Ali رضي الله عنه و أرضاه would have whipped the Shias of today

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Ali رضي الله عنه و أرضاه would have whipped the Shias of today

April 26, 2013 at 2:53 am | Posted in Defence of companions, Shia vs Companions | Leave a comment









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aaaaYes, Ali would have given them a whipping that would make Rafidhi-Carneval aka Ashoora look like a child’s game:

Hafidh ibn Hajr  quotes Ali  :

ولا يبلغني عن أحد يفضلني عليهما إلا جلدته حد المفتري

“I will lash anyone who prefers me over Abu Bakr and Omar, the lashing of a slanderer.”

[Lisan al-Mizan, Vol. III P. 290]

Hafidh ibn Katheer  in “Bidaya wal Nihaya” vol 7, chapter “شيء من فضائل أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب” wrote:

وقد ثبت عنه بالتواتر أنه قال على منبر الكوفة‏:‏ أيها الناس‏!‏ إن خير هذه الأمة بعد نبيها أبو بكر ثم عمر، ولو شئت أن أسمي الثالث لسميت‏

“And it’s proven from him [Ali] in “tawatur” form, that He said on the pulpit in Kufa: “O people! The best one in this Ummah after her Prophet  is Abu Bakr , then Omar , and if I wanted to say you the third name, I would do that.”

جاء في ( طوق الحمامة ) ليحيى بن حمزة الزبيدي عن سويد بن غفلة الجعفي الكوفي المتوفى عام (80هـ/699م) أنه دخل على علي-رضي الله عنه- في إمارته، فقال: إني مررت بنفر يذكرون أبا بكر و عمر بسوء، ويروون أنك تضمر لهما مثل ذلك، منهم عبد الله بن سبأ، فقال علي: مالي ولهذا الخبيث الأسود، ثم قال : معاذ الله أن أضمر لهما إلا الحسن الجميل، ثم أرسل إلى ابن سبأ فسيره إلى المدائن، ونهض إلى المنبر، حتى اجتمع الناس أثنى عليهما خيرا، ثم قال : إذا بلغني عن أحد أنه يفضلني عليهما جلدته حد المفتري -

الهي ظهير، إحسان، السنة والشيعة، نشر إدارة ترجمة السنة- الهور.

In ‘Tuq Al-Hamamh’ by Yahya bin Hamzah Al-Zobaydi on the authority of bin Ghaflah Al-Jo’fi Al-Kufi (80H) who said that he entered upon Ali – may Allah be pleased with him and said: ‘I passed by some men. among them was Abdallah Ibn Saba’, who were talking negatively about Abu Bakr and Omar saying that you [Ali] hold the same feelings towards them.’ Ali replied: ‘What does this wretched black man (Ibn Saba’s mother was Ethiopian) want from me?’ He then said: “I seek refuge in Allah in holding anything but beautiful respect for them both.” Then he sent after Ibn Saba and exiled him to Al-Mada’in (former capital of the Persian empire) and ascended the pulpit until the people were gathered, he then praised Abu Bakr and Omar, then he said: ‘If it reaches me that anyone prefers me over them then I shall lash them as they do with the slandering liar.’

NOTE: In fact this very same narration has been narrated by through different channels with authentic chains such as in:

‘Al-Seerah’ by Abu Ishaq al-Fizari who narrates almost the same narration above on the authority of Shu’ubah from Salamah bin Kaheel from abu Al-Za’araa from Zaid ibn Wahb. The grading: narrators are trustworthy.  Al-Khateeb made Takhreej for it in “al-Kifayah” p. 376 and said that Abu ‘Abdullah al-Boushanji graded it as Sahih, Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah al-Imam said in the commentary: It is narrated through other chains, it is Thabit.

So what is the ruling of denying tawatur?

Let me rephrase, what is the ruling of a narration that was narrated by people who hold TASHAYYU’ beliefs (Shi’ism of the past i.e. preferring Ali over other Sahaba in some sense) yet collectively narrated what Ali bin Abi Taalib (RA) said in Kufa:

‘’The best of this Ummah after its Prophet is Abu Bakr and then Omar”.

[Bukhari , Ahmed, Ibn Abi Asim , Ibn Abi Shaiba, Ibn Asakir and others]

This has more than 20 narrators who are considered Shia, and the Shia narrators are:    

Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Abdu Khair, Abu Juhaifa Wahb Al-Sewai, Al-Nazal Ibn Sabura, Abu Al-Ja’d, Amr Ibn Huraith , Alqama Ibn Qais, Abu Mijlaz, Abdullah Ibn Salamah, Saed Ibn Qaes Al-khariqi, Abdullah Ibn Zurair Al-Qhafiqi, Al-Hakam Ibn Hajk, Zur Ibn Hubaish, Suwaid Ibn Ghafla, Amr Ibn Madikarib, Al-Harith, Ali Ibn Rabea Al-Walibi, Masada Al-Bujali, Abu Kathir, Abu Ishaq Al-Sabei, Amr Ibn Shurahabil

Some of the sub-narrators of the ahadith that show Ali (radiAllahuanh) praising Abu Bakr (radiAllahuanh) and Umar (radiAllahuanh):

First generation: Some of them are:  Muhammad Ibn Al-Hanafiyyah (Ali’s son, shia), ‘Amr bin Huraith (shia), Wahb As-Siwa’i (shia), Abi Juhaifah (a great companion of Ali, shia), Abd-Khair al-Hamadani (shia), Habbah bin Juwain.    Among these are people who were from the shia of Ali, and fought alongside him at Siffin. They are accepted by shia scholars (refer to Khui’s mu’jam).  This is mutawatir at the first generation.

Second generation:  Some of them are:  Zarr Ibn Hubaish, (shia), ‘Amir, Sha’bi, ‘Awn bin Abi Juhaifah, Ishaq, Habib bin Abi Thabit, Abi Ishaq (shia), Khalid Az-Zayyat, Al-Musayyib, ‘Ataa, Salamah bin Kuhail, Haroon bin Salman.    Again, one or more shias in the second generation.  And again mutawatir in this era.

Second/Third generation:  Some of them are:  Sa’id bin Masrooq, Abu Mu’awiya, Al-Ajlah, Khalid, Younus bin Khabbab (shia), Shu’bah, Husain, Abu ‘Awwanah, Mansoor bin Abi Muzahim, Shareek, Salih bin Abdillah at-Tirmidhi, ‘Umar bin Mujashi’, As-Sabi bin Al-Ash’ath, Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah, Mansoor bin Abdur-Rahman, Yahya bin Ayyub (shia), Isma’il, Malik bin Mughawwal, Bayan, ‘Asim.    Again one or more shias.  And by now the hadith is well-known and widespread, and an accepted highly mutawatir hadith.

Third/Fourth generation:  Some of them are:  Hammad bin Zayd, Wahb bin Baqiyyah, Yayha bin Adam, Muhammad bin ‘Ubayd At-Tanafusi, Isma’il bin Ibrahim, Abu Abdillah, Waki’, Swaid bin Sa’id (shia), Zakariyya bin Yahya Zahmawayh, Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaybah, Abdullah, Khalid bin Abdullah, Abu Bahr Abdul-Wahid Al-Basri, Shihab bin Kharash, Mubarak bin Sa’id, Muhammad bin Fudhayl, Abu Kuraib, and many more..

Once again, one or more shias narrated this in this generation.  By now, the hadith has been written down in books, and has reached incredible tawatur (way too chains to reject as being fabricated), and is an accepted sahih hadith. Hence , I will not proceed with the rest of the links in the chain (4th, 5th, 6th generations..). One early shia scholar who accepts this hadith is Abdur-Razzaq As-San’ani, who has been listed in Ayatullah Khui’s Mu’jam as one of the prominent shia scholars of the era.

One cannot deny such a mutawattir narration and claim that all 21 narrators were liars. It is both illogical and impossible that 21 Shia men would all agree to lie and fabricate this narration in the name of Ali .One might as well deny the Quran!!

And it is proven that such a athaar is clearly authentic and reaches the state of mutawatir, then to reject it is like how the jews rejected the truth, while they knew what came to them was the truth, so beware.

Here a detailed Takhrij by brother Efendi:


And the Imams of Ahl Al-Bayt were ALSO upon the same Aqeedah:

Imam Baqir (father of Imam Al Sadiq) narrates from Abdullah ibn Jafar that he said :

Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه) became our ruler, and he was the best caliph of Allahand he was the most merciful and kind upon us.

Hadith Grading: Saheeh.هَذَا حَدِيثٌ صَحِيحٌ الإِسْنَادِ وَلَمْ يُخَرِّجَاهُمستدرك حاكم 3/79


بريء الله ممن تبرأ من أبي بكر و عمر

Abu Abdullah Ja’afar bin Muhammad (AL-SADIQ) said: “Allah has dissociated himself from those who have dissociated themselves from Abu Bakr and Omar.

“قال الذهبي : قلت: هذا القول متواتر عن جعفر الصادق، أشهد بالله إنه لبار في قوله غير منافق لأحد، فقبح الله الرافضة

Hadith Grading: Imam Al Dhahabi said while commenting on the narration: This saying is Mutawati r(100% authentic) from Jafar Al-Sadiq, I bear witness in front of Allah that he is honest in his saying and not a Munafiq. May Allah increase the Rafidah in ugliness (for lying about the Ahl Al-Bayt)

Abu Bakr and Umar advised to Ali to marry Fatima

April 21, 2013 at 4:37 pm | Posted in Defence of companions, Defence of sunnah | 2 Comments









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Shaykh of shias at-Toose  narrated in his “al-Amali” (p 39) from Dakhak:

سمعت علي بن أبي طالب ( عليه السلام ) يقول : أتاني أبو بكر وعمر فقالا : لو أتيت رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) فذكرت له فاطمة .قال : فأتيته ، فلما رآني رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) ضحك ، ثم قال : ما جاء بك يا أبا الحسن وما حاجتك ؟ قال : فذكرت له قرابتي وقدمي في الاسلام ونصرتي له وجهادي ، فقال : يا علي ، صدقت ، فأنت أفضل مما تذكر . فقلت : يا رسول الله ، فاطمة تزوجنيها ؟ …”

amali p 39 tusi abu bakr and umar advise


I heard Ali ibn Abu Talib (alaihi salam) said: Abu Bakr and Umar approached me and said: May be you would approach prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) and mentioned him Fatima? (Ali) said: And I approached him, and when prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) seen me, he laughed. Then he said: What brought you here, and what is your problem o abul Hasan? And I (Ali) mentioned him my kinship, and my first acceptance of Islam, my help to him, and my jihaad. He (prophet) said: You spoke the truth. And you are better than you said. I (Ali) said: O messenger of Allah, Fatima.. Would you marry her to me?

Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) had 8 children

March 27, 2013 at 6:01 pm | Posted in Defence of companions, Defence of sunnah, Exposing shia lies | Leave a comment









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Shaykh of shias as-Saduq narrated in his book “al-Khisal” (p 404-405)



115- (The compiler of the book narrated) that his father and Muhammad ibn al-Hassan – may God be pleased with them – narrated that Sa’ed ibn Abdullah quoted Ahmad ibn Aba Abdullah al-Barqy, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Ibn Abi Umayr, on the authority of Ali ibn Abi Hamzih, on the authority of Abi Basir, on the authority of Aba Abdullah as-Sadiq (alaihi salam), “The Prophet brought six offspring from Khadijah – two boys named Qasim and Tahir who was also called Abdullah and four daughters who are Umm Kulthum, Ruqayah, Zaynab and Fatimah. Ali ibn Abi Talib (alaihi salam) married Fatimah (alaihi salam). Abul As ibn Rabia, who was one of the Umayyads, married Zaynab. Uthman ibn Affan married Umm Kulthum but she died before the marriage was consummated. When Uthman went to the Battle of Badr, the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) married off Ruqayah to him. The Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) also had a son named Ibrahim from Maria al-Qibyiyya who is also called Umma Ibrahim and Um’ma Valad.

116-Muhammad ibn al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Walid – may God be pleased with him – narrated that Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Saffar quoted Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid, on the authority of Abu Ali al-Vaseti, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Ismat, on the authority of Yahya ibn Abdullah, on the authority of Amr ibn Abil Miqdam, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aba Abdullah as-Sadiq (alaihi salam), “Once when God’s Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) entered his house, he (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) heard that Ayesha was yelling at Fatimah (alaihi salam). She was saying, ‘O Khadijah’s daughter! I swear by God that you believe that your mother was better than us. What was in her that made her nobler than us?’ Fatimah who was listening to her cried when she saw the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ali). The Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) looked at her and asked, ‘O daughter of Muhammad! Why are you crying?’ She replied, ‘Ayesha mentioned my mother’s name with disrespect and I cried.’ The Prophet of God (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) became angry, turned to Ayesha and said, ‘O Homeyra! Be silent. The Blessed the Sublime God has honored kind women who give birth to children. Khadijah – may God may have mercy upon her – has brought two sons from me. The first one is called Tahir, Abdullah or Mutah’har. The second one is called Qasim. Khadijah has delivered four daughters for me who are Fatimah (alaihi salam), Ruqayah, Umm Kulthum and Zaynab. However, you are one whom God has made barren and have not given birth to any child for me.”

Curse of Allah, angels and all people be upon those infidels which say that he (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) had only one daughter – Fatima!

Hadith: Companions are protection for this nation

February 27, 2013 at 5:37 am | Posted in Defence of companions, Defence of sunnah | Leave a comment









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Imam Musa ibn Jafar narrated from his forefathers, that prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) said:

أنا آمن لأصحابي- فإذا قبضت دنا من أصحابي ما يوعدون- و أصحابي أمنة لأمتي- فإذا قبض أصحابي دنا من أمتي ما يوعدون- و لا يزال هذا الدين ظاهرا على الأديان كلها- ما دام فيكم من قد رآني من رآني


Source: Nawader Rawandi p 23; Biharul Anwar Majlisi (22/309-310)

Discussion: Just have a look, that prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) didn’t bind protection and victory of Islamic nation with the presence of masoom Imam! He linked it to presence of tabioon.

Omar’s poodle Ali Ibn Abi Talib – It’s a Rafidhi’s world

December 26, 2012 at 5:02 am | Posted in Defence of companions, Exposing shia lies, So called assault on Fatimah (RA), Take a few minutes to think on this | 3 Comments









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On the left you can see the visualisation of the Rafidhi belief of “the broken rib” (read a detailed rebuttal of all their lies, HERE). It is quite normal for these pagans to potray the Prophets (!), Ahl Al-Bayt and the Sahaba in the most pagan manner possible in their temples (“Husseiniyyah”), hence they also dedicate some idols for “the broken rib” fairy-tale. First to get an impression (including a special effect-Rafidhi-made theathric part of that so called incident) made by Rafidha, watch the following:

Funky, isn’t it? So called “Coward” Omar dragging “brave” Ali through the streets of Madinah like a poodle. OH WAIT! Ali did this to SAVE Islam (say Rawafidh)!You know the Islam including its most important pillar (“Wilayah”), its branches like prayer, Zakah, fasting etc. Ali had to be Omar’s poodle so he can save Islam … that Islam that was distorted (acc. to Shiism) anyway …

Here a comment by an Ex-Shia:

Come on, what should Ali have done? HELLO?! He was BUSY compiling the Qur’an (the one with the right Tafsir which is HIDDEN with the HIDDEN saviour). Also IF he would have done anything than Islam would have been destroyed! Although, errr … our great Maharajas (“Marjas”) do say that Islam, right after the demise of the Prophet (صل الله عليه و آله) – from Aqeedah to Fiqh –  had beene distorted, even the Hajj and prayer were tampered, except among a minority of chosen ones, like chemical Zurarah, our great narrator who liked to fart in the beard of our 6th infallible, as for the rest of the Ummah, and even Shia, well just read about the Waqifiyyah and Fathiyyah a Bakri might say … but that’s another story.

 You know, actually … WAIT! Our great Firetemple priest Yasser Al-Habib gave a GREAT answer on Faduck TV as to why Ali did not defend Fatimah (although he had plenty of time+super powers). Our holy priest said that Othman the third Caliph of the Bakris did not protect his wive too … hmm but isn’t that Qiyas, and isn’t Qiyas absolutely forbidden in our sect? Anyway, forget about the Qiyas part, we, the Shit-ites do like to compare and make Qiyas between a  eighty (!!!) years old man (Khalifah Othman) and a young fresh Ali Ibn Abi Talib who had the power of controlling every single atom (“Wilayah Al-Takwiniyyah belief, that Khomeini and all Shia Ayatullahs ascribe to our Imams), except the atoms of Abu Bakr and Omar I guess …. hmm … anyway we like to make this Qiyas (analogy) Priest Yasser does it too, you know, well … right … Othman was stormed by a MOB of KILLERS and he had no super power unlike Superman, Spiderman, the Fantastic four and of course our holy infallibles who have authority over the atoms of the universe, heck Ali’s sword (if it wasn’t for Jibra’il) would have had cut the earth in two halfs,  Ali is not even present in this Dunya yet he can hear the request of millions in different languages, at different time and space and deliver them to Allah (like Catholics believe regarding their saints), nah rather he HIMSELF comes to the help (“Ya Ali Madad”) to the Afghani, Irani, Arab, Pakistani, English etc. Shi’ite when he calls upon him … Now imagine how mighty he must have been when he was alive and not buried.

 Comparing Ali to a over an over eighty years old man seems somehow dodgy I agree, but we are Rawafidh, we do Qiyas day and night, on top of it we make the most stupid Qiyas one ever could do, we just add a “refutation” to that to impress our gullible followers. But yeah, in a way I agree … actually … better not to compare him with Othman’s case at all, before the Bakris crease up, for at the end of the day Othman’s WIVE had more manhood than (our Shi’ite version of) Ali, because although she was an old woman she actually STOOD up and defended her husband against the assassinators until they CUT OFF her fingers! Ali didn’t even LIFT a finger, poor man was so busy compiling the Qur’an with its CORRECT Tafseer, which unfortunately is NOT accessable to ANYONE in the world due to our holy hidden well/cellar dwelling saviour being into occultation and having taken it with himself.

 But then, some of our great miracles of Allah (Ayadollars) say thatAli DID do something, he did defend his wife, in fact he BROKE Omar’s nose and sat on his chest and was about to KILL him! ROARRRRR, this is the lion of Allah after all … until, yeah … until he REMEMBERED the will of the Prophet صل الله عليه و آله, because the Prophet told him NOT to do anything if people take his rights (unless Ali finds enough supporters i.e. 313) … you see now it makes PERFECTLY sense … ABAL-FAZLLLL! Oh, no … it doesn’t! I hope no Sunni reads this here, because first of all (acc. to us Shias) the Prophet told Ali not to do anything and have patience if they take his rights, he did not say don’t do anything against those who will try to kill your wive. Secondly, the other addition that Ali DID resist against the assaulters makes the whole case much worse for us Shias, because it COMPLETELY destroys the infallibility concept of our Imams, for  the story says that Ali (ALTHOUGH BEING ORDERED NOT TO DO ANYTHING), was about to KILL Omar and actually BROKE his nose, until he >>> REMEMBERED <<< the will of the Prophet i.e. ALI FORGOT the will AND acted against the Prophets will (for a while) just after he remembered the will, he stopped beating Omar. Forgetting even the TINIEST thing and acting against the will of the Prophet is KUFR, that makes Ali a Kafir. What a mess … So we Shia better shut up and keep smacking our chests and heads with razor blades, the holy Ayadollars will bring up some other good explenation, they will, they will … Salavaaat.

(DISCLAIMER: The story above is from Rafidywood, SOME sane Ayatullahs themselves could not believe it, like Ayatollah Fadhlallah and even Al-Khoie did not express their belief in this incident, the former doubted it even, instead of being rewarded he was accused of being a heretic by all other major “Ayatullahs”.)

Did Omar (at least) threatened Fatimah? Disputed Sunni narration analysed

December 26, 2012 at 2:33 am | Posted in Defence of companions, Exposing shia lies, Invented myths and legends, So called assault on Fatimah (RA) | 3 Comments









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Alhamdulillah, we have got a number of articles in regards to the refutation of the sick belief of the Rafidha named “the broken rib” i.e. their accusation that the Sahaba, particularly Abu Bakr, Omar, Abu Ubaydah Ibn Al-Jarrah etc. burned down the house of Fatimah, slapped her, broke her ribs, caused her miscarriage (killed her unborn son)  and other fabricated stories straight from Bollywood, pardon Rafidhiwood:

Wave of lies. Narrations on broken rib analysed.

Here another analysis

That article is absolutely unique for the English speaking audiance and a must-read, for it refutes every possible Shubha (doubt) and narration that the Rafidha quote from our books to prove “the broken rib” fairy-tale. In fact. In fact, we have already responded even to the narration they bring up in our analyses today, the difference is that this narration  might be considered Sahih (the only Sahih narration in regards to that incident!) so we decided that it is worth to dedicated this narration a detailed analyses, and trust us the result will be the absolute termination of Rafidhism, they will wish to never have brought up this narration in the first place. Alhamdulillah previous articles on the web in Arabic, then the translations into English have forced even Shia scholars (and some laymen) to reconsider their approach, they know that in this age it is not that easy to fool every Muslim layman i.e. the days where a Rafidhi could just throw a bunch of ultra-weak and fabricated Tarikh book narrations (“Sunni sources”) in the face of a Sunni layman are over.

So many of these lies have been responded to, that the Rafidha themselves realised that they can’t just use all the extremely weak and fabricated rubbish in some Tarikh books (and no, multiple lies don’t make a lie true i.e. weak/fabricated narrations with unknown and lying narrators don’t strenghten each other, these are basics of Ilm Al-Rijal). But there is one narration, in fact the only (!) authentic (although it’s authenticity can be disputed due to more than one reason) narration that speaks about the incident of Omar approaching Fatimah’s house, this has been narrated by Imam Ibn Abi Shaybah. Ahl Al-Sunnah, unlike the Ahl Al-Bida’ have nothing to hide, they have authenticated loads of narrations in favour of the Ahl Al-Bayt رضوان الله عليهم, they have weakened (!) loads of narrations in the virtue of Mu’awiyah رضي الله عنه and at the same time they have authenticated loads of narrations in the favour of the major Sahaba رضوان الله عليهم, especially the first four Caliphs رضوان الله عليهم so it is as Shaykh Al-Albani (RH) said:

That which the People of Hadith are upon is to mention the facts whether they are in their favour or against them, as opposed to the people of desires, as Ibn Taymiyyah has mentioned many times in his refutations of them.” Ad-Da’eefah, Vol. 12/p. 551.

Hence know oh Muslim and Muslimah, may Allah have mercy upon you, that some Rafidha scholars are very well aware of the fact that the only narration worth to be considered a “proof” for the so called “incident of the burning house” is a narration by Ibn Abi Shaybah in his Musannaf. The likes of Yasser Al-Habib  for exampleadmitted that every single narration Shias (laymen and their stupid clergy) mention (Ibn Qutaybah) are extremely weak and forged according to Sunni standards i.e. they are no Hujjah (argument) in any academical dispute, but the Khabith (“Al-Habib”) and his likes see their chance (the straw they clinch to) in the narration of Ibn Abi Shaybah, but we assure you (that as usual) the following ruling can be applied on the Rawafidh:

هكذا أهل البدع لا يكادون يحتجون بحجة سمعية، ولا عقلية، إلا وهي عند التأمل حجة عليهم، لا لهم‏.الكتب » مجموع فتاوى ابن تيمية » العقيدة » كتاب الأسماء والصفات الجزء الثاني

[...] and this is how the people of innovation (Ahl Al-Bida’) are. They barely can argue with a textual or a rational proof, except that after examination (of their ‘evidence’) it turns out to be against them and not in their favour.”

(Majmoo’ Al-Fatawah of Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah, Aqeedah, the Book of the Names and Attributes part two)

As for the narration:

Imam Ibn Abi Shaybah was Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Shaybah, an ocean of knowledge, a Hadith master and a peer of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. In his Musannaf he states the event as follows:

حدّثنا محمد بن بشر، حدّثنا عبيد اللّه بن عمر، حدّثنا زيد بن أسلم، عن أبيه أسلم، انّه حين بويع لأبي بكر بعد رسول اللّه ـ صلَّى الله عليه وآله وسلَّم ـ كان علي والزبير يدخلان على فاطمة بنت رسول اللّه ـ صلَّى الله عليه وآله وسلَّم ـ فيشاورونها ويرتجعون في أمرهم، فلما بلغ ذلك عمر بن الخطاب خرج حتّى دخل على فاطمة، فقال:
يا بنت رسول اللّه ـ صلَّى الله عليه وآله وسلَّم ـ! واللّه ما من أحد أحبّ إلينا من أبيك، وما من أحد أحبّ إلينا بعد أبيك منك، وأيم اللّه ما ذاك بمانعي إن اجتمع هؤلاء النفر عندك، إن أمرتهم أن يحرق عليهم البيت، قال: فلما خرج عمر جاءوها، فقالت: تعلمون أنّ عمر
قد جاءني وقد حلف باللّه لئن عدتم ليحرقن عليكم البيت، وأيم اللّه ليمضين لما حلف عليه، فانصرفوا راشدين، فَرَوا رأيكم ولا ترجعوا إلي، فانصرفوا عنها فلم يرجعوا إليها حتّى بايعوا لأبي بكر

أخرجه أحمد في “فضائل الصحابة” (1/364) وابن أبي شيبة في “المصنف” (7/432) وعنه ابن أبي عاصم في “المذكر والتذكير” (1/91) ورواه ابن عبد البر في “الاستيعاب” (3/975) من طريق البزار – ولم أجده في كتب البزار المطبوعة – وأخرجه الخطيب في “تاريخ بغداد” (6/75) مختصرا : كلهم من طريق محمد بن بشر ثنا عبيد الله بن عمر عن زيد بن أسلم عن أبيه به .

قلت : وهذا إسناد صحيح ، فإن محمد بن بشر العبدي (203هـ) ثقة حافظ من رجال الكتب الستة، وكذا عبيد الله بن عمر العمري المتوفى سنة مائة وبضع وأربعون ، وكذا زيد بن أسلم مولى عمر بن الخطاب (136هـ)، وكذا أبوه أسلم مولى عمر ، جاء في ترجمته في “تهذيب التهذيب” (1/266) أنه أدرك زمان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، إلا أنه لم يكن في المدينة في وقت أحداث البيعة ، لأن محمد بن إسحاق قال : بعث أبو بكر عمر سنة إحدى عشرة ، فأقام للناس الحج ، وابتاع فيها أسلم مولاه . فيكون الحديث بذلك مرسلا ، إلا أن الغالب أن أسلم سمع القصة من عمر بن الخطاب أو غيره من الصحابة الذين عاشوا تلك الحادثة .

- Muhammad ibn Bishr from Ubaydallah Ibn Omar from Zayd ibn Aslam from his father Aslam the Mawla of Omar.
When Abu Bakr received the pledges of allegiance after the Messenger of Allah, Ali and Al-Zubayr used to enter the presence of Fatima the daughter of the Messenger of Allah and consult with her and hesitate in their allegiance. When news of this reached Omar ibn Al-Khattab, he came out until he entered Fatima’s presence and said: “Daughter of the Messenger of Allah, none in all creation was more dearly beloved to me than your father, and none is more beloved to us after him than you. However, by Allah, this shall not prevent me, if that group gathers in your house, to order that their door be set afire!”  When Omar went out, they came and she said: “Do you know that Omar came to me and swore by Allah that if you were to come back, he shall surely burn the door with you inside! By Allah, he shall certainly fulfill what he swore, so go away in peace (literally: Go away as RASHIDEEN!), flee from your opinion, and do not come back to see me.” They left her and did not return to see her until they pledged their allegiance to Abu Bakr.”

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