Appendix 4 to esa ao/1-9225/18/NL/FF/gp

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Appendix 4 to

ESA AO/1-9225/18/NL/FF/gp

Proposal Template



From: NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Postboks 100

N-2027 Kjeller


Date: 03.07.2018


The European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC),

Keplerlaan 1,

2201 AZ Noordwijk,

The Netherlands
Att.: Ms Guiomar Pérez (IPL-PEO)

Subject: ESA AO/1-9225/18/NL/FF/gp

Title: “Identification of High Attitude Pseudo Satellites in Support or Satellites Air Quality Activities"
Category: ESA Express Procurement EXPRO+
Our ref.: Proposal No. 1000022132-8000018718-1 HAPS


Dear Sir or Madam,
With reference to the above Invitation to Tender (ITT), we are pleased to present this proposal:

  1. The Tenderer (potential Contractor) is:

NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Instituttveien 18, 2007 Kjeller, NORWAY

Fax number: +47 63 89 80 50 or (preferred)

Telephone: +47 63 89 80 00

Nationality (according to ESA Convention’s criteria): Norwegian

VAT Number: NO941705561

ESA Entity Code: 1000005237

  1. The Sub-contractor(s) participating to the activity is (are):

Tendering team and price breakdown information:

Prime Contractor

Sub-contractor 1

Sub-contractor 2

Sub-contractor 3

Economic Operator Complete Name and Legal Nature (1)

NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research 

UNILEON – University of Leon


Thales Alenia Space France






Large Space Integrator





ESA Entity Code





Country (ISO Code)





Price Type











89 900 (836 070)

50 000

60 000

50 100


250000.00 Euro

Geographical distribution within tendering team

(for Tenderer and Sub-contractors only, not for suppliers):


(2-letter ISO code)

Percentage of total amount %


36,0 %


44,0 %



  1. We hereby certify that the legal entities identified in sections 1 and 2 above fully satisfy the requirements, concerning eligibility to submit a tender, that are stated in Appendix 3 to the subject RFP/ITT (Tendering Conditions for Express Procurement Procedure” - EXPRO/TC).

  1. Our Firm Fixed Price for the activity in accordance with the funding conditions stated in the RFP/ITT, amounts to: 250 000 Euro all included with the sole exception of any import duties and value added taxes in the Agency’s Member States.

  1. The contact person of the Tenderer to whom all communications relating to this letter should be addressed is the following:

Contact person for technical communication:

Ann Mari Fjaeraa, telephone: +47 63898000, fax: +47 63898050,


Contact person for legal/commercial communication:

Eva Beate Andresen, telephone: +47 63898020, fax: +47 63898050, e-mail:
Concerning the persons who would be responsible on the Contractor’s side for all communications concerning the technical and contractual management in case of Contract award, their names and contact information (including fax number, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses) can be found in Section 4 of our Detailed Proposal.

  1. Regarding the technical and management contents of this Proposal, we hereby certify that this tender fully complies with the technical and management requirements of the subject RFP/ITT, including the latter’s Statement of Work and all other appendices and/or annexes.

In addition, the technical contents of this Proposal are free from any plagiarism. When use is made of material being quotations or citations from existing public literature such use is clearly indicated and due reference indications (source and author) are provided.

  1. We hereby state that we have read and understood all the terms and conditions of the Draft Contract included in the subject RFP/ITT and that we accept the said terms and conditions without any reservations.

We also confirm that any sales conditions of our own shall not apply.

  1. With reference to paragraph 6.3.2 of the Draft Contract, we have identified Background Intellectual Property Rights belonging to us and/or our Sub-contractor(s) and/or third party that we intend to use during the execution of the envisaged Contract and/or to include in the resulting deliverable items; such rights are listed in our Detailed Proposal. We are prepared to provide evidence of such rights, their origin and ownership if so required by ESA.

  1. Concerning the feasibility to export the deliverable items of the resulting Contract as that is foreseen in the Draft Contract including its appendices, we hereby declare that we have examined the case and drawn the conclusion that there are no export restriction issues and thus no need to obtain specific licences or authorisations.

  1. In regard to the required statements concerning free competition, we hereby certify that:

a) the prices in this proposal have been arrived at independently without consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition;

b) unless otherwise required by law, the prices quoted in this tender have not knowingly been disclosed, directly or indirectly, to any other Tenderer or competitor and likewise, will not be disclosed until we have been informed of the results of the ITT;

c) no attempt has been made or will be made to induce any other Tenderer or competitor to submit or abstain from submitting a tender, for the purpose of restricting competition;

d) no exclusive teaming arrangement with third party(ies) has been made which would restrict competition due to any of the following reasons:

    • where the teaming partner could be considered to be a single source due to technical reasons or other considerations such as legal or geographical (e.g. an extremely limited number of potential participants as a consequence of industrial return requirements),

    • where the industrial category of the teaming partner restricts other choices for industrial policy reasons; for instance when the fact of being an SME is very important and there are few potential participants in this category.

  1. The legal representative to sign the resulting Contract on behalf of the Contractor will be: Eva Beate Andresen, Director of Finance.

  1. The proposal is valid during the following time period, reckoning from the closing date for tender submission: 4 months

  1. We hereby acknowledge the right of the Agency during the validity period of this Proposal, to require the Tenderer to provide evidence of any element of his Proposal and to give additional detailed information, including on the price quotation, whatever the type of price is. This includes the right for ESA to perform an audit if ESA deems it appropriate.

  1. By submitting the Proposal, I/we the undersigned herewith officially declare that the Proposal fulfils the Key Acceptance Factors, as indicated in section 3 of the subject RFP/ITT Cover Letter and in the dedicated section of the “esa-star” system.

Done and signed for, and on behalf of NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Signature: ..............................
Name and title of the signatory: Eva Beate Andresen, Director of Finance duly authorized to commit the tendering entity and its proposed Sub-contractor(s) if any, for this purpose.




      1. Concise functional analysis of the technical requirements

        1. Proposed consolidation of the RFP/ITT requirements

The requirements defined in the SOW are properly detailed to allow fixing the work to be performed.

        1. Suggested modifications to the requirements


      1. Understanding of the main technical objectives of the RFP/ITT

During the last years, air quality has become a real concern for the World Health Organization making air quality monitoring and forecast more and more important. Indeed air quality monitoring and forecast are essential to help in the decisions made and orientation taken for improving the situation.

Currently, observation satellites are able to provide air quality information on a global and regional scale but have limited capability to provide information on urban and local scale. Taking into account that a number of High Altitude Pseudo Satellite platforms (HAPS) operating in the stratosphere at above 20km altitude have now reached a level of maturity which indicates first operational services in a few years, ESA is trying to identify potential use of HAPS in the air quality measurements activities.
With their versatility in terms of payloads, ultra-long endurance, station keeping capabilities and low operations cost, HAPS will be able provide new capabilities and/or close gaps in earth observation.
The study shall investigate services having the potential to be implemented operationally and become sustainable. It also shall identify critical aspects to be further elaborated.

To achieve this, the following steps will be performed:

          • Define user requirements by interacting with end users,

          • Define the HAPS mission concept,

          • Simulate the complete mission chain to demonstrate the performance for 2 user cases

In parallel to all activities the consortium will support ESA in their outreach activities.

      1. Proposed approach to reach the main technical objectives of the RFP/ITT

The proposed approach as depicted more in details below is to run a process for users need capturing till assessing solution viability and its implementation.

Furthermore, the team gather the necessary group of experts and industrial partners having the knowledge of the applications in relationships with the interested users and the knowledge of HAPs solution in order to:

  • Understand the existing application available to the users and the existing gaps;

  • Understand the user/customer needs, constraints and expectations;

  • Validate the user/customer requirements;

  • Validate the adequacy of the proposed systems and define the operations concept;

  • Coordinate and agree on an initial implementation roadmap, including demonstration activities and campaign.

To reach the study objective, the following activities will be performed:

  • Organization of workshops with the end users to understand their needs,

  • Definition of user requirements,

  • Review of the on-going air quality international activities,

  • Review of the HAPS technologies under development or operational,

  • Review of the ‘air quality’ instruments under development or operational,

  • Definition of user cases,

  • Definition of operational concept for each user case,

  • Definition of the mission requirements.

      1. First iteration of Task 1 "Identification of local scale air quality observation and GHG user requirements and technology review" containing a short review of the available and planned HAPS and payload system. For the avoidance of doubt, this request does not extend to a first iteration of the deliverables (URD, TN1) which is not required at the proposal stage. 

In order to properly answer to the study need end users have been contacted.

Both Port Talbot, Environment and Sustainability Are of the council of Valladolid and SUEZ has expressed its interest to support the study.
SUEZ is actively working with many European big cities to measure emissions and follows also air quality and CH4 emissions on industrial sites with the objective to improve processes and reduce emissions. SUEZ is wishing to help defining user requirements and is interested in the demonstration activities that could be defined through the study, as described by the letter of interest included in the proposal.
Valladolid is an average-size industrial city (350000 people) with a modern service of air quality management (5 fixed stations and a portable one in a virtual lab environment, They will be happy to share measurements with us in case we select them as Use case. 
Port Talbot is

For the ‘identification of local scale air quality observation and GHG user requirements’, the activity will consist in organizing a workshop with end users to understand their needs and prepare user requirements. In order to limit the number of travels within the project, it is suggested that the user workshop is held in connection (as back-to-back meeting) with the project PM2 meeting.

For what concerns ‘technology review’, a review of the existing HAPS with their payload limitations and their current maturity level will be done. A trade-off among these HAPS solutions will then be done, characterizing in particular the TAS-F StratobusTM concept advantages versus other HAPS solutions, for the studied applications and services (permanence, powerful payload). For the HAPS technology, the envisaged technical solution is based on the TAS-F StratobusTM System architecture as shown below. StratobusTM is a development led by TAS-F with the objective to complement and extend satellites services and to open a HAPS market. StratobusTM solution allows to embark powerful payloads of 250 kg and 5 kW as standard, leading to powerful applications and high added value services as required by customers.

The StratobusTM platform is designed for a large range of payloads allowing different kind of missions as:

  • Environment Monitoring.

  • Surveillance and Recognition,

  • Telecommunications,

The feasibility of the StratobusTM platform is ensured by using key technologies presented in the figure below.

In addition, in the frame of the StratobusTM platform preliminary design review held end of 2017, mechanical, thermal , aero dynamical, electrical and guidance, navigation & control analyses have been performed and have confirmed the feasibility.


      1. Identification of the main problem(s) or problem area(s) likely to be encountered in performing the activity

No problems have been identified which have the potential to compromise the success of the project. However, some minor issues can be mentioned: HAPS development is currently a worldwide race as time-to-market is essential for the success of the business. Thus, systems specifications are being adapted to this blur-boundary market in quasi real-time. As a result of this the projected HAPS capabilities for 2020-21 may not be fully stable along the time of this study.

      1. Proposed solutions to the problems identified

No limitations or non-compliances are identified.

      1. Proposed trade-off analyses and identification of possible limitations or non-compliances


      1. Proposed Work Logic

The tasks in the SoW have been transferred into work packages (WPs) where WP numbering is Task numbering*1000. Each WP has an outcome that feeds into one or more other WPs as indicated in the flow chart. For details see WP descriptions in section

      1. Contents of the proposed work

        1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The connection between the various main WPs is shown graphically in the work flow chart in Figure xx. The figure also indicates which partner is responsible for each main WP. NILU will lead and manage the project through WP5000: Project management. NILU is also responsible for WP1000 and WP4000. WP2000 will be led by ULE, WP3000 will be led by DEIMOS. Further, each WP has sub-WPs as listed in Figure XX.

Each partner and staff working on the project has been carefully selected based on their individual experience and personal skills, and listed in Section The budget that has been assigned to each partner for the respective WPs they are working on is shown in section

Further, the main WPs are divided into sub-WPs, covering the different Requirement Matrixes, as shown in Figure XX and described in detail in section (WPD). Each sub-WPs has its own WP leader, as indicated in the figure.

        1. Work Package Description (WPD)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Local Scale Air Quality Observations and GHG User Requirements and Technology Review
Leading company: NILU

WP Manager: A.M. Fjaeraa

Contributor: TAS-F, DEIMOS
Start Event: KO Planned Date: T0

End Event: User Requirements Review Planned Date: T0+4

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  • Statement of Work

  • Reference documents


  • Identify critical aspects for air quality and GHG that can be addressed with HAPS.

  • Identify applications using HAPS by interactions with users and key players.

  • Develop mission concept for air quality and GHG observations.

  • Address potential technological and scientific gaps and limitations for a successful HAPS mission implementation.


  • D1: Urban to Local Scale air quality and GHG User Requirements Document (URD)

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS

demonstration flights” (TN1)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: User Requirements
Leading company: NILU

WP Manager: P.Schneider

Start Event: KO Planned Date: T0

End Event: User Requirements Review Planned Date: T0+4

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  • Statement of Work

  • Reference documents


  • Identify representative list of urban and local scale air quality stakeholders to support the team.

  • Describe the approach for collection of User Requirements

  • Identify user requirements for urban and local scale air quality (NO, NO2, NOx, O3, PM2.5 and PM10) and GHG (CO2 and CH4) data and provide these on priority level.

  • Identify completed and ongoing national and international activities investigating the needs for AQ and GHG data.

  • Analyse the corresponding findings for applicability in the project.


  • Contribution to D1: Urban to Local Scale air quality and GHG User Requirements Document (URD)

  • Contribution to D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS

demonstration flights” (TN1)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: HAPS Platform Technology Review
Leading company: TAS-F

WP Manager: C. Desroches

Start Event: KO Planned Date: T0

End Event: User Requirements Review Planned Date: T0+4

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  • Statement of Work

  • Reference documents

  • HAPS instrument review


  • Review all existing HAPS on the market, their characteristics and their maturity level (time-to-market).

  • Analyse the results and define realistic ones for further study

  • Compare the capacities/possibilities of the previously chosen HAPS taking into account adequate instruments to fulfil the requested air quality activities.


  • Contribution to D2:Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality Instruments” (TN1)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: HAPS Instrument Technology Review
Leading company: NILU

WP Manager: A.Kylling

Start Event: KO Planned Date: T0

End Event: User Requirements Review Planned Date: T0+4

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  • Statement of Work

  • Reference documents

  • Output from WP1200


  • Identify instruments under developments or existing that provide information on AQ and GHG while fitting the requirements in WP1200 and the environmental conditions in the lower stratosphere.


  • Contribution to D1: Urban to Local Scale air quality and GHG User Requirements Document (URD)

  • Contribution to D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS

demonstration flights” (TN1)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Preliminary System Concept
Leading company: DEIMOS

WP Manager: S. Tonetti

Contributors: NILU, TAS-F, ULE

Start Event: KO Planned Date: T0

End Event: Mid Term Review Planned Date: T0+6

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  • Statement of Work

  • Reference documents

  • D1: Urban to Local Scale air quality and GHG User Requirements Document (URD)

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS

demonstration flights” (TN1) (working version including HAPS platforms and Air-Quality instruments)

  • Review of available HAPS platforms to derive main features, drivers and constraints.

  • Review of Air-Quality instruments to derive the working principles and how they might impact the mission definition.

  • Definition of one or several mission concepts to carry out demonstration flights aimed at validating the feasibility of using HAPS for air quality monitoring. It shall include among others:

    • Deployment strategy

    • Mission profile (acquisition and operations) defining the evolution with time of variables like altitude, ground track, attitude, …

  • Definition of one or several system concepts to carry out demonstration flights aimed at validating the feasibility of using HAPS for air quality monitoring. It shall include among others:

    • Platform identification

    • Instruments identification

    • Operational procedure

  • Outline of post-flight analyses to be carried out to validate the flight campaign.


  • Contribution to D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS demonstration flights” (TN1).

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Definition, Assessment and Evolution of HAPS use cases
Leading company: ULE

WP Manager: J. Gonzalo

Contributor: TAS-F, NILU
Start Event: User Requirements Review Planned Date: T0+4

End Event: HAPS Use Case Description

document (UCD) Planned Date: T0+8

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  • User Requirements Document (URD)


  • Define specific use cases for urban and local scale AQ and GHG data.

  • Quantitatively demonstrate the potential impact of HAPS observations to improve AQ and GHG applications.

  • Address specific applications for which products or services from HAPS that can be used.


  • D3: HAPS Use Case Description document (UCD), including associated software and data sets.

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: HAPS Use Cases
Leading company: ULE

WP Manager: Dr. Jesús Gonzalo

Contributor: TAS-F
Start Event: User Requirements Review Planned Date: T0+4

End Event: HAPS Use Case Review Planned Date: T0+8

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  • User Requirements Document (URD)

  • Output from WP2200

  • Output from WP2300

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality Instruments” (TN1)


  • Preliminary definition of criteria to select use cases.

  • Preliminary estimation of promising cases.

  • Detail evaluation of use cases attending to:

    • Product value (from URD, preliminary performance assessment, societal and climate aspects, regulation).

    • Gap filling.

    • Synergy with satellite data.

    • Technical and operational feasibility.

  • Analysis of best locations to demonstrate the use cases. User contacts and detailed evaluation criteria, including user requirements, availability of models, flight feasibility and operational constraints.

  • Selection of two best value Use cases to propose to ESA.

  • Document UCD including traceability matrix from URD.


  • Contribution to D3: HAPS Use Case Description Document (UCD)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Operational Concept per Use Case
Leading company: TAS-F

WP Manager: C. Desroches

Start Event: User Requirements Review Planned Date: T0+4

End Event: HAPS Use Case Review Planned Date: T0+8

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  • User Requirements Document (URD)

  • Output from WP2100

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality Instruments” (TN1)


  • Analyse instrument operation concept.

  • Analyse FP operation concept.

  • Define an operational concept for both chosen use cases taking into account user needs and previous analysis.


  • Contribution to D3: HAPS Use Case Description Document (UCD)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Performance Analysis
Leading company:NILU

WP Manager: AM. Fjaeraa

Start Event: User Requirements Review Planned Date: T0+4

End Event: HAPS Use Case Review Planned Date: T0+8

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  • User Requirements Document (URD)

  • Output from WP2100

  • Output from WP2200

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality Instruments” (TN1)


  • Demonstrate the impact of HAPS concepts by quantitatively analysing the response of the AQ and GHG modelling or monitoring systems.


  • Contribution to D3: HAPS Use Case Description Document (UCD)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Local scale air quality and GHG HAPS mission requirements
Leading company: DEIMOS

WP Manager:
Contributor: TAS-F, ULE
Start Event: Mid Term Review Planned Date: T0+6 End Event: Final meeting Planned Date: T0+12

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  • D1: User Requirements Document (URD)

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS demonstration flights”

  • D3: HAPS Use Case Description Document (UCD)


  • Identification of objectives, technical requirements, preliminary system concepts, data products and synergies and complementarity with existing and future modelling and satellite assets.


  • D4: Mission Requirements Document (MRD)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Mission Requirements and System Concept
Leading company: DEIMOS

WP Manager: S. Tonetti

Start Event: Mid Term Review Planned Date: T0+6 End Event: Final meeting Planned Date: T0+12

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  • D1: User Requirements Document (URD)

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS demonstration flights”

  • D3: HAPS Use Case Description Document (UCD)


  • Show traceability of the Mission Requirements to URD and UCD.

  • Identification of synergies and complementarities of the HAPS-based system concept with existing satellite systems.

  • Definition of L2 product geophysical requirements with the appropriate traceability to mission objectives.

  • Identification and description of one or several system concepts including (among others):

    • Platform

    • Instruments

    • Ground segment

    • User segment and auxiliary data (exploitation platform)

    • Operational concept

  • Critical analysis of the proposed system concepts using risk analysis tools.

  • Identify limitations of the proposed system concepts to fulfil user requirements.

  • Conduct a state-of-the-art survey for the different technologies involved in the system concept to identify the current maturity level (TRL) and potential gaps.

  • Manage contributions from partners to the MRD, versions and delivery to ESA.


  • D4: Mission Requirements Document (MRD)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: System Implementation and Demonstration Activities
Leading company: TAS-F

WP Manager: C. Desroches

Start Event: HAPS Use Case Review Planned Date: T0+8 End Event: Final meeting Planned Date: T0+12

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  • D1: User Requirements Document (URD)

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS demonstration flights”

  • D3: HAPS Use Case Description Document (UCD)


  • Define the system architecture answering to the use cases.

  • Propose an initial implementation for demonstration.

  • Build the development plan for archiving the proposed demonstration.


  • Contribution to D4: Mission Requirements Document (MRD)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: L1 Requirements
Leading company: ULE

WP Manager: J.Gonzalo

Start Event: HAPS Use Case Review Planned Date: T0+8 End Event: Final meeting Planned Date: T0+12

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  • D1: User Requirements Document (RCD)

  • D2: Technical Note “HAPS platforms, Air Quality instruments and Air Quality HAPS demonstration flights”

  • D3: HAPS Use Case Description Document (UCD)

  • Output from WP3100

  • Output from WP3200


  • Define L1 observation requirements that allow fulfilling the Level 2 geophysical requirements for the selected use cases. The requirements will follow ECSS recommendations and ESA Sentinel MRD structure.

  • Develop traceability matrix to link L1 requirements to the source in L2 requirements.


  • Contribution to D4: Mission Requirements Document (MRD)

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Support to ESA public relation and outreach activities
Leading company: NILU

WP Manager:

Contributor: ULE, TAS-F, DEIMOS
Start Event: KO Planned Date: T0

End Event: Final meeting Planned Date: T0+12

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  • D1: User Requirements Document (URD)

  • D3: HAPS Use Case Description Document (UCD)

  • D4: Air Quality or GHG HAPS Mission Requirements Document (MRD)

  • Statement of Work


  • Provide support to ESA for AQ and GHG HAPS public relation and outreach activates covering the total frame of the activity.


  • D5: Public Relation Material

PROJECT: HAPS in support to air quality activities PHASE: All


WP Title: Project Management
Leading company: NILU

WP Manager: AM.Fjaeraa

Contributor: ULE, TAS-F, DEIMOS
Start Event: KO Planned Date: T0

End Event: Final review Planned Date: T0+12

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  • Management, Administrative, Financial and Technical Proposal.

  • Project Management Plan [prepared before KO].

  • Outputs from WPs 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000.


  • Act as official point of contact to ESA for all project matters

  • Represent the project at international conferences and workshops

  • Organize project meetings including agendas and minutes of meetings.

  • Coordinate monthly progress reports.

  • Coordinate regular teleconferences among WP-leaders

  • Prepare Contract Closure Documentation.

  • Prepare Executive Summary Report.

  • Prepare the Final Report.

  • Prepare for publication of results in scientific peer reviewed journals.


  • Executive Summary Report

  • Contract Closure Documentation

  • Final Report

  • Minutes of Meetings

  • Monthly progress reports, PMP update (if needed)

  • Publication(s) in scientific peer reviewed journals.

  • Presentations at international conferences.


      1. Existing own concepts/products relevant to the activity and/or to be used

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