Ap792397 Printing Industry Superannuation Award 1988

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AP792397 - Printing Industry Superannuation Award 1988
This AIR consolidated award incorporates all amendments up to and including 21 June 2005 (variation PR959102).
Clauses affected by the most recent amendment(s) are:
Roping-in award No. 2 of 2005

About this Award:


Note: The Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Choice of Superannuation Funds) Act 2005 provides that individual employees generally have the opportunity to choose their own superannuation funds. For further information see the AIRC guidance note — Choice of Superannuation Funds and Award Provisions.


Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer.


Please note that this consolidated award is prepared by the Australian Industrial Registry and is believed to be accurate but no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no liability is accepted for errors or omissions or loss or damage suffered as a result of a person acting in reliance thereon.

Copies of official decisions, awards and orders of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission can be accessed at no cost through the Commission’s website (www.airc.gov.au) or purchased from any office of the Australian Industrial Registry.
AP792397 [Pre-Reform AIR Consolidation]
Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904
In the matter of notifications of industrial dispute between the
Printing and Kindred Industries Union
Australian Chamber of Manufactures and others

(C No. 5658 of 1987)

Graphic Arts Services Association of Australia
Printing and Kindred Industries Union
(C No. 30995 of 1988)
in relation to superannuation in the printing industry
And in the matter of a decision issued by the Commission 22 December 1988 [Print H6349]



This Award shall be known as the Printing Industry Superannuation Award 1988.
In this Award:
(a) "The Commission" means the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission.
(b) "Employer" means an employer who is a member of an organisation listed in Schedule A.
(c) "PISF" means the Printing Industry Superannuation Fund.
(d) "ARF" means the Australian Retirement Fund.
(e) "Employee" means an employee in whose terms and conditions of employment are determined by reference to an award prescribed in clause 3(b) of this award and shall include employees engaged on a weekly full time, part time and casual basis, members of the union or not.
(f) "Ordinary time earnings" means the classification rate, including supplementary payment where relevant, overaward payment, and shift loading. It shall also include award prescribed all purpose wage related allowances such as VDT allowances, leading hand allowances and Northern Territory District Allowance.
(g) "Union" means the Printing and Kindred Industries Union.
[3 substituted by P0867 ppc 12May97]
(a) This award shall apply to and shall be binding upon:
(i) The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members;
(ii) The organisations listed in Schedule A and their members.
(b) Members of organisations referred to in paragraph a(ii) hereof are bound by this award in respect to employees whose work is covered by the following awards and to which they are respondent
The Graphic Arts Award 1977 [Print D3516 [G0014]]

The Country Printing Award 1959 [Print G8513 [C0056CRA]]

The Graphic Arts (ACT) Interim Award 1982 [Print F1680 [G0041]]

The Graphic Arts (Northern Territory) Award 1981 [Print E6549 [C0040CRN]]

The Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 [Print M7985 [G0439]]
and any subsequent roping-in awards to those awards.
(c) Employees, whether members of a union or not are entitled to the provisions of this award.
(a) Employers shall in respect of each of their employees make contributions to either of the following Industry Superannuation funds at the election of the employee:
Printing Industry Superannuation Fund (PISF) or Australian Retirement Fund (ARF)
(b) The contributions shall be at a rate of
(i) 1.5% of the employees weekly ordinary time earnings from the beginning of the first pay period to commence on or after 1 February 1989 and
(ii) a further 1.5% of weekly ordinary time earnings from the beginning of the first pay period to commence on or after 1 July 1989.
[4(b)(iii) inserted by J3336 ppc 20Oct89]
(iii) 3% of weekly ordinary time earnings from the beginning of the first pay period which commenced on or after 20 October 1989 for those employers included in Print J3336 issued on 20 July 1990.
(c) Within 30 days of the employer being required to make superannuation contributions in respect of an employee in accordance with this Award, the employee shall notify the employer of the fund under subclause (a) hereof to which contributions are to be made. In the event the employee fails to so notify the employer within the time specified, the employer shall nominate the fund on the employee's behalf. The choice of fund having being exercised shall not be changed within five years other than with the consent of the employer.
(d) An employer will not be required to make contributions in respect of periods during which an employee is absent from work without pay.
(e) The obligation of an employer to contribute in respect of an employee shall cease on the last day of the employee's employment with the employer.
(f) Contributions in respect of part time employees will be proportionate to the hours of work of the employee.
(g) If a weekly engaged full time or part time employee leaves the employer's service within the first four weeks of engagement, the employer shall not be required to make contributions in respect of that employee.
(h) Contributions in respect of casual employees shall commence when the employee has been employed on each of not less than 60 days whether consecutively or accumulatively in total including employment prior to and subsequent to the date of operation of this Award. For the purposes of this subclause a day shall be determined by reference to the minimum engagement period specified by the relevant award.
(a) Employers listed in Schedule B shall be exempt from the provisions of this Award.
(b) Exemptions will be granted in terms of the decision of the Commission in matters C Nos 5658 of 1987 and 30995 of 1988 on 22 December 1988 (Print H6349) and applications will be processed in accordance with the following procedure.
(i) The respondent employer organisations will advise the Union by 30 April 1989 the name of the member company or companies seeking exemption and the basis on which the exemption is sought.
(ii) The respondent employer organisations will initiate discussions with the Union in respect of such applications for exemption.
(iii) The Union will initiate any applications by consent to the Commission to incorporate the names of exempted companies in Schedule B to this Award.
(iv) Either party may seek the assistance of the Commission in resolving a particular exemption application.
(v) Any application for exemption to be determined by the Commission may be notified to the Commission by the relevant employer organisation respondent to this Award.
(c) Leave is reserved for an application for exemption in respect of any employer becoming a member of an organisation respondent to this Award subsequent to the making of this Award. Such applications will be dealt with in accordance with paragraphs (ii) to (v) inclusive in subclause (b) hereof.
[5A inserted by J3336 ppc 20Oct89; varied by K1529; K3113 ppc 01Apr90]
(a) The following categories of exemption shall apply to employers listed in Schedule C of this award:
Category 1
Employers named in this category shall in respect of each of their employees be exempt from the terms of this award so long as the agreement applying to occupational superannuation between each of the employers with the union continues to apply.
Category 2
Employers named in this category shall in respect of each of their employees make the prescribed contribution in accordance with this award to the Printing Industry Superannuation Fund (PISF).
Category 3
Employers named in this category shall in respect of each of their employees make the prescribed contribution in accordance with this award to the Australian Retirement Fund (ARF).
Category 4
Employers named in this category shall in respect of each of their employees make the prescribed contribution in accordance with this award and in doing so be exempt from the provisions of subclause 4(a) of this award.
NOTE: Category 4 includes employers with superannuation funds established prior to the decision issued on 22 December 1988 (Print H6349) and are included in clause 5A "Limited Exemptions" on the basis that superannuation contributions continue to be made into such funds for all employees covered by this award and in accordance with the provisions of this award. Category 4 also includes employers making superannuation contributions to established funds where printing industry employees are a minority of total employees.
Category 5
Employers named in this category who were contributing to and whose employees were members of an existing superannuation scheme which is acceptable to the union are exempted from the provisions of subclause 4(a) of this award provided that the prescribed contributions in accordance with this award are paid to the existing superannuation scheme(s) (shown in brackets adjacent to the employer(s) named in Schedule C   Category 5).
Category 6
(1) The partnership between Double Bay Newspapers Pty Limited, Brehmer Fairfax Pty Limited and General Newspapers Pty Limited shall be exempt from subclause 4(a) of this Award in respect of their employees engaged in connection with the businesses known as Hannan Print, Victoria; Lasercolor/Stock Journal; and, Magazine Printers and shall make contributions in respect of such employees to the Macquarie Publications Retirement Fund, provided that:
(a) If at the date of the commencement of this order an employee was a member of PISF or ARF and as at that date contributions under this Award were being made in respect of that employee into either PISF or ARF, contributions will continue to be made into that fund;
(b) If during the period from the date of commencement of this order to the date of this order an employee commenced having contributions made under this Award into PISF or ARF, contributions will continue to be made into that fund;
(c) This exemption shall not apply to any employee who commences employment after the date of this order.
(2) The partnership between Double Bay Newspapers Pty Limited, Brehmer Fairfax Pty Limited and General Newspapers Pty Limited shall be exempt from subclause 4(a) of this Award in respect of their employees engaged in connection with the business known as Macquarie Print and shall make contributions in respect of such employees to the Macquarie Publications Retirement Fund.
(b) Leave is reserved for an application for limited exemption in accordance with this clause in respect of any employer becoming a member of an organisation respondent to this award subsequent to the making of this award. Such applications shall be processed in accordance with the following procedure:
(i) The respondent employer organisations will initiate discussions with the union in respect of such application for limited exemption.
(ii) The union will initiate any applications by consent to the Commission to incorporate the names of companies in Schedule C to this award.
(iii) Either party may seek the assistance of the Commission in resolving a particular application for limited exemption.
(iv) Any application for limited exemption to be determined by the Commission may be notified to the Commission by the relevant employer organisation respondent to this award.
This Award shall come into operation from 22 December 1988 and shall remain in force for a period of 2 years.
(a) Leave is reserved for the Union to apply in respect to the Reserve Bank of Australia   Note Printing Branch at Craigieburn Victoria.
(b) Leave is reserved to an employer to apply in circumstances where the employer becomes obliged by legislation or another award to make superannuation contributions in respect to the same employees covered by this Award.
Respondent Employer Organisations
Printing and Allied Trades Employers Federation of Australia
Graphic Arts Services Association of Australia
Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia
Australian Chamber of Manufactures
Victorian Employers Federation
[Sched B varied by H7782 ppc 23Mar89]
Employers exempt from this Award
[H7782] Celthene Pty Ltd

105 Ricketts Road, Mt Waverly VIC 3149

Indepent Grocers Co operative Ltd

404 450 Findon Road, Kidman Park SA 5025

The Pratt Group

150 Oxford Street, Collingwood VIC 3066

Smorgon Fibre Containers

249 Middleborough Road, Box Hill VIC 3128

[Sched C inserted by J3336 ppc 20Oct89; varied by K1028 31Oct91; K1529 ppc 20Oct89; K7817 ppc 06May93; K9593 ppc 29Sep93; K9834 ppc 22Oct93; L0214 ppc 23Nov93; M0129 ppc 24Feb95; M4916 ppc 29Aug95]
Employers with limited exemption from this Award
Category 1
ACI Plastics Packaging Pty Ltd, Unit 11, Percy Street, Auburn 2144

APM Containers Pty Ltd, 1 Railway Parade, Camberwell 3144

APPM Group Envelope Manufacturers, (The Paper House and Dalton Fine Paper), 476 St Kilda Road, St Kilda 3004

Cardboard Containers (Aust) Pty Ltd, 151 Belmont Street, Alexandria 2015

CCH Australia Ltd, Cnr Talavera & Khartoum Roads, North Ryde 2113

Colourpak International Pty Ltd, 32 Chiefly Street, Smithfield 2164

Comprint Engravers Pty Ltd, 19 Euston Road, Rydalmere 2116

Computer Resources Company Pty Ltd, 32 46 Huntley Street, Alexandria 2015

Containers Packaging Group, 265 Franklin Street, Melbourne 3000

Email Ltd, Joynton Avenue, Waterloo 2017

Fairfax Community Newspapers Pty Ltd, 47 Allingham Street, Bankstown 2200

Gadsden J. Australia Limited, 42 48 Dudley Street, West Melbourne 3003

Grace W.R. Australia Limited & Omicron Pty Ltd, 1126 1134 Sydney Road, Fawkner 3060

Hallmark Cards Australia Ltd, 611 Blackburn Road, Clayton North 3168

International Harvester Australia Limited, 211 Sturt Street, South Melbourne 3205

Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Ltd, 12 Mars Road, Lane Cove 2066

Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, 173 Elizabeth Street, Coburg 3058

Kraft Foods Limited, 162 Salmon Street, Port Melbourne 3207

Legal and General Life of Australia Ltd, 504 Pacific Highway, St Leonards 2065

Lilypak Ltd, 406 Marion Street, Bankstown 2200

Moore Business Forms and Systems Pty Ltd, The Boulevard, Richmond 3121

Morris McMahon & Co Pty Ltd, 34 Arncliffe Street, Arncliffe 2205

Murfett Regency Pty Ltd, 7 13 Keys Road, Moorabbin 3189

National Australia Bank Limited, 500 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000

Reserve Bank of Australia, 65 Martin Place, Sydney 2000

Rheem Australia Ltd, 9 11 Bridge Street, Pymble 2073

Rothmans of Pall Mall (Australia) Ltd, 26 Ferndell Street, South Granville 2142

Sidchrome, 58 Dougharty Road, Heidelberg West 3081

Signs Publishing Company, Main Street, Warburton 3799

Spicers Paper Limited, 44 Raglan Street, Preston 3072

The Comprint Group, 19 Euston Street, Rydalmere 2116

The Stanley Works Pty Ltd, 8 Moncrief Road, Nunawading 3131

Vega Press Pty Ltd, 91 Railway Road, Blackburn 3130

Westpac Banking Corporation, 60 Martin Place, Sydney 2000

Category 2
Leigh Mardon Pty Ltd, 71 Macquarie Street, Sydney 2000

The Craftsmen Press Pty Ltd, 125 Highbury Road, Burwood 3125

Quality Lithographics, 61 Sydenham Road, Marrickville 2204
Category 3
ArtCraft Engineering, 26 Metropolitan Avenue, Nunawading 3131

Australian Corrugated Box Company Pty Ltd, 19 29 Scrivener Street, Warwick Farm 2170

Dalton Packaging, 2 22 Clayton Road, Clayton North 3168

Datamail Pty Ltd, 113 Kavanagh Street, South Melbourne 3200

Norwood Industries Pty Ltd, 41 Rushdale Street, Knoxfield 3180
Category 4
A & L Printers Pty Ltd, Cnr Stuart and George Streets, Bunbury 6230

Aarque Systems Pty Ltd, Cnr Epsom Road and Joynton Avenue, Zetland 2017

Abalprint Pty Ltd, 37 Little Street, Coffs Harbour 2450

ABC Bookbinding Pty Ltd, 140 Cromwell Street, Collingwood 3066

ACP Colour Graphics Pty Ltd, 195 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, 2000

Adica Holdings Pty Ltd, 10 William Street, Brookvale 2100

Adstik Labels Pty Ltd, 22 Ken Street, Belmore 2192

Advocate Printers (Burnie) Pty Ltd, 39 Alexander Street, Burnie 7320

Alec Dobson & McEwan Pty Ltd, 81 83 Fletcher Street, Adamstown 2289

Aldus Ltd, 10 Camercon Street, Moreland 3056

All Kotes (NSW) Pty Ltd, 11 15 Henderson Street, Turrella 2205

Argyle Press Goulburn Pty Ltd, 448 Auburn Street, Goulburn 2580

ATL Pty Ltd, Nancarrow Avenue, Meadowbank 2114

Austram Packaging Pty Ltd, 55 57 Wellington Street, Windsor 3181

Baddock, Les & Sons Pty Ltd, 98 106 Riley Street, Darlinghurst 2010

Baker Industries, 27 Kembla Street, Cheltenham 3192

Baring Printers Pty Ltd, 27 Og Road, Klemzig 5087

Barry Corporation Avon Graphics Pty Ltd, 2 6 Redwood Drive, Dingley 3172

Baskerville & Pratt Pty Ltd, 9 Harold Street, Dianella 6052

Bode Packaging Pty Ltd, 37 Malcolm Road, Braeside 3195

Boswell Printing Pty Ltd, 34 Ralph Street, Alexandria 2015

Bowden Printing Pty Ltd, 14 16 St Helena Place, Adelaide 5000

Brown, Harry & Company, 4 Dickson Street, Ballarat 3350

Brownhill Printing Pty Ltd, 52 Duerdin Street, Clayton North 3168

BR Printing Pty Ltd, 30 Albermarle Street, Kensington 3031

Buckner Printing Co Pty Ltd, 71 Basalt Street, Geebung 4034

Butterick Company Pty Ltd, 1 Queen Street, Auburn 2144

Cambec Press Pty Ltd, 11 13 Redwood Court, Notting Hill 3168

Camden Printing Service Pty Ltd, Cnr Edward & Argyle Streets, Camden 2570

Canberra Press (Melb) Pty Ltd, 62 64 Bond Street, Mordialloc 3195

Castle Graphics Pty Ltd, 13 Tucks Road, Seven Hills 2147

Castle Printing Co Pty Ltd, 4 Hoyle Avenue, Castle Hill 2154

C.D.C. Graphics Pty Ltd, 47 Wittenoom Street, East Perth 6000

Champion Business Forms Pty Ltd, 10 12 Beatrice Avenue, West Heidelberg 3081

Classic Stationery & Bookbinders Pty Ltd, 81 Acton Avenue, Belmont 6104

Coates Bros Australia Pty Ltd, 323 Chisholm Road, Auburn 2144

Colemans Printing Pty Ltd, 88 Cavenagh Street, Darwin 0800

Collie Cooke Consolidated Pty Ltd, Cnr Grace & Reynolds Streets, North Melbourne 3051

Colortron Pty Ltd, 30 Crown Avenue, Mordialloc 3195

Colour Works Pty Ltd, 491 Marion Road, South Plympton 5038

Columbia Pelikan Pty Ltd, 91 Ashford Avenue, Milperra 2214

Contact Labels Pty Ltd, 37 Sydenham Road, Brookvale 2100

Cox Kay Printers Pty Ltd, 57 Warwick Street, Hobart 7000

Cox The Printer Pty Ltd, 2 Rofe Street, Leichhardt 2040

Crane Packaging Pty Ltd, 212 218 Barry Road, Campbellfield 3061

Cumberland Newspaper Division of Nationwide News Pty Limited, 142 Macquarie Street, Parramatta 2150

Currie, W.A. & Co Pty Ltd, 254 260 Burwood Road, Hawthorn 3122

Cutting and Creasing Services Pty Ltd, 1 7 Unwins Bridge Road, St Peters 2044

Cutting Formes Pty Ltd, 36 38 May Street, St Peters 2044

Dashing Holdings Pty Ltd, 6 Bridge Street, Sydney 2000

Direct Litho Techniques Pty Ltd, 160 Rochford Street, Erskineville 2043

Dowsett Allen Printers Pty Ltd, 11 Tooronga Avenue, Edwardstown 5039

Drouin Commercial Printers Pty Ltd, 48 Young Street, Drouin 3818

Dunn, H.T. & Co Pty Ltd, 47 Sydney Street, Marrickville 2204

Dynamic Mailing Pty Ltd, 6 Bowden Street, Alexandria 2015

Edward H. O'Brien (Compilation) Pty Ltd, 16/39 Herbert Street, St Leonards 2065

E Gee Printers Pty Ltd, 45 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale 3876

Endeavour Press Pty Ltd, 439 Swan Street, Burnley 3121

Enterprise Press Pty Ltd, 85 Macarthur Street, Sale 3850

Enticott Polygraph Pty Ltd, 12 20 Raglan Street, North Melbourne 3051

ER Printing & Binding Enterprises Pty Ltd, 83A Grose Street, Parramatta 2150

Eveready Aust Pty Ltd, 30 40 Harcourt Parade, Rosebery 2018

Ever Redi Press Pty Ltd, 1320 Wakaden Street, Griffith 2680

Eureka Press Pty Ltd, 56 58 Howard Road, Beverley 5009

Eurographics Pty Ltd, 1 Maple Avenue, Forestville 5035

Flexpack Pty Ltd, 588 590 Tarragindi Road, Salisbury 4107

Fred Hosking Pty Ltd, Station Avenue, Concord West 2138

Freeline Press Pty Ltd, 189 Main South Road, Morphett Vale 5162

GFM Graphics Pty Ltd, Cnr Briggs & Swansea Streets, East Victoria Park 6101

Gibbney Graphics, 118 Roe Street, Northbridge 6000

Globe Press Pty Ltd, 50 Weston Street, Brunswick 3056

Go Go Go Pty Ltd, 1007 Hay Street, Perth 6000

Goodway Printing Centre Pty Ltd, 8 10 Bayley Street, Geelong 3220

Halkeas, S. Printing Pty Ltd, 46 52 Meagher Street, Chippendale 2008

Hansen Print Pty Ltd, 67 69 Smith Street, Naracoorte 5271

Hawthorn Press Pty Ltd, 157 Federation Street, Mt Hawthorn 6016

Heron, John Pty Ltd, 23 Ruse Street, Osborne Park 6017

Hogbin, Poole (Printers) Pty Ltd, 99 Marriott Street, Redfern 2016

Hollow Bros & Bourke Pty Ltd, 71 79 Tulip Street, Cheltenham 3192

Holmes, J.G. Pty Ltd, 1 St Edmonds Road, Prahran 3181

Hunter, T. & H. Pty Ltd, 58(a) Gipps Street, Collingwood 3066

IBM Australia Ltd, Coorana Avenue, West Pennant Hills 2120

Impact Printing, 69 79 Fallon Street, Brunswick 3056

Inprint Ltd, Cnr Bilsen & Zillmere Roads, Boondall 4034

Irving, J.C. & Co Pty Ltd, Riverview Drive, Berri 5343

Jacpaper Australia Pty Ltd, Cnr Indwe & Carla Streets, Tottenham 3012

Juralith Pty Ltd, 25 Toohey Road, Wetherill Park 2164

Kaleidoscope Print & Design Pty Ltd, 186 Sutherland Street, West Perth 6005

Kolorart Graphics Pty Ltd, 32 Station Street, Dundas 2117

KSH Cartons Pty Ltd, 34 Hawker Street, Airport West 3042

KTR Printing Pty Ltd, 7 Carrington Road, Castle Hill 2154

Lamb, Alan Pty Ltd, and Labelprint Pty Ltd, 24 Wandoo Street, Fortitude Valley 4006

Lambert Creative Services Pty Ltd, 173 Elizabeth Street, Coburg 3058

Largs Bay Printers Pty Ltd, 84 Dale Street, Port Adelaide 5015

Leader Composition Pty Ltd, 6 Bay Street, Port Melbourne 3207

Letterpress Australia Pty Ltd, 9 Osman Place, Thebarton 5031

Lithocraft Graphics Pty Ltd, 123 133 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne 3205

Litho Platemakers Pty Ltd, 262 Marion Road, Netley 5037

Lonnen & Clark Pty Ltd, 100 104 Sturt Street, Adelaide 5000

Lutheran Publishing Pty Ltd, 205 Halifax Street, Adelaide 5000

Luxton & Hooper Pty Ltd, 7 Mitchell Street, Marrickville 2204

Lynch, R.W. Pty Ltd, 82 84 Hotham Parade, Artarmon 2064

McPherson's Ltd Printing Division including William Brooks & Co, Owen King Printers, The Book Printer, 525 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000

Macquarie Publications Pty Ltd, 51 59 Wheelers Lane, Dubbo 2830

Magenta Press Pty Ltd, 22 Jellico Drive, Scoresby 3179

Major Printing Service Pty Ltd, King Court, 10 King Street, Rockdale 2216

Markbys Renaissance Pty Ltd, 45 Bay Street, Port Melbourne 3207

Mercantile Credits Ltd, 11 Albany Street, Crows Nest 2065

Mercedes Printing Co Pty Ltd, 8 Elliot Place, Ringwood 3134

Merit Press Pty Ltd, 3 Telopia Street, Telopia 2117

Mervil Pty Ltd, Everly Street, Auburn 2144

Metromail Pty Ltd, 1 Vauxhall Street, Croydon Park 5008

Midcoast Printing Pty Ltd, 23 Park Avenue, Coffs Harbour 2450

Miller Graphic Controls Pty Ltd, 226 Alexandra Parade East, Clifton Hill 3068

Modern Printing Pty Ltd, 51 Hampton Road, Keswick 5035

Modgraphics & Associates Pty Ltd, T/AS Imagecolour, 178 Sturt Street, Adelaide 5000

Morgan Printing Pty Ltd, 214 Lyons Road, Five Dock 2046

Morphet Press Pty Ltd, Carinish Road, Oakleigh South 3167

Morrison & Bailey (SA) Pty Ltd, 101 Glen Osmond Road, Glen Osmond 5064

Multi Listing Bureau of Victoria Pty Ltd, 370 Swan Street, Burnley 3121

Mutual Community Administrative Services Pty Ltd, 99 Gawler Place, Adelaide 5000

Mylund Press Pty Ltd, 287 Bank Street, South Melbourne 3025

NCR Australia Ltd, 8 Napier Street, North Sydney 2060

Nisbet, R.J. Pty Ltd, 5B Gibbes Street, Chatswood 2067

Norman Morriss Pty Ltd, 16 18 Newcomen Street, Newcastle 2300

Para Vogue Printing Pty Ltd, 18 Smith Street, Chatswood 2067

Peacock Bros Pty Ltd, 157 Pelham Street, Carlton 3053

Penguin Books, 487 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood 3134

Port Printing Pty Ltd, 7 Keegan Street, O'Connor 6160

Precision Printers Pty Ltd, 43 Carlingford Street, Regents Park 2143

Printcraft Pty Ltd, 3 7 Helen Street, Newstead 4006

Printgraphics Pty Ltd, 5 Mary Street, Blackburn 3130

Print Image Pty Ltd, 31 Angove Street, North Perth 6006

Proprint Pty Ltd, 2 Keys Road, Moorabbin 3189

QES Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd, 10 12 Richmond Road, Homebush 2140

Reactor Printing Pty Ltd, 2/14 Welder Road, Seven Hills 2147

Regency Press Pty Ltd, 14 Barney Street, North Parramatta 2151

Rice & Sons Pty Ltd, 24 Provident Avenue, Glynde 5070

Richmond Printers Pty Ltd, 10 12 Wenvoe Street, Devonport 7310

Rising Sun Printing Press Pty Ltd, 23 Clarice Road, Box Hill 3128

Riven Botany Computer Binding Systems Pty Ltd, 41 Norman Street, Peakhurst 2210

Riverland Printers Pty Ltd, 9 Crawford Terrace, Berri 5343

Riverstone Printing Sales Pty Ltd, Cnr Hamilton & Wellington Streets, Riverstone 2765

Robfod Print Pty Ltd, 29 Rudloc Road, Morley 6062

Rossprint Pty Ltd, 51 Drummond Street, Belmore 2192

Rowprint Services Pty Ltd, 90 96 Leveson Street, North Melbourne 3051

Sagamore Industries Pty Ltd, 101 Seaford Road, Seaford 3198

Screen and Display Pty Ltd, 2 Rowe Street, Harbord 2096

Screen Printing Supplies Pty Ltd, 72 Rosedale Avenue, Greenacre 2190

Shepson Printing (Letterpress & Offset) Pty Ltd, 98 106 Riley Street, Darlinghurst 2010

Signum Specialities Pty Ltd, 30 Queens Parade, North Fitzroy 3068

Snap Adds Pty Ltd, 31 Bridge Road, Stanmore 2048

Specialty Press Pty Ltd, 225 233 Murray Street, Hobart 7000

Spirax Australia, 477 Plummer Street, Port Melbourne 3207

Staas & Dwyer Pty Ltd, 50 52 Briggs Street, Camperdown 2050

St George Binding Co Pty Ltd, 70A Planthurst Road, Carlton 2218

Stallard & Potter Pty Ltd, 2 Jervois Street, Torrensville 5031

Statcon Manufacturing Pty Ltd, 93 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont 2009

Summerland Printers Pty Ltd, 6 Southern Cross Drive, Ballina 2478

Sunbeam Corporation Ltd, Wade Street, Campsie 2194

Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd, 43 Rickard Road, Chipping Norton 2170

T. & F. Printing Pty Ltd, T/AS TCP Printing, 71 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East 3057

Talbot Press Pty Ltd, 121 Abbotsford Road, Mayne 4006

Terrace Offset Pty Ltd, 44 Port Stephens Street, Raymond Terrace 2324

The Catholic Leader, 82 Berwick Street, Fortitude Valley 4006

The Law Book Company Ltd, 44 50 Waterloo Road, North Ryde 2113

The Peckham Binding Co Pty Ltd, 14 16 Mary Street, St Peters 2044

The Printing Office Pty Ltd, 350 Upper Roma Street, Brisbane 4000

The Typographers Pty Ltd, 281 Pacific Highway, North Sydney 2060

Time Instant Print Pty Ltd, 175 181 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction 2022

Trend Reprographics Pty Ltd, 164 Railway Parade, Leederville 6007

Tudor Printing Pty Ltd, 10 Syme Street, Brunswick 3056

Vern Morgan Printing, 508 Waverley Road, Chadstone 3148

Visual Impressions Pty Ltd, 1 7 Union Street, Stepney 5069

Vital Instant Print (Aust) Pty Ltd, 21 23 Anthony Street, Melbourne 3000

Vivstan Packaging (Aust) Pty Ltd, 50 Plateau Road, Reservoir 3073

Vol Heath and Associates Pty Ltd, 40 Mollison Street, Abbotsford 3067

VRC Printing Pty Ltd, Cnr Clarence & Morley Streets, Coorparoo 4151

Wales, J.A. Pty Ltd, 2 Johnson Street, Alexandria 2015

Wallis Print Centre Pty Ltd, 47 49 Kinkaid Avenue, North Plympton 5037

Webb, D.C. & Co Pty Ltd, 74 Ivy Street, Chippendale 2008

Webb & Son Pty Ltd, 16 Fenn Place, Adelaide 5000

West Coast Printers Pty Ltd, 12 Harold Street, Dianella 6062

West, D.K. Pty Ltd, 21 Croydon Road, Keswick 5035

Wigg, E.S. & Sons Pty Ltd, 79 Port Road, Thebarton 5031

Willcox Enterprises Pty Ltd, 109 111 McEwan Road, West Heidelberg 3081

Wilprint Pty Ltd, 32 Mitchell Road, Brookvale 2100

Wilshire Printing Co Pty Ltd, 46 Sydney Street, Marrickville 2204

Wirrells Printing Service Pty Ltd, 225 Darling Street, Dubbo 2830

Zenith Hardware Pty Ltd, 3 5 Underwood Road, Homebush 2140

Category 5
Besley and Pike Pty Ltd, 52 King William Road, Goodwood 5034 (Spicer Fund)

Besley and Pike Pty Ltd, 1937 Ipswich Road, Rocklea 4106 (Spicer Fund)

Elentari Pty Ltd, trading as Imprint Plastics, 44 McCoy Street, MYAREE WA 6154 (Mercantile Mutual Life Employer Sponsored Superannuation Fund)

Hardie James Spicers, 89 92 Belmore Road, Riverwood 2210 (Spicer Fund)

James Hardie Spicers, 308 320 Grange Road, Kidman Park 5025 (Spicer Fund)

Nationwide Labelling Systems Pty Ltd, 1 Mengel Court, Salisbury South, 5108

(National Mutual Simple Super Plan)

Noel's Printing Company, 88 Galvin Street, Launceston 7250 (Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Superannuation Fund)

Production Packaging Industries, 13 Paw Paw Road, North Altona, 3025

Robinson Universal Stationery, 1 5 Delaine Avenue, Edwardstown 5039 (Spicer Fund)

Stirling Office Equipment, 16 Stirling Crescent, Surrey Hills, 3127
[Roping-in Award No. 1 of 1990 inserted by J4139 ppc 22Aug90; varied by K1028 from 31Oct91; K1528 ppc 22Aug90; M0129 ppc 24Feb95]

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