A bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

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Michael Joyce, Twelve Blue, Electronic Literature Collection 1, eds. N. Katherine Hayles, Nick Montfort, Scott Rettberg, and Stephanie Strickland (Maryland: Electronic Literature Organization, 2006) http:collection.eliterature.org (hereafter noted as ELC 1). When works are also available at other locations, these will be listed second; for Twelve Blue (Eastgate Hypertext Reading Room, 1996) http://www.eastgate.com/TwelveBlue/Twelve_Blue.html.

Caitlin Fisher, These Waves of Girls (2001)


Stuart Moulthrop, Reagan Library (1999)


Judd Morrissey in collaboration with Lori Talley, The Jew's Daughter, ELC 1 and (2000)


Talan Memmott, Lexia to Perplexia (2000)


Richard Holeton, "Frequently Asked Questions about 'Hypertext,'" ELC 1.

David Ciccoricco, Reading Network Fiction, "Introduction," p. 7 ms.

An interesting illustration of the difference between narrative and game is provided by Natalie Bookchin's, "The Intruder," in which she makes computer games from Jorge Luis Borges's fiction http://www.calarts.edu/~bookchin/intruder/ .

Markku Eskelinen, "Six Problems in Search of a Solution: The Challenge of Cybertext Theory and Ludology to Literary Theory," dichtung-digital (2004) http://www.dichtung-digital.com/2004/3-Eskelinen.htm.

Nick Montfort, Twisty Little Passages (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003), pp. vii-xi.

Emily Short, Savoir-Faire (2002) ELC 1.

Jon Ingold, All Roads, ELC 1 and (2001) http://www.ingold.fsnet.co.uk/if.htm.

Donna Leishman, The Possession of Christian Shaw, ELC 1 and (2003) http://www.6amhoover.com/xxx/start.htm.

The Iowa Review Web 8.3 (September 2006) http://www.uiowa.edu/~iareview/mainpages/new/september06/sept06_txt.html.

Karpinska, Aya. "An Interview with Aya Karpinska on 'mar puro'" http://www.uiowa.edu/~iareview/mainpages/new/september06/karpinska/karpinska_intervew.html.

Raley, Rita. "An Interview with Dan Waber on 'five by five'." Iowa Review http://www.uiowa.edu/~iareview/mainpages/new/september06/wabere/waber_interview.html.

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Janet Cardiff, The Missing Voice (Case Study B) (1999); print book edition (London: Artangel, 1999); for a description, see http://www.artfocus.com/JanetCardiff.html; Her Long Black Hair (2005) http://www.publicartfund.org/pafweb/projects/05/cardiff/cardiff-05.html.

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The Iowa Review



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