Aeronautics: AIRBUS, EADS, ATR, SAFRAN, THALES, Liebherr Aerospace, Rockwell Collins, Latécoère, Air France
Manpower : 53,000 - including 5,000 researchers
Leading European centre for civil aviation industry
Manpower : 12,000 (25% of the European manpower)
Leading European centre for satellites industry and earth observation
Developing international opportunities
Developing international opportunities
Attracting the best talents
Constituting a research centre of international renown
Advanced courses, accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
Professionally-oriented, meeting specific needs of the French, European and
Foreign aerospace industry:
To acquire in-depth or double competencies
To develop expertise strengthening employment capabilities
To provide global market with high qualified specialists
Selective recruitment
Students holding a master degree,
Professionals with a Bachelor degree and having at least 3 years of experience
Teaching organization
Teaching organization
Two semesters:
one-semester academics session, run by ISAE’s permanent professors and experts from aerospace industry: lectures, tutorials, laboratory sessions, engineering and design study seminars, integrated team projects, etc.
one-semester professional thesis :
within an aerospace industry or state organisation
carrying out consulting mission
concluded by a report and an oral defence in front of jury.
Provide high-level training with state-of-the-art of aeronautical and space engineering
Expose students to the European and French technologies and cultures
Students with Bachelor degree – Aeronautics, Aerospace, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering
Main outlines
Accredited National Degree by Ministry of Education and Research
Teaching based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
4-semester program
Comprehensive MSc offer for personalized education path
Comprehensive MSc offer for personalized education path
Computer Science and Telecommunications (IT)
Computer Science and Telecommunications (IT)
Applied Mathematics (MA)
Mechanical Engineering (GM)
Fluid Dynamics, Energetics and Transfers (DET)
Astrophysics, space sciences and planetology (ASEP)
ISAE Postgraduate Specialized Masters and Masters of Science
Short courses (Mastères courses units) on Helicopters, Airworthiness and Maintenance
ECATA (European Consortium on Advanced Training in Aeronautics and Space):
ISAE is the consortium administrator,
created to train European executives in the aerospace multinational programmes between major companies and Institutes representing Germany, France, Italy, Netherland, Spain, United-Kingdom
320 executives trained through the international Aerospace Business Integration Programme, members of the Ecalas Alumni association,
areas addressed: Aerospace environment awareness, Integrated product development, Systems Engineering, Multinational Project Management,
team work, cultural awareness and leadership.
EUROSAE: common subsidiary continuous training company with ENSTA
EUROSAE: common subsidiary continuous training company with ENSTA
200 short courses in the fields of sciences and techniques, engineering and management,
2300 trainees mostly from aerospace companies,
yearly turnover of around 2 700 k€.
Developing custom built training courses (national and international)
Developing Institutes:
Developing Institutes:
China (Tianjin),
India (Jaïpur),
Morocco (Rabat)
Developing long international training courses (more than 2 weeks) to help French and European industrial groups abroad
Organizing yearly course sessions for US Students:
Summer program (GEA partnership) - 2 months training,
Spring Semester (INSA,ENAC partnership) - 5 months training.
A strong link between research and training
To strengthen the excellence of ISAE training programs
An international hosting center for master and Ph.D. programs
Articulation between own capacities and strong partnerships
A good balance between academic visibility and response to industry needs
To develop scientific knowledge and exchanges
To develop partnerships with agencies, industry and companies
Aeronautics, Space and Embedded Systems
Other sectors present (e.g. automotive)
ONERA: Global strategic partnership
ONERA: Global strategic partnership
Common objectives - 5 common doctoral teams
ONERA and ISAE both present themselves as privileged partners
LAAS-CNRS: Communication networks architecture
Thematic preferential partnership
ISAE is one of LAAS academic structural partners (with UPS, INSA, INPT)
Clément Ader Institute: Mechanical engineering
Mechanics of structures and materials
Common laboratory with UPS, INSA, Mines Albi
TeSA: Telecommunications for Space and Aeronautics
Cooperative laboratory with Thales Alenia Space, Rockwell Collins
Support by CNES, DGAC
Academic partners: INPT (ENSEEIHT), ENAC, UPS, GET
Toulouse University
Toulouse University
ISAE funding member
ISAE associated to 6 Ph.D. Programs in Mechanics – Electrical Eng’g – Maths-Computer Sc.-Telecom. – Systems – Universe Sciences – AA
Aeronautics and Astronautics Ph.D. School
ISAE leading establishment
Multidisciplinary theses in the aeronautic or astronautic domain
RTRA Sciences and Technologies for Aeronautics and Space
ToulouseUniversity funding member
Aerospace Valley international cluster
ISAE member of the board of directors and executive board
Aerospace Campus Project
5 Departments − 1 Centre
5 Departments − 1 Centre
DAEP Aerodynamics, Energetics, Propulsion
DMSM Mechanics of Structures and Materials
DEOS Electronics, Optronics and Signal
MOSE Micro-waves and optronics for embedded systems
CIMI Integrated matrix image sensors
SCAN Signal, Communication, Antennas, Navigation
SSPA Space Systems
DMIA Mathematics, Computer Science, Automatics
MARS Modeling and Architecture of Systems
ADIS Automatics, Dynamics and Interface of Systems
CAS Aeronautics and Space Centre
LACS Languages, Arts, Cultures,
Economics, Societies
Outgoing students:
Outgoing students:
Obligation for the SUPAERO and ENSICA students to stay abroad:
- at least 2 months (academic exchange, internships, projects),
55 SUPAERO students in academic exchange abroad during the year 2009-2010,
32 ENSICA students in academic exchange abroad during the year 2009-2010
mostly United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Canada
but also China, Japan, Denmark, Russia, Switzerland or Netherlands…
Incoming students:
101 students (2009-2010)
- mostly from Spain, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Portugal.
GEA (Groupe des écoles aéronautiques et spatiales):
GEA (Groupe des écoles aéronautiques et spatiales):
founded by SUPAERO and ENSICA with ENAC and ENSMA,
participation in specific programmes like the Summer Program for American students from partner universities,
Sino-European Institute of Tianjin (China).
created by the GEA schools,
co-operation network of 23 European aerospace universities,
ISAE is the permanent office of the network.
SUPAERO Graduate Program belongs to TIME network,
41 mostly European partners; students have been able to obtain a double degree since 1995.
Exploit the scientific, aeronautical, international,
Exploit the scientific, aeronautical, international,
cultural environment in Toulouse, etc
More than 140 clubs…
Micro-drones contest, Eco-marathon
Pilot training
International Challenge on Robotics
Cultural Trip abroad
On campus cultural activities
Air expo: air show
Supaerowing: rowing competition
Key figures
Key figures
2 campuses – 30.7 ha
80,000 m2 of habitable space
nearly 800 student housing units
2,000 people at the two sites
More than 140 clubs and activities
The ISAE-SUPAERO-ENSICA alumni association includes:
The ISAE-SUPAERO-ENSICA alumni association includes:
Graduates of ISAE Programs (SUPAERO & ENSICA Graduate Programs, Specialized master's degrees, Masters of Science and ISAE PhD,
Students of these programs, who can subscribe to it as junior members, in very advantageous conditions of contribution.
This more than 18.000 graduates network is present in 67 countries worldwide and covers all the professions and the industrial but also economic business sectors.
As a public interest organization, the purpose of the ISAE-SUPAERO foundation is to contribute to the national and international influence of ISAE.
As a public interest organization, the purpose of the ISAE-SUPAERO foundation is to contribute to the national and international influence of ISAE.
The foundation has three main orientations:
Support the international mobility of students and professors
Foster the development and influence of research
Encourage social openness at ISAE
ISAE’s project to broaden student intake socially
ISAE’s project to broaden student intake socially
Even if no young student is barred from entering a "grande école" because of their social origin, the student population present is not representative of the social and cultural diversity of the society we live in.
ISAE SUPAERO Graduate Program has thus initiated a project to broaden intake socially to get to the root of some of these causes.
A number of working approaches have been opened out within the scope of the “equality of opportunity” call for projects Minister Azouz Bégag launched in 2006.
Projects developped by “OSE l’ISAE”
Projects developped by “OSE l’ISAE”
developing individual tutoring with secondary school students selected by their teachers;
providing information on the "grandes écoles " track by getting ISAE students to speak to classes of school students (lower or higher secondary) at schools targeted in rural areas in Midi-Pyrénées;
gender equity;
integration of the disabled people;
scientific awareness
The ISAE group has now achieved a size and reputation enabling it to bring together a group of schools, called the ISAE group, around the excellence of its training courses (SUPAERO, ENSICA, Masters, Ph.Ds) and its highly reputed brand.
The ISAE group has now achieved a size and reputation enabling it to bring together a group of schools, called the ISAE group, around the excellence of its training courses (SUPAERO, ENSICA, Masters, Ph.Ds) and its highly reputed brand.
ENSMA (National School of Higher Education in Aero mechanics and techniques) has joined
the ISAE group on may 2011.
The vocation of the ISAE group is to bring together French higher education institutions in aerospace under a single banner, in order to extend the influence of these institutions both nationally and internationally, and to promote aerospace engineer training.
The creation of the ISAE group has received support from institutions (GIFAS, 3AF – Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, the Air and Space Academy, the Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster), local stakeholders (Midi-Pyrénées region, Poitou-Charentes region) and industrials.