Newman, Marshall T. 1954 The Human Physical Type and Cranial Deformation. In: Gordon R. Willey, and John M. Corbett, eds. Early Ancon and Supe Culture: Chavin Horizon Sites of the Central Peruvian Coast. Columbia University Studies in Archeology and Ethnology, Volume 3. New York: Columbia University Press. SKULL, DEFORMATION, PERU, INDIAN, [HUM-BIOL-1995-67:686 & MELVYL]
Newman, Marshall T. 1960 Indian Skeletal Material from Clark County. Museum Paper 36. Alabama Museum of Natural History, pp. 249-262. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CLARK COUNTY, ALABAMA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [HUM-BIOL-1995-67:686]
Newman, Marshall T. 1960 Indian Skeletal Material from Mobile County, Alabama. Museum Paper 36. Alabama Museum of Natural History, pp. 237-248. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [HUM-BIOL-1995-67:686]
Newman, Marshall T. 1976 Aboriginal New World Epidemiology and Medical Care, and the Impact of Old World Disease Imports. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1977, 18:15.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 45(3, Part 2):667-672. EPIDEMIOLOGY, CROWD-TYPE DISEASE, COLD SCREEN, ZOONOTIC, VIRGIN SOIL, BLACK LEGEND, DEPOPULATION, [JRNL]
Newman, Marshall T., and Charles E. Snow 1942 Preliminary Report on the Skeletal Material from Pickwick Basin Alabama. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 129:395-507. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PICKWICK BASIN, ALABAMA, [JRNL]
Newman, Michael E. 1991 Fossil Tumor Creates Interest in Prehistoric Cancers. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 83(18):1289-1291. NEOPLASM, CANCER, PREHISTORIC, DINOSAUR, UTAH, [JRNL]
Newman, Russell W. 1957 A Comparative Analysis of Prehistoric Skeletal Remains from the Lower Sacramento Valley. Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey. Berkeley, California: University of California Archaeological Research Facility 39:1-66. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SACRAMENTO VALLEY, [JRNL]
Newson, Linda A. 1986 The Cost of Conquest: Indian Decline in Honduras Under Spanish Rule. Dellplain Latin American Studies, Number 20. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION DECLINE, HONDURAS, INDIAN, [MELVYL]
Newson, Linda A. 1987 Indian Survival in Colonial Nicaragua. The Civilization of the American Indian Series, Volume 175. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. DEMOGRAPHY, INDIAN, NICARAGUA, [MELVYL]
Newson, Linda A. 1988 Old World Epidemics in Early Colonial Ecuador. Paper presented at the 46th International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam, 4-8 July 1988. EPIDEMIC DISEASE, COLONIAL ECUADOR, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:213]
Newson, Linda A. 1991 Old World Epidemics in Early Colonial Ecuador. In: Noble David Cook, and W. George Lovell, eds. "Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Norman, Oklahoma and London: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 84-112. DISEASE, OLD WORLD DISEASE, COLONIAL SPANISH AMERICA, [BOOK]
Newson, Linda A. 1993 Highland-Lowland Contrasts in the Impact of Old World Diseases in Early Colonial Equador. Social Science and Medicine 36(9):1187-1195. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, OLD WORLD, COLONIAL ECUADOR, IMPACT OF, [CWHM-1993-158-#0424]
Newson, Linda A. 1995 Life and Death in Early Colonial Ecuador. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. DEMOGRAPHY, CULTURE CHANGE, COLONIAL ECUADOR, [UNIVERSITY-OF-OKLAHOMA-PRESS-FLYER-FOR-SPRING-1995]
Nguyen Lan Cuong 1982-1984 About the Dead Bodies of Two Buddish Monks Preserved in the Form of Statues at the Dau Pagoda. OSSA 9/11:105-109. MUMMIES, VIETNAM, DAU PAGODA, BODIES PRESERVED AS STATUES, [CWHM-1985-126-#0238 & JRNL]
Nichens, P. 1975 Paleoepidemiology of Mesa Verde Anasazi Populations: Lines of Increased Density. [Manuscript on file, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder]. HARRIS LINES, ANASAZI, MESA VERDE, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:304]
Nichol, Christian R., and Christy G. Turner II 1986 Intra- and Interobserver Concordance in Classifying Dental Morphology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(3):299-315. DENTITION, DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Nicholas, S., and Richard H. Steckel 1992 Tall But Poor: Nutrition, Health, and Living Standards in Pre-Famine Ireland. NBER Working Paper Series on Historical Factors in Long Run Growth. Historical Paper Number 39. Cambridge, Massachusetts: NBER. NUTRITION, HEALTH, GROWTH, PRE-FAMINE, IRELAND, [MELVYL]
Nicholls, B. 1914 A Contribution to the Study of the Teeth of the Australian and Tasmanian Aboriginals. Transactions of the International Dental Congress including English, French, and German v. 6, 1914 6:67-102. ODONTOLOGY, AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, [LSG3-Teeth in anthropology]
Nichols, Deborah L., and Shirley Powell 1987 Demographic Reconstructions in the American Southwest: Alternative Behavioral Means to the Same Archaeological Ends. Kiva 52(3):193-207. DEMOGRAPHY, SOUTHWEST AMERICA, [JRNL]
Nicholson, R. 1992 Bone Survival: The Effects of Sedimentary Abrasion and Trampling on Fresh and Cooked Bone. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(1):79. TAPHONOMY, [BRIT-SECT-NEWS-1992-12:13]
Nichter, Larry S., John A. Persing, Jed H. Horowitz, Raymond F. Morgan, Mark A. Nichter, and Milton T. Edgerton 1986 External Cranioplasty: Historical Perspectives. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 77(2):325-332. CRANIOPLASTY, EXTERNAL, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Nickels, E. 1985 [The Dawn of History, Medicine in Mesopotamia.]. [French]. Revue Médicale de Liège 40(24):850-860. MEDICINE, MESOPOTAMIA, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-27-10-10955]
Nickens, P. R. 1976 Stature Reduction as an Adaptive Response to Food Production in Mesoamerica. Journal of Archaeological Science 3(1):31-41. STATURE REDUCTION, FOOD PRODUCTION, MESOAMERICA, [ARME & Armelagos-redbook:271]
Nickens, Paul R. 1974 Analysis of Prehistoric Human Skeletal Remains from the Mancos Canyon, Southwestern Colorado. Manuscript Report, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MANCOS CANYON, COLORADO, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:446]
Nickens, Paul R. 1975 Osteological Analysis of Five Human Burials from Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. Southwestern Lore 41(3):13-26. BURIAL, MESA VERDE, COLORADO, OSTEROLOGY, [JRNL]
Nickens, Paul R. 1975 Paleoepidemiology of Mesa Verde Anasazi Population: Lines of Increased Density. [Manuscript, Unpublished, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado]. HARRIS LINES, MESA VERDE, ANASAZI, EPIDEMIOLOGY OF, [MARTIN & BUMSTED-1981:040]
Nickens, Paul R. 1975 Prehistoric Cannibalism in the Mancos Canyon, Southwestern Colorado. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 14:15.]. Kiva 40(4):283-293. CANNIBALISM, PREHISTORIC, MANCOS CANYON, COLORADO, [JRNL]
Nickens, Paul R. 1977 An Isolated Human Burial of Probable Woodland Association from Golden Gate Canyon, Colorado. Plains Anthropologist 22(76 Part 1):117-122. BURIAL, WOODLAND ASSOCIATION, GOLDEN CANYON, COLORADO, [JRNL]
Nickerson, Norton H., H. H. Rowe, and E. A. Richter 1973 Native Plants in the Diets of North Alaskan Eskimos. In: C. Earle Smith, Jr., ed. Man and His Foods: Studies in the Ethnobotany of Nutrition--Contemporary, Primitive, and Prehistoric Non-European Diets. Papers Presented at the Eleventh International Botanical Congress, Seattle, Washington, 24 August-2 September 1969. University, Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, pp. 3-27. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ALASKA, ESKIMO, [BOOK]
Nickol, Thomas, et al. 1994 An Examination of the Dental State of an Egyptian Mummy by Means of Computer Tomography: A Contribution to 'Dentistry in Ancient Egypt'. Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 43(3):105-112. MUMMIES, EGYPT, DENTITION, CT SCAN, [CWHM-1995-168-#0911]
Nicola, M., and R. Stiebitz 1979 Morphologische und Pathologische Befunde von Zähnen und Kiefern aus der Mittleren Bronzezeit (Pitten, Niederosterreich). [Morphologic and Pathologic Findings in Teeth and Jaws from the Middle Bronze Age (Pitten, Lower Austria).]. [German with English Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 37(3):182-203. ODONTOLOGY, BRONZE AGE, AUSTRIA, [NDX-Paleodontology-21-12-10186 & ARME]
Nicolaeff, L. 1930 Quelques Données au Sujet des Méthodes d'Excérébration Employées par les Egyptiens Anciens. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 40:77-92. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, EMBALMING, BRAIN REMOVAL, [LSG4-Embalming history]
Nicolaescu-Plopsor D., and W. Wolska 1975 Elemente de Demografie si Ritual Funerar la Populatiile Vechi din România. Bucuresti: Editura Acad Rep Soc România. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1976.]. DEMOGRAPHY, FUNERARY PRACTICE, ROMANIA, [HOMO-1976-27:246]
Nicolaescu-Plopsor D., and W. Wolska 1976 Notes on Biological-Cultural Correlations in Studies of Prehistoric Populations. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 27:169-185. POPULATION STUDY, BIOCULTURAL CORRELATION, [JRNL]
Nicolai, Jean-Philippe A., and S. Lowik Schoch 1986 Polydactyly in the Bible. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 11A(2):293. POLYDACTYLY, BIBLICAL, [JRNL]
Nicolas, C. 1908 Pratiques Chirurgicales des Canaques des Iles Loyalty. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique (Paris) 1:582-589. SURGERY, PREHISTORIC, PRIMITIVE, NEW CALEDONIA, [LSG2-Surgery, prehistoric & primitive]
Nicolas, C. 1909 La Chirugie chez les Canaques. Presse Médicale de Paris, de la Province et de l'Etranger 17(Annexe):157-159. SURGERY, PREHISTORIC, PRIMITIVE, [LSG2-Surgery, prehistoric & primitive]
Nicolas, C. 1913 Note sur les Interventions Chirurgicales chez les Canaques. Paris Chirurgical 5:19-23. SURGERY, PREHISTORIC, PRIMITIVE, [LSG3-Surgery prehistoric & primitive]
Nicolas, C. 1913 La Trépanation Néolithique chez les Canaques Actuels. Archives Provinciales de Chirurgie 22:353. TREPHINATION, NEOLITHIC, NEW CALEDONIA, [LSG3-Trephining prehistoric & primitive]
Nicolaysen, R. 1980 Arctic Nutrition. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 23:295-310. SCURVY, NUTRITION, ARCTIC, [CWHM-1980-105-#1093]
Nicolucci, G. 1890 Anomalie e Deformazioni Artificiali del Cranio. Anomalo 2:65-72. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, ANOMALY, [LSG2-Cranium, abnormal & deformed]
Nidodemusz, I. 1975 [Lead Poisoning and the Fall of the West-Roman Empire.]. [Hungarian]. Orvosi Hetilap 116:2142-2143. LEAD POISONING, WEST-ROMAN EMPIRE, [CWHM-1976-089:#1045]
Niebyl, Peter H. 1977 The English Bloodletting Revolution, or Modern Medicine Before 1850. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 51:464-483. BLOODLETTING, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1977-096-#0153 & JRNL]
Niederland, William G. 1981 Morbid Conditions Expressed in Prehistoric Art. [Letter]. American Journal of Psychiatry 138(1):126-127. MORBIDITY, MORBID CONDITION, ART, PREHISTORIC, LETTER, [JRNL]
Nielsen n.d. Rhumatisme Chronique Déformant sur des Squelettes Néolithiques du Danemark. Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 4:377. RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC, NEOLITHIC, DENMARK, [ARME]
Nielsen, H. 1959 [True Mummie.]. Nordisk Medicin 62:1376-1377. MUMMIES, [NDX-Mummies-01-03-01410]
Nielsen, H. A. 1911 Yderligere Bidrag til Danmarks Stenalderfolks Anthropologi. [Further Contributions to the Anthropology of the Stone Age People of Denmark.]. [Danish]. Aarbφger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, pp. 81-205. ANTHROPOLOGY, DENMARK, [ZAGREB-1988:144]
Nielsen, Henrik, Jan Engberg, and Ingolf Thuesen 1994 DNA from Arctic Human Burials. In: Bernd Herrmann, and Susanne Hummel, eds. Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic Material from Paleontological, Archaeological, Museum, Medical, and Forensic Specimens. Paperback Edition. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 122-140. DNA, RECOVERY AND ANALYSIS, BURIAL, ARCTIC, [BOOK]
Nielsen, Joachim Boss 1977 Madelung's Deformity. A Follow-Up Study of 26 Cases and a Review of the Literature. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 48(4):379-384. DEFORMITY, WRIST, BONE DYSPLASIA, DYSCHONDROSTEOSIS, LERI-WEILL SYNDROME, MADELUNG'S DEFORMITY, [JRNL
Nielsen, N. H., F. Mikkelsen, and Jens Peder Hart Hansen 1977 Nasopharyngeal Cancer in Greenland. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica. Section A: Pathology 85:850-858. NEOPLASM, CARCINOMA, NASOPHARYNGEAL, ESKIMO, GREENLAND, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:068]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn 1970 Human Remains. In: Human Remains. Metrical and Non-Metrical Anatomical Variations. In: Torgny Save-Soderbergh, ed. Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia, Volume 9. Copenhagen: Scandinavian University Books. REMAINS, HUMAN, SUDANESE NUBIA, [COHEN-1989:256 & MELVYL & ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn 1970 The Nubian Skeleton Through 4000 Years. Copenhagen, Denmark: Munksgaard. The Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia, Volume 9. [See review by Terrell W. Phenice, 1972.]. SKELETON, NUBIAN, [AJPA-1972-36(3):444 & DIGGING UP BONES:192 & ARME]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn 1970 The Nubian Skeleton Through 4000 Years (Metrical and Non-Metrical Variations). [Dissertation]. Copenhagen. SKELETAL VARIATION, NUBIA, DISSERTATION, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:046]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn 1973 Population Movements and Changes in Ancient Nubia with Special Reference to the Relationship Between C-Group, New Kingdom and Kerma. In: Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli, eds. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. London and New York: Academic Press, pp. 31-46. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, DEMOGRAPHY, NUBIA, [BOOK]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn 1973 Population Movements and Changes in Ancient Nubia with Special Reference to the Relationship Between C-Group, New Kingdom and Kerma. Journal of Human Evolution 2:31-46. BIOLOGY, POPULATION, EGYPT, ANCIENT, DEMOGRAPHY, NUBIA, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:31]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn, and Verner Alexandersen 1964 Antropologiske og Odontologiske Undersφgelser af de Senneolitiske Skeletrester fra Gerdrup. [Anthropological and Archaeological Research of the Late Neolithic Skeletal Parts from Gerdrup.]. [Danish]. Aarboeger foer Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie/Årbφger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 1964:63-71. ODONTOLOGY, GERDRUP, [PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:263]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn, and V. Alexandersen 1971 Malignant Osteopetrosis in Ancient Nubia. Danish Medical Bulletin 18:125-128. OSTEOPETROSIS, MALIGNANT OSTEOPETROSIS, NUBIA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:467]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn, P. Grandjean, and Pia Bennike 1982 Chemical Analyses of Archaeological Bone Samples, Evidence of High Lead Exposure on the Faroe Islands. Journal of Danish Archaeology 1:145-148. LEAD EXPOSURE, FAROE ISLANDS, [HART-HANSEN-J-P-1989:160]
Nielsen, Ole Vagn, P. Grandjean, and I. M. Shapiro 1986 Lead Retention in Ancient Nubian Bones and Teeth and Mummified Brains. In: A. Rosalie David, ed. Science in Egyptology: Proceedings of the 'Science in Egyptology' Symposia. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 25-33. MUMMIES, EGYPT, BONE, DENTITION, MUMMIFIED BRAIN, LEAD RETENTION, [DAVIES-W-VIVIAN-&-ROXIE-WALKER-1993:022 & PPNL-1987-58:11]
Nieman, E. A. 1991 Neurosyphilis Yesterday and Today. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London 25(4):321-324. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, NEUROSYPHILIS, [CWHM-1992-152-#0250]
Nieszery, N. 1995 Linearbandkeramische Gräberfelder in Bayern. Espelkamp: Verlag Marie Leidorf. grave yard, bayern, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Nieuwenhuis, A. W. 1906 Die Medicinischen Verhältnisse unter den Bahu- und Kenja- Dajak auf Borneo. Janus (Leiden) 11:108-145. MEDICINE, BORNEO, PRIMITIVE, [LSG4-Medicine primitive]
Nihlén, B. 1982 [Discoveries from the Middle Ages: 55 Out of 100 Humans Suffered from Dental Diseases.]. [Swedish]. Tandlakartidningen 74:1436-1438. DENTAL DISEASE, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-1984-119-#1311 & ARME]
Nihlén, B. 1982 [Phenomenal Dentistry--from 2500 Years Ago.]. [Swedish]. Tandlakartidningen 74:999-1000. DENTISTRY, HISTORY, [CWHM-1984-121-#1365 & ARME]
Nihlén, B. 1983 [A 2,000-Year-Old Skeleton with Perfect Dentition.]. [Swedish]. Tandlakartidningen 75:1356-1357. DENTITION, PERFECT 2000-YEAR-OLD, [CWHM-1984-122-#1335 & ARME]
Nihon Miira Kenkyu Gurupu Hen/Japan Mummy Research Group Corporation 1993 Nihon, Chugoku Miira Shinko no Kenkyu. [Development of Chinese Mummies in Japanese Studies.]. [Japanese]. Nihon Miira Kenkyu Gurupu Hen/Japan Mummy Research Group Publication. Shohan. Tokyo: Heibonsha. MUMMIES, JAPAN, JAPANESE STUDIES OF CHINESE MUMMIES, [MELVYL]
Nikiforuk, Gordon, and Donald Fraser 1981 The Etiology of Enamel Hypoplasia: A Unifying Concept. Journal of Pediatrics 98(6):888-893. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, ETIOLOGY, UNIFYING CONCEPT, [JRNL]
Niklasson, Karin 1991 Early Prehistoric Burials in Cyprus. Jonsered: Paul Åström. [See review by Klavs Randsborg, 1992.]. BURIAL, PREHISTORIC, CYPRUS, [AM J ARCHAEOL 1992-96:766]
Nikolaev, L. P. 1935 Kostnye Zabolevaniya v Doistorichestkom Periode. [Diseases of Bones in Prehistoric Period.]. Ortopediya i Travmatologiya 9:3-10. BONE DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [QCIM-1935-18-0898 & ARME]
Nisioka, H. 1937 Human Teeth from an Ancient Tomb on the Lower Tama River. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon/Jinruigaku Zasshi 52:42-53. DENTITION, TEETH, TOMB, ANCIENT, TAMA RIVER, [METRESS-1974:044]
Nissenbaum, Arie 1992 Molecular Archaeology: Organic Geochemistry of Egyptian Mummies. Journal of Archaeological Science 19(1):1-6. MUMMIES, EGYPT, ASPHALT, DEAD SEA, EMBALMING, ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY, [JRNL]
Niswander, Jerry D., and Morton S. Adams 1967 Oral Clefts in the American Indian. Public Health Reports 82(9):807-812. CLEFT, ORAL CLEFT, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Niswander, Jerry D., M. V. Barrow, and F. J. Bingle 1975 Congenital Malformations in the American Indian. Social Biology 22:203-215. MALFORMATION, CONGENITAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ZAGREB-1988:017]
Niswander, Jerry D., and Chokudo Sujaku 1962 Relationship of Enamel Defects of Permanent Teeth to Retention of Deciduous Tooth Fragments. Journal of Dental Research 41(4):808-814. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, [JRNL]
Nitschke, A. 1989 Beobachtungen zur Kindersterblichkeit im Mittelalter. Schwierigkeiten und Möglichkeiten der Historischen Forschung. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 47(1):51-55. PATHOLOGY, MIDDLE AGES, [CWHM-1990-144-#1311]
Nkrumah, F. K., and H. H. Neumann 1971 Pica? or Dental Hygiene. [Letter]. Pediatrics 47:789-790. DENTAL HYGIENE, PICA, LETTER, [JRNL]
Noack, T. 1915 Über den Mumifizierten Kopf Eines Incahundes aus dem Totenfelde von Ancon in Peru Zoologischer Anzeiger 46:62;65. MUMMIFICATION, PERU, [LSG3-Mummies]
Noble, Rose A. [See also Tyson, Rose A.]. 1973 Human Crania Collected by Edward Palmer in 1887 from Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California. Pacific Coast Archaeology Society Quarterly 9(1):31-47. CRANIOLOGY, BAJA CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Noble, Rose A. [See also Tyson, Rose A.]. 1973 Physical Anthropology of Baja California. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California.] PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, BAJA CALIFORNIA, [BOOK]
Noche, A. F. 1964 Aural Exostoses in Australian Aborigines Skull. Z Otol Rhinol Laryngol 73:82. EAR, AURAL EXOSTOSIS, ABORIGINAL, AUSTRALIA, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Noddle, Barbara 1995 Donald Bramwell (1910-1994). [Obituary]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(3):302. OBITUARY, BRAMWELL; DONALD, [JRNL]
Noguera, Eduardo 1937 El Altar de los Cráneos Esculpidos de Cholula. México, D.F.: Talleres Gráficos de la Nación. SKULL, ALTAR OF SKULLS, CHOLULA, PUEBLA, MEXICO, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1994-35:166]
Noguez, X. 1970 Bibliografía Básica Sobre Mutilaciones Dentarias en el México Prehispánico. [Basic Bibliography on Dental Mutilations in Prehispanic Mexico.]. [Spanish]. ADM; Revista de la Asociación Dental Mexicana 27:515-516. BIBLIOGRAPHY, DENTAL MUTILATION, PREHISPANIC, MEXICO, [NDX-Paleodontology-12-02-07163 & BHM-10:570]
Nohl, Johannes 1926 The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague. Translated by C. H. Clarke. London: Allen and Unwin. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
Nohl, Johannes, compiler 1924 The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague. Translated by C. H. Clarke. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. PLAGUE, HISTORY, [MELVYL & BOOK]
Noli, Dieter, and Graham Avery 1988 Protein Poisoning and Coastal Subsistence. Journal of Archaeological Science 15(4):395-401. PROTEIN POISONING, SUBSISTENCE, [JRNL]
Noordhoek, Gerda T., Peter W. M. Hermans, Annet N. Paul, Leo M. Schouls, Jaap J. van der Sluis, and Jan D. A. van Embden 1989 Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum and Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue Differ in at Least One Nucleotide: Comparison of Two Homologous Antigens. Microbial Pathogenesis 6:29-42. TREPONEMA PALLIDUM SUBSPECIES PALLIDUM, TREPONEMA PALLIDUM SUBSPECIES PERTENUE, DIFFERENCE IN, [PETERSON-EARL-1992:73]
Norconk, Marilyn A. 1978 A Study of Degenerative Joint Disease in a Sample of Peruvian Femora. Manuscript on file in the San Diego Museum of Man, Scientific Library, Balboa Park, San Diego, California, 92101. Call Number RC932 N6. FEMUR, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, PERU, [JRNL]
Norconk, Marilyn A., Gail E. Kennedy, and S. C. Gauld 1987 Patterns of Tabular and Diploic Bone Thickness in Relation to Cranial Deformation. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72(2):236. SKULL, DEFORMATION, TABULAR THICKNESS, DIPLOIC THICKNESS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Nordström, M., and E. Lindstedt 1990 Bleksot--en Flicksjukdom Under 1800-Talet. [Disease in the 19th Century: Anemia in Adolescent Girls.]. [Swedish]. Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Saellskapets Aarsskrift 27:55-71. ANEMIA, HYPOCHROMIC ANEMIA, [CWHM-1991-149-#0083]
Norge, Jerome W., Randy F. Kandel, and Gretel H. Pelto, eds. 1980 Nutritional Anthropology: Contemporary Approaches to Diet and Culture. Pleasantville, New York: Redgrave Publishing Company. NUTRITIONAL ANTHROPOLOGY, [MELVYL]
Noriyasu, S., T. Higashinakagawa, T. Matsushita, and T. Akiyoshi 1982 Human Skeletal Remains of the Yayoi Period Excavated from the Tsumayama Site, Saga Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi/Fukuoka Acta Medica 73(5):241-249. REMAINS, SKELETAL, YAYOI PERIOD, SAGA PREFECTURE, JAPAN, [NDX-Craniometry-24-08-08309]
Noriyasu, S., S. Isotani, and T. Akiyoshi 1982 Human Skull of the Yayoi Period Excavated from the Himekata Site, Saga Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi/Fukuoka Acta Medica 73(5):232-240. SKULL, YAYOI PERIOD, SAGA PREFECTURE, JAPAN, [NDX-Paleontology-24-12-12358]
Norling-Christensen, H., and K. Bröste 1945 Skeletgraven fra Korsφr Nor. [Danish]. Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1945:5-17. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KORSOR NOR, [PALEOPATHOL-DANISH-SKELETONS-BENNIKE-1985:263]
Noronha, D., Luis Fernando Ferreira, A. Rangel, et al. 1994 Echinopardalis sp. (Acanthocephala, Oligacanthorhynchidae) Eggs in Felid Coprolites Dated from 9,000 Years Before Present, Found in the Brazilian Northeast. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:11.]. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 89(1):119-120. PARASITISM, COPROLITE, BRAZIL [PPNL-1994-88:11]
Norr, Lynette 1981 Prehistoric Costa Rican Diet as Determined from Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios in Bone Collagen. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54(2):258-259. NUTRITION, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, BONE COLLAGEN, STABLE CARBON ISOTOPE RATIO, COSTA RICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Norr, Lynette 1982 A New Chemical Analysis for the Determination of a Marine Fauna Component in Prehistoric Diets. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 57(2):214. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DIETARY MARINE FAUNA, [JRNL]
Norr, Lynette 1984 Prehistoric Subsistence and Health Status of Coastal Peoples from the Panamanian Isthmus of Lower Central America. In: Mark Nathan Cohen, and George J. Armelagos, eds. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 463-490. HEALTH, SUBSISTENCE, PANAMANIAN COAST, [BOOK]
Norr, Lynette 1986 Skeletal Responses to Stress in Prehistoric Panama. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):247. STRESS, SKELETAL, PREHISTORIC, PANAMA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Norr, Lynette 1991 Nutritional Consequences of Prehistoric Subsistence Strategies in Lower Central America. [Dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(3):976A, University Microfilms order number DA9124465.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:19.]. DISSERTATION, PREHISTORIC, SUBSISTENCE STRATEGIES, CENTRAL AMERICA, [PPNL-1992-79:19]
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