Almost Like a Play’: Discretion and the Health Care Innovation Working Group Emmet Collins

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1 Many thanks to Dr. Jonathan Malloy and Dr Raffaele Iacovino for their assistance with this paper. I would also like to acknowledge the support of the Social Sciences Humanities Research Council of Canada.

2 Semi-structured interviews were conducted under conditions of confidentiality with 9 provincial officials and 4 external stakeholders between July and December of 2014.

3 Although as one official notes “It wasn’t actually a hundred days, that was a communications thing, as you can imagine.”

4 Further work needs to be done regarding the subsequent work of the HCIWG, although this work has been rendered difficult by a lack of information. A freedom of information request was submitted for documents post-2012 pertaining to the HCIWG, but these were refused because they constituted information that “might be harmful to intergovernmental relations”. An appeal is pending, although I am not hopeful.

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