Elibiary (cont’d): In the rare opportunities when I speak to such skeptical audiences, I explain to them how political propaganda demonizingthe Muslim community broadly as a front for something sinisterly subversive overseas or superimposing the Cold War or World War Two’s frame upon the Muslim-majority nations as if we’re re-fighting communism or Nazism is not working for us, and a better alternative way ofstrategically-engaging and modeling our founding constitutional valuesexists.
While the struggle we are engaged in today is with neither Nazism nor communism, the people we fight in this war certainly have a cogent belief system that is atodds with America’s national security interests and that would destroy and replace ourcore constitutional system of government. Describing that system of belief or ideology is something Elibiary would prevent at all costs. What he calls for, though, is even
Center for Security Policy Occasional Paper Series