition fees and award grants for research. Another weakness of mine would constantly manifest itself - my inability to practice or understand the principle "if a problem can be solved by means of money then it is not a problem". There is also the need for constant networking and maintaining relationships with government officials - something that I am not very keen at. Perhaps I am bound to always be in trouble because of it. And is it really enough just to try to do the quality work and rely on public opinion in order to succeed?
There are an infinite number of problems awaiting their solutions. On our way forward we are encountering new problems every day and often it is impossible to move on without resolving them. It reminds me of the way scientific research is conducted - if you try to resolve a complex problem, even if you are not able to complete it, the results