Kidd, G. E. 1930 A Case of Primitive Trephining. Museum and Art Notes (Vancouver) 5:85-87. TREPHINATION, BRITISH COLUMBIA, [ARME & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Kidd, G. E. 1946 Trepanation Among the Early Indians of British Columbia. Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Médicale Canadienne 55:513-526. TREPHINATION, BRITISH COLUMBIA, [NEUROSURGERY-1990-26:1020 & ARME]
Kidd, G. E. 1953 A Case of Primitive Trephining. In: The Great Fraser Midden. Vancouver: The Museum, pp. 19-21. TREPHINATION, GREAT FRASER MIDDEN, [ARME]
Kidd, J. S. 1988 Scholarly Excess and Journalistic Restraint in the Popular Treatment of Cannibalism. Social Studies of Science 18:749-754. CANNIBALISM, [CWHM-1989-140-#0299]
Kidd, Kenneth E. 1953 The Excavation and Historical Identification of a Huron Ossuary. American Antiquity 18(4):359-379. OSSUARY, HURON, EXCAVATION, IDENTIFICATION, [JRNL]
Kidd, Kenneth E. 1954 A Note on the Palaeopathology of Ontario. [Brief Communication]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 12(4):610-615. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ONTARIO, [JRNL]
Kidd, Kenneth E. 1956 A Brief Study of the Human Remains from the Krieger Woodland Site in Southwestern Ontario. Pennsylvania Archaeologist 26:15. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KRIEGER WOODLAND SITE, ONTARIO, [ARME]
Kidder, Alfred Vincent, and Samuel J. Guernsey 1919 Archeological Explorations in Northeastern Arizona. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 65:190-192. SCALPING, SCALP AS CEREMONIAL OBJECT, [JRNL]
Kidder, L. S. 1995 Mechanism of Impaired Bone Formation in Hypokinetic Osteopenia. [Dissertation, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 56(11):4449-A, University Microfilms order number #DA9606101.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 95:19.]. DISSERTATION, HYPOKINETIC OSTEOPENIA, IMPAIRED BONE FORMATION, [PPNL-1996-95:19]
Kidwell, Clara Sue 1983 Aztec and European Medicine in the New World, 1521-1600. In: Lola Romanucci-Ross, Daniel E. Moerman, Laurence R. Tancredi, and contributors. The Anthropology of Medicine: From Culture to Method. New York: Praeger Publishers, pp. 20-31. MEDICINE, AZTEC AND EUROPEAN, NEW WORLD 1521-1600, [BOOK]
Kiefer, J. 1986 Das Problem der Bleivergiftung in den Verhandlungen der Ehemaligen Erfurter Akademie der Wissenschaften im Ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert. Zeitschrift fuer die Gesamte Hygiene und Ihre Grenzgebiete 32:735-736. LEAD POISONING, [CWHM-1987-133-#1111]
Kieffer, J. 1908 Contributions a la Connaissance des Modifications de la Mandibule et de l'Articulation Temporo-Maxillaire de l'Homme par l'Age et la Perte des Dents. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie TEMPOROMANDIBULAR ARTICULATION, JOINT, MODIFICATION, [ARME]
Kielholz, A. 1956 Archeologie & Psychopathologie. Schweizer Archiv fuer Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie 77:140. PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, [ARME]
Kierdorf, U. 1993 Fork Formation and Other Signs of Osteophagia on a Long Bone Swallowed by a Red Deer Stag (Cervus elaphus). [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 82:10.]. Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3:37-40. OSTEOPHAGIA, RUMINANT, [PPNL-1993-82:10]
Kierulf, H. 1982 L'Ergotisme chez Bosch et Grünewald. Nouvelle Presse Médicale 11:2803-2309. ERGOTISM, [CWHM-1983-118-#0585]
Kieser, Julius A. 1985 Congenital Syphilis and the Carabelli Cusp. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 40(3):346-348. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, DENTITION, CARABELLI'S CUSP, [JRNL]
Kieser, Julius A., H. T. Groenveld, and C. B. Preston 1985 Patterns of Dental Wear in the Lengua Indians of Paraguay. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 52:17.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 66(1):21-29. DENTAL WEAR, DENTAL ATTRITION, HELICOID, PARAGUAY, LENGUA INDIAN, [JRNL]
Kieser, Julius A., C. B. Preston, and W. G. Evans 1983 Skeletal Age at Death: An Evaluation of the Miles Method of Aging. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:16.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 10(1):9-12. DENTAL ATTRITION, AGE ASSESSMENT, MILES METHOD, PARAGUAY, LENGUA INDIAN, [JRNL]
Kikuchi, Ichiro 1994 Hansen's Disease Patients: Responses to Stigma and Segregation in Kumamoto, Japan. International Journal of Dermatology 33(2):142-145. LEPROSY, JAPAN, [JRNL]
Kilbourne, Edwin D. 1983 Are New Diseases Really New? Natural History 92(12):28-32. DISEASE, ANCIENT OR NEW, [JRNL]
Kileff, Clive 1973 Comment on "A Basic Demographic Unit." [See Joseph B. Birdsell, 1973.]. Current Anthropology 14(4):352-353. DEMOGRAPHY, BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC UNIT, [JRNL]
Kilgore, Lynn 1982 Vertebral Osteophytosis in a Medieval Nubian Population from Kulubnarti, Republic of the Sudan. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 57(2):202. VERTEBRAL OSTEOPHYTOSIS, MEDIEVAL NUBIA, KULUBNARTI, SUDAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Kilgore, Lynn 1983 Degenerative Joint Disease in the Skeletal Remains from Kulubnarti, Republic of the Sudan. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(2):213-214. ARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, KULUBNARTI, SUDAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Kilgore, Lynn 1984 Degenerative Joint Disease in a Medieval Nubian Population. [Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder]. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1988.]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 46(2):464A, University Microfilms order number DA8508954.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:15.]. DISSERTATION, ARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, NUBIA, MEDIEVAL POPULATION, [PPNL-1987-60:15]
Kilgore, Lynn 1986 A Possible Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Skeleton from Sudanese Nubia. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 April 1986, pp. 12-13. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, SUDAN, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Kilgore, Lynn 1989 Dental Pathologies in Ten Free-Ranging Chimpanzees from Gombe National Park, Tanzania. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 68:18.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 80(2):219-227. DENTAL ENAMEL ATTRITION, DENTAL CARIES, DENTAL ABSCESS, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, PAN TROGLODYTES SCHWEINFURTHII, [JRNL]
Kilgore, Lynn 1989 Possible Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis from Sudanese Nubia. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 67:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79(2):177-183. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, DEGENERATIVE, EROSIVE, KULUBNARTI, NUBIA, [JRNL]
Kilgore, Lynn 1990 Biomechanical Relationships in the Development of Degenerative Joint Disease of the Spine. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, pp. 13-14. ARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, SPINE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Kilgore, Lynn 1995 Patterns of Dental Decay in African Great Apes. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 6. DENTAL DECAY, GREAT APE, AFRICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Kilgore, Lynn, and Robert D. Jurmain 1989 Possible Psoriatic Arthritis in a Skeleton from Carthage, Tunisia. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 9. ARTHRITIS, PSORIATIC, TUNISIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Kilian, J. 1975 Age Determination on Teeth by Means of Gustafson's Method. Scripta Medica 48(3-4):197-201. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, GUSTAFSON METHOD, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:391]
Kilian, J. 1975 The Technic of Histological Tooth Sectioning. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 75:24-28. DENTITION, TOOTH SECTIONING, HISTOLOGICAL, TECHNIQUE OF, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Kilian, J., and Emanuel Vlcek 1989 Age Determination from Teeth in the Adult. In: Mehmet Yasar Iscan, ed. Age Markers in the Human Skeleton. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 255-275. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, ADULT, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:221 & MELVYL]
Killingray, David 1994 The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919 in the British Caribbean. Social History of Medicine 7(1):59-87. INFLUENZA, BRITISH CARIBBEAN 1918-1919, [CWHM-1994-162-#0277]
Killion, Thomas W., and Tamara L. Bray 1994 Looking Toward Larsen Bay: Evolving Attitudes at the Smithsonian Institution. In: Tamara L. Bray, and Thomas W. Killion, eds. Reckoning with the Dead: The Larsen Bay Repatriation and the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 3-9. REPATRIATION, LARSEN BAY, KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA, [BOOK]
Killion, Thomas W., Tamara L. Bray, and Timothy Baugh 1991 Repatriation at the Smithsonian. Physical Anthropology: News 10(2):6-8. REPATRIATION, SMITHSONIAN, [JRNL]
Kilman, E. 1959 Cannibal Coast. San Antonio, Texas: Naylor. CANNIBALISM, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:441]
Kilmer, M. F. 1982 Genital Phobia and Depilation. Journal of Hellenic Studies 102:104-112. SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, HAIR REMOVAL, [CWHM-1985-123-#0713]
Kim, Charles W. 1993 A Guide to Human Helminths. By Isabel Coombs, and D. W. T. Crompton. 1991. London and New York: Taylor and Francis. [Review]. Quarterly Review of Biology 69(2):312. REVIEW OF, COOMBS; ISABEL; AND CROMPTON; D. W. T., 1991, [JRNL]
Kimmelstiel, P. and I. H. Rapp 1951 Cortical Defect Due to Periosteal Desmoids. Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases 12:286-297. CORTICAL DESMOID, PERIOSTEAL DESMOID, SQUATTING, [AJR-1971-112:492]
Kimminau, Kim Schneider 1994 Investigations of Ancient Human Tissue: Chemical Analyses in Anthropology. Edited by Mary K. Sandford. 1993. Langhorne, Pennsylvania 19047, USA: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. [Review]. Human Biology 66(5):951-954. REVIEW OF, SANDFORD; MARY K., 1993, [JRNL]
Kimura, K. 1992 Estimation of Age at Death from Second Metacarpals. [English with German Abstract]. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 79(2):169-181. AGE ASSESSMENT, METACARPAL, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1992-30(4):207]
Kimura, T. 1971 Sex Determination on the Cross-Section of Human Lower Leg Bones. Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi/Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 6:431-438. SEX ASSESSMENT, TIBIA, FIBULA, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:143]
Kimura, T. 1974 Mechanical Characteristics of Human Lower Leg Bones. Journal of the Faculty of Science of the University of Tokyo, Section 5: Anthropology/Tokyo Daigaku Rigakubu Kiyo, Dai-5-rui, Jinruigaku 4:319-393. BONE, LOWER LEG, MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTIC, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:056]
Kindler, W. 1957 Roentgenologische Untersuchungen eines Künstlich Deformierten Schädels aus der Völkerwanderungszeit. Fortschritte Roentgenstrahlen. Nuklearmedizin 87:185-190. SKULL, DEFORMATION, RADIOLOGIC STUDY, [PROC-36TH-INTERNATL-CONG-AM-1964-2:349]
Kindler, W. 1960 [X-ray Studies on the Frontal Sinuses and Mastoid Processes in the Classical Neanderthal Man in the Central Area.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und Ihre Grenzgebiete 39:411-424. SINUS, FRONTAL, MASTOID, RADIOLOGY, CENTRAL EUROPE, NEANDERTAL, [NDX-Anthropology-02-02-00179]
Kindler, W. 1970 [Artificial Skull Deformation from the Otorhinolaryngologic Viewpoint.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und Ihre Grenzgebiete 49:74-88. SKULL, DEFORMATION, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, [NDX-Skull-11-02-08226]
Kindler, W. 1972 Stirnhöhlenosteom in Einer Fossilen Menschlichen Kalotte aus der Diluvialzeit. [Frontal Sinus Osteoma in a Human Skull Fossil from the Diluvial Period.]. [German with English Abstract]. Zeitschrift fuer Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und Ihre Grenzgebiete 51:399-404. NEOPLASM, OSTEOMA, SINUS, FRONTAL, DILUVIAL PERIOD, [NDX-Paleopathology-13-07-07892 & ARME & BHM-10:568]
Kindler, W. 1972 Weiteres über die Künstliche Schädelumformung aus Oto-Rhinologischer Sicht. [Artificial Deformation of the Skull from the Otorhinologic Viewpoint.]. [German with English Abstract]. Zeitschrift fuer Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und Ihre Grenzgebiete 51:607-612. SKULL, DEFORMATION, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, [NDX-Paleopathology-14-07-07344 & ARME & BHM-10:571]
Kindler, W., and Kiefer 1963 [Roentgenologic Studies on Frontal Sinuses and Mastoids in the Neanderthal Man in The Central European Region. II.]. [German]. Zeitschrift fuer Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie und Ihre Grenzgebiete 42:752-767. SINUS, FRONTAL, MASTOID, RADIOLOGY, CENTRAL EUROPE, NEANDERTAL, [NDX-Anthropology-05-02-00277 & ARME]
King, A. J., and R. D. Catterall 1959 Syphilis of Bones. British Journal of Venereal Diseases 35:116-127. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, BONE, [STEINBOCK-1976:164]
King, Charles R. 1993 Children's Health in America: A History. New York: Twayne Publishers. [See review by Gretchen R. Galbraith, 1994.]. HEALTH, CHILD, USA, HISTORY, [J-HIST-MED-1995-50:149]
King, Duane H. 1979 Oconastota's Grave: Archeologists Uncover the Great Warrior of Chota. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 28:16.]. Early Man 1979(Summer):17-21. BURIAL, OCONASTOTA'S GRAVE, WARRIOR, CHOTA, [JRNL]
King, F. 1877 Syphilis. Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal 15:200-208. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, STATISTICS, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
King, Helen 1993 Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance. By John M. Riddle. 1992. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London: Harvard University Press. [Review]. Medical History 37(3):349-350. REVIEW OF, RIDDLE; JOHN M., 1992, [JRNL]
King, J., and Martin, W. 1951 Dental Disease in Parts of Trinidad and British Guiana, 1948. British Dental Journal 90:35-50, 63-68. DENTAL DISEASE, TRINIDAD, BRITISH GUIANA, [ARME]
King, J. A., B. W. Bevan, and R. J. Hurry 1993 The Reliability of Geophysical Surveys at Historic-Period Cemeteries: An Example from the Plains Cemetery, Mechanicsville, Maryland. Historical Archaeology 27(4):4-16. CEMETERY, PLAINS CEMETERY, HISTORIC, MECHANICSVILLE, MARYLAND, GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:047]
King, Joe W., Harold J. Brelsford, and Hugh S. Tullos 1969 Analysis of the Pitching Arm of the Professional Baseball Player. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 67:116-123. STRESS, OCCUPATIONAL, BASEBALL PITCHER, [JRNL]
King, Joseph A. 1992 Winter of Entrapment: A New Look at the Donner Party. Toronto, Ontario: P. D. Meany Publishers. CANNIBALISM, DONNER PARTY, [WEST-J-MED-1994-160:342 & MELVYL]
King, N. A. 1963 Gout. An Ancient Disease. Journal of Osteopathy 70:48-55. GOUT, HISTORY, [NDX-Gout-04-02-01299]
King, N. M., and M. C. K. Tsang 1992 The Presence of Tetracycline in the Dentine and Enamel of Extracted Human Teeth. In: Alan H. Goodman, and Luigi Capasso, eds. Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--2. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, DENTITION, EXTRACTED, TETRACYCLINE, [PPNL-1993-81:6 & J-PALEOPATH-FLYER]
King, N. M., and S. H. Y. Wei 1992 A Review of the Prevalence of Developmental Enamel Defects in Permanent Teeth. In: Alan H. Goodman, and Luigi Capasso, eds. Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--2. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, DENTITION, PERMANENT, REVIEW, [PPNL-1993-81:6 & J-PALEOPATH-FLYER]
King, S. 1994 The Human Skeletal Remains from Glasgow Cathedral Excavations 1992-3. [Unpublished skeletal report]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GLASGOW CATHEDRAL, UNPUBLISHED REPORT, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:214]
King, S. E. 1993 Interpretation of a Charnel Pit, a Multidisciplinary Approach. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:126. BURIAL, CHARNEL PIT, MULTIDISCIPLINARY ANALYSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Kingsmill, V. 1991 Chronic Periodontitis in an Eighteenth Century Population. British Dental Journal 170(3):118-120. PERIODONTITIS, CHRONIC, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1991-151-#0701]
Kingsnorth-Patterson, D. 1984 A Diachronic Study of Dental Paleopathology and Attritional Status of Prehistoric Ontario Pre-Iroquois and Iroquois Populations. National Museum of Canada. DENTAL ATTRITION, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, CANADA, INDIAN, PRE-IROQUOIS, IROQUOIS, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:272]
Kinney, Anne Behnke 1995 Infancy and the Spirit World in Ancient China. Archaeology (New York) 48(5):50-52. INFANTICIDE, CHINA, [JRNL]
Kinney, Evlin L. 1981 Smallpox in Provincetown, Massachusetts, 1872-73. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 36(3):334-336. SMALLPOX, PROVINCETOWN, MASSACHUSETTS 1872-73, [CWHM-1982-111-#1883 & JRNL]
Kinnier Wilson, J. V. 1956 Two Medical Texts from Nimrud. Iraq 18:142. MEDICAL, TEXT, NIMRUD, [DIS IN ANT:207]
Kinnier Wilson, J. V. 1957 Two Medical Texts from Nimrud--continued. Iraq 19:44. MEDICAL, TEXT, NIMRUD, [DIS IN ANT:207]
Kinnier Wilson, J. V. 1962 The Nimrud Catalogue of Medical and Physiognomical Omina. Iraq 24:61. CATALOG, MEDICAL, PHYSIOGNOMICAL OMINA, NIMRUD, [DIS IN ANT:207]
Kinnier Wilson, J. V. 1966 Leprosy in Ancient Mesopotamia. Révue d'Assyriologie 60:47-58. LEPROSY, ANCIENT, MESOPOTAMIA, [ZAGREB-1988:203]
Kinnier Wilson, J. V. 1967 Mental Diseases of Ancient Mesopotamia. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by: Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 723-733. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, MENTAL, ANCIENT, MESOPOTAMIA, [BOOK & ARME]
Kinnier Wilson, J. V. 1967 Organic Diseases of Ancient Mesopotamia. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by: Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 191-208. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, ORGANIC, ANCIENT, MESOPOTAMIA, [BOOK & ARME]
Kinnier Wilson, J. V. 1996 Diseases of Babylon: An Examination of Selected Texts. Journal of Royal Society of Medicine 89(3):135-140. MEDICAL HISTORY, DISEASE, BABYLON, [JRNL]
Kinnier Wilson, J. V., and E. H. Reynolds 1990 Translation and Analysis of a Cuneiform Text Forming Part of a Babylonian Treatise on Epilepsy. Medical History 34:185-198. EPILEPSY, BABYLONIA TEXT, [JRNL]
Kinsley, G. 1989 The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Millgate, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire. [Includes a section on human remains by Mary Harman]. Archaeology Section, University of Nottingham. CEMETERY, ANGLO-SAXON, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, [BRITSECTNEWS-1989-7:04]
Kintigh, Keith W. 1990 A Perspective on Reburial and Repatriation. Bulletin of the Society for American Archaeology 8(2):6-7. REPATRIATION, [JRNL]
Kintz, Pascal, and Patrice Mangin 1993 Opiate Concentrations in Human Head, Axillary, and Pubic Hair. Journal of Forensic Sciences 38(3):657-662. HAIR, OPIATE CONCENTRATION, [JRNL]
Kiple, Kenneth F. 1976 Blacks in Colonial Cuba, 1774-1899. Latin American Monographs, Second series, Number 17. Gainesville, Florida: University Presses of Florida. CUBA; 1774-1899, COLONIAL, AFRICAN, LIVING CONDITION, [MELVYL]
Kiple, Kenneth F. 1984 The Caribbean Slave: A Biological History. Studies in Environment and History. New York: Cambridge University Press. [See reviews by Rebecca Huss-Ashmore, 1986; Ted A. Rathbun, 1986; Ilse Schwidetzky, 1989/1990.]. SLAVE, CARIBBEAN, BIOHISTORY, [MELVYL]
Kiple, Kenneth F. 1992 Disease in Populations in Transition: Anthropological and Epidemiological Perspectives. Edited by Alan C. Swedlund, and George J. Armelagos. 1990. New York; Westport, Connecticut; and London: Bergin & Garvey. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 66(1):174-176. REVIEW OF, SWEDLUND; ALAN C. AND GEORGE J. ARMELAGOS, 1990, [JRNL]
Kiple, Kenneth F. 1993 Diseases of Subsaharan Africa to 1860. In: Kenneth F. Kiple, ed. The Cambridge World History of Human Disease. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 293-297. HUMAN DISEASE, WORLD HISTORY, SUBSAHARAN AFRICA, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1995-36:873 & PPNL-1993-81:18]
Kiple, Kenneth F. 1996 Disease and Social Diversity: The European Impact on the Health of Non-Europeans. By Stephen J. Kunitz. 1994. New York: Oxford University Press. [Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 51(2):236-237. REVIEW OF, KUNITZ; STEPHEN J., 1994, [JRNL]
Kiple, Kenneth F., ed. 1987 The African Exchange: Toward a Biological History of Black People. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press. BIOLOGY, HUMAN, AFRICA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:288 & MELVYL]
Kiple, Kenneth F., ed. 1991 The Cambridge History and Geography of Human Disease. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DISEASE, HUMAN, HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:246]
Kiple, Kenneth F., ed. 1993 The Cambridge World History of Human Disease. New York: Cambridge University Press. [See reviews by Lisa Sattenspiel, 1994; Ted A. Rathbun, 1994; and Russell C. Maulitz, 1995.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 81:18.]. HUMAN DISEASE, WORLD HISTORY, [FLYER & PPNL-1993-81:18 & MED-HIST-1995-39:238]
Kiple, Kenneth F., and Donald B. Cooper 1991 Yellow Fever. In: Kenneth F. Kiple, ed. The Cambridge History and Geography of Human Disease. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. FEVER, YELLOW FEVER, HISTORY OF, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:246]
Kiple, Kenneth F., and Brian T. Higgins 1992 Yellow Fever and the Africanization of the Caribbean. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 237-248. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, CARIBBEAN, AFRICANIZATION OF, YELLOW FEVER, [BOOK]
Kiple, Kenneth F., and V. H. King 1981 Another Dimension to the Black Diaspora: Diet, Disease and Racism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DIET, DISEASE, RACISM, BLACK DIASPORA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:114]
Kiple, Kenneth F., and Virginia H. Kiple 1977 Slave Child Mortality: Some Nutritional Answers to a Perennial Puzzle. Journal of Social History 10:284-309. DEFICIENCY DISEASE, CHILD, SLAVE, [CWHM-1979-101-#0319]
Kiple, Kenneth F., and Virginia H. Kiple 1980 Deficiency Disease in the Caribbean. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 11(2):197-215. DISEASE, DEFICIENCY DISEASE, CARIBBEAN, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:260]
Kiple, Kenneth F., and H. Michael Tarver 1992 Skeletal Biology and the History of Native Americans and African Americans. Latin American Population History Bulletin 21:3-10. BIOLOGY, SKELETAL BIOLOGY, AMERICA, AFRICAN, INDIAN, [CWHM-1996-169:#0343]
Kipp, Rita Smith 1994 The Evangelical Uses of Leprosy. Social Science and Medicine 39(2):165-178. LEPROSY, EVANGELICAL USE OF, [CWHM-1994-164-#0305]
Kiratli, B. J., M. E. Cress, and E. L. Smith 1988 Is There a Relationship Between Bone Mineral Density of the Lumbar Spine and Age-Related Stature Loss? [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):231-232. SPINE, MINERAL DENSITY, STATURE LOSS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Kirby, Peter 1995 Causes of Short Stature Among Coal-Mining Children, 1823-1850. Economic History Review 48(4):687-699. MEDICAL HISTORY, STATURE, SHORT, CHILDREN, COAL-MINING, [CWHM-1995-168-#0862]
Kirch, Patrick V., Daris R. Swindler, and Christy G. Turner II 1989 Human Skeletal and Dental Remains from Lapita Sites (1600-500 B.C.) in the Mussau Islands, Melanesia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79(1):63-76. DENTITION, ARCHAEOLOGY, PREHISTORIC, PACIFIC, LAPITA, [JRNL]
Kircher, Athanasius 1659 Scrutinium Physico-Medicum Pestis. Leipzig. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:272]
Kirk, R. L. 1971 Genetic Evidence and Its Implications for Aboriginal Prehistory. In: D. J. Mulvaney, and J. Golson, eds. Aboriginal Man and Environment in Australia. Canberra: Australian National University Press, pp. 326-343. ENVIRONMENT, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, GENETIC EVIDENCE, [COHEN-1989:247]
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