Wakely, Jennifer, and C. Duhig 1991 A Comparative Microscopical Study of Three European Trephined Skulls. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:18.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(2):75-87. TREPHINATION, EUROPE, MICROSCOPY, [PPNL-1992-79:18]
Wakely, Jennifer, Keith Manchester, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1989 Scanning Electron Microscope Study of Normal Vertebrae and Ribs from Early Medieval Human Skeletons. Journal of Archaeological Science 16(6):627-642. RIB, CORTEX, TRABECULA, VERTEBRA, SEM, [JRNL]
Wakely, Jennifer, Keith Manchester, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1990 Scanning Electron Microscopy of Rib Lesions. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 23. LESION, RIB, ROMANO-BRITISH, MEDIEVAL, SEM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Wakely, Jennifer, Keith Manchester, and Charlotte A. Roberts 1991 Scanning Electron Microscopy of Rib Lesions. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:18.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(3-4):185-189. LESION, RIB, SEM, [CWHM-1992-153-#0393 & PPNL-1992-79:18 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:015]
Wakely, Jennifer, and S. J. Wenham 1988 Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Study of Trauma in Human Skeletal Material from Archaeological Sites. Journal of Human Anatomy 258:123. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SEM, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHEOL-1993-3:176]
Wakely, Jennifer, and I. Young 1995 A Medieval Wrist Injury Fracture of the Hook of the Hamate Bone. Journal of Paleopathology 7(1):51-56. INJURY, WRIST, HAMATE BONE, MEDIEVAL, [JRNL]
Waki, T. 1970 [Anthropological Study on the Skulls of the Edo Period People, Excavated from Kuwashima Island in Ushibuka City, Southern Amakusa District, Kumamoto Prefecture.]. [Japanese]. Journal of the Kumamoto Medical Society/Kumamoto Igakkai Zasshi 44:1031-1091. SKULL, EDO PERIOD, KUMAMOTO, JAPAN, [NDX-Anthropology physical-12-02-03355]
Waldeyer 1894 Vollständig Erhaltener Dayak-Schädel. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 26:383-410. SKULL, DAYAK, [JRNL]
Waldeyer 1905 Mumie aus Australien. Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie (Berlin) 37:772-781. MUMMIES, AUSTRALIA, [JRNL]
Waldis, V. 1979 Obrigkeitliche Massnahmen Gegen die Pest in Stadt und Herrschaft Rheinfelden im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Gesnerus 36:206-227. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1980-105-#1294]
Waldis, V. 1983 Der "Stich" von 1564--eine Premäre Lungenpest. Gesnerus 40:223-228. PLAGUE 1564, [CWHM-1983-118-#1571]
Waldron, Gillian 1980 Sir Frederick Treves and the Elephant Man. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 2(8184):42. NEOPLASM, NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, RECKLINGHAUSEN'S DISEASE, ELEPHANT MAN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1973 Lead Poisoning in the Ancient World. Medical History 17(4):391-399. LEAD POISONING, ANCIENT, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1973 Mediterranean Anaemia in Antiquity. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 2(5867):667. ANEMIA, ANTIQUITY, MEDITERRANEAN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1981 Postmortem Absorption of Lead by the Skeleton. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1981, 36:20.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 55(3):395-398. LEAD ABSORPTION, SKELETAL, POST MORTEM, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1982 Lead in Bone: A Tale of the Unexpected. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Middelburg-Antwerpen, 16-19 September 1982, p. 14. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1982 Lead in Bones: A Cautionary Tale. Ecology of Disease 1(2-3):191-196. BONE, LEAD CONTENT, [CWHM-1985-125-#1017 & ARME]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1983 Did the Mad Hatter Have Mercury Poisoning? British Medical Journal 287(6409):1961. MERCURY POISONING, MAD HATTER, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1983 On the Post-Mortem Accumulation of Lead by Skeletal Tissues. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 44:17.]. Journal of Archaeological Science 10(1):35-40. LEAD ABSORPTION, DENTITION, SKELETAL TISSUE, POST MORTEM, ROMANO-BRITISH, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1984 DISH at Merton Priory. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, p. 16. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, MERTON PRIORY, BRITAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1988 The Exposure of Some Romano-British Populations to Lead. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 65:17.]. Anthropologie (Brno) 26(1):67-73. LEAD POISONING, ROMANO-BRITISH, [CWHM-1991-148-#1193-#1691]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1991 Prevalence and Distribution of Osteoarthritis in a Population from Georgian and Early Victorian London. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 50(5):301-307. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, GEORGIAN PERIOD, EARLY VICTORIAN PERIOD, LONDON, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1991 Variations in the Prevalence of Spondylolysis in Early British Populations. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 84(9):547-549. SPONDYLOLYSIS, BRITAIN, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony] 1993 The Health of the Adults. In: Theya I. Molleson, and Margaret Cox, with H. A. Waldron [see also Tony Waldron], and D. K. Whittaker. The Spitalfields Project Volume 2: The Anthropology--the Middling Sort. 67-87. Council for British Archaeology Research Report 86. York: Council for British Archaeology. SPITALFIELDS PROJECT, ADULT HEALTH, [PINTER-BELLOWS-1994 & MELVYL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony], Ashok Khera, Gayle Walker, George Wibberley, and Christopher J. S. Green 1979 Lead Concentrations in Bones and Soil. Journal of Archaeological Science 6(3):295-298. LEAD CONCENTRATION, BONE, SOIL, ROMANO-BRITISH, POUNDBURY, [JRNL]
Waldron, H. A. [See also Waldron, Tony], A. Mackie, and A. Townshend 1976 The Lead Content of Some Romano-British Bones. Archaeometry 18(2):221-227. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, ROMANO-BRITISH, [DIGGING UP BONES:198]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1978 Did Hippocrates Describe Lead Poisoning? [Letter]. Lancet (London) 2(8103):1315. LEAD POISONING, HIPPOKRATES, LETTER, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1982 Human Bone Lead Concentrations. In: Alan McWhirr, Linda Viner, and Calvin Wells. Cirencester Excavations II: Romano-British Cemeteries at Cirencester. Cirencester, England: Cirencester Excavation Committee Corinium Museum, pp. 203-204, and Microfiche 4/5 G05. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, [BOOK]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1983 Lead in Ancient Bones. In: Gerald D. Hart, ed. Disease in Ancient Man: An International Symposium. Toronto, Canada: Clarke Irwin, pp. 172-182. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, [BOOK]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1985 DISH at Merton Priory: Evidence for a "New" Occupational Disease? British Medical Journal [Clinical Research Edition.] 291(6511):1762-1763. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, MERTON PRIORY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1985 Occupational Health and the Archaeologist. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 47:793-794. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, ARCHAEOLOGIST, [BRITSECTNEWS-1989-7:05]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1987 Lytic Lesions in a Skull: A Problem in Diagnosis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 61:18.]. Journal of Paleopathology 1(1):5-14. SKULL, NEOPLASM, CARCINOMA, METASTATIC, LYTIC LESION, [PPNL-1988-61:18]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1987 Osteoarthritis at Christ Church, Spitalfields: An Interim Report. [Abstract]. In: Howard Duncan, and Robert D. Jurmain, conveners. Section 3: Arthritis Revisited--Erosive Arthritis. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 10. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, CHRIST CHURCH, SPITALFIELDS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1987 The Potential of Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Bone. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 149-159. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, BONE, CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT OF, [BOOK]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1987 The Relative Survival of the Human Skeleton: Implications for Palaeopathology. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 55-64. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, REMAINS, SKELETAL, RELATIVE SURVIVAL, PALEOPATHOLOGY, IMPLICATIONS FOR, [BOOK]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1989 Aging the Skeleton. In: Peter J. Maddison, ed. The Antiquity of the Erosive Arthropathies. Symposium presented at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath, England, 24 June 1988. The Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research: Conference Proceedings No. 5, pp. 50-51. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 69:19.]. ARTHROPATHY, EROSIVE, AGE ASSESSMENT, SKELETAL, [PPNL-1990-69:19]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1989 The Effects of Urbanisation on Human Health: The Evidence from Skeletal Remains. In: D. Serjeantson, and Tony Waldron [see also H. A. Waldron], eds. Diet and Crafts in Towns: The Evidence of Animal Remains from the Roman to the Post-Medieval Periods. Oxford: BAR British Series, Number 199, pp. 55-73. HEALTH, URBANIZATION, SKELETAL EVIDENCE, [BAR-TITLES-JANUARY-1992 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:037]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1989 Interpretation and Communication. In: Peter J. Maddison, ed. The Antiquity of the Erosive Arthropathies. Symposium presented at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath, England, 24 June 1988. The Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research: Conference Proceedings No. 5, pp. 62-65. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 69:19.]. ARTHROPATHY, EROSIVE, INTERPRETATION, COMMUNICATION, [PPNL-1990-69:19]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1989 Occupation and Osteoarthritis: Evidence from Some 18th/19th Century Skeletons. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):319. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, OCCUPATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1990 The Chemistry of Prehistoric Human Bone. Edited by T. Douglas Price. 1989. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Review]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 0(Pilot Issue):22. REVIEW OF, PRICE; T. DOUGLAS, 1989, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1991 A Note on a Mummy from Theban Tombs 253, 254 and 294. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:18.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(2):89-94. MUMMIES, THEBES, [PPNL-1992-79:18]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1991 The Prevalence of, and the Relationship Between Some Spinal Diseases in a Human Skeletal Population from London. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(2):103-110. SPINAL DISEASE, LONDON, [CWHM-1991-151-#0364]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1991 Rates for the Job. Measures of Disease Frequency in Palaeopathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(1):17-25. EPIDEMIOLOGY, DISEASE FREQUENCY, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1991 Variations in the Rates of Spondylolysis in Early Populations. [Short Report]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(1):63-65. SPONDYLOLYSIS, RATE VARIATION, ROMANO-BRITISH, ANGLO-SAXON, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1992 Osteoarthritis in a Black Death Cemetery in London. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 80:12.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2:235-240. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, PLAGUE CEMETERY, LONDON, [PPNL-1992-80:12]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1992 Some Mummies from Theban Tombs 253, 254 and 294. [Algunas Momias de las Tumbas 253, 254 y 294 de Tebas.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 187. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MUMMIFICATION, THEBES, XVIIITH DYNASTY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1992 Unilateral Spondylolysis. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(2):177-181. SPINE, SPONDYLOLYSIS, UNILATERAL, [CWHM-1992-155-#0251]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1993 A Case-Referent Study of Spondylolysis and Spina Bifida and Transitional Vertebrae in Human Skeletal Remains. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 82:12.]. Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3:55-57. SPINE, SPONDYLOLYSIS, SPINA BIFIDA, TRANSITIONAL VERTEBRA, [PPNL-1993-82:12]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1993 Distribution of Osteoarthritis in Human Skeletal Material. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:201-202. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, DISTRIBUTION IN HUMAN SKELETAL MATERIAL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1993 The Distribution of Osteoarthritis of the Hands in a Skeletal Population. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 84:20.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(3):213-218. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HAND, [PPNL-1993-84:20]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1993 The Role of Occupation in the Aetiology of Osteoarthritis. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 30. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, OCCUPATION, ETIOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1994 Counting the Dead: The Epidemiology of Skeletal Populations. Chichester, England and New York: John Wiley & Sons. [See reviews by Luigi Capasso, 1994; Lyle W. Konigsberg, 1996.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SKELETAL POPULATION, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [PPNL-1995-90:12 & MELVYL & J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6-169]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1994 The Human Remains. In: Vera I. Evison, ed. An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Great Chesterford, Essex. Research Report of the Council for British Archaeology, Number 91. London: Council for British Archaeology, pp. 52-66. REMAINS, HUMAN, ANGLO-SAXON, CHESTERFORD, ESSEX, ENGLAND, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:14 & MELVYL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1994 Osteoarthritis and Associated Conditions of the Shoulder Joint. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S138. SHOULDER, ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1995 Changes in the Distribution of Osteoarthritis over Historical Time. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(4):385-389. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, CHANGE IN DISTRIBUTION, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1995 Cortical Defects on the Neck of the Femur. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):146. FEMUR, CORTICAL DEFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1996 Cortical Defects on the Neck of the Femur. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 21. FEMUR, CORTICAL DEFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1996 Editorial: Biomarkers of Disease. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(4):324-325. DISEASE, BIOMARKERS, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1996 Legalized Trauma. [Short Note]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(1):114-118. TRAUMA, LEGALIZED, EXECUTION, BEHEADING, HANGING, HANGMAN'S FRACTURE, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1996 Prevalence Studies in Skeletal Populations: A Reply. [Letter]. [See also James Bird, 1996.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(3):320-322. POPULATION, SKELETAL, PREVALENCE STUDIES IN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.] 1996 What Was the Prevalence of Malignant Disease in the Past? International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6(5):463-470. MALIGNANT DISEASE, SKELETONS, PALEOPATHOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], and Margaret Cox 1989 Occupational Arthropathy: Evidence from the Past. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 46:420-422. ARTHROPATHY, OCCUPATIONAL, ANTIQUITY, [BRITSECTNEWS-1990-9:06]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], Margaret Cox, and Theya I. Molleson 1989 Osteopetrosis in an Eighteenth Century English Family. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 4. OSTEOPETROSIS, FAMILIAL, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, BRITAIN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], and Juliet Rogers 1986 Iatrogenic Palaeopathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, p. 14. BONE, IATROGENIC (CHANGE OF HUMAN ORIGIN) PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], and Juliet Rogers 1987 Iatrogenic Palaeopathology. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 66:15.]. Journal of Paleopathology 1(3):117-129. IATROGENIC PALEOPATHOLOGY, [CWHM-1990-143-#1625 & PPNL-1989-66:15]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], and Juliet Rogers 1988 The Paleopathology of the Sacro-Iliac Joint. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 18. DISH, DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS, FORESTIER'S DISEASE, SACROILIAC JOINT, ARTHROPATHY, SERONEGATIVE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], and Juliet Rogers 1990 An Epidemiologic Study of Sacroiliac Fusion in Some Human Skeletal Remains. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 73:15.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 83(1):123-127. SPINE, SACROILIAC FUSION, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], and Juliet Rogers 1991 Inter-Observer Variation in Coding Osteoarthritis in Human Skeletal Remains. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 78:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1(1):49-56. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, INTER-OBSERVER CODING VARIATION, [JRNL]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], Juliet Rogers, and Iain Watt 1994 Rheumatoid Arthritis in an English Post-Medieval Skeleton. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:18.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(2):165-167. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, POST-MEDIEVAL, LONDON, [PPNL-1994-87:18 & CWHM-1994-163-#0403]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], and Gillian Waldron 1988 Two Felons from Surrey. London Archaeologist 5:443-445. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FELON, SURREY, ENGLAND, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:118]
Waldron, Tony [See also Waldron, H. A.], and Calvin Wells 1979 Exposure to Lead in Ancient Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 32:14.]. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 1(Series 5, Part 2):102-115. LEAD CONTENT, SKELETAL, [MEDL & NDX-Author index-21-06-04879 & PPNL-1980-32:14 & ARME]
Walens, Stanley, and Roger Wagner 1971 Pigs, Proteins, and People Eaters. [See Stanley M. Garn, and Walter D. Block, 1970.]. American Anthropologist 73(1):269-270. CANNIBALISM, NUTRITIONAL VALUE, [JRNL]
Walensky, N. A. 1964 A Re-Evaluation of the Mastoid Region of Contemporary and Fossil Man. Anatomical Record 149:67-72. MASTOID, RE-EVALUATION, [NDX-Paleontology-05-03-02878 & ARME]
Walensky, N. A. 1965 A Study of Anterior Femoral Curvature in Man. Anatomical Record 151:559-570. FEMUR, ANTERIOR FEMORAL CURVATURE, [NDX-Anthropometry-06-02-00293]
Walhouse, M. J. 1882 Some Vestiges of Girl Sacrifices, Jar Burial, and Contracted Interments in India and the East. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 11:415-423. SACRIFICE, HUMAN, FEMALE, JAR BURIAL, FLEXED BURIAL, INDIA, ORIENT, [JRNL]
Walimbe, Subhash R., and Prakash B. Gambhir 1994 Long Bone Growth in Infants and Children: Assessment of Nutritional Status. Mangalore, India: Mujumdar Publications. [See reviews by Francis E. Johnston, 1996; John R. Lukacs, 1996.]. GROWTH, LONG BONE, INFANT; CHILD, NUTRITIONAL STATUS ASSESSMENT, [AM-J-HUM-BIOL-1996-8:685]
Walker, A. Earl 1951 A History of Neurological Surgery. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams and Wilkins. SURGERY, NEUROLOGICAL, HISTORY, [GURDJIAN-1973:130]
Walker, A. Earl 1958 Primitive Trepanation: The Beginning of Medical History. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 26(Series 4):99. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [CRAN]
Walker, Alan 1979 SEM Analysis of Microwear and Its Correlation with Dietary Patterns. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50(3):489. DENTITION, MICROWEAR, SEM ANALYSIS OF, DIETARY PATTERN, ABSTRACT, [J-HUM-EVOL-1993-24:41]
Walker, Alan 1981 Diet and Teeth. Dietary Hypotheses and Human Evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences 292:57-64. DIET, DENTITION, EVOLUTION, [JRNL]
Walker, Alan, and Mark F. Teaford 1988 Dental Microwear: What Can It Tell Us About Diet and Dental Function? [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):284-285. DENTAL MICROWEAR, DENTAL FUNCTION, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, [JRNL]
Walker, Alan, Michael R. Zimmerman, and Richard E. F. Leakey 1982 A Possible Case of Hypervitaminosis A in Homo erectus. Nature (London) 296(5854):248-250. HYPERVITAMINOSIS, HOMO ERECTUS, [JRNL]
Walker, Alan, et al. 1989 Inferences from Quantitative Analysis of Dental Microwear. Folia Primatologica (Basel) 53(1-4):177-189. DENTITION, DENTAL MICROWEAR, [NDX-Paleontology-31-08-09994]
Walker, Ernest G. 1978 The Evidence of Disease in Human Skeletal Remains from Saskatchewan. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):445-446. DISEASE, SKELETAL EVIDENCE, SASKATCHEWAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Walker, Ernest G. 1978 The Paleopathology of Certain Skeletal Remains from Saskatchewan. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 26:14.]. Na'pao: A Saskatchewan Anthropology Journal 8:30-47. DENTAL, TRAUMA, LESIONS, ACTIVITY-INDUCED, NOMADIC BISON-HUNTERS, SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA, [ARME]
Walker, Ernest G. 1983 The Diagnosis and Interpretation of Syphilis, Tuberculosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis on the Northern Plains During Prehistory. Rapid City, South Dakota: First Plains Conference on Paleopathology, 3 November 1983. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, TUBERCULOSIS, PREHISTORIC, DIAGNOSIS, INTERPRETATION, [DRY BONES:222]
Walker, Ernest G. 1983 Evidence for Prehistoric Cardiovascular Disease of Syphilitic Origin on the Northern Plains. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 43:19.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 60(4):499-503. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, PREHISTORIC, [JRNL]
Walker, Ernest G. 1983 The Woodlawn Site: A Case for Interregional Disease Transmission in the Late Prehistoric Period. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 7:49-59. EPIDEMIOLOGY, DISEASE TRANSMISSION, PREHISTORIC, WOODLAND SITE, [ZAGREB-1988:172]
Walker, Ernest G. 1984 The Graham Site: A McKean Cremation from Southern Saskatchewan. Plains Anthropologist 29(104):139-150. CREMATION, GRAHAM SITE, SASKATCHEWAN, [JRNL]
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