Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International

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ASA 17/42/90 E China: update 5 on list of people detained

for activities related to the 1989 pro-

democracy movement

ASA 17/43/90 E UA 283/90 - People's Republic of China:

Death penalty: Ten unnamed people sentenced

to death in Shanghai, one unnamed person

suspended death sentence in Shanghai; Han

Ming, Jin Defa, Mang Jing, Qian Haiping, Zhu

Weimin executed in Shanghai

ASA 17/44/90 E UA 288/90 - People's Republic of China:

Death penalty: Cheng Xiuming, Huo Jinlong,

Dong Haisheng and two others, names unknown,

sentenced to death in Shanxi; Xu Yuhai,

suspended death sentence in Shanxi; Cheng

Wanli, executed in Changchun

ASA 17/45/90 E UA 290/90 - People's Republic of China:

Death penalty: He Guoqiang, Sheng Zhengyun,

Tan Binghua: all sentenced to death in

Guangzhou; Bi Bingmei, Guo Rui and 39

unnamed, executed in Guangzhou

ASA 17/46/90 E UA 293/90 - People's Republic of China:

Death Penalty: Chen Wenxiong, Gao Wei, Yu

Jianchu, Zhang Jingchun, Zhang Xianji, Zhou


ASA 17/47/90 E UA 29/90 - People's Republic of China: Death

Penalty: Chen Yu, Yang Zhengmao, and 12


ASA 17/48/90 E UA 296/90 - China: Death penalty: Feng Tao,

Wang Tao, Xu Qisheng, Qiao Dengfeng Tian


ASA 17/49/90 I Evaluation of China Campaign 1990


ASA 17/50/90 E China: Update 6 on list of people detained

for activities related to the 1989 pro-

democracy movement (includes corrections)

ASA 17/51/90 I Group-level action on the People's Republic

of China: Order form for photographs

ASA 17/52/90 E People's Republic of China: The continuing

repression 1: Imprisoned trade unionists and


ASA 17/53/90 E China: Update (7) on list of people detained

for activities related to the 1989 pro-

democracy movement

ASA 17/54/90 E People's Republic of China: List of people

detained for activities related to the 1989

pro-democracy movement (1st revision)

ASA 17/55/90 E People's Republic of China: Summary list of

people detained for activities related to

the 1989 pro-democracy movement (1st


ASA 17/56/90 E People's Republic of China: The continuing

repression 3: The death penalty and anti-

crime campaigns

ASA 17/57/90 I People's Republic of China: list of

authorities and target sectors

ASA 17/58/90 E People's Republic of China (PRC): The

continuing repression 2: Imprisoned writers,

academics and human rights activists

ASA 17/59/90 E AI News Release: Executions in China

increase dramatically in crime crackdown

ASA 17/60/90 E China: Update 8 on list of people detained

for activities related to the 1989 pro-

democracy movement

ASA 17/61/90 E UA 379/90 - China: executions: Deng Fengyou

and 63 others

ASA 17/62/90 E UA 414/90 - China: health concern: Bao


ASA 17/63/90 E UA 426/90 - People's Republic of China:

legal concern: Li Haitao

ASA 17/64/90 E UA 437/90 - China: fear of execution: Wu


ASA 17/65/90 E Further information on UA 70/90 (ASA

17/07/90, 16 February) - China (Tibet

Autonomous Region): fear of torture / fear

of execution: Lobsang Tenzin

ASA 17/66/90 E China: Update (1) on "List of people

detained for activities related to the 1989

pro-democracy movement (1st revision)"

ASA 17/67/90 E UA 446/90 - People's Republic of China:

death sentences / fear of execution: Yue

Shoucheng, Gao Shukun

ASA 17/68/90 E UA 458/90 - People's Republic of China:

Death sentence / fear of execution: Liu


ASA 17/69/90 E / I China: Death penalty action (March-May 1991)

ASA 17/70/90 E UA 471/90 - People's Republic of China:

death penalty: Wan Bing, Gan Zaichun, He


ASA 17/71/90 E UA 485/90 - People's Republic of China:

legal concern: Wang Juntao, Chen Ziming, Liu

Xiaobo, Liu Suli, Zhou Yongjun, Ren Wanding,

Zhang Ming, Zheng Xuguang and others

ASA 17/72/90 E UA 487/90 - People's Republic of China:

legal concern: Lu Jiamin, Wang Dan

ASA 17/73/90 E China: Update (2) on list of people detained

for activities related to the 1989 pro-

democracy movement (1st revision)

ASA 17/74/90 E The People's Republic of China: a new stage

in the repression: prominent political

detainees face trials for "counter-

revolutionary" offences


ASA 18/01/90 E Fiji: Civil rights activists and journalists



ASA 19/01/90 E Memorandum to the governments of Hong Kong

and the United Kingdom regarding the

protection of Vietnamese asylum seekers in

Hong Kong

ASA 19/02/90 E AI News Release: Vietnamese asylum seekers

denied basic rights by Hong Kong and

Britain, says full Amnesty International


ASA 19/03/90 Not issued

ASA 19/04/90 E Hong Kong: the Draft Bill of Rights

Ordinance 1990: memorandum from Amnesty

International dated June 1990

ASA 19/05/90 E / I Hong Kong: Protection of Vietnamese asylum-

seekers: developments since December 1989.

ASA 19/06/90 E AI News Release: Hong Kong refugee screening

process still flawed, Amnesty International



ASA 20/01/90 I India: Government Authorities

ASA 20/02/90 I SARAN no. 02/90 - India: deaths in custody

alleged to have been a result of torture

ASA 20/03/90 E AI News Release: AI urges Indian authorities

to protect human rights after killing of


ASA 20/04/90 E UA 207/90 - India: "Disappearance": Devinder

Singh Pujari, Rajinder Singh Pappu, Jurbaj

Singh Jago

ASA 20/05/90 E UA 209/90 - India: Possible extrajudicial

executions: reports of killing of dozens of

civilians in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir

ASA 20/06/90 E Further information on UA 207/90 (ASA

20/04/90, 23 May) - India: "Disappearances":

Devinder Singh Purjari, Rajinder Singh

Pappu, Jurbaj Singh Jago

ASA 20/07/90 E Further information on UA 209/90 (ASA

20/05/90, 23 May) - India: Possible

extrajudicial executions: reports of

killings of dozens of civilians in Srinagar,

Jammu and Kashmir

ASA 20/08/90 Not issued

ASA 20/09/90 I India: Government authorities

ASA 20/10/90 I SARAN 08/90: India: "Operation Bluebird":

torture and extrajudicial executions in


ASA 20/11/90 E UA 333/90 - India: extrajudicial executions:

ten people killed in reprisal attacks in


ASA 20/12/90 E India: The deaths in custody of M Tharthing,

S Joel and V S Cheery

ASA 20/13/90 E India: The death in custody of T


ASA 20/14/90 E India (Punjab): The "disappearance" of

Darshan Dalla Singh

ASA 20/15/90 E India (Punjab): The "disappearance" of

Devinder Singh Pujari, Rajinder Singh Pappu

and Jurbaj Singh Jago

ASA 20/16/90 E India: The "disappearance" of Ravail Singh

ASA 20/17/90 E India: "Operation Bluebird", a case study of

torture and extrajudicial executions in


ASA 20/18/90 E India: The death in custody of Narasimha


ASA 20/19/90 E India: The deaths in custody of Wilson Roy,

Johnson Kindo and Uday Sharma

ASA 20/20/90 E AI News Release: Amnesty International urges

Indian Government to investigate human

rights violations

ASA 20/21/90 E India: Summary of Amnesty International's

current concerns

ASA 20/22/90 E UA 396/90 - India: Reported extrajudicial

executions: Gulam Rasool Malik, Gulam Nabi


ASA 20/23/90 Not issued

ASA 20/24/90 Not issued

ASA 20/25/90 Not issued

ASA 20/26/90 E UA 505/90 - India: death penalty: Juman

Khan, K Gurusamy


ASA 21/01/90 E UA 30/90 - East Timor / Indonesia: Ill-

treatment: at least 100 peaceful protestors


ASA 21/02/90 E / I East Timor: short-term detention and ill-

treatment (includes 2 appendices)

ASA 21/03/90 E UA 72/90 - Indonesia: four executions: Satar

Suryanto, Yohanes Surono, Simon Petrus

Soleiman, Norbertus (Noor) Rohayan

ASA 21/04/90 E Indonesia: four political prisoners

executed: Satar Suryanto, Yohanes Surono,

Simon Petrus Soleiman, Noor Rohayan

ASA 21/05/90 E Indonesia / East Timor: A summary of AI's


ASA 21/06/90 E UA 104/90 - Indonesia: Imminent execution of

six political prisoners: Ruslan

Widajayasastra, Sukatno, Iskandar Subekti,

Asep Suryaman, I Bungkus, Marsudi

ASA 21/07/90 E Further information on UA 104/90 (ASA

21/06/90, 14 March): Indonesia: Imminent

execution of six political prisoners: Ruslan

Widjayasastra, Iskandar Subetki, I Bungkus,

Sukatno, Asep Suryaman, Marsudi

ASA 21/08/90 Not issued

ASA 21/09/90 E East Timor: Amnesty International statement

to the United Nations Special Committee on


ASA 21/10/90 E UA 421/90 - Indonesia (East Timor): fear of

torture: Alexio Laga (also reported as

Alexio Gama), Vicente Amaral Moniz,

Francisco Leal, Eusebio, Agostinho Pereira


ASA 22/01/90 E Japan: death sentences upheld

ASA 22/02/90 I Japan: List of government authorities and

political parties

ASA 22/03/90 E Japan: Execution: Kondo Takeazu

ASA 22/04/90 I Section action: Chinese hijacker at risk of

extradition from Japan: Zhang Zhenhai

ASA 22/05/90 E AI News release: Amnesty International urges

Japan not to return hijacker to China (

Zhang Zhenai )

ASA 22/06/90 E Japan: Two recent court decisions in capital


ASA 22/07/90 I Japan: recent court decisions in capital

cases: recommended actions for Death Penalty


ASA 22/08/90 E Japan: Norio Nagayama and Hiroshi Muratake:

Supreme Court rejects appeals against two

death sentences

ASA 22/09/90 I Japan: Norio Nagayama and Hiroshi Muratake:

Supreme Court rejects appeals against two

death sentences: recommended actions for

groups working on Japan death penalty


ASA 22/10/90 I Japan: update on the death penalty

ASA 22/11/90 E Japan: death penalty and the need for more


ASA 22/12/90 E Japan: Death row prisoner acquitted

(includes correction) ASA 22/13/90 I Japan: Death row prisoner acquitted:

recommended actions

ASA 22/14/90 I Japan: List of government authorities and

political parties

ASA 22/15/90 E Japan: Hiromoto Haruyama: Supreme Court

rejects appeal against death sentence

ASA 22/16/90 I Japan: Hiromoto Haruyama: Supreme Court

rejects appeal against death sentence

(includes list of death sentences and

executions in Japan)

ASA 22/17/90 I Japan: Update on the death penalty


ASA 23/01/90 Not issued

ASA 23/02/90 E SEAMRAN 02/90: Cambodia: Arrest and

detention of government officials

ASA 23/03/90 Not issued

ASA 23/04/90 I Cambodia: Government Authorities list

ASA 23/05/90 E Text of Amnesty International open letter to

Cambodian figures and foreign governments

involved in the Cambodian peace negotiations

ASA 23/06/90 E AI News Release: Cambodia: Amnesty

International urges stronger human rights

provisions in settlement

ASA 23/07/90 E Cambodia: Recent human rights developments


ASA 24/01/90 I North Korea: Government authorities list


ASA 25/01/90 E Extended Group Level Action on political

imprisonment, torture and the death penalty

in South Korea: update 1

ASA 25/02/90 E South Korea: Pae Chong-yol

ASA 25/03/90 E AI News Release: South Korea rights abuses

reverse two years of positive trends, says

Amnesty International

ASA 25/04/90 E Further information on UA 351/89 (ASA

25/34/89, 13 September 1989) and follow-up

(ASA 25/29/89, 26 September) - South Korea:

Hunger strike: Choi Chol-kyu and others

ASA 25/05/90 E South Korea: prisoners of conscience Suh

Kyung-Won and Pang Yang-Kyun

ASA 25/06/90 E Further information on UA 285/89 (ASA

25/23/89, 1 August 1989) and updates (ASA

25/31/89, 3 October and ASA 25/50/89, 27

December) - South Korea: Arrests: Father Nam

Kuk-hyon, Father Park Byung-joon, Father Ku


ASA 25/07/90 E Extended Group Level Action on political

imprisonment, torture and the death penalty

in South Korea: update 2

ASA 25/08/90 I South Korea: Amnesty for long-term prisoners

- 23 December 1989

ASA 25/09/90 I Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action -

South Korea: Kim Yong-ae

ASA 25/10/90 I Extended Group Level Action on political

imprisonment, torture and the death penalty

in South Korea: press release in Korean

(translation on ASA 25/03/90)

ASA 25/11/90 E Amnesty International calls for the release

of prisoners of conscience and inquiry into

torture reports in South Korea

ASA 25/12/90 E South Korea: Kim Chun-ki - prisoner of


ASA 25/13/90 E Further information on UA 310/89 (ASA

25/25/89, 16 August 1989) - Republic of

Korea: Ms Im Su-kyong, Father Moon Kyu-hyun

ASA 25/14/90 E South Korea (Republic of Korea): Hong Song-

dam: seven years' imprisonment for sending

painting to North Korea

ASA 25/15/90 E South Korea: Government comments on AI


ASA 25/16/90 E / I South Korea: Extended group level action on

political imprisonment, torture and the

death penalty

ASA 25/17/90 I South Korea: artists action

ASA 25/18/90 E Further information on UA 403/89 (ASA

25/34/89, 17 October and updates ASA

25/35/89, 25 October and ASA 25/51/89, 27

December) - South Korea: Hunger strike: Soh


ASA 25/19/90 E South Korea: The "Korea - US Research

Institute" case

ASA 25/20/90 E / I Kotaran 01/90: South Korea: Koh Chang-yon:

Teacher detained for union activities

ASA 25/21/90 E South Korea: Reverend Moon Ik-Hwan and Yu

Won-Ho, prisoners of conscience

ASA 25/22/90 E / I Extended group level action on political

imprisonment, torture and the death penalty

in South Korea

ASA 25/23/90 I Republic of Korea (South Korea): Government

authorities list

ASA 25/24/90 I Republic of Korea: Action against the death

penalty for drug offences (April to August

1990): Recommended actions for participating


ASA 25/25/90 E South Korea: Revision of the National

Security Law and of the Law on the Agency

for National Security Planning

ASA 25/26/90 I South Korea: Revision of the National

Security Law and of the Law on the Agency

for National Security Planning. Recommended

actions for Kotaran and AI Parliamentary

Groups - KOTARAN 02/90

ASA 25/27/90 E South Korea: prisoners of conscience Im Su-

kyong and Moon Kyu-hyun

ASA 25/28/90 I South Korea: Extended Group Level Action on

political imprisonment, torture and the

death penalty in South Korea: evaluation of

action (questionnaire)

ASA 25/29/90 E South Korea: Extended group level action on

political imprisonment, torture and the

death penalty: Update 5

ASA 25/30/90 E South Korea: Prisoners of conscience held

for contacting organizations abroad

ASA 25/31/90 Not issued

ASA 25/32/90 E UA 189/90 - South Korea: Hunger-strike /

ill-treatment: Choi Chol-kyu, Chu Sang-joon,

and over 50 other political prisoners

ASA 25/33/90 E Further information on UA 189/90 (ASA

25/32/90, 14 May) - South Korea: Hunger-

strike / ill-treatment: Choi Chol-kyu, Chu

Sang-joon, Kim Sam-sun

ASA 25/34/90 E Further information on UA 189/90 (ASA

25/32/90, 14 May and follow-up ASA 25/33/90,

17 May) - South Korea: Choi Chol-kyu,

prisoner of conscience, Chu Sang-joon, Kim


ASA 25/35/90 E South Korea: Koh Chang-pyo - prisoner of


ASA 25/36/90 I South Korea: Order form for photographic

slides of work by South Korean prisoner of

conscience Hong Song-dam

ASA 25/37/90 E UA 298/90 - South Korea: legal concern: Kim

Myong-shik, Puh Sah-hyon, Lee Jae-ho, Yuh


ASA 25/38/90 E South Korea: Kim Chin-yop - prisoner of


ASA 25/39/90 I South Korea: Kim Chin-yop: Prisoner of

conscience. Kotaran 04/90: Recommended


ASA 25/40/90 I Extended Group Level Action on political

imprisonment, torture and the death penalty

in South Korea: evaluation of action

ASA 25/41/90 E / I South Korea: Medical concern: Continued

detention of Kim Chin-Yop (update)

ASA 25/42/90 I Update to KOTORAN 01/90: South Korea:

Teachers in prison

ASA 25/43/90 E Further information on UA 298/90 (ASA

25/37/90, 13 July) - South Korea: Legal

concern: Kim Myong-Shik, Puh Sah-Hyon, Lee

Jae-ho, Yuh Jae-hyon

ASA 25/44/90 E Further information on UA 189/90 (ASA

25/32/90, 14 May and follow-ups ASA

25/33/90, 16 May and ASA 25/34/90 and ASA

25/34/90, 23 May) - South Korea: Hunger-

strike / ill-treatment: Choi Chol-kyu, Chu

Sang-joon, Kim San-sun

ASA 25/45/90 I KOTARAN 05/90: South Korea: detention of

editor Kim Tae-jong

ASA 25/46/90 I South Korea greetings card action

ASA 25/47/90 I Republic of Korea (South Korea): Government

authorities list and list of political


ASA 25/48/90 Not issued

ASA 25/49/90 E South Korea: Two teachers imprisoned

ASA 25/50/90 I KOTARAN 06/90: South Korea / Taiwan: Review

of 1990 and follow-up action on teachers in



ASA 26/01/90 E UA 186/90 - Lao People's Democratic

Republic: Legal concern: Khambou Phimmasen

ASA 26/02/90 E UA 443/90 - Laos: Legal concern: Thongsouk

Saisangkhi, Latsami Khamphoui, Fang and

possibly several others

ASA 26/03/90 E Lao People's Democratic Republic: The draft

constitution and human rights


ASA 28/01/90 E Medical letter-writing action - Malaysia:


ASA 28/02/90 I Malaysia: Update to government authorities

list (ASA 28/14/89)

ASA 28/03/90 E UA 239/90 - Malaysia: Fear of ill-treatment

/ legal concern: Benedict Topin, Albinus

Yudah and a third person whose identity is


ASA 28/04/90 E Malaysia: New Internal Security Act (ISA)


ASA 28/05/90 I Malaysia: Updated government authorities



ASA 31/01/90 E UA 64/90 - Nepal: Mass arrests / fear of

detention without trial: Birodh Khatiwada,

Homnath Dahal, Yoga Prasad Upadhyaya, Basu

Risal, Daman Dhungana, Bharat M Adhikari and

over 350 others

ASA 31/02/90 E Further information on UA 64/90 (ASA

31/01/90, 13 February) - Nepal: Mass arrests

/ Fear of detention without trial: Birodh

Khatiwada, Homnath Dahal, Yoga Prasad Dahal,

Basu Risal, Daman Dhungana, Bharat M

Adhikari, Ganesh Man Singh, Girija Prasad

Koirala, Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Hari Bhol

Bhattarai, Padma Ratna Tuladhar

ASA 31/03/90 E UA 114/90 - Nepal: Mass arrests / detention

without trial / reports of torture: Mukunda

Regmi, Som Path Pyasi, Dhruva Thapalia,

Damodar Lamuchhane, Ram Kumar Jiwanmitra

ASA 31/04/90 Not issued

ASA 31/05/90 E Further information on UA 64/90 (ASA

31/01/90, 13 February, and follow-up ASA

31/02/90, 5 March) - Nepal: Mass arrests /

Fear of detention without trial: Birodh

Khatiwada, Homnath Dahal, Yoga Prasad

Upadhaya, Basu Risal, Daman Dhungana, Bharat

M Adhikari, Ganesh Man Singh, Girija Prasad

Koirala, Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Hari Bol

Bhattarai, Padma Ratna Tuladhar

ASA 31/06/90 E Further information on UA 64/90 (ASA

31/01/90, 13 February, and follow-ups ASA

31/02/90, 5 March and ASA 31/05/90, 11

April) - Nepal: Mass arrests / fear of

detention without trial: Birodh Khatiwada,

Homnath Dahal, Yoga Prasad Upadhaya, Basu

Risal, Daman Dhungana, Bharat M Adhikari,

Ganesh Man Singh, Girija Prasad Koirala,

Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Padma Ratna


ASA 31/07/90 E Further information on UA 114/90 (ASA

31/03/90, 20 March) - Nepal: Mass arrests /

detention without trial / reports of

torture: Mukunda Regmi, Som Path Pyasi,

Dhruva Thapalia, Damodar Lamuchhane, Ram

Kumar Jiwanmitra, Krishna Pahadi (both

members of Amnesty International)

ASA 31/08/90 I Nepal: Government Authorities List

ASA 31/09/90 E AI News Release: Amnesty International calls

for human rights safeguards after police

torture and killings in Nepal

ASA 31/10/90 E Nepal: Memorandum to the government


ASA 33/01/90 E / I Pakistan: medical concern:whipping

ASA 33/02/90 I Pakistan: Government Authorities List

ASA 33/03/90 E Pakistan: human rights safeguards:

memorandum submitted to the Government

following a visit in July - August 1989

ASA 33/04/90 E AI News Release: Pakistan: Human rights

record improves but further safeguards


ASA 33/05/90 I Pakistan: Government Authorities list

ASA 33/06/90 E UA 310/90 - Pakistan: death penalty: Shaukat



ASA 34/01/90 E UA 05/90 - Papua New Guinea: Death in

detention / torture: Aloysius Minitong

ASA 34/02/90 E Papua New Guinea: torture and unlawful

execution: Vincent Onari and Aloysius


ASA 34/03/90 E Papua New Guinea: Possible reintroduction of

the death penalty

ASA 34/04/90 I Papua New Guinea: Human rights violations on

Bougainville, 1989-1990

ASA 34/05/90 E Papua New Guinea: Human rights violations on

Bougainville, 1989-1990

ASA 34/06/90 E AI News Release: Papua New Guinea: Unarmed

civilians tortured and killed -Amnesty

International fears more abuses in future


ASA 35/01/90 E UA 11/90 - Philippines: "Disappearance":

Maximiano "Jun" Mesina, Felex Dimitui

ASA 35/02/90 E Philippines: a summary of Amnesty

International's concerns

ASA 35/03/90 E UA 51/90 - Philippines: Death penalty:

possible reintroduction of the death penalty

ASA 35/04/90 E Further information on UA 360/89 (ASA

35/26/89, 20 September 1989) -Philippines:

Legal concern: Luisito Uy, Erlinda Escudero

ASA 35/05/90 E Further information on UA 51/90 (ASA

35/03/90, 8 February) - Philippines:

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