Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Ross-Stallings, N. 1989 Treponemal Syndrome at the Austin Site (22-Tu-549): A Preliminary Report. Mississippi Archaeologist 24:1-16. TREPONEMATOSIS, TREPONEMAL SYNDROME, AUSTIN SITE (22-TU-549), [AJPA-1993-92:261]
Rossini, Aldo 1993 Pitagorae e le Fave. Lanternino 16(2):3-6. DIET, NUTRITION, [CWHM-1993-158-#0333]
Rossitch, E., Jr. 1989 Ancient Medical History. [Letter]. North Carolina Medical Journal 50(2):106. TREPHINATION, HISTORY, LETTER, [NDX-Trephining history-30-10-12901]
Rossman, D. L. 1976 Mortality, Morbidity, and Fertility in a Population with a High Burden of Neurological Disease. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):203. DEMOGRAPHY, MORTALITY, MORBIDITY, FERTILITY, NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rost, Glenn S. 1942 Roentgen Manifestations of Bejel ("Endemic Syphilis") as Observed in the Euphrates River Valley. Radiology 38(3):320-325. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ENDEMIC, BEJEL, EUPHRATES RIVER VALLEY, [JRNL]
Rostock, P. 1938 Unfall- Und Kriegschirurgie in Ägypten Vor 4500 Jahren. Der Chirurg 10:127-130. SURGERY, MILITARY, CATASTROPHE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [ARME]
Rotberg, Abrahao 1986 Shakespeare's "Hoar Leprosy". [Letter]. International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 54(4):648-649. LEPROSY, SHAKESPEARE'S HOAR LEPROSY, LETTER, [JRNL]
Rotberg, Robert I., and Theodore K. Rabb, eds. 1983 Hunger and History: The Impact of Changing Food Production and Consumption Patterns on Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. HUNGER, HISTORY, [COHEN-1989:261 & MELVYL]
Roth, Eric Abella 1981 Sedentism and Changing Fertility Patterns in a Northern Athapascan Isolate. Journal of Human Evolution 10(5):413-425. SEDENTISM, FERTILITY, NORTHERN ATHAPASCAN, [JRNL]
Roth, Eric Abella 1985 A Note on the Demographic Concomitants of Sedentism. American Anthropologist 87(2):380-382. DEMOGRAPHY, SEDENTISM, [CWHM-1986-127-#1798 & JRNL]
Roth, Eric Abella 1992 Applications of Demographic Models to Paleodemography. In: Shelley R. Saunders, and M. Anne Katzenberg, eds. Skeletal Biology of Past Peoples: Research Methods. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 175-188. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, RESEARCH METHOD, DEMOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
Roth, Eric Abella 1992 Comment on "The Osteological Paradox: Problems of Inferring Prehistoric Health from Skeletal Samples." [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992.]. Current Anthropology 33(4):363. HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
Roth, Eric Abella, and Ajit Kisor Ray 1985 Demographic Patterns of Sedentary and Nomadic Juang of Orissa. Human Biology 57(3):319-325. DEMOGRAPHY, ORISSA, JUANG, [JRNL]
Roth, G. 1990 Anencephalia in homine. Zum Arzt ethischen Problemfeld beim menschlichen Anencephalus. Archiv fuer Religionspsychologie 19:120-125. ANENCEPHALY, [CWHM-1990-146-#0093 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-FROM-FAX-OF-07-FEBRUARY-1997-AT-17:20]
Roth, R. 1977 Juges et Médecins face à l'Infanticide à Genève au XIXe Siècle. Gesnerus 34:113-128. INFANTICIDE, [CWHM-1977-095-#0734]
Roth, W. G. 1969 Arteritis Temporalis Dargestellt an Einem Gemälde des Reichsmuseums in Amsterdam. Hautarzt 20:330-332. ARTERITIS TEMPORALIS, REICHS MUSEUM, AMSTERDAM, [ZAGREB-1988:221]
Rothhammer, Francisco, Marvin J. Allison, Lautaro Núñez, Vivien Standen, and Bernardo T. Arriaza 1985 Chagas' Disease in Pre-Columbian South America. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 53:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 68(4):495-498. TRYPANOSOMIASIS, CHAGAS'S DISEASE, PRECOLUMBIAN, SOUTH AMERICA, [JRNL]
Rothhammer, Francisco, Jose A. Cocilovo, Silvia Quevedo, and Elena Llop 1982 Microevolution in Prehistoric Andean Populations: I. Chronologic Craniometric Variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 58(4):391-396. CRANIOMETRIC DISTANCE, GRADUAL MICROEVOLUTIONARY CHANGE, PREHISTORIC POPULATION, [JRNL]
Rothhammer, Francisco, Vivien Standen, Lautaro Núñez, et al. 1984 Origen y Desarrollo de la Tripanosomiasis en el Area Centro-Sur Andina. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 65:19.]. Chungará (Arica, Chile) 12:155-160. MUMMIES, CHILE, PARASITISM, CHAGAS'S DISEASE, [PPNL-1989-65:19]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1985 Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): Misconceptions and Reality. Clinical Rheumatology 4:207-212. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, MISCONCEPTION, REALITY, [AJPA-1993-92:248]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1986 Paleopathology of the Axial Skeleton in Dinosaurs and Early Mammals. [Abstract]. Paleopathology Club Newsletter 25:4. SKELETON, AXIAL SKELETON, DINOSAUR, EARLY MAMMAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1987 Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis as Reflected in the Paleontologic Record: Dinosaurs and Early Mammals. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 17(2):119-125. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, DINOSAUR, MAMMAL, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1987 Sacroiliitis and HLA-B27. [Abstract]. In: Howard Duncan, and Robert D. Jurmain, conveners. Section 3: Arthritis Revisited--Erosive Arthritis. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, pp. 9-10. ARTHRITIS, EROSIVE, SACROILIITIS, HLA-B27, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1988 Comment on "The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis." [See Brenda J. Baker, and George J. Armelagos, 1988.]. Current Anthropology 29(5):725-726. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN AND ANTIQUITY OF, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1988 Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis. Comprehensive Therapy 14:65-69. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, [AJPA-1993-92:248]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1988 Existence of Syphilis in a Pleistocene Bear. [Letter]. Nature (London) 335(6191):595. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, BEAR, PLEISTOCENE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1989 On the Antiquity of Treponemal Infection. Medical Hypotheses 28(3):181-184. INFECTION, TREPONEMAL, ANTIQUITY, [NDX-Syphilis history-30-10-12501]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1989 Paleopathology and Its Contributions to Vertebrate Paleontology: Technical Perspectives. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 9:36A-37A. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ITS CONTRIBUTIONS TO VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:349]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1989 Skeletal Paleopathology of Rheumatic Diseases: The Subprimate Connection. In: Daniel J. McCarty, ed. Arthritis and Allied Conditions: A Textbook of Rheumatology. 11th Edition. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, pp. 3-7. DISEASE, RHEUMATIC DISEASE, SKELETAL PALEOPATHOLOGY, SUBPRIMATE, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994 & MELVYL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1990 Clinical Practice Implications of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Antiquity. Prog Rheum 4:85-90. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1990 Radiologic Assessment of Osteoarthritis in Dinosaurs. Annals of Carnegie Museum 59(4):295-301. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, DINOSAUR, RADIOLOGIC ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1992 Advances in Detecting Disease in Earlier Human Populations. In: Shelley R. Saunders, and M. Anne Katzenberg, eds. Skeletal Biology of Past Peoples: Research Methods. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 131-151. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, RESEARCH METHOD, DISEASE, DETECTION OF, [BOOK]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1992 Relationship of Christopher Columbus to Spread of Rheumatoid Arthritis. [Letter]. Archives of Internal Medicine 152(8):1730. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, COLUMBUS; CHRISTOPHER, LETTER, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1992 Spondyloarthropathy in the American Southwest. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, p. 11. SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, SOUTHWEST AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1993 Arthritis in Non-Human African Primates: Transition from the Miocene to the Holocene. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 13(Supplement)3:55A. ARTHRITIS, PRIMATE, NON-HUMAN, AFRICA, MIOCENE TO HOLOCENE TRANSITION, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1993 Arthritis: The Bear Facts. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums 1993:646-653. ARTHRITIS, URSIDAE, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1993 The Clinical Perspective. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, pp. 11-12. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, CALCIUM PYROPHOSPHATE DEPOSITION DISEASE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1993 Geographic Distribution of Calcium Pyrophosphate (CPPD) Deposition Disease in Pre-Columbian North America: Independent Validation of CPPD Criteria. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 11(3):315-318. CALCIUM PYROPHOSPHATE (CPPD) DEPOSITION DISEASE, NORTH AMERICA, PRECOLUMBIAN, GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION, [NDX-Paleopathology-34(11)-00870]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1993 Paleopathology: A 20,000 Skeleton Perspective. Pictures of Record, Inc. Sixty-three slides and a twelve page manual. [Slide Set]. [Ordering address: 119 Kettle Creek Road, Weston, Connecticut 06883]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 84:19.]. PALEOPATHOLOGY, SLIDE SET, [PPNL-1993-84:19]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1993 Skeletal Paleopathology of Rheumatic Diseases: The Sub-Homo Connection. In: Daniel J. McCarty, and William J. Koopman, eds. Arthritis and Allied Conditions: A Textbook of Rheumatology. 12th Edition. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lea and Febiger, pp. 3-7. DISEASE, RHEUMATIC DISEASE, SKELETAL PALEOPATHOLOGY OF, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994 & MELVYL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1994 Antiquity of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Reply to Ido Leden, and Caroline Arcini, 1994. [Letter]. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 23(5):355-356. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, NEW WORLD, ANTIQUITY OF, LETTER, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1995 Behcet's Disease. In: H. W. Griffith, and M. Dambro, eds. The 5-Minute Clinical Consultant. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lea and Febiger, pp. 118-119. DISEASE, BEHCET'S DISEASE, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#372]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1995 Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Medieval Skeleton. [Comment]. [See Peter Hacking, Tim Allen, and Juliet Rogers, 1994.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(2):198. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, MEDIEVAL, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1995 Paleopathology, Its Character and Contribution to Understanding and Distinguishing Among Rheumatologic Diseases: Perspectives on Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthropathy. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 13(5):657-662. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING, DIAGNOSIS, [NDX-PALEOPATHOLOGY-ON-LINE-ENTRY-MONTH-95-07-THRU-96-05]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1995 Radiologic Appearance of Metastatic Cancer: Gross-Radiologic Correlations and the Role of Systematic Skeletal Collection (Population) Radiography. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, p. 12. NEOPLASM, CANCER, DEFLESHED HUMAN BONE, SYMPOSIUM, CANCER IN ANTIQUITY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1995 Summary of Symposium and Panel Discussion. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Oakland, California, 28-29 March 1995, pp. 16-17. NEOPLASM, CANCER, DEFLESHED HUMAN BONE, SYMPOSIUM, CANCER IN ANTIQUITY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1996 Evolutionary Origins of Osteoarthritis. Journal of Rheumatology 23:1116. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, EVOLUTIONARY ORIGIN OF, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#352]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1996 A Field Guide to Joint Disease in Archaeology. By Juliet Rogers, and Tony Waldron [See also H. A. Waldron]. 1995. New York: J. Wiley. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101(2):299-301. REVIEW OF, ROGERS; JULIET, AND TONY WALDRON [SEE ALSO H. A. WALDRON, 1995, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M. 1996 Paleopathology as a Clinical Science with Implications for Patient Care, Education and Research. [The Dunlop-Dottridge Memorial Lecture]. Journal of Rheumatology 23:1469-1475. PALEOPATHOLOGY AS CLINICAL SCIENCE, PATIENT CARE; EDUCATION; RESEARCH, IMPLICATIONS FOR, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#361]
Rothschild, Bruce M. n.d. Arthritis in Callithrix jacchus: Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease and Spondyloarthropathy. Journal of Medical Primatology. In press. ARTHRITIS, CALCIUM PYROPHOSPHATE DEPOSITION DISEASE, SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, CALLITHRIX JACCHUS, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994]
Rothschild, Bruce M. n.d. Infectious Introduction to Paleontology. Australopithecus. In press. PALEONTOLOGY, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#332]
Rothschild, Bruce M. n.d. Skeletal Evidence of Persistence of Erosive Arthritis for 6000 Years: Proof of Origins of Rheumatoid Arthritis in American Indians. Frank H. McClung Museum, University of Tennessee, Research Notes. In press. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, ORIGIN, SKELETAL EVIDENCE OF, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994]
Rothschild, Bruce M. n.d. Tennessee Origins of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Frank H. McClung Museum, University of Tennessee, Research Notes. In press. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, ORIGIN, TENNESSEE, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994]
Rothschild, Bruce M. n.d. The Testable Hypothesis and Inherent Assumptions. In: Bruce M. Rothschild, and Sally Shelton, eds. Paleopathology. In press. PALEOPATHOLOGY, TESTABLE HYPOTHESIS, INHERENT ASSUMPTION, [ROTHSCHILD-&-MARTIN-1993:350]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and W. Crawford 1993 Direct Auricular Surface Visualization of Sacroiliac Joints: Anatomic/Clinical/Radiologic Correlations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:169. ARTICULATION, SACROILIAC JOINT, AURICULAR SURFACE VISUALIZATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., Howard Duncan, James C. C. Leisen, Ellis J. Neiburger, R. Wade Ortel, Samuel D. Stout, David S. Weaver, and Robert J. Woods 1988 Point Counterpoint Analysis of Skeletal Pathology: Osteopenia and Arthritis in Fantasy, Prehistory, and Perspective. [Abstract]. In: Section 1: Workshops and Round Table Discussions. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 2. OSTEOPENIA, ARTHRITIS, FANTASY, PREHISTORY, PERSPECTIVE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Gary M. Heathcote 1993 Characteristics of the Skeletal Manifestations of the Treponemal Disease Yaws as a Population Phenomenon. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 84:19.]. Clinical Infectious Diseases 17(2):198-203. TREPONEMATOSIS, YAWS, DENTAL ABNORMALITY, GUAM, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Gary M. Heathcote 1995 Characterization of Gout in a Skeletal Population Sample: Presumptive Diagnosis in a Micronesian Population. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 98(4):519-525. GOUT, DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS, CHAMMORRO, GUAM, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., Israel Hershkovitz, L. Bedford, Bruce M. Latimer, Olivier Dutour, Christine Rothschild, and L. M. Jellema 1997 Identification of Childhood Arthritis in Archaeological Material: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Juvenile Spondyloarthropathy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 102(2):249-264 ARTHRITIS, JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS VS JUVENILE SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., Israel Hershkovitz, and Christine Rothschild 1995 Origin of Yaws in the Pleistocene. [Letter]. Nature (London) 378(6555):343-344. MEDICAL HISTORY, TREPONEMATOSIS, YAWS, ORIGIN, PLEISTOCENE, LETTER, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., N. Hong, and J. Turnquist n.d. Naturally Occurring Spondyloarthropathy in Cayo Santiago Rhesus Macaques. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology In press. SPINE, SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, CAYO SANTIAGO, RHESUS MACAQUES, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#375]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Larry D. Martin 1987 Avascular Necrosis: Occurrence in Diving Cretaceous Mosasaurs. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 61:17.]. Science 236(4797):75-77. NECROSIS, AVASCULAR, MOSASAURS, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Larry D. Martin 1993 Paleopathology: Disease in the Fossil Record. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. PALEOPATHOLOGY, FOSSIL RECORD, [MELVYL-PPATHOL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and R. E. Molnar 1988 Osteoarthritis in Fossil Marsupial Populations of Australia. Annals of Carnegie Museum 57:155-158. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, MARSUPIAL, AUSTRALIA, [ANN-CARNEGIE-MUS-1990-59:301]
Rothschild, Bruce M., G. B. Poteat, E. Williams, and W. Crawford 1994 Inflammatory Sacroiliac Joint Pathology: Evaluation of Radiologic Assessment Techniques. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 12:267-274. ARTICULATION, SACROILIAC JOINT, INFLAMMATORY PATHOLOGY IN, RADIOLOGIC ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUE, EVALUATION OF, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#305]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1966 Trans-Mammalian Pandemic of Inflammatory Arthritis (Spondyloarthropathy Variety): Persistence Since the Pleistocene. Paleontologic Society Publication 8:330. ARTHRITIS, INFLAMMATORY ARTHRITIS (SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY VARIETY), TRANS-MAMMALIAN PANDEMIC, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#367]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1992 Spondyloarthropathy in Northeastern North America. [Abstract]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 35(Supplement):R44. SPINE, SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, AMERICA, NORTHEASTERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1993 19th Century Spondyloarthopathy Independent of Socioeconomic Status: Lack of Skeletal Collection Bias. Journal of Rheumatology 20(2):314-319. SPONDYLOARTHOPATHY, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1993 Treponemal Diseases Distinguished: Syphilis, Yaws and Bejel on the Basis of Their Respective Osseous Impact. Journal of Paleopathology 5:112. TREPONEMATOSIS, BEJEL, SYPHILIS, YAWS, OSSEOUS IMPACT, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S115]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1994 Definitive Differential Diagnosis of Syphilis, Yaws and Bejel. Radiology 193:409. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, YAWS, BEJEL, DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#322]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1994 Distinction del Maladies Tréponemiques: Syphilis, Pian et Bejel à Partir des Differences de Leurs Atteintes Osseous Respectives. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. The Origin of Syphilis in Europe: Before or After 1493? [Text in English]. Toulon: Centre Archéologie du Var, pp. 68-71. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, DIFFERENTIAL OSSEOUS IMPACT, YAWS, BEJEL, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:561]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1994 Distinguished: Syphilis, Yaws and Bejel on the Basis of Differences in Their Respective Osseous Impact. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. L'Origine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Après 1493? [Text in English]. Paris: Editions Errance-Centre Archéologique du Var, pp. 68-71. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, DIFFERENTIAL OSSEOUS IMPACT, YAWS, BEJEL, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:223]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1994 Osseous Variation Among the Treponematoses: Validation for a Hypothesis. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 12. TREPONEMATOSIS, OSSEOUS VARIATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1994 Reliability of Ossuary Sites for Analysis of Paleopathologic Epidemiology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:12.]. Journal of Paleopathology 6(1):35-40. EPIDEMIOLOGY, [PPNL-1994-88:12 & ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-21-OCTOBER-1994 & CWHM-1994-164-#0420]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1994 Syphilis, Yaws and Bejel: Definitive Differential Diagnosis by Population Criteria. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:174. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, YAWS, BEJEL, DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL, POPULATION CRITERIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1994 Yaws, Mine, and Ours: Treponemal Disease Transitions in Prehistory. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S115. TREPONEMATOSIS, YAWS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1994 Yaws, Mine, and Ours: Treponemal Disease Transitions in Prehistory. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 24. TREPONEMATOSIS, YAWS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1995 Comparison of Radiologic and Gross Examination for Detection of Cancer in Defleshed Skeletons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 96(4):357-363. NEOPLASM, CANCER, DEFLESHED SKELETON, DETECTION OF, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1995 Musculoskeletal Manifestation of Syphilis. Arthritis and Rheumatism 38:S197. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, MUSCULOSKELETAL MANIFESTATION OF, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#345]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1995 Treponemal Disease Revisited: Skeletal Discrimination for Yaws, Bejel, and Venereal Syphilis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 20(5):1402-1408. TREPONEMATOSIS, YAWS, BEJEL, SYPHILIS, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1996 Epidemic of Spondyloarthropathy in Baboons. Journal of Medical Primatology 25:69-70. SPINE, SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, EPIDEMIC OF, BABOON, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#356]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1996 Origins of Treponemal Disease, Distinguished According to Variety. Pictures of Record, Inc. Thirty-Eight Slides. [Slide Set]. [Ordering address: 119 Kettle Creek Road, Weston, Connecticut 06883]. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, YAWS, BEJEL, SLIDE SET, [PICTURES-OF-RECORD-CATALOG-1996]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1996 Patterns of Periosteal Reaction in England from Roman Through Elizabethan Epochs. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 8. PERIOSTEAL REACTION, ENGLAND, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1996 Periosteal Reaction Patterns in Selected Skeletal Populations: Nature, Variability and Reproducibility. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:204. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PERIOSTEAL REACTION PATTERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild 1996 Treponemal Disease in the New World. Current Anthropology 37(3):555-561. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, VENEREAL SYPHILIS, ENDEMIC SYPHILIS (BEJEL), YAWS, PINTA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild n.d. Analysis of Treponemal Disease in North Africa: The Case for Bejel in the Sudan, but Absence in West North Africa. Human Evolution In press. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ENDEMIC, BEJEL, AFRICA, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#366]
Rothschild, Bruce M., and Christine Rothschild n.d. Congenital Syphilis in the Archaeological Record: Diagnostic Insensitivity of Osseous Lesions. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology In press. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL, OSSEOUS LESION, DIAGNOSTIC INSENSITIVITY OF, [ROTHSCHILD'S-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997-#370]
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