To view all of the queries written for department secretaries, enter the five letters JUSDS after the begins with parameter on the query viewer page and either press the search button or press Enter. If your access is correct, you should see several queries as described below. If you do not see any queries, send email to with an explanation of your specific issue. Users must be granted permission and trained prior to receiving access to the department queries. This section last updated 1/11/2016.
jusds001 Class roster by course (TS): To obtain a list of addresses (and other student related data) by class, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds001. This query prompts for the term and either a single subject and catalog number OR between 1-10 class numbers. The section and academic level prompts are optional. If left blank, all sections and all student academic levels will be returned.
jusds001b (NTS) contains JUST the student’s ID, name and email address.
jusds001c (TS) allows for up to 5 classes to be included. It also prompts for a four character address code which will dictate which address type is returned. Entering a value of MAIL will return the student’s local or mailing address. A value of HOME will return their home address.
jusds001d (NTS) is described as historical class rosters. Prompts for a term range, and up to four combinations of subject and catalog numbers.
Jusds001d1 (NTS): Similar to jusds001d, but with far fewer fields returned. A bare bones class roster for any course and term range.
jusds001e (TS) prompts for a term and course subject area. It returns a list of students who have indicated they are taking the course as a repeat (either repeat forgive, or repeat for credit). The query is very similar to the other class roster type queries in the jusds001 series.
jusds001f (NTS) Class roster by subject area. Prompts for a term and two course subject areas. The prompt labeled “Earned credit Y/N” is optional. It can be used to return ONLY failed courses (enter N) or only those courses for which the student has “earned credit” (enter Y). Prior to grades being posted, the earned credit field is set to Y for the current term. Once grades are posted, the earned credit field will contain the proper value.
jusds001g (TS) Class roster by enrl reason. Prompts for a term, course subject and catalog number and an optional value for the enrollment reason. If left blank, all enrollment reasons will be returned.
jusds001g1 (NTS) Class roster by enrl reason. Prompts for a term, class number OR course subject and catalog number and a value for the enrollment reason. A partial list of the most common enrollment reasons is below. The field labeled “waitlist position” will only contain a numeric value for those students whose enrollment reason is currently=FULL indicating the course section is full and they are on a waitlist. Not all courses are configured to allow a student to be waitlist.
DROP: Dropped (was enrolled)
DRWL: Dropped (was wait listed)
ENRL: Enrolled
EWAT: Enrolled from Wait List
FULL: Section is full
WDRW: Withdrawn from Class
jusds001i (TS) Class Roster with Email.
jusds001j (TS) Class roster by sub few fields. Includes fewer few than other class roster queries.
jusds001k (TS) Repeats for major requirements. Needed a list of courses being repeated, but only if it were for a major requirement.
jusds001l (TS) Class roster by mode. Returns courses for a prompted for instruction mode, such as WW for online courses.
jusds001m (NTS) Class roster by term and career. Prompts for a term range and two careers. Returns all enrolled students that meet the criteria. Suggest this query never be run using a career=UG as it would return tens of thousands of rows of data.
jusds001o(NTS): Roster by bld & add date. Prompts for a single term, a building and optional room number and a date range used to determine when a student added the course.
Jusds001p (NTS): Prompts for a single term and 1-8 course subject areas. Returns just the email address of the student enrolled in any course with the associated subjects.
jusds002 Academic data by plan (TS): To obtain a list of email (and other student related data) by academic plan (aka major), press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds002. Enter an appropriate value for the term. The academic institution will ALWAYS be JMDSN. Enter an appropriate value for the academic program field; UGEN may be used for all undergraduate plans. If you desire continuing education or graduate program results, you may use the search box and select the appropriate value. Enter up to four values in the next four fields, these must be entered as ten digit plan numbers. You may enter one, two, three or four values. Contact the Registrars office to request the plan numbers used within your area. Enter appropriate values in the four academic level prompts. To obtain results that contain multiple advisors, simply run the query multiple times changing (and then cut and paste) the advisor information. If you only want those students who have applied to graduate, enter the two letter AG in the final prompt, else leave it blank.
jusds002a (TS) has two distinct differences in the data retrieved. According to the Office of the Registrar, a student is loosely defined as a person active in their academic program and enrolled in one or more courses for the given term. From time to time, you may desire to include students outside this definition. The jusds002a query includes students regardless of their academic program status (normally checked to be AC for active) and regardless of the number of hours they are enrolled in for the term (normally >0). Appropriate fields have been added so you can distinguish student academic program status as well as the number of hours enrolled for the term.
jusds002b Historical acad plan data (NTS): To obtain a list of historical academic plan data, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds002b. This query prompts for the term, institution, program and a list of up to four different academic plan numbers. ** Very important note; this query returns data based upon the term end date. This means data returned by the query represents historical data, as the data “was” based upon the term end date for the term entered as the first prompt. An example; you’ve been asked to research how many students were in the Accounting Major in the Fall of 1998 vs. the Fall of 2000. This will require the query be run twice. For the first run, enter 0988, JMDSN, UGEN and 0000000100 (this is the academic plan number for the Accounting major) for the four prompts. The query returns 457 rows of data. For the second run, enter 1008, JMDSN, UGEN and 0000000100 for the four prompts. The query returns 373 rows of data. You can now report that there were 19% fewer students in the Accounting major in the Fall of 2000 compared to the Fall of 1998. Running the query for subsequent terms, one can build an analysis of how academic plan participation is changing over time.
jusds002c (NTS) Prompts for a term and up to four academic plan numbers. Returns basic academic data for students in the plans and all of their sub plans. A student does not have to be in any sub plans for the given plan for their data to be returned.
jusds002d (NTS): Includes prompts for a term range as well as a GPA range for both cumulative GPA as well as current (aka term) GPA. To use only the CUM GPA prompts, enter a CUM GPA range of zero to 4.0, and vice versa. Returns only undergraduates active in their career as of the end of the respective term. Ignores Summer terms.
jusds002e (TS) query has one difference from jusds002, it does NOT include prompts for academic level; it returns students in all academic levels (Freshmen thru Seniors).
jusds002f (TS): Applied to graduate by college. NOTE: this query uses default values, if you desire different values, simply enter the value over the default. Is hard coded to only include students active in their academic program who have completed the necessary paperwork to graduate for any term in the given term range. Current term must be supplied in order to return GPA. Enter a single academic org (aka college). If you need multiple college results, you can run the query a 2nd time. Plan type: IF you only desire majors be returned, leave the default value of MAJ. IF you only desire that minors be returned, enter MIN. IF you want ALL plan types returned, enter blanks. Include NON degrees. IF you ONLY desire degree seeking majors to be returned, leave the default value of N. IF you want major/minors which do NOT confer a degree, enter Y. By default, the results are sorted in ascending order by the students cumulative GPA. You may (of course) send the results to Excel and re-sort.
jusds002g (TS) query was specifically formatted for the department of Psychology; there are no differences in fields from jusds002.
jusds002h (NTS) query returns summarized results based upon one prompted for field; the academic plan number. Results include a head count of the number of males and females of all active students in the given academic plan (and sub plans).
jusds002i (TS) query was cloned from the jusds002 series, so it is based upon academic plan data (aka majors). The biggest difference with the jusds002i results are it returns one row of data for each student in a specific (prompted for) major and their first three advisors. The other jusds002 queries allow for one advisor at a time.
jusds002j (TS) query includes just two prompts; term and academic plan type. When run for a specific term and plan type (MAJ for majors, MIN for minors or PRP for pre-professional plans) will return ALL students with the respective plan type. If run using a value of MAJ or MIN, this query will return tens of thousands of rows of data.
jusds002k (NTS) query returns summarized results based upon an academic year range and from 1 to 4 academic plans. Results include a head count of the number of students by term and academic level who ADDED the prompted for academic plan in the given academic year range. Results can be used to determine when various student levels are adding specific plans, perhaps to be used for course planning purposes.
jusds002l (NTS) similar to jusds002a, but includes all sub-plan data for the prompted for academic plans. Uses an as of prompted date to allow the query to be run for any given term.
jusds002m (TS). Academic data by sub plan prompt. Replaces the four academic plan prompts with sub plan prompts. Student must be in one/more of the sub plans.
jusds002n (TS) returns academic data for students who are active in multiple academic plans at the same time; aka double majors, double minors, etc. Prompts for current term and two sets of up to four academic plan numbers. Students returned by this query will be active in both sets of plans entered in the prompts.
jusds002q (NTS) historical acad plan data. Returns data similar to jusds002b, but includes only those students with sub-plan data for the given academic plan.
jusds002r (NTS) historical plan data NO DUPS. Returns data similar to jusds002b, with the elimination of duplicates. In this case, duplicates are defined by a student being active in a given academic plan (aka major) for more than one term met by the term range prompted for. In other words; if the query is run for a 12 term range (4 years when Summer the term is included) and a student was part of that major for all fours years; their data will be returned in just one row. Note: this query includes all sub-plans for a given plan, which does NOT constitute a duplicate. If a student is in multiple sub-plans (aka concentrations) one row of data will be returned for each sub-plan they are active in for the given term range.
jusds002s (TS) returns data similar to jusds002, but allows you to enter a ten digit sub-plan number in addition to the other prompts. IF you desire ALL sub plans for student’s in a specific major, leave the sub plan field blank. Else, enter a specific sub plan number, and the query will only return those student’s who meet that criteria.
jusds002t (NTS) Acad data by honor/award. Various honors and awards are tracked in the SA system. This query originally written to allow users to return a list of students who had received the Phi Beta Kappa award for a given term. Award codes used: PBK=Phi Beta Kappa, PRES=Presidents list, DEAN=Deans list).
jusds002v (TS) In plan, not in sub-plan (TS): Prompts for up to 4 different academic plan numbers, and up to two sub-plan numbers. Can be used to return those students who are active in a given plan, but not a specific sub-plan, such as fully declared.
Juds002v1 (TS) In plan, missing sub-plan:Returns a list of students who are active in a given academic plan, but have NO sub-plan assigned.
jusds002w (TS) Acad plan data with admit type: Prompts for a term and up to four different plan numbers. Returns students active in the plans and their admit type (FYR=true freshman, TRN=transfer student).
jusds02x (TS) Acad data with holds (TS). Prompts for a term and up to 4 different academic plan numbers. Returns students active in such plans who have service indicators (AKA holds) which prevent them from registering for courses.
jusds002y Acad data for double maj/min (TS): Returns students who are in the provided plan ONLY if they are also in a 2nd major. Used for people who want double majors or minors, who know the one plan number the student is in, but not the 2nd.
Jusds002z Academic data by org (TS):Returns all students whose plan is owned by a specific academic organization code.
jusds003 Permissions by Class (NTS): To obtain a list of list of permissions by class, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds003. This query prompts for the term and either a specific class number (from the catalog) or you can enter a combination of subject and catalog# in the second field. Note this is an OR condition; enter either the five digit class# OR the subject/catalog # (without any spaces) but not both. Check the regular course catalog if you do not know the five digit class number values.
jusds003a (NTS) provides the same data as jusds003. The difference being the prompts. Jusds003a prompts by term and a subject area which allows a wildcard. This query will be of use if you want to retrieve permission data for all PSYC courses, for example. Rather than having to run jusds003 37 times for all 37 PSYCH courses, run the jusds003a query and enter the subject area PSYC. The subject area allows a wildcard to be entered. In the event you want to retrieve data for all courses whose subject begins with similar characters, you can enter the characters and end the string with the percent symbol %.
jusds003c Permissions by student/subject (NTS): Prompts for a single SA emplid and an optional course subject. Return permission related data for that student regardless of term.
jusds004 Course Enrollment Limits (NTS): To obtain a list of course enrollment limits, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds004. This query prompts for the term and a combination of subject and catalog# in the second field. The Tot Enrl field INCLUDES students who have withdrawn from the course IF you are running the query AFTER the drop/add period for the term.
jusds004a (NTS) returns same data as jusds004, but for ALL courses with a particular subject area.
jusds004b (NTS): Simply has different fields than jusds004
jusds004c (NTS): Returns data for honors courses as defined by the subject=HON OR the last character of the course number=H
jusds004d (NTS): Hist course enroll by term. Prompts for a term range and a single course subject. Returns course enrollment data for the prompted for values.
jusds004e (NTS): Courses you have access to. Prompts for a term range, and an optional course subject and course (subject and catalog #, no spaces). Returns a list of courses your userid has been granted access to by the Office of the Registrar. Any of the jusds queries which returns student identifiable data AND the official course grade, will only return data IF you have been granted access to the underlying course. This query returns data to let you know IF you have been granted such access. If a course is not returned, it means you have not been granted access to view the official course grade. Contact the Office of the Registrar if there are questions.
jusds004f (NTS): Identical to jsuds004a, except with fewer fields.
jusds005 Instructor Schedule (NTS): To obtain an instructors teaching schedule, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds005. This query prompts for the term and up to 10 instructor emplids..
jusds005a (NTS) returns one row of data for each instructor and the subject area they are/were teaching for a given term.
jusds005b (NTS) Historical instructor schedule. Prompts for a term range and a single combination of subject and catalog number. Returns a list of instructors who have ever taught the given course for the given term range.
jusds005c (NTS) Courses ever taught by instructor. Prompts for a term range and a single emplid. Returns all courses taught by the given instructor for the given term range.
jusds005d (NTS): Instructor schedules with rosters. Prompts for a term and up to 10 instructor emplids. Returns the teaching schedule for the instructor along with all of the students in the given courses.
jusds005e (NTS): Subject last taught by instructor. Prompts for an (optional) academic org code, returns instructors and the last term they taught the returned subject area.
jusds006 List of Advisees by Advisor (TS): To obtain a list of advisees by advisor, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds006. This query prompts for the term and up to forty advisor emplids. The query can also be run by leaving the advisor prompts blank and entering up to 2 academic plan numbers. You may need to scroll to the end of the prompt section to see the prompted for plan numbers. When you desire results for specific academic plans, enter the term as normal, leave all 40 advisor prompts BLANK, and enter up to two 10 digit plan numbers in the appropriate prompts. I’ve also added two prompts which can be used to select students by their cumulative GPA. IF you want all students, use a GPA range of 0.000 thru 4.000. IF you want those whose cumulative GPA < 2.5, use a range of 0.000 thru 2.499. Please note; due to this change, you will need to enter a valid cumulative GPA range in the last two prompts for all runs of this query.
jusds006a (TS) query returns all advisors and their advisees for a specific academic organization code. The two fields to the right of the student name are known as drilling URL fields. Follow the first hyperlink to display (in a new window) the current schedule for the given student. Follow the next hyperlink to display a list of all courses ever taken (at JMU and transferred) for the given student.
jusds006b (TS) query returns all advisor information for a specific student/advisee (up to 10 emplids can be entered).
jusds006c (TS): Aggregate advisor data by org. Returns summary or aggregate data for each term and advisor in the prompted for academic organization.
jusds006d (TS): List of advisees by plan#. Prompts for a single term and four plan numbers. Returns all advisor and advisee data.
jusds006e (NTS): similar to jusds006c, but can be run for any term in the past.
jusds006f (TS): Rather different than the others in the jusds006 series. This version includes four prompts. A term and a single emplid for a single advisor. The third prompt allows you to select a single academic level of the student (10, 20, 30 or 40 for Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior) which allows the query to be run for, example, only senior advisees for a specific advisor. Leave this prompt blank to return students regardless of their current academic level. The fourth prompt is also optional. It accepts a single ten digit plan number. If entered, the returned advisees have to be active in the given academic plan. Left blank, the query will return all advisees regardless of their plan. The other major difference with this queries results, is that it includes the entire advisee schedules for the given term.
jusds006h (TS): Advisees by advisor, honors students only. Prompts for a term and advisor SA emplids. Returns a list of advisees (who are in an honors program) for each advisor.
All of the jusds006 suffixed queries (jusds006_gened, etc.) are used by other jusds006 queries for drill down and should not be run.
jusds007 Graduates by plan and date (NTS): To obtain a list of JMU graduates by plan and date, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds007. This query prompts for the academic program (UGEN etc.) and up to four different academic plan numbers. It also prompts for a date range of when the degree was conferred upon the student. Make sure you check the degree status field as some students have their degree revoked (the status will be awarded or revoked).
jusds007a (NTS) query allows you to further refine your search to include students who were in a specific academic sub-plan as well as the prompted for academic plan.
jusds007b (NTS) query removes the requirement that the user enter an academic plan. Allows users to find graduates regardless of what their major/minor was at the time of graduation. Prompts only for the degree conferred date range and an academic program (such as UGEN to obtain a list of all undergraduate degrees conferred)
jusds007c (NTS) query will only return graduates in specific academic plans if they also have academic sub plan data (aka concentrations).
jusds007d (NTS) Aggregate or summary data. Returns raw number of graduates by year and degree conferred.
Jusds007e (NTS): Aggregate grad count by range. Prompts for a graduation term, returns aggregate data by career of the number of students conferred degrees for the given graduation term.
jusds007f (NTS) Returns JMU graduates by plan number with two additional changes. First, the number of columns has been reduced. Second, it includes three new fields. A date for when the "major" was first declared by the student. A cumulative GPA representing the Cum GPA for the student when they graduated. And a field labeled "Years in plan" which represents the number of years between the degree conferred date, and the date when the student declared the plan (aka major/minor). "Typically", a value in this field less than 1 would indicate the student was a senior when they declared the major. A value between 1-2 would indicate they were a Junior when they declared the major. A value between 2-3 would indicate they were a Sophomore when they declared the major. And a value greater than 3 would indicate they were a Freshman when they declared the major.
jusds007g (NTS) query has one distinct difference from the others in this series. The four academic plans prompted for are part of what is known as an “exists” sub query. This means the query results returned will include ALL major, minors, and pre professional plans for a given student IF they graduated with one of the given plans. In addition to a date range, the last prompt allows you to determine if the query returns only majors (MAJ), minors (MIN), pre professional (PRP) or all (leave it blank) for a given student. An example: you’ve been asked to determine the majors for the past five years of those who graduated with a minor in Biology. Run the query, using an academic plan number=0000101100 (the number indicating a minor in Biology) an appropriate date range, and a value=MAJ in the last prompt.
jusds007h (NTS) query allows you to further refine your search to include students who were in a specific academic sub-plan REGARDLESS of which academic plan.
jusds007i (NTS) query is hard coded to return all graduates in any of the pre-professional programs in the given date range.
jusds007j (NTS) query allows you to further refine your search to include graduates in specific academic plans who took at least one course in a specific subject area. Query returns aggregate data for the number of courses taken in the respective subject area as well as the total number of credit hours. If the query is run with a blank subject area, it will return aggregate data for all subject areas. Need to know which subject areas graduates in your area took to graduate? This query returns such data.
jusds007j1 (NTS): Returns a calculated GPA for a specific subject area for graduates by academic plan. Useful if you are looking for the calculated GPA for all accounting majors for the MATH courses they took during their career vs. their overall cumulative GPA.
jusds007k (NTS) Grads by date/plan and course taken. Includes prompts for up to two courses taken by the graduate.
jusds007k1 (NTS) Grads by date course taken. Prompts for a date range for the degree conferred upon a student. Allows for a course to be specified as well as the number of times the student took the courses during their career @ JMU.
jusds007k3 (NTS): Similar to jusds007k1, this versions allows a partial course to be searched for and returned, such as MATH2% which would return all students who took math220, math231, etc.
jusds007l (NTS) Graduates by sub-plan. Replaces the four academic plan prompts with sub plan prompts.
jusds007m (NTS) Grads by date/plan aggregate. Returns a list of graduates for a given academic plan and date range, and the total number of courses and credit for a given course subject area. If the subject area is left blank, the query returns one row of data for each graduate and each subject area for which they had taken at least one course. The results can be further analyzed in MS Excel to determine the average number of courses/credits a student had taken for a given subject area during the course of their career @ JMU.