Polakowsky, P. H. 1899 Über Präkolumbianische Lepra. Dermatologisches Centralblatt 3:38-44. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Polakowsky, P. H. 1900 Über Präkolumbianische Lepra. [Translation]. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal 78:260-268. LEPROSY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Leprosy, history & statistics]
Polderman, A. M. 1979 Transmission Dynamics of Endemic Schistosomiasis. Tropical and Geographical Medicine 31:465-475. PARASITISM, SCHISTOSOMIASIS, ENDEMIC, TRANSMISSION DYNAMICS, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1990-19:116]
Polet, Caroline, Olivier Dutour, Rosine Orban, Ivan Jadin, and Stéphane Louryan 1996 A Healed Wound Caused by a Flint Arrowhead in a Neolithic Human Innominate from the Trou Rosette (Furfooz, Belgium). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(4):414-420. WOUND, ARROW POINT, BELGIUM, NEOLITHIC, [JRNL]
Polgar, S. 1964 Evolution and the Ills of Mankind. In: Sol Tax, ed. Horizons of Anthropology. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., pp. 200-211. ILLS, EVOLUTION, MANKIND, [ARME]
Polidoro, Gina, and Susan C. Antón 1993 Radio-Ulnar Synostosis and Allied Conditions: Archaeological Cases and Their Implications for Function. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 16. ARM, RADIO-ULNAR SYNOSTOSIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Pollack, D. L., C. B. Hockensmith, and T. N. Sanders, eds. 1984 Late Prehistoric Research in Kentucky. Frankfurt, Kentucky: Kentucky Heritage Council. PREHISTORIC RESEARCH, KENTUCKY, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:116]
Pollard, J. P. 1995 Meriwether Lewis' Cause of Death. [Letter]. [See also D. W. MacCorquodale, 1995.]. Epidemiology 6(1):97. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CAUSE OF DEATH, MERIWETHER LEWIS, LETTER, [NDX-SYPHILIS-ON-LINE-CD-DOWN-LOAD-08-02-95]
Pollitzer, Robert 1954 Plague. World Health Organization, Monograph Series, Number 22. Geneva. PLAGUE, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:264]
Pollitzer, Robert 1966 Plague and Plague Control in the Soviet Union: History and Bibliography Through 1964. Bronx, New York: Institute of Contemporary Russian Studies, Fordham University. PLAGUE, HISTORY, SOVIET UNION, BIBLIOGRAPHY, [MELVYL]
Pollitzer, William S. 1967 Comment on "On Pestilence, Deit [sic], Natural Selection, and the Distribution of Microbial and Human Blood Group Antigens and Antibodies." [See Charlotte M. Otten, 1967.]. Current Anthropology 8(3):219. PLAGUE, BLOOD GROUP, ANTIGEN, ANTIBODY, [JRNL]
Pollitzer, William S. 1969 Ancestral Traits, Parental Populations, and Hybrids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(3):415-419. TRAIT, ANCESTRAL [JRNL]
Pollitzer, William S. 1975 Comment on "New Evidence for a Late Introduction of Malaria into the New World." [See Corinne Shear Wood, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(1):100. MALARIA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Pollitzer, William S., and William H. Brown 1969 Survey of Demography, Anthropometry, and Genetics in the Melungeons of Tennessee: An Isolate of Hybrid Origin in Process of Dissolution. Human Biology 41(3):388-400. DEMOGRAPHY, ANTHROPOMETRY, GENETICS, MELUNGEONS, TENNESSEE, [JRNL]
Pöllmann, L., F. Berger, and B. Pöllmann 1987 Age and Dental Abrasion. Gerodontics 3:94-96. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTAL ABRASION, [HOMO-1996-46:291]
Pollock, Nancy J. 1986 Food Classification in Three Pacific Societies: Fiji, Hawaii, and Tahiti. Ethnology 25:107-117. FOOD CLASSIFICATION, FIJI, HAWAII, TAHITI, [JRNL]
Pollock, Nancy J. 1986 Food Habits in Guam Over 500 Years. Pacific Viewpoint 27:120-143. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GUAM, [HANSON-NPT-1:051]
Polo, José Toribio 1877 Momias de los Incas. In: Documentos Literarios del Peru, 10:371-378. MUMMIES, INCA, [MDAC-171]
Polo, José Toribio 1913 Apuntes sobre las Epidemias del Perú. Revista Histórica (Montevideo) 5:50-109. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, PERU, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:264]
Polosmak, Natalya 1994 A Mummy Unearthed from the Pastures of Heaven. National Geographic 186(4):80-103. MUMMIES, SIBERIA, PAZYRYK CULTURE, 'THE LADY', TATTOO, [JRNL]
Polunin, Ivan V. 1967 Health and Disease in Contemporary Primitive Societies. In: Don R. Brothwell, and A. T. Sandison, comps. & eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. With a Foreword by Warren R. Dawson. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 69-97. DISEASE, INJURY, SURGERY, ANTIQUITY, SURVEY, SOCIETY, PRIMITIVE, CONTEMPORARY, [BOOK]
Polunin, Ivan V. 1977 Some Characteristics of Tribal People. In: Symposium on Health and Disease in Tribal Societies, London, 1976. Health and Disease in Tribal Societies. Ciba Foundation Symposium 49 (new series). Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier/Excerpta Medica/North Holland, pp. 5-24. DISEASE, HEALTH, TRIBAL SOCIETY, TRIBAL PEOPLE, SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF, [BOOK & MELVYL]
Pommer, G. 1920 La Théorie Fonctionnel de l'Arthrite Déformante. Archiv fuer Orthopadische und Unfallchirurgie ARTHRITIS DEFORMANS, FUNCTIONAL THEORY, [ARME]
Pommerol, F. 1894 Squelette Humain Néolithique Avec Crâne Trépané et Lésions Tuberculeuses des Vertèbres. Compte Rendu de l'Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (Paris) 22(Part 2):699-706. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, SPINE, LESION, TUBERCULOSIS, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Pompa y Padilla, José A. 1975 Algunos Caracteres Morfológicos en Pelvis de Tlatelolcas Prehispánicos. Proceedings of the 41st International Congress of Americanists (Mexico, 1974) 1:88-98. PELVIS, MORPHOLOGY, PREHISPANIC, TLATELOLCA, [JRNL]
Pompa y Padilla, José A. 1977 Características Dentarias de los Indigenas Pericú. Calafia 11:(4):29-44. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, PERIC╒, [MOLTO-GRANT-1993]
Pompa y Padilla, José A. 1984 Jaina y Chichén-Itza: Morfología Dentaria Normal de Dos Muestras de la Población Maya Prehispánica. Investigaciones Recientes en el Area Maya, 15th Mesa Redonda, Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, Sn. Cristóbal de las Casas, Chipas, México 2:481-489. DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, MAYA, PREHISPANIC, [ISCAN-1989:302]
Pompa y Padilla, José A. 1994 Three Cases of Uncommon Enamel Hypoplasia from Pre-Columbian Human Specimens in Mexico. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 22. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Pompa y Padilla, José A. 1994 Three Cases of Uncommon Enamel Hypoplasia from Pre-Columbian Human Specimens in Mexico. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S106. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, PRECOLUMBIAN, MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ponce Sanginés, C., and E. Linares Iturralde 1966 Comentario Antropológico Acerca de la Determinación Paleoserológica de Grupos Sanguíneos en Momias Prehispánicas del Altiplano Boliviano. La Paz, Bolivia: Academia Nacional Ciencias de Bolivia, Publication No. 15. MUMMIES, BOLIVIA, BLOOD TYPING, SEROLOGY, [MDAC-172]
Poncet, A. 1909 Deformations Osseuses Pathologiques. Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon 9:26-31. BONE, DEFORMATION, PATHOLOGIC, [ARME]
Poncet, A., and R. Leriche 1903 Nains d'Aujour d'Hui et Nains d'Autrefois. Nanisme Ancestral, Achondroplasie Ethnique. Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Lyon 22:178. ACHONDROPLASIA, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Poncet, F. 1895 Un Bandage Herniaire à l'Epoque Phénicienne. Progrès Médical (Paris) 1(Série 3):358-361. HERNIA, TRUSS, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Surgery, prehistoric & primitive]
Poncet, F. 1895 Un Bandage Herniaire à l'Epoque Phénicienne. [Translation]. Lancet (London) 2:869. HERNIA, TRUSS, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Surgery, prehistoric & primitive]
Ponec, Donald J., and Donald Resnick 1984 On the Etiology and Pathogenesis of Porotic Hyperostosis of the Skull. Investigative Radiology 19(4):313-317. SKULL, POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS, PATHOGENESIS, ETIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Pons, José 1955 The Sexual Diagnosis of Isolated Bones of the Skeleton. Human Biology 27(1):12-21. SEX ASSESSMENT, ISOLATED BONE, [JRNL]
Pons, José, Daniel Turbón, and Alejandro Pérez-Pérez n.d. Variabilidad del Desgaste Dentario en Poblaciones de la Península Ibérica. In: Miguel C. Botella López, Sylvia A. Jiménez Brobeil, and P. Henrici Du Souich, eds. Nuevas Perspectivas en Antropología. Spain. In press. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, IBERIA, [J-HUM-EVOL-1993-24:40]
Ponte, E. 1978 [Semiology in the Medicine of Ancient Egypt.]. [Italian]. Minerva Medica 69(36):2443-2448. MEDICINE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, SYMPTOMATOLOGY, SEMIOLOGY, [NDX-Medicine primitive history-19-11-08642]
Ponte, P. L. 1967 [Ancient Egypt: Physicians and Medicine.]. [Italian]. Minerva Medica 58(Varia):1316+. PHYSICIAN, MEDICINE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-09-02-03360]
Pontius, Anneliese A. 1973 Maori Art and Pseud-Hypoparathyroidism--a Medical Contribution to Prehistoric Anthropology. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association 28:231-237. PSEUDHYPOPARATHYROIDISM, ART, MAORI, [NDX-Anthropology cultural-14-04-03490]
Pontius, Anneliese A. 1983 Icono-Diagnosis, a Medical-Humanistic Approach, Detecting Crouzon's Malformation in Cook Islands' Prehistoric Art. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 27(1):107-120. CROUZON'S MALFORMATION, ART, PREHISTORIC, COOK ISLANDS, [JRNL]
Pontius, Anneliese A. 1986 Stone-Age Art "Venuses" as Heuristic Clues for Types of Obesity: Contribution to "Iconodiagnosis". Perceptual and Motor Skills 63(2, Part 1):544-546. VENUS FIGURE, OBESITY, ICONODIAGNOSIS, [CWHM-1987-133-#0127]
Ponyi, S., G. Szabo, and J. Nyilasi 1991 Asymmetry of Mandibular Dimensions in European Skulls. Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society 87(3):321-327. MANDIBULAR DIMENSION, ASYMMETRY, [CWHM-1992-154-#0682]
Pool, D. I. 1973 The Effects of 1918 Pandemic of Influenza on the Maori Population of New Zealand. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 47(3):273-281. INFLUENZA, PANDEMIC; 1918, MAORI, NEW ZEALAND, [JRNL]
Poole, D. F., and E. K. Tratman 1978 Postmortem Changes in Human Teeth from Late Upper Palaeolithic/Mesolithic Occupants English Limestone Cave. Archives of Oral Biology 23(12):1115-1120. DENTITION, POST MORTEM CHANGE, PALEOLITHIC, ENGLISH LIMESTONE CAVE, [NDX-Paleodontology-20-12-09707 & ARME]
Poole, Fitzjohn Porter 1983 Cannibals, Tricksters and Witches: Anthropophagic Images Among Bimin-Kuskusmin. In: Paula Brown, and Donald Tuzin, eds. The Ethnography of Cannibalism. Washington, D.C.: Society for Psychological Anthropology, pp. 6-32. CANNIBALISM, CANNIBAL, TRICKSTER, WITCH, [BOOK]
Poole, J. C. F., and A. J. Holladay 1979 Thucydides and the Plague of Athens. Classical Quarterly 29:282-300. PLAGUE, THUCYDIDES, [CWHM-1980-105-#1295]
Poole, J. C. F., and A. J. Holladay 1982 Thucydides and the Plague: A Footnote. Classical Quarterly 32:235-236. PLAGUE, GLANDERS, THUCYDIDES, [CWHM-1982-114-#0681]
Poole, W. 1988 Evidence of the Desert's Past. In: Detours. This World, 28 August 1988, pp. 8-9. SPINE, ANOMALY, LEAD, [GPALEOBI.BIB [NOTE: This may be from an Albany, CA paper and cite spinal anomalies in association with lead association]]
Pooley, F. D. 1983 Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis. In: Gerald D. Hart, ed. Disease in Ancient Man: An International Symposium. Toronto, Canada: Clarke Irwin, pp. 199-204. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, MICROANALYSIS, RADIOLOGY, [BOOK]
Poolsuwan, S. 1995 Malaria in Prehistoric Southeastern Asia. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 26(1):3-22 MALARIA, HISTORY, [NDX-PALEOPATHOLOGY-ON-LINE-ENTRY-MONTH-95-07-THRU-96-05]
Poos, L. R. 1981 Plague Mortality and Demographic Depression in Later Medieval England. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 54:227-234. PLAGUE, MORTALITY, DEMOGRAPHY, MEDIEVAL, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1982-113-#1480]
Pope, B. F., and D. S. Lamb 1896 Mycetoma, the Fungus Foot of India. New York Medical Journal 54:386. NEOPLASM, MYCETOMA, MADUROMYCOSIS, MADURA FOOT, FUNGUS FOOT, INDIA, [AFMM]
Pope, Felicity 1992 After the Autopsy: The Continuing Conservation, Research and Interpretation of an Egyptian Mummy, Nakht (ROM I). [Después de la Autopsia: La Conservación Continuada, la Investigación y la Interpretación de la Momia de Nakht (ROM I).]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 82. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AUTOPSY, CONSERVATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Popham, R. E. 1954 Trepanation as a Rational Procedure in a Primitive Surgery. University of Toronto Medical Journal 31:204-211. TREPHINATION, RATIONAL PROCEDURE, PRIMITIVE SURGERY, [ARME]
Popp, H. 1939 Krankheiten und Chirurgie des Urmenschen. [Prehistoric Man: Diseases & Surgery.]. Medizinische Welt 13:127-129. SURGERY, DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Popp, L. 1981 Die Fleckfieber-Epidemie in Kulmbach im Jahre 1793. Medizinhistorisches Journal 16:257-269. TYPHUS, KULMBACH 1793, [CWHM-1982-112-#1937]
Poppel, M. H., L. R. Lawrence, H. G. Jacobson, and J. Stein 1953 Skeletal Tuberculosis: Roentgenographic Survey with Reconsideration of Diagnostic Criteria. American Journal of Roentgenology 70:936-963. TUBERCULOSIS, SKELETAL, DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA, [STEINBOCK-1976:190]
Porov, O. V. 1965 Odlitel'ni Konservatsii Organicheskikh Ostatkov V Pochve. [Prolonged Preservation of Organic Remains in Soil.]. [Russian]. Gigiena i Sanitariia 30:99-190. REMAINS, ORGANIC, SOIL, PRESERVATION, PROLONGED, [ARME]
Porquet, Louis 1898 La Peste en Normandie du XVIe au XVIIe Siècle. [The Plague in the 16th and 17th Centuries in Normandy.]. Vire. PLAGUE, HISTORY, NORMANDY, SIXTEENTH TO SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:274]
Porras, M. I. 1989 Estudio de 280 Tíbias Medievales de la Colección de la Escuela de Medicina Legal de Madrid. In: Actas del I Reunión Nacional Asociación Española de Paleopatología. Logroño, pp. 58-61. TIBIA, MEDIEVAL, SCHOOL OF LEGAL MEDICINE, MADRID, SPAIN, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:31]
Porras, M. I., and M. Ayarzagüena 1990 Estudio Antropológico y Paleopatológico en Poblaciones Visigodas: Revisión. In: Actas del II Reunión Nacional Asociación Española de Paleopatología. Logroño, pp. 69-101. ANTHROPOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, VISIGOTH, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:31]
Porter, Alan M. W. 1995 Analyses of Measurements Taken from Adult Femurs of a British Population. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(4):305-323. SEX ASSESSMENT, FEMUR, BRITISH POPULATION, [JRNL]
Porter, Donald R., and John A. Dudman 1960 Assessment of Dental Caries Increments. 1. Construction of the R.I.D. Index. Journal of Dental Research 39(5):1056-1061. DENTAL CARIES, ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Porter, Donald R., John A. Dudman, and Fern R. Macho 1960 Assessment of Dental Caries Increments. 2. A Comparison of the R.I.D. and DMFS Indexes. Journal of Dental Research 39(5):1062-1068. DENTAL CARIES, ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Porter, E. J. Poole 1983 Cannibals, Tricksters, and Witches. Anthropophagic Images Among Bimin-Kuskusmin. In: Paula Brown, and Donald Tuzin, eds. The Ethnography of Cannibalism. Washington, D.C.: Society for Psychological Anthropology, pp. 6-32. CANNIBALISM, ALASKA, ESKIMO, BIMIN-KUSKUSMIN, [BRAY-&-KILLION-1994:121 & BOOK]
Porter, H. 1905 The Recovery of the Body of John Paul Jones. Century Magazine 70:927. MUMMIES, JONES; JOHN PAUL, RECOVERY, [ARME]
Porter, J. H. 1889 Notes on the Artificial Deformation of Children Among Savage and Civilized Peoples. Reports (Annual) of the United States National Museum, under the Direction of the Smithsonian Institution 1886-1887 1889:213-235. MUTILATION, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, CHILDREN, [LSG2-Mulitation]
Porter, R. 1986 Plague and Panic. New Society (London) 1986(12 December):11-13. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1987-132-#0585]
Porter, R. W. 1980 Variations in Shape and Size of the Lumbar Spinal Canal. Paleopathology Newsletter 32:9-11. SPINE, LUMBAR VERTEBRAE, MORPHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Porter, R. W., and D. Pavitt 1987 The Vertebral Canal. 1. Nutrition and Development, an Archaeologic Study. Spine 12(9):901-906. SPINE, SPINA STENOSIS, VERTEBRAL CANAL, DEVELOPMENT, PHYSIOLOGIC STRESS, ARCHAEOLOGY, [JRNL]
Porter, Roy 1991 Cleaning up the Great Wen: Public Health in Eighteen-Century London. In: W. F. Bynum, and Roy Porter. Living and Dying in London. Medical History Supplement 11:61-75. PUBLIC HEALTH, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, LONDON, [JRNL]
Porter, Roy 1993-1994 The Ruin of the Constitution: The Early Interpretation of Gout. Transactions of the Medical Society of London 110:90-103. MEDICAL HISTORY, GOUT, EARLY INTERPRETATION OF, [CWHM-1996-169:#0638]
Porter, Roy 1994 Gout: Framing and Fantasizing Disease. [The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 68(1):1-28. GOUT, [JRNL]
Porter, Roy, and Dorothy Porter 1988 In Sickness and in Health: The British Experience, 1650-1850. London: Fourth Estate. [See review by Irvine Loudon, 1990.]. HEALTH, SICKNESS, BRITAIN 1650-1850, [MED-HIST-1990-34:213]
Porvaznik, J. 1967 Traditional Navajo Medicine. GP (Kansas City MO) 36:179-182. MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL, NAVAJO, [NDX-Indians north american-09-02-03557]
Porzio, P. A. 1965 [Note of Odontostomatologic Interest in the History of Medicine of Ancient India.]. [Italian]. Minerva Medica 56:1688-1691. DENTISTRY, HISTORY, INDIA, [NDX-History of Dentistry-07-01-01866]
Poser, Charles M. 1994 The Dissemination of Multiple Sclerosis: A Viking Saga? A Historical Essay. Annals of Neurology 36(Supplement 2):S231-S243. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, DISSEMINATION OF, [JRNL]
Poser, Charles M. 1995 Viking Voyages: The Origin of Multiple Sclerosis? An Essay in Medical History. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica Supplementum 161:11-22. MEDICAL HISTORY, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, ORIGIN, [JRNL]
Posinsky, S. H. 1971 Cannibalism. [See Stanley M. Garn, and Walter D. Block, 1970.]. American Anthropologist 73(1):269. CANNIBALISM, [JRNL]
Posinsky, S. H. 1973 Comment on "A Basic Demographic Unit." [See Joseph B. Birdsell, 1973.]. Current Anthropology 14(4):353. DEMOGRAPHY, BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC UNIT, [JRNL]
Posnansky, A. 1924 Trepanieren u. künstliche Verunstaltungen an vorhistorischen Schädeln. [Trephination and Artificial Deformation on Prehistoric Skulls.]. Der Stein der Weisen (Berlin) 1924(June):4 6. SKULL, DEFORMATION, TREPHINATION, [WIEN-KW]
Posnansky, A. 1924 Über Trepanieren und Künstliche Verunstaltungen an Aymaraschädeln. Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie (Berlin) 56:158-169. TREPHINATION, AYMARA, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Trephining prehistoric & primitive]
Posnansky, A. 1925 Die Erotischen Keramiken der Mochicas und Deren Beziehungen zu Occipital Deformierten Schädeln. Abhandlungen zur Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 2:67-74. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CERAMIC, EROTIC, PRECOLUMBIAN, [ARME]
Pospísil, L. 1975 [Morbus Brunogallicus.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Ceskoslovenska Dermatologie 50(5):345-348. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [NDX-Syphilis history-17-08-11827]
Post, J. 1979 Presentation of the Academy Plaque to Saul Jarcho, M.D. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 55:896-898. JARCHO; SAUL, NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE PLAQUE, PRESENTATION TO, [CWHM-1981-108-#0903]
Post, J. D. 1976 Famine, Mortality and Epidemic Disease in the Process of Modernization [1816-1817]. Economic History Review 29:14-37. EPIDEMIC, FAMINE, MORTALITY, DEMOGRAPHY, [CWHM-1976-089:#0579]
Post, J. D. 1984 Climatic Variability and the European Morality Wave of the Early 1740s. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 15(1):1-30. CLIMATE, MORTALITY, EUROPE 1740s, [CWHM-1985-123-#0520]
Post, Peter W., and Farrington Daniels, Jr. 1969 Histological and Histochemical Examination of American Indian Scalps, Mummies, and a Shrunken Head. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 3:15.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 30(2):269-293. MUMMIES, AMERICA, INDIAN, SCALP, SHRUNKEN HEAD, HISTOLOGY, HISTOCHEMISTRY, [JRNL]
Post, Peter W., Farrington Daniels, Jr., and George J. Armelagos 1973 Ancient and Mummified Skin. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 3:15.]. Cutis 11:779-781. MUMMIES, SKIN, ANCIENT, MUMMIFIED, [PPNL 1973-3:15 & ZIMM]
Post, Peter W., and Donald D. Donner 1972 Frostbite in a Pre-Columbian Mummy. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 3:15.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 37(2):187-191. MUMMIES, CHILE, FROSTBITE, [JRNL]
Post, Richard H. 1966 Deformed Nasal Septa and Relaxed Selection. Eugenics Quarterly 13:101-112. DEFORMITY, NASAL SEPTUM, [ARME]
Post, Richard H. 1966 Pilot Study: Population Differences in the Frequency of Spina Bifida Occulta. Eugenics Quarterly 13:341-352. SPINE, SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA, FREQUENCY, POPULATION DIFFERENCE, [ARME]
Post, Richard H. 1966 Population Differences in Frequencies of Nasal Septum Abnormalities. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 25(2):203. NASAL SEPTUM, ABNORMALITY, POPULATION DIFFERENCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Post, Richard H. 1969 Population Differences in Tear Duct Size. Social Biology 16:257. TEAR DUCT SIZE, POPULATION DIFFERENCE, [ARME]
Post, Richard H. 1969 Tear Duct Size Differences of Age, Sex and Race. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 31(2):264. TEAR DUCT SIZE, DIFFERENCE, AGE, SEX, RACE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Post, Stephen G. 1988 History, Infanticide, and Imperiled Newborns. Hastings Center Report 18(4):14-17. INFANTICIDE, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Postel-Vinay, N, and A. M. Moulin 1994 La Syphilisation: Ou les Rapports Utopiques du Chancre et de la Lancette. Revue du Praticien (Paris) 44(13):1727-1729. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, [CWHM-1995-165-#0266]
Postnikova, N. 1962 [Anthropological Characteristics of Skulls in the Middle Ages, IX-XIII Centuries, from Preslav (North-Eastern Bulgaria).]. [Bulgarian]. Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 15:439-442. SKULL, MIDDLE AGES, BULGARIA, [NDX-Anthropology-04-02-00216 & ARME]
Postnikova, N. 1962 [Comparative Anthropological Characteristics of the Middle Ages Craniological Series from the Territory of Bulgaria (Preslav, Lukovit, Karzanlik).]. [Bulgarian]. Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 15:575-578. SKULL, MIDDLE AGES, BULGARIA, [NDX-Anthropology-04-02-00216 & ARME]
Poswall, Bonnie D. 1976 Coccidioidomycosis and North American Blastomycosis: Differential Diagnosis of Bone Lesions in Pre-Columbian American Indians. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):199-200. FUNGAL DISEASE, COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS, BLASTOMYCOSIS, BONE, LESION, DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Poswall, Bonnie D. 1977 Coccidioidomycosis in Pre-Columbian Indian Populations in California; Differential Manifestations of Bone Lesions. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 47(1):155. FUNGAL DISEASE, COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS, BONE, LESION, DIFFERENTIAL MANIFESTATION, PRECOLUMBIAN, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Poswall, Bonnie D., and Michael J. Hoffman 1978 Paleoepidemiological Survey of California: Endemic or Solitary Disease Process. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):427. EPIDEMIOLOGY, DISEASE PROCESS, CALIFORNIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Pot, T. 1988 [Research on Excavated Human Remains.]. [Dutch]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 95:231-234. ODONTOLOGY, [CWHM-1990-146-#1619]
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