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Beyond Narrative Coherence
Edited by Matti Hyvärinen, Lars-Christer Hydén, Marja Saarenheimo
and Maria Tamboukou
Beyond Narrative Coherence reconsiders the way we understand and work with narratives. Even though narrators tend to strive for coherence, they also add complexity, challenge canonical scripts, and survey lives by telling highly perplexing and contradictory stories.
Many narratives remain incomplete, ambiguous, and contradictory. Obvious coherence cannot be the sole moral standard, the only perspective of reading, or the criterion for selecting and discarding research material. Beyond Narrative Coherence addresses the limits and aspects of narrative (dis)cohering by off ering a rich theoretical and historical background to the debate. Limits of narrative coherence are discussed from the perspective of three fi elds of life that o en threaten the coherence of narrative: illness,
arts, and traumatic political experience. e authors of the book cover a wide range of disciplines such as psychology, sociology, arts studies, political science and philosophy.
[Studies in Narrative, 11] 2010. vi, 196 pp.
Table of contents
Beyond narrative coherence: An introduction
Matti Hyvärinen, Lars-Christer Hydén, Marja Saarenheimo and Maria Tamboukou
Weird stories: Brain, mind, and self,
Maria I. Medved and Jens Brockmeier
IIdentity, self, narrative,
Lars-Christer Hydén
'Mind-reading', a method for understanding the broken narrative of an aphasic man
Tarja Aaltonen
Broken narratives, visual forces: Letters, paintings and the event
Maria Tamboukou
Artists-in-progress: Narrative Identity of the Self as Another
Linda Sandino
Breaking of self-narrative as a means of reorientation?
Vilma Hänninen and Anja Koski-Jännes
" Theere is no fear in my lexicon" vs. "You are not normal if you won't be scared": A qualitative semiotic analysis of the 'broken' discourse of Israeli bus drivers who experienced terror attacks
Alison Stern Perez, Yishai Tobin and Shifra Sagy
Beyond narrative: e shape of traumatic testimony
Molly Andrews
Afterword: 'Even Amidst': Rethinking Narrative Coherence
Mark Freeman
Steve Moxon, "Culture Is Biology: Why We Cannot 'Transcend' Our Genes – or Ourselves"
special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)
Anja Müller-Wood and John Carter Wood, "How Is Culture Biological? Violence: Real and Imagined"
special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)
John S. Price, "The Culture of Religious Belief Systems and Changes of Belief System"
special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)
Peter J. Richerson, "Culture Is an Active Part of Human Biology"
special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)
Robert Karl Stonjek, "A Brief but Plausible History of Culture"
special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)
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3. Wilson, D.S. 2002. Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
4. Rappaport, R.A. 1999. Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
5. Gould, S.J. 2001. Rock of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life. London: Cape.
6. Armstrong, K. 2000. The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. London: Harper.
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