Annual Work Plan 2016

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The 2016 Annual Workplan is informed by the Country Office progress to date on the implementation of the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP 2013-2017); which is aligned to the National Development Plan, the United Nations Strategic Cooperation Framework 2013-2017; lessons learned from the implementation of the 2015 Annual Workplan; requests from government for high-end policy development and programme implementation; and the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) late in 2015.

The programmatic lessons learned in 2015 include;

Coordination with Government: Closer and improved engagement with the department of National Treasury and DIRCO is key to improve government/UNDP programme quality, coordination, monitoring, reporting and delivery.

Reinforcing Country Office (CO) Capacity: Finding ways to optimise use of nationally available capacities/expertise through partnership with key stakeholders including research institutions, institutes of higher learning and think tanks have been critical in enabling the CO to deliver upstream policy advice in various areas of the programme including land reform, industrial research, and social protection.

UN Joint Collaboration: South Africa as an Upper Middle Income Country (MIC) requires the UN system, led by the UNDP, to strategically position itself to provide upstream policy and advisory services by undertaking policy influencing joint programming initiatives.

Resource Mobilization: The CO recognizes the importance of diversifying the resource base especially from government cost-sharing and private sector sources.

The 2016 Annual Workplan continues to commit the Country Office to reposition the public sector to support government’s developmental agenda; support national processes and institutions in their efforts towards inclusive growth; support the building of institutional capacities and expand local knowledge base for sustainable development and South Africa’s strategic objective of building a better Africa, and better World.

Following on the lessons learned and the commitments above, the Country Office programmatic priorities for 2016 will include:

Inclusive Growth:

  • Programme in support of land reform and rural development

  • Full operationalization of the Supplier Development Programme to promote Small, Micro and Medium sized Enterprises

  • Support to industrial transformation

  • Support for the establishment of the centre for trade negotiations


  • Support to Parliamentary assessment of the impact of post-apartheid legislation on the transformation of the country

  • Support Independent Election Commission of SA in the areas of civic education, establishment of the research and knowledge hub, and domestic observation capacity

Environment and Energy:

  • Develop a climate change adaptation support programme to be funded by the Green Climate Fund

  • Complete formulation of 2 GEF VI proposals in the areas of energy efficiency and access and benefits sharing

  • Launch 4 new GEF programmes

Global and Regional Role:

  • Initiate an inter-agency SS/TC programme of support.

Other programmatic cross-cutting priorities include:

  • Support the implementation of the NDP and domestication of the SDGs

  • The production of the 4th NHDR (first in 10 years)

Mainstream gender and SS/TC in CO programme planning and implementation across all 4 CPD components


2.1 Programmes Alignment to National Priorities and SDGs



National Outcomes


Key Partners

Enhancing Inclusive Growth

(i) Enhanced Social Protection; (ii) Expanded Access to Employment Opportunities (iii) Competitiveness of SMMEs Increased through the Supplier Development Programme; and Inclusive Financing for Women Owned SMMEs Project.

  • Decent employment through inclusive economic growth

  • Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities, contributing towards food security for all

  • An inclusive and responsive social protection system

No Poverty (1)

Zero Hunger (2)
Economic Growth
Decent Work & Economic Growth (8)
Reduce Inequalities’ (10)

Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation; Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Department of Small Business Development; National Youth Development Agency; National Treasury, Department of Economic Development; Statistics South Africa; Department for Small Business Development, the Dti; Provincial departments and institutions, relevant NGOS/CBOs/think-tanks, IFIs, Bilateral partners; SBDI; Dti; Mthiya; UN Agencies

Climate Change and Greening South Africa’s Economy:

(i) Energy Efficiency Standards & Labelling Project (S&L); (ii) Reducing Disaster Risks from Wildland fire Hazards Associated with Climate Change in South Africa (PIMS 3947); (iii) Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Regulation and Management at the Municipal Scale (PIMS 4719); (iv) Securing Multiple Ecosystems Benefit Through SLM in the Productive but Degraded Landscapes of South Africa; (v) BIOFIN -South Africa; & (vi) Improving Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Network (PIMS 4943)

  • Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected & enhanced

Affordable and Clean Energy (7)
Climate Action (13)
Life Land (15)
Sustainable Cities & Communities (11)

Department of Environmental Affairs; Department of Energy; South African Biodiversity Institute, SANParks, UN Agencies

Service Delivery and Democratic Governance

(i) UNDP Support to Health Sector in Limpopo; (ii) Parliamentary Support to High-level Panel to Review Legislative Impact; (iii) Support to the Independent Elections Commission; (iv) KwaZulu-Natal Capacity Development Programme (v) Strengthening Disaster Risk Assessment and Analysis in South Africa (vi) Institutional support to public sector innovation in SA and the region; & (vii) Gender and HIV mainstreaming Support

  • Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system

  • Efficient, effective and developmental oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship

  • Nation Building and Social Cohesion

Good health and Wellbeing (3)
Gender Equality (5)
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels(160)

KZN Office of the Premier; Parliament; National Treasury, Department of Social Development; Department of International Relations and Cooperation; Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs; Department of Public Service and Administration; Statistics South Africa; Department for Women; Commission for Gender Equality; CPSI; NGOS/CBOs/think-tanks, IFIs, Bilateral partners; UN Agencies

South Africa’s Regional and Global Engagement

(i) UN coordinated programme to support South Africa’s regional and global role

  • Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better Africa and the world

Partnerships For the Goals (17)

Department of International Relations and Cooperation; UN Agencies

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