Ahmed hulusi

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This book is dedicated to our brothers and sisters

all around the world, who have understood

and experienced the Truth.



ALLAH” as introduced by MOHAMMED (a.s.)


Translated by


Published first by KITSAN in 1994, Istanbul, TURKEY

Fax: ++90. 212. 5115144

ISBN 975-7557-41-2






For the latest revised edition of English, German, French and Russian translations of our publications and the originals in Turkish and for any correspondence, you may contact the authors direct via e-mail or visit our web sites on the Internet:

E-mail: baki@ahmedbaki.com



From “God” to “ALLAH"

Word of Oneness

Worshipping and Servitude

Chapter of ONENESS

Think Free from Your Five Senses

ALLAH is Free of a Center

No Revelation of ALLAH

ALLAH Begets not

Neither was ALLAH Begotten

“ALLAH” in the Koran

“ALLAH” is not a “God"

Sin against One's Own Soul

Human Brain and its Functions

Some Information about Destiny

World of Illusion

If “HU” is Converted into “He"

The System of Life

What is Death

Practice for Your Own Benefit

Most Important Practice “Zhikr"

The Veil of Conditionings

Deeds Mirror the Person

ALLAH / And the Point

Wahdat-i wudjud or Wahdat-i shuhud

(Oneness of Existence or Oneness of Witness)


Word of Oneness (Kalimat-it Tawhid):

La ilaha ill-Allah


They have not comprehended ALLAH with the comprehension due to ALLAH.(22:74)

Have you seen those who have made GODs of their own fancies?” (45:23)

Set not up with ALLAH any GOD!” (28:88)

Say: ALLAH; then, leave the rest.!” (6:91)



My Friend,

IT IS NOT BY CHANCE that in your hands now is a unique book that informs the meaning of the name “ALLAH” and of man's true being, in a way that you haven't been informed so far, truly according to the teachings of Mohammed aleyhessalaam and based on the signs in the Koran.

Before all I would like to state that my sincere intention in preparing this translation has only been to “communicate and reach the true knowledge (ilm) of RasulAllah Mohammed aleyhessalaam (peace and blessings be upon him) and that true understanding of “ALLAH” as much as I can, to those who seek, whether called themselves believer or unbeliever; thus, to be his pen in the hand of Author Ahmed Hulusi in his service.

MOHAMMED's ALLAH” is a collection of essays put in writing from Author Ahmed Hulusi's speeches that were originally gathered in a book he wrote in Turkish in 1989.

As will finally be found out, it is this book's main goal to explain that “there is no GOD ever,” besides the traditional or inherent GOD preconceptions in people's mind or those discussed in religious circles never correspond to the understanding of “ALLAHexplained by Mohammed aleyhessalaam.

As a matter of fact, understanding “ALLAH” as introduced will completely alter one's view about life, about the system operating within it and also about his own being, and further, the way he looks at the existence. Thus the traditional approach to religion as an isolated institution from the rest of life, will remain groundless, as it will be seen what this true understanding has to offer.

Here some words should be said about the translation.

I should state to the effect that although I have tried to be as faithful to the original text as possible in preparing this first translation of the Author's works, please remember that there might still be some statements which do not convey the whole comprehensive meaning of the original text, mainly because of the structural specialties of the two different languages.

Commonly the personal pronoun “He” is used in English to denote a “God.” However, as “ALLAH” is not a separate entity as a “god,” it is not correct to employ the pronoun “He” to denote ALLAH. Therefore, I have imported in our works the original pronoun used to denote “ALLAH” in the Koran, which is “HU.” “HU” originally denotes the “oneness within the essence of existence,” without implying a separate third being...

Also… As the Koran informs that “at the sight of 'ALLAH', the Religion (Deen) is Islam” and as Mohammed aleyhessalaam confirmed all scriptures revealed before him, it is not correct to consider Islam as a religion beside many other religions. Therefore, to keep the reader aware of its quality, I translated the “Religion of Islam” as the “Deen-i Islam,” throughout the book. As you will see in the foregoing pages, after the ONENESS of ALLAH is understood as originally informed by RasulAllah, Islam, an information based on the undivided and unseparated oneness of ALLAH, cannot be considered as a separate religion, as it is the understanding of religion at the sight of Oneness.

I have added short explanatory footnotes to the interest of new readers of the theme and also some complementary information still in footnotes where needed. There are some Koran signs and Sufi phrases in Arabic originals which I have shown in italics in the text, easy to notice for those who are familiar with the Islamic literature. Chapter numbers of each sign in the Koran are shown as in the following style: “(57:3)” which instructs the 3rd verse of the Chapter 57.

Please, note the effect that any reference to “men” or “him” also means “women” or “her.”

Here also I would like to extend my sincere thanks to every friend who took his or her time to help revise and edit this translation.

We invite everyone regardless of who they are, to join to a journey of knowing “ALLAH,” and thus understanding OUR OWN TRUTH. Join this journey of understanding true being of the ONE as the Infinite and the Limitless in any way, and of realizing the Universal consciousness in your own being, and of finding ALLAH, your Creator in your own ESSENCE, not at the farther side. Purify your heart of seeking a god or denying a god off somewhere far away from yourself, which is completely an illusion in your mind; know that ALLAH is not a god-out-there as imagined; “HU” is not a god, HU is the only One that ever existed, that is only by Hu's self, and therefore existed in, what you call, “your own existence.” See the Truth and remedy by it reaching the mysteries in the words such as:

Whoever knows himself knows his Lord"

And as Hazrat Ali1 said:

You thought yourself apart, small;

Whereas in you there is a Universe, the greatest.”
And as Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi2 said:

They who see their beloved today

Are the ones who see tomorrow

What will they know of the beloved there,

They who are of the blind here?”
I believe that this has been the beginning for the presentation of Ahmed Hulusi's science to the people outside Turkey, so all around the world, and I am sure that none of you can help himself or herself inviting anybody to share such a close peace of Truth, that took the whole history of mankind to be explained.

Finally I should point out the fact that neither Author Ahmed Hulusi nor myself ever have any demands for the reproduction or transmission rights of our works. Anyone who wishes can reproduce and transmit this information in any way and by any means, and republish the book provided that its original form is not changed. No reward is required in return for the Science (ilm) of ALLAH.

May ALLAH bestow HU's light of knowledge upon us all.

Ahmed BAKI

September 27, 1992
Istanbul / TURKEY

e-mail: baki@ahmedbaki.com




THIS BOOK of ours was entitled “MOHAMMED's ALLAH.”

Perhaps, for most of us it is startling as a title.

For instance, we may ask ourselves why it wasn't simply titled “ALLAH” instead of “MOHAMMED's ALLAH!”

In this book, we will try to explain to the best of our knowledge and as well as can be said that, ALLAH is not aGOD.” Besides, none of the versions and preconceptions of “GOD” that we have constructed in our minds based on various misinformation and conditionings are in agreement with ALLAH that Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam introduced to us.

There is a version of GOD in the minds of everybody, of almost all from the most primitive to the civilized.

It is such a GOD that we love at times or feel angry with, at other times. There are even times when we judge and condemn HIM for his wrong deeds and misgivings somehow. To tell the truth, we often fancy him almost as a sweet, plump grand-dad or as an enraged, wrathful sultan who sits on a star FAR ABOVE US, or maybe in some other places of outer space!

Also, there are those with a broader sense who argue that there cannot be such a “GOD” really as in people’s mind and claim that “they do not believe in God.” Such people are therefore called “godless” or “atheist.”

However in fact, neither atheists who do not recognize a god, nor those who had an image of GOD in their minds in accordance with what they heard about and were preconditioned, are aware of “MOHAMMED's ALLAH” at all!

What does “MOHAMMED’S ALLAH” mean?

This book was written to answer this question.

In the following pages we will try to explain to you the understanding of “ALLAH” as Hazrat Mohammed aleyhessalaam informed us of being, explained, communicated and tried to make us comprehend, to the degree of our understanding.

The Chapter3 of ONENESS (Sura Al-Ikhlas) in the KORAN is our starting point.

Most of us are likely familiar with this chapter by the name “Kul hu wallahu AHAD,” however we are mostly unaware of its deep, true understanding.

It is this chapter that was specified to be equal to “one-third of the whole Koran.4"

Let us make it clear that “ignorant is he who does not know; stupid is he who does not know that he does not know; idiot is he who does not understand that he does not understand!”

An extreme significance has been given to REASONING (aql) in the Koran and always the man of understanding has been addressed to. Those who have been unable to use their minds have been highly condemned and people have been admonished to realize the facts by using their mind!

Some people, who are literate and who regard themselves as intellectuals despite their incapability of using their minds and their lack of ability to think, try to find an explanation to support their atheism by implying the primeval in their words, of the KORAN's GOD through writings, which reveal their actual level of brains only.

If they are ever in their right minds, they should no doubt understand their need of a serious research.

Instead of doing this, if they keep insisting on their imaginary denial based on false information, no doubt they will eventually have to suffer its results, also.

Alas, we have never understood so far what Mohammed aleyhessalaam, who entered the phenomena religion by emphasizing that “no god ever worshipped” ever existed; only “ALLAH” could be thought, really meant!

By supposing “ALLAH” as a superior degree of the “GOD” with which they had been familiar far earlier, the Western world has been approaching the matter from a completely wrong point of view and thereupon driving a course far away from the principal goal.

I regret to tell that the Islamic world, generally speaking, has ignored MOHAMMED's ALLAH and is in a state of believing in some sort of a GOD off in the SKY somewhere.

While countless and never-ending disputes about the formal aspects of the matter are carried on excessively, the essential principle of religion, belief in ALLAH and in the themes defined in Amantu5, are not dealt with, at all. So, countless misconceptions are considered as facts, and thereupon are regarded as the bases for new ideas to be developed.

The concept “ALLAH” sets the fundamentals of “Islam!”

There is no god to be worshipped; there is only ALLAH!

This statement also reveals that: “ALLAH is not a GOD!”

Well if not a god, then what is ALLAH?

In answer to this question “What is ALLAH”, Mohammed aleyhessalaam asked mankind not to worship a GOD and warned them not to put their future in danger by hoping in vain for help from an imagined GOD.

Mohammed aleyhessalaam, who communicated the Koran, has stated to us that no god ever existed, only ALLAH exists and that there is a system in life, and those who do not carry out necessary tasks within the operation of this system will suffer great afflictions as a result of their own heedless behavior.

If we believe in life beyond death, then it is of a particular importance for us to understand “ALLAH” as well as prepare ourselves for such a life by understanding what it really is.

Instead of achieving works on that direction, if we spend our entire lifetimes as being attached to the things which we will merely leave in this world, then we should be aware that it will never be possible to make up for the past later.

After this brief information let us now come to explain MOHAMMED's ALLAH and see how Hazrat Mohammed informs us of “ALLAH”!

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