A马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 A715 / W566 / Wheen, Francis

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C 社会科学总论

C02 / M282 / Mann, Doug, 1955 - .

Understanding society : a survey of modern social

theory / Douglas Mann. . -- Don Mills, Ont. ; New

York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

vii, 440 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 9780195421842 : CNY635.55

ISBN 9780195421842 : CNY635.55

ISBN 0195421841

C245.61 / A792 / : 2006-07Arts and Humanities Resea

rcThe arts and humanities research council annual rep

ort and accounts 2006-2007 : presented to the Hous

e of Commons pursuant to section 4 of the Higher Ed

ucation Act 2004 / Arts And Humanities Research Co

uncil. -- London : Stationery Office Books2007

97 p. : ill. ; 28 cm

ISBN 9780102946338 : CNY325.46

C91 / A531 / 2 /

An anatomy of power : the social theory of Michael

Mann / edited by John A. Hall, Ralph Schroeder. .

-- Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge Universi

ty Press, 2006.

ix, 409 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

"Bibliography of Michael Mann's writings": p. 3

97-399. . -- Mann's transformation of the classic

sociological traditions / Randall Collins -- Politi

cal questions / John A. Hall -- Mann's microfounda

tions: addressing neo-Weberian dilemmas / Edgar Kis

er -- Grand, yet grounded: ontology, theory, and me

thod in Michael Mann's historical sociology / Jose

ph Bryant -- Mann's theory of ideological power: s

ources, applications, and elaborations / Philip S.

Gorski -- Political power un-manned: a defence of t

he Holy Trinity from Mann's military attack / Gian

franco Poggi -- Mann, the state, and war / John M.

Hobson -- Infrastructural power, economic transform

ation, and globalization / Linda Weiss -- From theo

ry to history: "The European dynamic" or feudalis

m to capitalism? / Robert Brenner -- The rise of th

e West / Stephan R. Epstein -- A historical, not co

mparative method: breakthroughs and limitations in

the theory and methodology of Michael Mann's analy

sis of power / Jack A. Goldstone -- The "British"

sources of social power: reflections on history, s

ociology, and intellectual biography / Frank Trentm

ann -- Networks and ideologies: the fusion of "is"

and "ought" as a means to social power / Jack Sn

yder -- Mann's dark side: linking democracy and ge

nocide / David Laitin -- The success of social powe

r revisited: a response to criticism / Michael Mann


ISBN 0521850002 (hbk.)

ISBN 0521850002 (hbk.)

ISBN 0521615186 (pbk.) : CNY335.92

C91 / H236 /

The handbook of social capital / edited by Dario C

astiglione, Jan W. Van Deth, and Guglielmo Wolleb.

. -- Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press,


xxi, 722 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

ISBN 9780199271238 : CNY1683.06

ISBN 9780199271238 : CNY1683.06

ISBN 0199271232

C91 / S586 / Silva, Filipe Carreira da. .

Mead and modernity : science, selfhood, and democr

atic politics / Filipe Carreira da Silva. . -- Lan

ham : Lexington Books, c2008.

viii, 243 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-223) an

d index. . -- Introduction -- Mead and the modern p

roblematic of selfhood -- Imagining the intellectua

l edifice -- The making of a classic -- Science as

a problem-solving activity -- From the logic of the

sciences to the theory of the act -- A scientific

social psychology -- A science of politics and mora

ls -- Mead on the social origins of self -- Educati

ng the self -- Mead on social psychology : a story

rewritten -- Mead, Habermas, and social individuati

on -- The theory and practice of social reconstruct

ion -- Mead and the war -- Communicative ethics and

deliberative democracy -- Conclusions: Provisional

answers to inescapable questions.

ISBN 9780739115114 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY687.6


ISBN 9780739115114 (cloth : alk. paper) : CNY687.6


ISBN 0739115111 (cloth : alk. paper)

C91 / A379 / Alexander, Jeffrey C. .

The meanings of social life : a cultural sociology

/ Jeffrey C. Alexander. . -- New York : Oxford U

niversity Press, 2003.

x, 296 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 229-291) an

d index. . -- Introduction: The meanings of (social

) life : on the origins of a cultural sociology --

1. The strong program in cultural sociology : eleme

nts of a structural hermeneutics / with Philip Smit

h -- 2. On the social construction of "moral unive

rsals" : the "Holocaust" from war crime to traum

a drama -- 3. Cultural trauma and collective identi

ty -- 4. A cultural sociology of evil -- 5. The dis

course of American civil society / with Philip Smit

h -- 6. Watergate as democratic ritual -- 7. The sa

cred and profane information machine -- 8. Modern,

anti, post, and neo : how intellectuals explain "o

ur time"

ISBN 9780195160840 (cloth)

ISBN 9780195160840 (cloth)

ISBN 9780195306408 : CNY183.68

C911 / S129 /

The SAGE handbook of the sociology of religion / e

dited by James A. Beckford and N.J. Demerath III. .

-- Los Angeles : SAGE Publications, 2007.

xvii, 746 p. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Classical tradition in sociology of religion / Ran

dall Collins -- Assessing modernities : from 'pre-

' to 'ultra-' / Kevin J. Christiano -- Seculariz

ation and sacralization deconstructed and reconstru

cted / N. J. Demerath III -- Rational choice and re

ligious economies / Frank J. Lechner -- Globalizati

on and glocalization / Peter Beyer-- Micro qualitat

ive approaches to the sociology of religion : pheno

menologies, interviews, narratives, and ethnographi

es / James V. Spickard -- Surveys of behaviour, bel

iefs and affiliation : micro-quantitative / David V

oas -- History, methodologies, and the study of rel

igion / John R. Hall -- Congregations resurgent / N

.J. Demerath III, Arthur E. Farnsley II -- Evangel

icalism and fundamentalism : the politics of global

popular protestantism / Paul Freston -- From 'cul

ts' to new religious movements : coherence, defini

tion, and conceptual framing in the study of new re

ligious movements / Thomas Robbins, Phillip Charles

Lucas -- New age religion and irreligion / William

Sims Bainbridge -- Civil religion in America and i

n global context / Marcela Cristi, Lorne L. Dawson

-- Keepers of the tradition : religious profession

als and their careers / Paula Nesbitt -- Orders and

schisms on the sacred periphery / Patricia Wittber

g -- Faith-based initiatives / Arthur E. Farnsley I

I -- Religion on the internet / Douglas E. Cowan --

Religion and the state, violence and human rights

/ N.J. Demerath III -- Religion and regulation / Ja

mes A. Beckford, James T. Richardson -- Religion in

rebellion, resistance, and social movements / Shar

on Erickson Nepstad, Rhys H. Williams -- Religious

affiliations, political preferences and ideological

alignments / Laura R. Olson -- Cross-national comp

arisons of individual religiosity / Pierre Br鈋chon

-- Rethinking the relationship between ethnicity a

nd religion / Peter Kivisto -- Religious socializa

tion among American youth : how faith shapes parent

s, children, and adolescents / John P. Bartkowski -

- Age, generation, and cohort in American religion

and spirituality / Michele Dillon -- Religion and i

dentity / Arthur L. Greil, Lynn Davidman -- Gender

differences in religious practice and significance

/ Linda Woodhead -- Embodiment, emotion and religio

us experience : religion, culture and the charismat

ic body / Philip A. Mellor -- Religion as a factor

in life and death through the life-course / Stephen

J. Hunt -- Oligopoly dynamics : official religions

in China / Fenggang Yang -- Religious landscape of

Central and Eastern Europe after communism / Irena

Borowik -- Judaism in Israe l : public religion, n

eo-traditionalism, messianism and ethno-religious c

onflict / Stephen Sharot -- State shinto and religi

on in post-war Japan / Susumu Shimazono -- Mexico :

a mirror for the sociology of religion / Roberto J

. Blancarte.

ISBN 9781412911955 (hbk.) : CNY1629.90

ISBN 9781412911955 (hbk.) : CNY1629.90

ISBN 1412911958 (hbk.)

C912.4 / T944(3) / Turner, Bryan S. .

The body and society : explorations in social theo

ry / Bryan S. Turner. . -- Los Angeles : Sage, 20


x, 285 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 9781412929868 (hardcover) : 1379.00

ISBN 9781412929868 (hardcover) : 1379.00

ISBN 9781412929875

C912.6 / Б91 / Бурвикова, Н. Д. .

Жизнь в мимолетных мелочах

/ Н. Д. Бурвикова, В. Г. Костома

ров. -- СПб. : Златоуст, 2006.

68 с. ; 20 cm.

ISBN 5865474049 : CNY153.12

C912.6 / H468 / Heiner, Robert, 1956 - .

Deviance across cultures / Robert Heiner. . -- New

York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

xv, 269 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references. . -- pt. 1. Ex

plaining deviance. The normal and the pathological

/ Emile Durkheim -- On the sociology of deviance /

Kai T. Erikson -- Social structure and anomie / Rob

ert K. Merton -- Techniques of neutralization : A t

heory of delinquency / Gresham M. Sykes and David M

atza -- A control theory of delinquency / Travis Hi

rschi -- Conceptions of deviant behavior : The old

and the new / Jack P. Gibbs -- The search for scape

goat deviants / Jeffery S. Victor -- pt. 2. Moral p

anics. Moral panics in history / Erich Goode and Na

chman Ben-Yehuda -- The classic moral panic : The m

ods and the rockers / Kenneth Thompson -- The devil

goes to day care : McMartin and the making of a mo

ral panic / Mary de Young -- Penis panics / Robert

E. Batholomew -- pt. 3. Sex and sexuality. The coch

on and the hombre-hombre in Nicaragua / Roger N. La

ncaster -- Women in Lesotho and the (western) const

ruction of homophobia / K. Limakatso Kendall -- Par

aphilias across cultures / Dinesh Bhugra -- pt. 4.

Prostitution. Prostitution and the status of women

in South Korea / Robert Heiner -- Big sister is wat

ching you! Gender interaction and the unwritten rul

es of the Amsterdam red light district / Manuel B.

Aalbers -- pt. 5. Drugs. Rx drugs / 60 minutes -- H

ealthy nightclubs and recreational substance use :

From a harm minimization to a healthy settings appr

oach / Mark A. Bellis and Karen Hughes, and Helen L

owey -- Why Ritalin rules / Mary Eberstadt -- Pumpe

d-up panic / Dann Perry -- pt. 6. Corporate devianc

e. Regulation, white collar crime and the bank of c

redit and commerce international / Basia Spalek --

Corruption scandals In America and Europe : Enron a

nd EU fraud in comparative perspective / Cris Shore

-- pt. 7. Deviance and religion. Nones on the run

: Evangelical heathens in the Deep South / Robert H

einer -- Caught up in the cult wars : Confessions o

f a Canadian researcher / Susan J. Palmer -- Suicid

e bombers : The just war debate, Islamic style / Jo

hn Kelsay -- pt. 8. Mental illness. On being sane i

n insane places / David L. Rosenhan -- Schizophreni

a in the third world / Richard Warner.

ISBN 9780195177107 (cloth)

ISBN 9780195177107 (cloth)

ISBN 019517710X (cloth)

ISBN 9780195177107 (cloth)

ISBN 019517710X (cloth)

ISBN 9780195177091 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY359.40

ISBN 9780195177107 (cloth)

ISBN 019517710X (cloth)

ISBN 9780195177091 (pbk. : alk. paper) : CNY359.40

ISBN 0195177096 (pbk. : alk. paper)

C912.81 / G562 /

Global perspectives on urbanization / edited by Ge

orge Pomeroy, Gerald Webster. . -- Lanham : Univer

sity Press of America, c2008.

247 p. ; 24 cm.

ISBN 0761839100 (paper : alk. paper)

ISBN 0761839100 (paper : alk. paper)

ISBN 9780761839101 : CNY343.81

C913.6 / A267 /

Aging and disability : crossing network lines / M

ichelle Putnam, editor. . -- New York : Springer,


xix, 276 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. . --

Moving from separate to crossing aging and disabil

ity service networks / Michelle Putnam -- Facilitat

ors and barriers to crossing network lines : a Miss

ouri case study / Michelle Putnam and Anneliese Sto

ever -- Translating knowledge to next steps : profe

ssional stakeholders' evaluations of facilitators

and barriers to crossing network lines / Michelle P

utnam and Suzanne Pritzker -- Professional stakehol

der commentary on Missouri case study findings / Ki

rsten Dunham -- Social, economic, and political rea

lities of cross-network partnerships and coalitions

/ Elias S. Cohen -- Coalitions between aging and d

isability interests : a potential vehicle to promot

e community care for older people / Rosalie A. Kane

-- Building intersystem partnerships at the inters

ection of aging and developmental disabilities / Ed

ward Ansello -- Partnerships and coalitions across

aging and disability service networks / Mike Oxford

-- Stakeholder involvement in intervention, resear

ch, and evaluation / Laurie E. Powers -- The govern

ment-wide shift in accountability for results : imp

lications for improving research outcomes in the ag

ing and disability nexus / Margaret L. Campbell --

Translating research into program and policy change

s / Fernando Torres-Gil -- The changing intersectio

ns of aging and disability partnerships / Michelle


ISBN 0826155650

ISBN 0826155650

ISBN 9780826155658 : 交换

R / C91-61 / С69 /

Социологический энциклопед

ический словарь : на русском

, английском, немецком, франц

узском и чешском языках / Г.

В. Осипов. . -- Москва : Норма,


488 с. ; 25 cm.

ISBN 589123162x(h) : CNY497.64

ISBN 589123162x(h) : CNY497.64

ISBN 5862256350

R / C91-61 / E56 /

Encyclopaedia of social science, Sociology / J,Ant

her. -- Delhi : INY Publishing House, 2007

523 p. ; 26 cm

ISBN 8178901501 : CNY675.00

C936 / S129 /

The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalis

m / edited by Royston Greenwood ... [et al.]. --

Los Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2008.

xviii, 822 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 9781412931236 (hbk.) : CNY1629.90

ISBN 9781412931236 (hbk.) : CNY1629.90

ISBN 1412931231 (hbk.)

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