2. Program / Courses
Each student will be required to enroll in U.E.1, U.E.2, U.E.3, U.E.4 (see below). Non-French speakers will be also required to enroll in U.E.5.
INSA students could be dispensed from enrolling in two U.E. (max) among U.E.1, U.E.2, U.E.3, U.E.4, provided they have already validated these U.E.s in previous studies.
Each student will have to choose one U.E. among U.E.6a, U.E.6b and U.E.6c, and one U.E. among U.E.7a, U.E.7b and U.E.7c.
Mandatory courses:
U.E.1: Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials – ECTS 5
Lectures: 7h – Tutorials: 9h – Practicals: 9h
Mechanical properties of materials.
Functional steels, titanium alloys, shape memory alloys, intelligent materials.
Software for materials selection.
U.E.2: Piezoelectric Materials and their Applications – ECTS 5
Lectures: 10h – Tutorials: 9h – Practicals: 6h
Ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials, fabrication process, properties and functional characterization.
Elastic waves in isotropic solids, energy considerations, guided waves.
Ultrasonic imaging techniques, non destructive testing and evaluation (NDT, NDE).
Ultrasonic flowmeters, design and modeling of ultrasonic transducers.
Piezoelectric sensors and actuators.
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