E. Washburn presented information on GEO Paris Workshop Quick Highlights and Implications via telecon.
This GEO workshop (Paris, Sep. 10-12) was a follow-up to a first workshop. Over 20 people participated from a variety of GEO members and also there was participation by the IEG-World Bank and GEF via teleconferences. The outcome of the workshop is GEO-IV Plenary Document 26 which includes a broad M&E (monitoring and evaluation) framework and context for GEOSS implementation. It accommodates ex ante (to do an evaluation to compare previous tasks to new tasks) impact assessments. This may involve Workplan task revisions and the GEOSS Roadmap.
Acceptance of the monitoring and evaluation framework may have implications for the GEO-V Plenary. These implications include: commitment to conduct initial evaluation of GEOSS implementation by January 2010; recognition of an ad hoc M&E task force; proposing of a GEO M&E working group and terms of reference; an outline of a path forward; it will be guided by IEG-WB Sourcebook (2007); it will be tailored to GEOSS implementation and; there will be a degree of independence of evaluation and credibility.
I. DeLoatch asked: what criteria will be used for the ex ante assessments? E. Washburn this is being worked on but there are no criteria determined yet.
Joint lunch with CEOS WGISS. CEOS WGISS joined the ADC during the afternoon meeting.