Hallmark is precipitation assimilation
səhifə | 22/34 | tarix | 07.01.2022 | ölçüsü | 277,05 Kb. | | #87543 |
| Hallmark is precipitation assimilation
Well captures the warm season nocturnal precip max over central U.S.
Global Reanalysis I: NCEP/NCAR
50-years initial: 1948-1998
Realtime extension is operational
Global Reanalysis II: NCEP/DOE
20-year initial: 1979-1999
Realtime extension in plac
3-4 Year Routine Refresh for Global Reanalysis imminent !
infrastructure being readied, support resources being sought
Land Surface Validation Lesson Themes:
Assess model’s soil moisture climate (spin-up): GSWP
Amplitude of seasonal cycle
Absolute value of annual mean
Assess model’s surface forcing biases