An Annotated Interview with DHS Advisor Mohamed Elibiary
By a “constructive public dialogue,” Mohamed Elibiary seems to mean more ofwhat is evident from his remarks in this interview: an opportunity for Islamists to pursue unchecked their bid to build infrastructure, raise funds and proselytize in America,while those who oppose their agenda are silenced or otherwise neutralized.
The question readers must ask themselves is this: Is it appropriate for the Department of Homeland Security to have as a senior advisor someone like Mohamed Elibiary with close ties to identified US Muslim Brotherhood entities and an ill-concealed determination to advance their cause in government councils, political circlesand elsewhere.
In this interview, Mohamed Elibary stands by his opposition to the prosecution ofthe Holy Land Foundation, a US Muslim Brotherhood entity that was led by a longtime friend and to which he had personally contributed for years. Furthermore, he admits to having helped “safeguard” these US Muslim Brotherhood entities, evidentlyfrom future prosecution in connection with material support for terrorism. During Elibiary’s tenture with the DHS Advisory Council, the Department has issued trainingguidelines that protect these entities from scrutiny and preclude education about thenon-violent tactics they use to promote their Islamist agenda. Many of the counterterrorism personnel instructed under these guidelines and the circumscribed trainingcurriculum they allow will be in the front lines of our nation’s defense for decades to come.
In the end, this annotated interview and the questions it raises and addresses – both in the words of Mohamed Elibiary and with additional, relevant information – isnot about one individual. It is about the wisdom of our government embracing theMuslim Brotherhood, whether as a “moderate” partner overseas or as the leadership ofthe Muslim community here at home.
I want to thank Mohamed Elibiary for the time and effort he put into this interview. It has made possible a window into the Muslim Brotherhood in America and, Ihope, set the stage for a course correction with respect to our dealings with this dangerous organization and its operatives.