3 journal of azerbaijani studies in search of 'khazar

Statement On the accomplishment of the joint resolution dated April 18,1991, #

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On the accomplishment of the joint resolution dated April 18,1991, # 261/25 of the Ministry of Education and Institute of National Economy Management by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The city of Baku June 14, 1991
We, Prof. R.Rahimov, rector of the Institute of National Economy Management,



F.R. Babayev, first deputy Minister of Education, Prof. H.A. Isayev, prorector of the English Language Azerbaijan University,

Prof. M.Y.Mardanov, head of the Department of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education,

Assoc. Prof. B.A.Khankishiyev, head of the Department of Planning and Economics, at the Ministry of Education determined the following:

  1. Curricula and syllabus and other educational-methodical documents for the different subjects listed in the aforementioned joint resolution have not been prepared and affirmed correctly.

  2. The members of the University Enrollment commission have not been appointed yet.

  3. Though the amount for the tuition fee was stated in the media, it has not been confirmed in accordance with existing rules.

  4. The academic load for 1991/92 academic year has not been determined yet, and so the staffing issues, expenses estimate and the payment of wages and many other issues have not been resolved.

  5. Student Enrollment advertisements in the newspapers have not been submitted to the corresponding departments for approval.

  6. Until today the University have not presented its proposals on the enrollment plans for different subjects to the Ministry of Education and therefore there is no affirmed Enrollment plans.

  7. Under the exemplary enrollment regulations affirmed by the USSR State Education Committee in 1991 the applications to the Higher learning institutions must be submitted between June 25 and beginning of July, and the entrance exams must be held before August 5.

Taking into account the above mentioned we defined that English Language Azerbaijan University is not ready for 1991/92 academic year and so it is not possible to conduct the entrance exams at this Institute.
37. This statement belongs to Vladimir Lenin.


Report on the fulfillment of the joint resolution of Ministry of Education and Institute of National Economy Management by the Cabinet of Ministers dated April 18,1991, by No261/25 and supplement to the statement dated June 14,1991, on the fulfillment of this

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