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Язык FORTRAN язык предназначенный для научных вычислений.

FORTRAN languages a general-purpose, compiled imperative programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing.

Ikkinchi avlod tili
Tushunchalari kompyuter arxitekturasini aks ettiradigan quyi darajadagi
dasturlash tili (Assembler tili).

Язык второго поколения это язык ассемблера.

Second generation language (2GL) is a grouping of programming languages associated with assembly languages. Unlike the first generation languages, programs can be written symbolically, using English words (also known as mnemonics), in a way that a human can understand and are subsequently converted into machine language by an assembler.

Obyektga-yo‘naltirilgan dasturlashtirish atamasi. Qayta ishlanuvchi ma’lumotlarning ularni qayta ishlovchi amallar bilan uyg’unlashtirish jarayoni.

Инкапсуляция создание объектов путем объединения свойств и методов внутри одной конструкции под общем именем.

Encapsulation encapsulation compiler - is one of the fundamentals of OOP (object-oriented programming). It refers to the bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data. Encapsulation is used to hide the values or state of a structured data object inside a class, preventing unauthorized parties' direct access to them.

Algoritmik tilda yozilgan dasturni, protsessorning
boshqa tilida ifodalangan kodga aylantiruvchi dastur.

Kомпилятор программа щсуществляющая перевод кода на алгоритмическом языке высокого уровня на язык процессора.

Compiler is computer software that transforms computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another programming language (the target language). Compilers are a type of translator that supports digital devices, primarily computers.

LISP tili
“Ro‘yxatlarga ishlov berish” ixtisoslashtirilgan tili. 60 –yillar boshida John McCarthy tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan.
Yuqori darajada dasturlash tili bo‘lib hisoblanadi. Bu til sun’iy tafakkur vazifalarini
yechishda foydalanilgan. Tilning barcha obyektlari (dasturlar va ma’lumotlar)
ro‘yxatlar deb qaraladi.

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