Application no: 09/57413/out applicant: Rossford Dental Laboratory location: 78-80 Chorley Road Swinton M27 5ad proposal: Outline planning application to include layout and access in respect of four dwellinghouses and nine apartments ward

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It is considered that the main planning issues relating to this application are whether the principle of this residential development is still acceptable; whether the revised access is acceptable and whether the proposed layout is acceptable.

Each of the issues is considered in turn below.

Principle of Development

Adopted RSS Policy DP1 sets out a number of principles which underpin RSS and which all individual proposals, schemes and investment decisions should adhere to. The policy also states that ‘the 8 policies DP2-9 amplify these principles and should be taken together as the spatial principles underlying the Strategy.’

Policy ST11 of the UDP states that sites which are considered to be previously developed land will be brought forward in the following order:

  1. the re-use and conversion of existing buildings;

  2. previously developed land in locations that:

  1. are, or as part of any development would be made to be, well-served by a choice of means of transport, particularly walking, cycling and public transport; and

  1. are well related to housing, employment services and infrastructure.

  1. previously development land in other locations, provided that adequate levels of accessibility and infrastructure provision could be achieved.

  2. previously undeveloped land.

Adopted RSS policy DP4 ‘Make the Best Use of Existing Resources and Infrastructure’ states that development should accord with the following sequential approach:

  • First, using existing buildings (including conversion) within settlements, and previously developed land within settlements;

  • Second, using other suitable infill opportunities within settlements, where compatible with other RSS policies;

  • Third, the development of other land where this is well-located in relation to housing, jobs, other services and infrastructure and which complies with other principles in DP1-9

Adopted RSS policy DP5 ‘Manage Travel Demand; Reduce the Need to Travel, and Increase Accessibility’ states ‘Development should be located so as to reduce the need to travel, especially by car, and to enable people as far as possible to meet their needs locally. And, ‘All new development should be genuinely accessible by public transport, walking and cycling, and priority will be given to locations where such access is already available.’

Adopted RSS is the most recently adopted document that forms part of the development plan for Salford. Therefore, when considering policies DP4 and DP5 together as advised by policy DP1, it is considered that this element of RSS effectively supersedes policy ST11 of the UDP. However, they have a similar effect in terms of prioritising accessible previously-developed land over less accessible sites.
The applicant has indicated that the existing buildings could not be reasonably converted back to residential provision for financial reasons and having regard to the internal works which have already been undertaken to change the use to its present use. It is not considered that the thrust of ST11 or the DP policies in RSS has changed with regard to utilising existing buildings first and there has been no previous resolution to retain these buildings.
In this particular case this site has been previously developed and is located within close proximity to Swinton Town Centre and on a high frequency bus corridor. The site is also bounded by residential provision on two sides. Therefore, whilst permission has now lapsed for a similar scheme it is not considered that the changes to the development plan as highlighted above would be sufficient to warrant holding back the principle of residential development without converting the existing buildings in this instance provided that the scheme accords with other relevant policies of the development plan and having regard to the fact that it was not necessary to retain them previously.

Housing Provision

The proposal would result in 13 dwellings. The threshold for the provision of affordable housing within residential developments is 20 units. There is therefore no requirement for this scheme to provide any affordable units.

The Housing Planning Guidance also advocates the provision of family housing accommodation within this part of the City. The detailed internal layout and types of dwellings will be considered during examined of future reserved matters. Whilst there is a preference towards housing, it is suggested that the apartments can still be designed to provide a predominance of family accommodation.
Therefore, at this stage, and having regard to what has been approved on this site previously, it is considered that the final design could be set out in such a way to provide a predominance of family accommodation in accordance with the thrust of the Housing Planning Guidance.
Design, Scale and Massing
Policy DES1 requires developments to respond to their physical context and to respect the character of the surrounding area. In assessing the extent to which proposals comply with this policy, regard will be had to a number of factors, including the relationship to existing buildings and the quality and appropriateness of proposed materials.
Policy DES2 requires the design and layout of new development to be fully accessible to all people, maximise the movement of pedestrians and cyclists to, through and around the site, enable pedestrians to navigate their way through an area by providing appropriate views, vistas and transport links, enable safe, direct and convenient access to public transport facilities and other local amenities and minimise potential conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and other road users.
Policy DES9 states that developments will be required to incorporate appropriate hard and soft landscaping provision. Where landscaping is required as part of a development, it must be of a high quality, reflect and enhance the character of the area, not detract from safety and security, form an integral part of the development, be easily maintained, respect adjacent land uses and wherever possible make provision for the creation of new wildlife habitats.
The applicant had submitted an identical layout to that previously provided for indicative purposes and for which consent was granted for the access to the site. However, the scheme has been amended and the proposed access to the site now differs to that approved previously. Details of the proposed access are referred to later in this report.
The indicative layout provided with the previous approval demonstrated that principle of the combination of apartments and houses could be accommodated on this site. Whilst indicative only it is unlikely that the layout as shown could have be laid out in a different way due to the relatively close proximity of neighbouring residents on Bain Street, a sewer easement to the west of the site and the need for access from Chorley Road.
The proposed apartment element to the rear indicates that the element closest to the rear of the properties on Bain Street would be two storey. At its closest point this element would be 2m from the common boundary with the car parking area on Bain Street, and 10m from and at an angle to the closest residential property. Moreover, its is considered that the apartment block could be laid out internally so that there are no habitable windows within the gable of the two storey element closest to the existing residential. A condition has been suggested to facilitate this point.
The dwelling adjacent to the footpath indicates a corner feature which, when considered as future reserved matters, could be designed in such a way to mark the corner of the building to effectively help turn the corner and to provide additional natural surveillance to the footpath. This building could not be positioned any closer to the footpath due to a United Utilities sewer easement. The layout includes a small front garden to Chorley Road and parking to the rear. The properties would be two and a half storey in height. At this stage and having regarding to the scale of the neighbouring properties in the immediate area it is considered that this general scale is acceptable in this location.
The second pair of dwellings located, within the site, would be similar albeit facing internally into the scheme.
With respect to policy DES9 (landscaping) it is considered that the remaining area outside of that proposed for buildings, access and car parking provision, is sufficient to provide for appropriate landscaping although this particular matter is reserved for later consideration. However, the boundary treatment along the public footpath will require detailed consideration having regard to users of the footpath and the need for additional natural surveillance and privacy for future occupiers. This issue can be dealt with at the reserved matters stage.
In conclusion, it is considered that the layout of the proposed scheme does accord with the relevant policies of the development plan highlighted above.
Design and Crime
Policy DES10 and the Council’s Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Design and Crime seeks to ensure that development is designed to discourage crime, anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime, and support personal and property security. Crime and Disorder is a material planning consideration.
The Police ALO has been consulted on the scheme and has provided advice. A copy of the advice has been forwarded to the applicant’s agent which provides advice on a number of issues relating to the need for defensible space; entrance barriers; lighting; landscaping and bin stores.
The scheme has been amended to utilise the existing access to the site but in a formalised manner. At this stage there are no details with regard to entrance barriers. However, it is considered that this revision to widen and make good the access will help the applicant realise some of the points raised at the time the other reserved matters are considered which could include entrance barriers.
Issues such as lighting can be controlled by way of an appropriately worded condition. Moreover, when the landscaping reserved matters are sought, boundary treatment, including the delineation of defensibly space can be considered and the views of the Police ALO will be obtained again.
It is not considered that the details of what is now being examined would be contrary to the requirements of the above policies and SPD with regard to design and crime.

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